00:17:31 <09h​ellmonk> it's not a hellmonk pr if there's not a joke vault somewhere 01:26:49 <08n​icolae> how many rakshasas is too many at once for depths, asking for a friend 01:34:37 Unstable branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.28-a0-533-g9f97627e2a (34) 01:37:24 <10P​leasingFungus> rakshasas not that big a deal in depths 01:37:30 <10P​leasingFungus> now that the hp bug is fixed 01:37:36 <10P​leasingFungus> you can go pretty wild 01:38:19 <10P​leasingFungus> opinion: swamp should have rakshasas 01:55:23 <08n​icolae> bellissimo 01:55:42 Windows builds of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.28-a0-533-g9f97627e2a 02:21:06 Unstable branch on cbro.berotato.org updated to: 0.28-a0-533-g9f97627e2a (34) 02:53:51 Monster database of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.28-a0-533-g9f97627e2a 03:50:39 Fork (bcrawl) on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.23-a0-4390-gf548871813 06:22:24 Experimental (bcrawl) branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.23-a0-4390-gf548871813 07:28:57 <09g​ammafunk> is good to keep in mind that rakshasas have a high annoyance factor due to blinking+cloning 10:03:40 froggy fort! 12:49:52 <08n​icolae> noted, i'll try to keep it under a dozen 13:07:29 Unstable branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.28-a0-533-g9f97627 (34) 15:54:26 <10P​leasingFungus> @hellmonk new devil design : batty plus reaching 18:29:11 <13S​astreii> side project just if you're interested: i want to do a bunch of non weapon-friendly avatars (like this two), since i see that some players like to use a custom one. i know it's pretty useless atm but i think it's somewhat cool to have a playable fixed character 18:29:11 <13S​astreii> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/747522859361894521/891451291719594065/Schermata_2021-09-26_alle_00.25.20.png 18:30:30 I myself look forward to an artisanal @ for my personal use 18:30:52 <10P​leasingFungus> sounds fun to me! 18:42:58 (More seriously, having resentfully drawn some tiles, I appreciate anyone who's doing it out of the kindness of their heart) 20:37:46 <08w​ormsofcan> replace vault guards with the first one, wizards with the second one 21:42:27 -!- The topic of #crawl-dev is: Crawl Development | https://github.com/crawl/crawl | Logs: http://s-z.org/crawl-dev/ | People with +v have commit access | Please keep general Crawl-related chat to #crawl | Long stuff to a pastebin service, please 21:42:29 -!- The topic of #crawl is: Play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup online now! Type ??online for instructions, ??lg / !lg for play stats | PM Sequell for long queries | http://crawl.develz.org | FooTV game replays: ??footv for instructions | #crawl-dev for dev discussion, #crawl-offtopic for offtopic 21:46:41 -!- The topic of #crawl-dev is: Crawl Development | https://github.com/crawl/crawl | Logs: http://s-z.org/crawl-dev/ | People with +v have commit access | Please keep general Crawl-related chat to #crawl | Long stuff to a pastebin service, please 21:46:42 -!- The topic of #crawl is: Play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup online now! Type ??online for instructions, ??lg / !lg for play stats | PM Sequell for long queries | http://crawl.develz.org | FooTV game replays: ??footv for instructions | #crawl-dev for dev discussion, #crawl-offtopic for offtopic 22:00:38 -!- The topic of #crawl-dev is: Crawl Development | https://github.com/crawl/crawl | Logs: http://s-z.org/crawl-dev/ | People with +v have commit access | Please keep general Crawl-related chat to #crawl | Long stuff to a pastebin service, please 22:00:39 -!- The topic of #crawl is: Play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup online now! Type ??online for instructions, ??lg / !lg for play stats | PM Sequell for long queries | http://crawl.develz.org | FooTV game replays: ??footv for instructions | #crawl-dev for dev discussion, #crawl-offtopic for offtopic 22:25:09 -!- The topic of #crawl-dev is: Crawl Development | https://github.com/crawl/crawl | Logs: http://s-z.org/crawl-dev/ | People with +v have commit access | Please keep general Crawl-related chat to #crawl | Long stuff to a pastebin service, please 22:25:09 -!- The topic of #crawl is: Play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup online now! Type ??online for instructions, ??lg / !lg for play stats | PM Sequell for long queries | http://crawl.develz.org | FooTV game replays: ??footv for instructions | #crawl-dev for dev discussion, #crawl-offtopic for offtopic 22:27:28 <11n​ikheizen> champ says: eat your root vegetables kids 22:31:54 -!- The topic of #crawl-dev is: Crawl Development | https://github.com/crawl/crawl | Logs: http://s-z.org/crawl-dev/ | People with +v have commit access | Please keep general Crawl-related chat to #crawl | Long stuff to a pastebin service, please 22:31:54 -!- The topic of #crawl is: Play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup online now! Type ??online for instructions, ??lg / !lg for play stats | PM Sequell for long queries | http://crawl.develz.org | FooTV game replays: ??footv for instructions | #crawl-dev for dev discussion, #crawl-offtopic for offtopic 22:57:50 <09h​ellmonk> his mid fight powerup is him doing a single jumping jack to unlock his leg power 23:05:32 Champ doing leg day mid-fight is his berserk + might potion 23:36:21 03hellmonk02 07[bonmotte] * 0.28-a0-532-gce043f0a8e: enchanted keep bailey 10(2 minutes ago, 1 file, 54+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/ce043f0a8e75 23:36:24 Branch pull/2158 updated to be equal with bonmotte: 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/2158 23:45:47 <10P​leasingFungus> lol at the 2ho 23:48:42 <09h​ellmonk> the optimal 2 headed ogre; peak performance