00:12:47 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.24-a0-249-g2af7e83 (34) 00:14:07 Stable (0.23) branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.23.1-49-g05433c6 01:37:57 Unstable branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.24-a0-249-g2af7e83 (34) 02:08:28 Windows builds of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.24-a0-249-g2af7e83 02:59:23 Monster database of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.24-a0-249-g2af7e83 03:22:52 -!- TAS-2012v is now known as TAS_2012v 03:30:52 Stable (0.23) branch on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.23.1-49-g05433c6f1a 04:59:01 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 06:01:13 Constriction can continue when Bai Suzhen changes form from normal to giant size. 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11954 by NormalPerson7 09:41:46 well this is weird: 09:41:51 Something appears at your feet! 09:41:52 l - 12 scrolls of identify 09:41:52 Attempting to shaft player. 09:41:52 You fall through a shaft! 09:42:07 definitely no movement actions or tiles revealed 09:42:41 As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. 09:42:41 j - the ring of Symmetry {+Fly rPois rF+ Str+7} 09:42:41 You stumble into a teleport trap! 09:42:48 what is going on 09:56:15 oh man 10:01:56 03advil02 07* 0.24-a0-250-g6074511: Initialize `you.trapped` to false 10(3 minutes ago, 1 file, 2+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/6074511092ad 10:05:36 03advil02 07[stone_soup-0.23] * 0.23.2-1-ga50397a: Initialize `you.trapped` to false 10(7 minutes ago, 1 file, 2+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/a50397a6bc34 10:10:13 lol I think that what I said in the commit message is too weak: if you.trapped was true it skipped the roll and just did the trap effect 10:10:23 which maybe pushes that bug toward the "epic" class 10:15:36 though it's still pretty situation specific, I haven't managed to get it to happen on cbro yet 10:17:32 Unstable branch on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.24-a0-250-g6074511092 (34) 10:49:58 New branch created: gauntlet_mons_notele (1 commit) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/tree/gauntlet_mons_notele 10:49:58 03advil02 07[gauntlet_mons_notele] * 0.24-a0-251-g589571c: Prevent monsters from using emergency tele in gauntlet 10(4 minutes ago, 6 files, 17+ 8-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/589571c27036 10:50:34 ^ on a branch because I didn't want ot merge it without checking with gammafunk 11:00:43 03NormalPerson702 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/1030 * 0.24-a0-244-g7bba9a5: Generate job data from yaml files 10(4 days ago, 35 files, 1094+ 383-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/7bba9a546bb8 11:00:43 03NormalPerson702 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/1030 * 0.24-a0-245-g7055efc: Generate job groups on the character selection screen from yaml files 10(3 days ago, 30 files, 139+ 158-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/7055efc2cf3a 11:00:43 03NormalPerson702 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/1030 * 0.24-a0-246-g0760d71: Add documentation for background creation using yaml files 10(3 days ago, 3 files, 36+ 123-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/0760d71e0bc2 11:00:43 03NormalPerson702 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/1030 * 0.24-a0-247-ge9bf5a9: Move weapon_choice and job_def definitions out of job-data.h 10(3 days ago, 4 files, 35+ 24-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/e9bf5a910527 11:00:43 03NormalPerson702 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/1030 * 0.24-a0-248-g34fa9d0: Convert weapon_choice to an enum class and abstract the yaml field 10(3 days ago, 18 files, 41+ 41-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/34fa9d0025d0 11:00:43 03NormalPerson702 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/1030 * 0.24-a0-249-gd90d05a: Move some common functions out of job-gen and species-gen 10(9 minutes ago, 3 files, 85+ 129-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/d90d05af00a8 11:22:36 Stable (0.23) branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.23.1-50-ga50397a6bc 11:41:39 hello! I'm having trouble building crawl from github with tiles, without tiles builds fine: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mgMy3cY82W/ thank you! 11:53:56 I'm not certain, but I think this is caused by not having the submodules installed correctly 11:54:32 so freelikegnu, I think you can fix it by running `git submodule update` 11:55:37 this is assuming you're using git 12:01:21 thanks I had installed submodules prior to compilation and `git submodule update 12:01:28 returns nothing 12:02:19 anyways I did the needful: https://github.com/crawl/crawl/issues/1032 12:09:45 <|amethyst> freelikegnu: hm, so you have libsdl2-dev and libsdl2-image-dev, but 12:10:26 <|amethyst> freelikegnu: it's using -isystem /usr/local/include/SDL2 which sounds like you have *another* copy of SDL2 installed under /usr/local 12:10:36 <|amethyst> freelikegnu: and you probably don't have SDL2-image installed there 12:11:48 in the pastbin is wha tI have installed, I only have my distros dev libs 12:12:26 but I'll investigate that lead 12:12:27 <|amethyst> what does pkg-config --cflags sdl2 say? 12:12:54 $ pkg-config --cflags sdl2 12:12:54 -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/local/include/SDL2 12:14:45 ls -lra /usr/local/ | grep SDL 12:14:50 returns nothing 12:17:42 <|amethyst> hmm 12:17:54 <|amethyst> what about: pkg-config --variable pcfiledir sdl2 12:48:39 /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig 13:06:59 -!- The topic of ##crawl-dev is: Crawl Development | Logs: http://s-z.org/crawl-dev/ | People with +v have commit access. | Please keep general Crawl-related chat to ##crawl. | Dev wiki: http://crawl.develz.org/wiki | Long stuff to a pastebin service, please. 13:07:15 -!- The topic of ##crawl is: Play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup online now! Type ??servers for instructions. | http://crawl.develz.org | FooTV: http://termcast.develz.org - ??footv for instructions | See also ##crawl-offtopic 13:07:16 Unstable branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.24-a0-250-g6074511 (34) 13:09:19 gammafunk: is disabling monster tele (just tele) in gauntlet ok with you? 13:09:19 %git 589571c 13:09:19 07advil02 * 0.24-a0-251-g589571c: Prevent monsters from using emergency tele in gauntlet 10(2 hours ago, 6 files, 17+ 8-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/589571c27036 13:09:25 it's on a branch right now 13:11:29 |amethyst: pkg-config --variable pcfiledir sdl2 13:11:29 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig 13:11:46 $ pkg-config --cflags sdl2 13:11:46 -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/include/SDL2 13:11:50 <|amethyst> freelikegnu: awesome, try building crawl now 13:15:43 w00t! 13:16:43 advil: I guess there's no problem with it, but I don't think we apply those sorts of effects for monsters elsewhere, do we? 13:16:54 I guess the only instance would be monsters getting delayed teleports under Orb 13:17:12 which maybe they actually do have those, but I assumed not 13:17:37 thank you |amethyst ! 13:18:20 I guess I don't see any major problem with disallowing monster teleport in gauntlets though 13:18:52 something like the teleport other spell should probably prevent the player from casting it 13:19:19 that might be the only UI issue; I guess there's also high level tloc spells like dispersal/disjunction 13:19:22 ??dispersal 13:19:23 dispersal[1/3]: Spell: All monsters that are adjacent to you will be instantly teleported away if they don't resist (via magic resistance). If a monster does resist, it will be blinked instead (even if it's immune!). Does not work on -TELE enemies such as statues. 13:20:01 ??disjunction 13:20:01 disjunction[1/2]: Level 8 translocation spell; for a few turns, blinks or teleports stuff that's near you to be less near you 13:20:01 those still do something to monsters who can't tele so it should be fine 13:20:23 I specifically allowed monsters to tele when I made guantlets because I figured that it's fine they cheat 13:21:28 but if other devs feel it helps for clarity and whatnot, don't see a problem with changing that 13:33:01 does anyone know if webtiles supports banning users the dgl way? 13:33:35 or any way 13:37:55 someone signed up with an obscene username, i set their flags to 2 in the userdb but i believe webtiles doesn't check for this 13:38:17 i'll look into it later today and you will maybe see a PR from me 13:38:27 <|amethyst> floraline: you could just change their password 13:38:59 <|amethyst> I didn't even realise that flag existed 13:39:29 hmm I seem to be miss tiles for the web server http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=blob;f=crawl-ref/source/webserver/README does not mention wher I can find them 13:39:48 tiles? 13:40:23 INFO: Webtiles server started! (PID: 12435) 13:40:23 2019-04-13 10:29:42,098 ERROR: Could not open static file '/home/rachael/crawl/crawl-ref/source/webserver/static/title_baconkid_duvessa_dowan.png' 13:40:38 those should be installed as part of the make install 13:40:50 apparently not :P 13:41:24 well they are; did you do a webtiles build? 13:41:24 that is, did you even build the tiles? 13:41:24 <|amethyst> you haven't done an install, have you? 13:41:24 thanks |amethyst i will do that, i'll have to remove the email then since i have password reset enabled 13:41:24 <|amethyst> that looks like the source directory 13:41:26 oh perhaps I did not :* 13:41:55 no I have not done install 13:42:34 <|amethyst> hm, though I thought make webtiles would copy the files 13:42:53 <|amethyst> (within the source directory, from dat/tiles to webserver/static) 13:43:10 oh I have to $ make webtiles ? 13:43:22 <|amethyst> what did you run? 13:43:35 $ make TILES=y 13:43:47 oh duh I'm I dummy 13:43:49 that's local tiles, not webtiles 13:43:57 I see in the README now :P 13:44:06 :D 13:44:10 very sorry 13:44:42 <|amethyst> no worries 13:45:31 * freelikegnu is typical ubuntu hipster... using ubuntu since 2004 and still cannot follow instructions 13:50:19 gammafunk: that commit still allows blinking and the blinking component of dispersal 13:50:55 woohoo it works! 13:50:55 I have no problem with monsters cheating, but it's the minotaur becoming inaccessible that seems like the problem to me 13:51:04 I guess one could just special case the mino 13:52:06 advil: well it's not really different than the player banishing the minotaur or drowning it or whatnot 13:52:26 well, the player has no control over it and it's really random depending on if the mino has a scroll 13:52:57 yeah, but I'd say that's sort of the way things are in general with monters using scrolls/potions like that 13:53:02 incidentally your notele idea would also potentially fix this (if monster tele respects notele, which I'm not 100% sure of) 13:53:03 my only concern was maybe clarity to the user (e.g. the UI issue of tele other), but if people feel it's clearer if monsters can't teleport that's fine 13:54:20 you could certainly have a monster read a teleport scroll in a normal level and end up somewhere they player couldn't reach, for example 13:54:40 er, where? 13:54:42 probably there is a fundamental issue with monsters using consumables like that, if randomness and lack of player agency is the general issue 13:55:00 just to some area where the player doesn't have flight; or if as you suggest, they don't respect no_tele_into 13:55:19 in which case they could land in a teleport closet 13:55:28 I want to say that they probably do respect no_tele_into though 13:55:55 I think it must, but something when I was doing that commit gave me second thoughts 13:56:07 I can't remember ever seeing a monster in a tele closet though 13:56:43 they certainly still generate in them sometimes 13:56:56 that one like 4x4 water closet vault with transparent walls 13:57:27 hm maybe I have seen that occasionally 13:58:53 But I am only going into any detail here to argue for consistency with other places in the game and am against reasoning along the lines of "this specific monsters using this consumable in a gauntlet is bad" since it's probably the case that we should change monster consumable useage more generally if that is true (E.g. don't let monsters read teleport); I'm fine with disallowing teleport if people 13:58:59 feel it's clearer to the player 13:59:04 but it should be done for all monsters for sure 13:59:24  13:59:34 re: the no_tele_into thing in gautnlets, ebering proposed that originally, and the only thing I don't like about it is how the player can't really know it exists 13:59:58 *gauntlets 14:00:40 We could possibly give the player a notification when they enter that all teleports bring them close to the minotaur 14:00:45 but it's a little awkward to say that 14:01:28 I still think that (unless no_tele_into is buggy) there's something different about gauntlets, in that parts of it are fundamentally inaccessible without shatter to the player at different times. Probably the ideal would be if tele worked but never took the monster outside what is currently accessible to the player? 14:01:46 water/lava is one thing but there is flight 14:02:06 that ideal seems really finicky to implement 14:02:48 yeah, temporary accessibility seems a difficult thing to control for 14:03:42 it's true that gauntlets have the change in accessiblity thing as you progress, but then again they are temporary portals in the first place 14:03:48 so I guess I don't necessarilly see that as a problem 14:04:28 it's even part of the intentional design of the portal; you can't go back to those other places where the monsters are, so you could argue that the mino teleport thing is thematically appropriate, I guess 14:04:48 that's the argument I'm trying to make 14:05:02 part of it 14:05:17 well by mino teleport thing, I mean the fact that the mino can teleport away from you and be gone forever, so to speak 14:05:58 but yeah, this is pretty subtle; I do think probably monsters using consumables or having emergency teleport is maybe the deeper issue, but it's ok if you want to add the no tele for monsters 14:06:09 the only issue I can think of is the UI for teleport other 14:06:36 perhaps the spell should just be disabled like golubria in guantlets? 14:06:47 talking about player teleport other 14:11:28 ..now grinding away on webtiles compile on my little linode ^^ 14:11:59 freelikegnu: FWIW I found ccache a great boon 14:13:01 I didn't think monsters read teleport 14:13:30 I don't ever recall seeing a monster read teleport, anyhow 14:13:47 <|amethyst> it will only do that if it is caught, fleeing, or pacified 14:14:21 <|amethyst> (and meets the requirements for reading a scroll in the first place) 14:14:42 <|amethyst> // Yes, there is a logic to this ordering {dlb}: 14:14:51 <|amethyst> "But damned if I'm going to tell you what it is" 14:14:59 nice 14:15:06 monsters teleporting at all is one of those things that likely shouldn't exist, as I can't think of any really interesting (as opposed to merely annoying) instances of it 14:15:20 but changing that involves change a few things, including distortion ego 14:18:52 i think making monsters in general not use blink/tele in emergencies would better than having that be guantlet-specific 14:19:48 since in practice that's a super rare occurence anyway that just makes cause fear etc have a weird hidden side-effect 14:20:52 Pinkbeast: welp this is the first build on the server but I will install ccache as I will no doubt be futzing with things and updating 14:21:08 letting you lose the minotaur with teleport other spell or a distortion weapon seems fine though 14:23:19 right, I do agree with those points 14:24:23 I wonder if monsters could ever read fear in emergencies and thus Fear the player 14:24:31 seems like a thing that could have happened at one point in crawl history 14:30:56 do monsters still zap wands more often when they're confused? 14:33:09 %git 2f2b14e4cc6 14:33:09 07MarvinPA02 * 0.20-a0-436-g2f2b14e: Don't let monsters zap wands while confused (#10876) 10(2 years, 3 months ago, 1 file, 2+ 8-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/2f2b14e4cc60 14:33:56 it doesn't look like it before that commit either, but maybe they did at some point earlier than that? 14:51:55 hmm the crawl server runs and I can register and login, start the game but I only see some floor tiles and entrance and the minimap. I find these errors: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KtpTcK8Z6d/ 14:52:10 looks like I missed something again 14:55:08 python is already the newest version (2.7.15~rc1-1). 14:55:08 python-tornado is already the newest version (4.5.3-1). 15:13:35 I'm really stumped as it works fine with localhost on my local machine but I get errors on the remote machine 15:15:12 this makes me wonder if it could stat the file to get the size, but can't read it 15:15:54 hm, alhtough that would imply a different setup when remote, so probably not 15:22:00 -!- aidanh_ is now known as aidanh 15:24:36 MarvinPA (L27 DsAr) ASSERT(attacker) in 'attack.cc' at line 354 failed. (Pan) 15:24:42 hm 15:24:48 !crashlog 15:25:07 20772. MarvinPA, XL27 DsAr, T:93681 (milestone): https://underhound.eu/crawl/morgue/MarvinPA/crash-MarvinPA-20190413-192435.txt 15:25:49 oh nice, a summoned merfolk javelineer killing its summoner with a javelin of penetration maybe? 15:26:07 and then the crash when it tries to damage the next thing 15:36:06 I want to say this is a longstanding issue how beams track their source 15:36:35 and that we haven't made a fix because it would require a significant rework of some of the beam code 15:37:10 it seems like it'd be tricky yeah 15:37:17 <|amethyst> it's both the beam code and the attack code 15:37:52 <|amethyst> which is why we've been able to fix it for spells that had the issue, but not penetration ammo 15:39:04 <|amethyst> the attack code generally handles the monster dying during the attack, but not the monster being dead before the attack is even created 15:45:20 there's definitely a longstanding java penetration issue, usually interacting with something else like summoning 15:45:24 <|amethyst> and because of how the beam code works, it's not really feasible to create all the ranged_attack objects ahead of time and then call attack() on them in turn 15:45:34 hm so maybe monsters just shouldn't ever read tele 15:46:12 <|amethyst> afaik it happens whenever a penetrating ranged attack kills the thrower 15:46:33 <|amethyst> it can also happen from them hitting ball lightning 15:46:47 <|amethyst> not sure if reflection can do it 15:49:15 advil: I'd say emergency teleport the spell is likewise not a great thing, but if you wanted to remove monsters reading teleport scrolls, that would be a simple fix to the aspect of the player not knowing a monster could do that 15:49:57 with emergency teleport spell I think it's at least revealed in x-v 15:50:30 does anyone know why CAO has a non-standard dgl-status page? it doesn't have any info on XL or cahr 15:50:31 i think emergency teleport spell has also been removed in almost all cases (maybe except maurice?) 15:51:28 compare: https://crawl.xtahua.com/cgi-bin/dgl-status http://crawl.akrasiac.org/cgi-bin/dgl-status/index.html 15:51:31 @?prince ribbit 15:51:32 Prince Ribbit (11F) | Spd: 14 (swim: 60%) | HD: 6 | HP: 33-46 | AC/EV: 0/16 | Dam: 20 | amphibious, spellcaster, cold-blooded | Res: 06magic(40), 12drown | XP: 273 | Sp: blink [06!sil], teleport self [04emergency] | Sz: Medium | Int: human. 15:51:36 ah, maurice/ribbit/sonja 15:51:39 he's one of the worst culprits, yeah 15:52:20 emergency minor healing with lowish chance is a potential replacement, if people like the emergency spell idea 15:52:31 what are the dgl-status pages even for? 15:52:46 I use them to scrape the current players 15:52:54 I can speculatethat any differences are 90% because no one even knows those pages are there 15:53:08 heh. I believe it 15:53:35 pretty sure it's what populates https://crawl.develz.org/watch.htm 15:53:49 i assume they were at one point used to generate this page: http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/player-status (which no longer functions) 15:53:56 oh or that one 15:54:02 and that page is missing a bunch of data because of CAO missing it 15:54:17 huh also did not know of that page 15:54:36 I think that page might function if you wait long enough 15:55:07 seems like some of the species naming is wrong in watch.htm 15:55:07 maybe it's sporadic, but it loaded for me the other day 15:55:07 unless there's been a gnome comeback 15:55:07 it's what shows current games on the homepage: crawl.develz.org 15:55:17 gammafunk, I mean the dgl-status page loads for me, it's just missing data on the chars 15:55:35 yeah it just loaded for me 15:55:37 it takes a while 15:55:43 yeah I see 15:56:35 I wonder if CAO ever properly supplied this data 15:57:02 I think it did... it looks like it's just broken past .23 15:57:14 because: lokapujya#dcss-0.22#L6 DEWz, Sewer#188x41#1#0# 15:57:21 ok 15:57:37 well actually other players on .22 are missing information 15:57:39 really werid 15:57:40 right, I don't recall it having these huge gaps of info before (which are now all due to CAO being missing, as you say) 15:58:20 oh, and for 0.22 cao 15:58:27 some fields are present and some aren't? 15:58:32 ya 15:58:40 some players have data, and some dont 15:58:54 rofl: that table is populated from https://crawl.develz.org/dgl-status.json actually 15:59:21 advil, ya that that gets parsed from the dgl-status of each webserver 16:00:27 https://github.com/guyht/dcss-website/blob/master/dgl-status-collect.py 16:01:01 I found where the server writes the file: https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/webserver/ws_handler.py#L46 16:31:41 http://i.imgur.com/C6Mv3Iz.png 16:32:31 any idea why it wont serve up the tiles? 16:44:07 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 17:06:52 freelikegnu: what kind of errors are you seeing from the webtiles log? 17:07:23 you can check your browser's javascript console to see what errors your browser is getting as well 17:59:43 gammafunk: like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KtpTcK8Z6d/ 18:01:19 freelikegnu: does that gamedata/8b8ff0a148e5f429110dcf4a45bdfd65cffd4ef1/gui.png file exist? 18:01:28 and ERROR: Uncaught exception GET /gamedata/8b8ff0a148e5f429110dcf4a45bdfd65cffd4ef1/floor.png (71.xxx.xxx.xxx) 18:01:30 also, what do the javascript console errors look like 18:01:41 those files are what are called the tile sheets 18:02:15 they are single image files made from the set of individual images and are created during the build, then moved into the gamedata dir upon install 18:03:30 there are no files in the gamedata folder :P 18:03:50 I dont see and errors in th ebrowser console 18:04:30 only the two folders in the gamedata folder 18:12:32 in my local machines webserver/game_data there is nothing but the static and template folders and it is running fine 18:12:53 not sure where its really pulling those files from 18:19:44 yeah, I forget the exact directory structure that gets used in a live server 18:21:22 Unstable branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.24-a0-250-g6074511092 (34) 18:23:02 freelikegnu: I think those urls actually don't correspond to actual files, now that I'm looking at things 18:27:55 well, I updated some species in dgl-status-collect.py at least, but I don't have write access to /usr/local/bin 18:31:47 on cdo 18:36:41 ah, is that where it lives 18:38:19 looks like the milestone api for sequell no longer works 18:38:44 not sure that it's a great way to do that regardless 18:39:03 advil: if you're sure that the script just needs to be installed there, you can ping Napkin about that 18:40:03 I'm not sure whether it needs to be, but that is where crontab is calling it from 18:40:54 maybe can try to figure out what else is going on with that script before bothering Nap.kin too much 18:45:04 gammafunk, yeah I've stopped using that API after getting only 503s. It stopped working months ago 19:57:54 its a dirty trick that web tiles keyboard help says Ctrl-Q will quit your game without a save 19:58:09 it will close your browser :P 19:59:22 there should be a warning somewhere about it (and that's linux and windows; macs use cmd, so there's no conflict between game commands and browser keys) 20:01:08 and I think there's a warning somewhere in there that you want to use * instead of ctrl on various platforms 23:27:50 Webtiles server stopped. 23:28:34 Webtiles server started.