00:07:09 &versions 00:07:35 CAO: 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e, CBRO: 0.23-a0-49-gd9f7a49, CDO: 0.23-a0-49-gd9f7a49, CJR: 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e33f, CPO: 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e, CUE: 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e33f, CWZ: 0.22-a0-834-g05cf915, CXC: 0.23-a0-49-gd9f7a49, LLD: 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e33f 00:24:34 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e (34) 00:27:31 !time 00:27:32 Time: Aug 08, 2018, 04:27:31 AM, UTC. The 2018 0.22 tournament starts in 2 days, 15 hours, 32 minutes and 28 seconds. 00:48:44 hellmonk: you aren't going to run a protest hellcrawl tournament at the same time? 00:48:50 no 01:01:26 sad 01:27:33 Unstable branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e (34) 02:58:57 Monster database of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e 03:20:33 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e (34) 04:12:32 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 04:33:58 ??replays 04:33:58 I don't have a page labeled replays in my learndb. 09:23:16 Stable (0.22) branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.22-b1-26-g9dbaab1112 11:30:29 !time 11:30:30 Time: Aug 08, 2018, 03:30:29 PM, UTC. The 2018 0.22 tournament starts in 2 days, 4 hours, 29 minutes and 30 seconds. 11:33:52 aidanh: do you have some commits you're still explicitly holding off cherry-picking? 11:35:07 none that I'm holding off on; the ones not yet cherry-picked can be at any time 11:38:38 03Aidan Holm02 07* 0.23-a0-55-gfa3a264: Prevent shop menu from using two columns (RoGGa, #11597) 10(4 hours ago, 1 file, 1+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/fa3a2642742e 11:43:08 ok, I might sync things up sometime, some of my commits depend on yours I think so that's why I was wondering 11:44:09 sure thing, go for it 11:45:15 any issues with the single-column-menus branch? 11:45:29 afaik that's ready for merging / cherry-picking 11:47:50 ah that would be good to merge before release probably 11:48:20 hm, ^/! on the god powers screen seems to go backwards? 11:50:18 it's probably activating twice 11:50:56 this is on webtiles? 11:54:06 yeah, haven't tried on other targets 12:10:21 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.23-a0-55-gfa3a264274 (34) 12:15:59 aidanh: when god powers overflow in webtiles, is there any way to have them linebreak (like console), rather than have the overflow hidden? I don't really know these flexbox things 12:15:59 as far as I can see there is no way to view the overflowed text 12:16:11 dith would be an example 12:17:26 also, it may just not be implemented, but the colors for active vs inactive powers are lost somewhere on the way to webtiles 12:17:49 when the god powers overflow in what sense? 12:18:27 if the window is too small vertically, they'll scroll 12:19:08 although currently the scrollbar is only appearing after you actually scroll, due to some event debouncing in the scroller plugin I used 12:30:26 -!- u0_a275 is now known as yesno 12:37:11 MP display doesn't get reset on canceling spell casting. 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11598 by Siegurt 12:41:45 -!- sneakynessss is now known as sneakyness 12:43:55 ugh, more redraw issues 12:47:47 XG doesn't work on WebTiles 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11599 by NormalPerson7 13:05:55 Unstable branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.23-a0-55-gfa3a264 (34) 13:22:22 aidanh: overflows horizontally 13:22:36 in console, a linebreak is inserted 13:23:38 in webtiles, the div that it's in is setup as a flexbox with ellipses for text overflow 13:25:24 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 13:26:06 there's probably a `min-width: 80ch` somewhere in the CSS; possibly to ensure that the powers list is properly formatted 13:26:27 if you look at ^ with a dith character you'll see what I mean 13:26:29 i've fixed the XG issue, but want to test my fix a bit more before pushing 13:28:42 I'm not seeing any ellipses for dith ^ 13:30:22 i do get !/^ cycling backwards though, btw 13:40:12 aidanh: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ykkek06zz7p24g/Screenshot%202018-08-08%2013.40.03.png?dl=0 13:41:12 console version for comparison: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hzsheice7pyu317/Screenshot%202018-08-08%2013.41.02.png?dl=0 13:42:20 well those are at different piety levels, so aren't identicaly text 15:59:54 advil: would anything have changed in ##crawl to disallow sequell joining 15:59:58 it's working in PM 16:00:10 is Sequell not registered? 16:00:17 I believe it is 16:00:26 don't know how to check 16:01:02 hm, yes Sequell is registered (it's /msg nickserv info Sequell) 16:01:22 and logged in 16:01:34 maybe it tried to join before authing? 16:01:56 do you know if it has an auto rejoin thing? 16:02:22 not sure how that works 16:03:01 greensnark: looks like Sequell isn't joining ##crawl. Freenode has been changing some stuff up recently, not sure if it's a problem for Sequell 16:05:00 if it got disconnected, reconnected, tried to join ##crawl, and then finished authenticating all in that order, that would prevent it from joining 16:05:19 since nickserv sometimes takes a few seconds 16:05:58 if it will auto-rejoin it should be fine, but it does look like this has been going on for a while 16:11:01 I guess it's been gone since last night, oops 16:12:00 i've been not auto-joining ##crawl for a similar reason 16:12:09 and then not noticing for quite some time that i'm not in there 16:12:23 hrm, I have a weird console draw issue 16:12:40 have there been any fixes related to console drawing recently? 16:12:54 %git 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e 16:12:54 07advil02 * 0.23-a0-54-gae6112e: Improve dig targeter for fulldebug builds 10(27 hours ago, 2 files, 25+ 9-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/ae6112e33f99 16:12:59 %git 16:12:59 07Aidan Holm02 * 0.23-a0-55-gfa3a264: Prevent shop menu from using two columns (RoGGa, #11597) 10(8 hours ago, 1 file, 1+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/fa3a2642742e 16:13:30 what's the draw issue? 16:14:30 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/325651923514556417/476845452495421442/unknown.png 16:14:30 before I target satyr with confuse 16:14:30 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/325651923514556417/476845532095053844/unknown.png 16:14:30 after 16:14:44 if I move the cursor then the message area is populated 16:14:53 with the casting prompt and success chance and all that 16:14:58 hm 16:15:07 why are you quivering a manual of fighting? 16:15:11 I'm running the commit right before head 16:15:17 advil, because of extreme HYPE 16:15:39 not sure if that's triggering the problem though, but if it is that's funny 16:15:53 I'm just hitting zc to cast confuse 16:16:35 no, I can replicate it in &C-y mode 16:17:11 might be my last change to targeting 16:18:27 %%git bb52cfba156 16:18:37 %git bb52cfba156 16:18:37 07advil02 * 0.23-a0-52-gbb52cfb: Don't do extra map redraws in direction chooser 10(28 hours ago, 3 files, 39+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/bb52cfba1566 16:18:50 another thing I've noticed is that recently when watching footv, it seems that there's a noticeable redraw flash each time a ranged weapon is used 16:19:00 makes watching TVs somewhat unpleasant 16:19:12 seems to be a recent change, but I should investigate that more carefully 16:19:19 it's probably related to the same thing 16:19:48 hrm, I think this problem goes back a bit further though 16:19:50 that change is last 24 hours (almost), no? 16:20:06 maybe it was in that timeframe, I'll have to pull up a tv to check 16:21:31 that change was trying to fix something with a redraw call added there a few weeks ago 16:21:38 or at least a few days ago 16:21:53 did you see the backtrace I posted yesterday? it was pretty amazing 16:22:18 http://dpaste.com/2Q7PVE4 16:23:01 yeah, I was whining a bit about direction_chooser after you showed that 16:23:09 pretty amazing that this stuff works at all 16:23:50 direction_chooser was the first crawl code I had to learn to make jump attack for my first real crawl project, so I had to spend hours pouring over it 16:24:22 although these recursion issues are things that you and aidanh understand much better than I 16:25:15 my pain was more amplified by only knowing C and not knowing C++ at all at the time, not that I actually know C++ all that well now 16:25:47 what a great introduction to the language! 16:26:38 K&R C book to learn C, directn.cc to learn C++ 16:27:06 lol 16:29:21 03advil02 07* 0.23-a0-56-g30ddca7: Remove some "now"s 10(4 minutes ago, 1 file, 2+ 2-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/30ddca75ac9f 16:29:21 03advil02 07* 0.23-a0-57-gd13e529: Limit a redraw to the special case it is fixing (gammafunk) 10(3 minutes ago, 2 files, 6+ 5-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/d13e5294dc3e 16:30:03 hrm, now can I do CDO rebuilds is the question 16:30:07 I think I might be able to 16:30:08 oops, typo in that commit message 16:30:12 oh well 16:30:23 mean to link two distinct commits 16:31:09 I don't really know why that redraw code I wrote is blanking the message window, but maybe it doesn't matter 16:31:50 thanks for fixing that, I'll look out for new tvs to see if it fixed flickering 16:39:30 Unstable branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.23-a0-57-gd13e529 (34) 16:39:35 nice, it worked 16:40:11 yeah, and the display works properly now 16:40:26 ok, good 16:48:31 03Aidan Holm02 {advil} 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-27-ga54d6a7: Fix webtiles scroller handling keypresses as keydowns (Xenobreeder) 10(6 days ago, 1 file, 28+ 29-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/a54d6a71dbf1 16:48:31 03Aidan Holm02 {advil} 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-28-g8edbad9: Show gold when reading ?acq (RoGGa, #11573) 10(6 days ago, 1 file, 4+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/8edbad956d1a 16:48:31 03Aidan Holm02 {advil} 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-29-g32c679e: Fix invalid read on crawl shutdown 10(6 days ago, 1 file, 3+ 2-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/32c679e6cf8e 16:48:31 03Aidan Holm02 {advil} 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-30-gddbfc86: Improve acquirement UI (RoGGa, #11573) 10(6 days ago, 5 files, 32+ 10-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/ddbfc8606a2c 16:48:31 03advil02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-31-ge1ee8eb: Move license to a more standard location in the repo 10(6 days ago, 2 files, 366+ 366-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/e1ee8ebee80f 16:48:31 03Aidan Holm02 {advil} 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-32-ge49b2e4: Add some monster spell tiles (NormalPerson7, RoGGa, #11580) 10(5 days ago, 16 files, 39+ 28-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/e49b2e48a608 16:48:31 03Aidan Holm02 {advil} 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-33-g1cc238c: Remove most remaining CRT control code, take two (NormalPerson7) 10(5 days ago, 16 files, 15+ 94-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/1cc238c7fd09 16:48:31 03advil02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-34-g0db2471: Various changes to smooth out / improve error messaging 10(4 days ago, 18 files, 215+ 94-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/0db2471b9d4f 16:48:31 03advil02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-35-g8e7d0f4: Update prebuilt 10(4 days ago, 2 files, 97+ 128-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/8e7d0f459ba1 16:48:31 03advil02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-36-g394168d: Tweak conditions under which error ui is used 10(4 days ago, 2 files, 12+ 3-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/394168def5ab 16:48:31 ... and 19 more commits 16:49:59 that brings 0.22 up to master 16:50:15 I have those fixes to the level xp that I'll push 16:50:23 it introduces a new tag minor 16:50:34 which I guess isn't a problem 16:50:36 hrm 16:50:41 well, it'll wipe out the permastore 16:50:46 yes 16:50:58 kind of wanted to enable that for stable to get the data from tourney but 16:51:03 permastore is probably much more important 16:51:08 I guess that doesn't matter so much, it'll have a few days to regenerate before the tournament starts 16:51:10 maybe I'll just save it for trunk after tourney then 16:51:32 I have an idea for how to more smoothly update permastore files, but I haven't had a chance to sit down and actually implement it yet 16:51:35 yeah it would, but it's awful close to release/tourney 16:52:06 I can commit it to trunk and just hold off on cherry-picking to 0.22 16:52:07 the beta version is probably using a fairly new permastore on most servers anyways 16:52:29 well, it's not actually enabled by default for stable releases anyhow 16:52:58 and I'm mostly just interested and don't have any specific need for it 16:53:23 I guess I don't actually have a strong opinion either way; I'll push to master for sure at least 16:53:50 actually do beta games even get a choice about updating? 16:53:57 no 16:54:02 it's really only games that choose not to update that have a broken permastore 16:54:19 so then that effect only impacts trunk 16:54:26 but doesn't it effectively wipe the permastore for for transfered games? 16:54:48 maybe my understanding of how that works isn't good 16:55:25 the permastore is versioned for an earlier tag minor, so a transfered version wouldn't just wipe it? 16:59:09 the first game that opens the permastore upgrades it and saves it with the new tag 16:59:20 if you choose not to upgrade your game, you get an error when it tries to open, and if there are no bones files from that level, the game is then guaranteed to use a cloned ghost 16:59:38 the same issue presumably happens (and has always happened) with bones files 17:00:02 the error messages probably didn't show before I changed some stuff 17:08:33 ok, so sounds like it's not even a problem for stable 17:08:43 er 0.22 branch 17:08:51 soon-to-be-stable 17:09:12 yeah, it should be fine I think 17:10:25 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.22-b1-55-g77d7939909 17:20:34 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.23-a0-57-gd13e5294dc (34) 18:03:56 !messages 18:03:57 No messages for ZiBuDo. 18:08:04 Ru causes mass suicide through a glass wall. 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11600 by Kvaak 18:20:26 Unstable branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.23-a0-57-gd13e5294dc (34) 18:49:27 oh, we don't have a release name 18:49:51 this always happens 18:51:06 something combining maybe ghosts, library or spell library, and possibly just UI 18:51:21 ??changelog 18:51:21 changelog[1/3]: https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/docs/changelog.txt - often incomplete and/or out of date, see {changelog[3]} for an exhaustive list of changes. 18:51:24 Zot's Haunted Library 18:51:40 we kind of have a history of using puns 18:51:51 Gnoll Country for Old Jian was the last one 18:52:03 that one is too brilliant to top 18:52:34 and Storm Over Zot wasn't a pun 18:52:39 aidanh: btw, if you have time to write that changelog summary of the UI rework in the Interface section by tomorrow, would be appreciated 18:52:45 yeah, doesn't have to be 18:53:34 aidanh: you can make a sort of indented table like you see for the description of the webtiles chat changes in that section 18:53:57 or you could just use a two line summary if you want 19:02:50 -!- FredrIQ is now known as FIQ 19:32:05 -!- advil_ is now known as advil 19:33:15 I guess freenode is doing force +R now 19:41:02 does something need to be done with CAO scoring to add 0.22 stable branch? 19:43:35 yes, I think only |amethyst can do that 19:44:02 but that's not actually critical for the tournament 19:44:14 just something that would be nice to add when we can 20:00:18 yeah, someone messaged me on reddit asking about it 20:06:39 the +R thing means I can't PM Cheibriados, sigh 20:12:25 gammafunk: right, thanks for the reminder, been meaning to do that 20:12:50 aidanh: thanks, and if you want to tweak the mention in the release highlight at the top, feel free 20:13:08 oh and you and advil should come up with a punny release name! 20:13:18 advil: the ^ issue might be related to the white line on the side of the UI, which is a bug I haven't been able to reproduce at all 20:13:19 since you're the top contributers this release 20:13:46 we have ghost vaults, spell library, new UI, but you can draw from whatever 20:13:54 it doesn't have to be a pun, strictly speaking 20:14:49 after all, if we don't have a release name by release day tomorrow, we have to cancel the tournament and release for another six months at least, those are just the rules 20:16:32 I'm at the point where I have to refactor xom.cc to farm commits 20:17:47 I'll see if I can come up with anything groan-worthy 20:19:32 other devs are of course welcome to make suggestions 20:50:38 03gammafunk02 07* 0.23-a0-58-g69a49ca: Use a define for a prop key 10(3 hours ago, 4 files, 8+ 6-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/69a49ca70a19 20:50:38 03gammafunk02 07* 0.23-a0-59-g4edfe68: Rework the xp_by_level table to track vault origin instead of spawns 10(3 hours ago, 12 files, 90+ 75-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/4edfe68a0e18 20:50:38 03gammafunk02 07* 0.23-a0-60-g3378232: Simplify a Xom teleport function 10(27 minutes ago, 1 file, 2+ 9-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/33782329a542 20:52:52 03gammafunk02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-56-g296863b: Use a define for a prop key 10(3 hours ago, 4 files, 8+ 6-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/296863b1ab6a 20:52:52 03gammafunk02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-57-g1fe99bb: Rework the xp_by_level table to track vault origin instead of spawns 10(3 hours ago, 12 files, 90+ 75-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/1fe99bb07536 20:52:52 03gammafunk02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-58-g419a28d: Simplify a Xom teleport function 10(29 minutes ago, 1 file, 2+ 9-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/419a28dc060c 20:52:55 advil: ah, that's caused by "text-overflow: ellipsis" in style.css, which was added before the ^ width was fixed at 80ch 20:53:48 advil: should be easy to fix; separately, if you have any insight on that white line on the right of the pop-up, I'd love to know 20:54:44 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 20:55:08 maybe "word-wrap: break-word;" would be enough? 20:55:18 is there a mantis issue for the white line? I don't think I've seen it 20:58:12 also, do we know what the state of these targeting bugs like 11584? 20:58:31 afaik no dev has replicated any of them; it's possible they were some really complicated consequence of the recursion bug? 21:01:57 It's also possible they involve the numpad somehow 21:10:17 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.22-b1-58-g419a28dc06 21:13:36 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 21:14:06 advil: that'd probably be enough 21:16:02 the dith webtiles screenshot wasn't yours? the white line is visible there 21:16:55 no mantis issue for it though 21:17:27 I haven't had a chance to look at those targeting bugs 21:17:27 oh, yeah I see it now 21:18:33 that's not happening any more 21:19:30 what about on the ability screen? 21:20:21 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.23-a0-60-g33782329a5 (34) 21:20:52 nope 21:20:53 I've seen some streams where it showed up there too, as well as in monster descriptions iirc 21:21:22 the line appears to be the exact height of the text div 21:22:20 I suspect it's the browsers native scrollbar, improperly hidden 21:22:35 possibly due to rounding errors when zooming 21:23:16 well, there are about 4 divs there that are that exact height 21:24:49 heh, yeah, it's a bit of a mess 21:25:23 those divs shouldn't be white though; the browser scrollbar usually is 21:25:57 ... I guess I could just use css to change the scrollbar colour 21:28:44 if I remove "white-space: nowrap;" that also makes the powers wrap 21:30:56 03advil02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22-b1-59-g0aedee7: Wrap power descriptions in ^ screen 10(43 seconds ago, 1 file, 0+ 3-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/0aedee734a0a 21:32:25 heh oops, wrong branch 21:32:57 03advil02 07* 0.23-a0-61-g4bf3f6c: Wrap power descriptions in ^ screen 10(3 minutes ago, 1 file, 0+ 3-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/4bf3f6cb218b 21:55:59 what commit fixed `?#`? 22:10:18 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.22-b1-59-g0aedee734a 22:16:13 %git 346603ebdbc5d1af9 22:16:13 07Aidan Holm02 * 0.23-a0-15-g346603e: Fix webtiles scroller handling keypresses as keydowns (Xenobreeder) 10(7 days ago, 1 file, 28+ 29-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/346603ebdbc5 22:16:28 ah probably that one 22:20:24 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.23-a0-61-g4bf3f6cb21 (34)