00:00:13 Stable (0.20) branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.20-b1-12-g5827e59 00:10:31 Stable (0.20) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.20-b1-12-g5827e59 00:25:39 can anyone help me out with the function at the top of this rc 00:25:48 http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rcfiles/crawl-0.20/nikheizen.rc 00:26:06 it seems to be falling through to the last else case every time 00:28:17 you don't have a "then" after 00:28:18 else if you.god():find("Trog") or you.god():find("Makhleb") 00:28:20 that string 00:28:26 but i suck at lua 00:28:35 so i have no idea if that's breaking things or if it's something else altogether 00:29:03 its something else 00:30:59 Is this the right syntax? I know 0 about it but everyone else's seems to need constant :-spam outside of functions (eg later you have a Vampire test which doesn't use if/then/else because... ?) 00:32:16 try putting an : before each else if" 00:32:28 i dont know, im just aping other rcfiles and functions which i know work 00:33:31 nikheizen: Well, what happens if you just write it as three independent if-then statements like the Vampire bit below, putting the setting to 60 first and the god bits before the race bits? 00:35:15 Floodkiller: oh, yeah oops 00:35:16 gammafunk: You have 2 messages. Use !messages to read them. 00:35:54 <|amethyst> nikheizen: : in front of the else lines, and removing the returns, ought to do it 00:35:55 koboldina: cool 00:36:16 <|amethyst> nikheizen: oh, and elseif one word 00:36:49 okay i fixed it 00:37:12 just made it separate cases which overwrite one another :) 00:37:37 and no problem re: merging your PR, alexthejurk 00:56:56 johnstein: sage1234 says their trunk game on cbro always fails to load 00:57:06 and has been doing so for 5 days 00:57:55 "orbruntomb worth 25 is pretty fuckin dumb now that tomb 2 is a complete shitshow" 00:57:59 i'm going to put this here 00:58:05 re: tourney rules 01:01:57 next time, don't 01:07:30 !lm sage1234 01:07:31 17983. [2017-05-23 04:53:01] sage1234 the Digger (L7 DDEE of Makhleb) killed Dowan on turn 5319. (D:4) 01:07:55 !lm sage1234 trunk cbro 01:07:56 1789. [2017-05-19 04:37:43] sage1234 the Basher (L8 GnBe of Trog) killed Crazy Yiuf on turn 5548. (D:5) 01:13:01 !seen canofworms 01:13:01 I last saw CanOfWorms at Mon May 22 23:15:43 2017 UTC (5h 57m 17s ago) joining the channel. 01:13:11 what up kobo 01:15:40 gammafunk: did sage1234 save a backup? 01:15:58 or am I being requested to save a backup? 01:17:25 johnstein: he said he doesn't mind losing it 01:18:09 what is the process for losing games? 01:18:39 hrm, I guess that's a good point 01:18:46 it would be a game without an ending logfile 01:18:48 entry 01:18:57 that is, do I just delete the cs file? do I need to forge a logfile entry? 01:19:00 yea 01:19:28 johnstein: can you get me a copy of the save? 01:19:28 I would strongly prefer not forging anything 01:19:59 I can later. I'm on my phone which sucks to do ssh and not sure if I'll even make it to my desktop tonight :/ 01:20:05 ut;s i 01:20:07 er 01:20:08 it's ok 01:20:20 I'm not sure what we've done with situations like this in the past 01:20:27 feel like we need a feature for dgl admins to create a save file for any user 01:38:48 hrm, now I need to figure out how to edit this save 01:39:43 jeez gammafunk cheating AGAIN 01:40:00 oh hi canofworms, sorry I missed that you replied 01:40:20 I was doing some image editing on your shirt images and wanted to get your opinion on something 01:40:21 I'll pm you 01:44:02 !learn set potion petition[1] Lets you buy one of three random lists of potion effects, with price depending on the number and type of potions offered (approximately 200 - 1000 gold) . The ability cost is free the first time and 400 gold from then on. Possible potions: heal wounds, curing, magic, resistance, berserk, might, brilliance, agility, flight, invisibility. 01:44:02 petition[1/1]: Lets you buy one of three random lists of potion effects, with price depending on the number and type of potions offered (approximately 200 - 1000 gold) . The ability cost is free the first time and 400 gold from then on. Possible potions: heal wounds, curing, magic, resistance, berserk, might, brilliance, agility, flight, invisibility. 01:44:45 !learn set potion_petition[1] Lets you buy one of three random lists of potion effects, with price depending on the number and type of potions offered (approximately 200 - 1000 gold) . The ability cost is free the first time and 400 gold from then on. Possible potions: heal wounds, curing, magic, resistance, berserk, might, brilliance, agility, flight, invisibility. 01:44:45 potion petition[1/1]: Lets you buy one of three random lists of potion effects, with price depending on the number and type of potions offered (approximately 200 - 1000 gold) . The ability cost is free the first time and 400 gold from then on. Possible potions: heal wounds, curing, magic, resistance, berserk, might, brilliance, agility, flight, invisibility. 01:45:34 !learn set petition[1] see {potion petition} 01:45:35 petition[1/1]: see {potion petition} 01:50:11 how do you add the detailed monster info stats? it's missing for meliai 01:50:35 what do you mean 01:50:39 @??melial 01:50:40 unknown monster: "melial" 01:50:43 @??meliai 01:50:43 meliai (03y) | Spd: 20 | HD: 7 | HP: 21-29 | AC/EV: 4/14 | Dam: 14, 1208(poison:14-28) | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, priest, evil, fly | Res: 06magic(20) | Vul: 09poison | Chunks: 14noxious | XP: 300 | Sp: smiting (7-17) [11!AM], heal other (2d3+3) [11!AM] | Sz: small | Int: human. 01:50:46 do you mean that thing 01:50:49 yeah 01:51:25 those should just be pulled directly from the source code 01:52:17 ah ok 02:05:32 oh 02:05:38 I see the problem 02:05:38 dang 02:05:45 my temple of torment vault 02:05:52 it broke your game, raine 02:06:08 I'll need to make a fix 02:06:20 mine? :o 02:06:42 yeah 02:06:49 what happens is you generated menakaure 02:07:00 or rather 02:07:03 you rolled overflow for kiku+yred 02:07:16 but then you generated menkaure before the level that wanted that overflow 02:07:21 which was d:6 02:07:30 my vault tries to veto if menkaure is already generated 02:07:32 it was someone else in the discord that had the broken save 02:07:40 oh 02:07:41 oh right 02:07:44 but I appreciate the explanation nonetheless :) 02:07:45 sorry, I got you confused 02:07:48 np 02:07:52 yeah I'll have to just go fix it and tell them 02:07:54 after doing a rebuild 02:08:25 it's a rareish bug but there will be other crashes if I don't fix this 02:08:28 @?shadow imp 02:08:28 shadow imp (065) | Spd: 10 | HD: 2 | HP: 9-13 | AC/EV: 3/11 | Dam: 6 | 05demonic, 10doors, evil, see invisible | Res: 06magic(10), 02cold++, 03poison, 04rot, 13neg+++, 13torm | Vul: 08holy | XP: 11 | Sp: pain (d14) [06!sil] | Sz: little | Int: human. 02:08:40 @?menkaure 02:08:40 Menkaure (06M) | Spd: 8 | HD: 3 | HP: 18-28 | AC/EV: 3/6 | Dam: 25 | 07undead, 10doors, evil, spellcaster, see invisible, unbreathing | Res: 06magic(20), 02cold, 09poison+++, 12drown, 04rot+++, 13neg+++, 13torm | Vul: 04fire, 08holy | XP: 171 | Sp: pain (d14), haste, s.torment | Sz: Medium | Int: human. 02:10:17 btw I had an idea for a sewer portal vault, would it get accepted (if people liked it) or is it "closed for submissions" so to speak 02:10:39 it wouldn't make 0.20, but it absolutely could go in trunk 02:10:43 so feel free to submit it 02:10:46 cool :) 02:11:02 new vaults can sneak in during the freeze even 02:11:16 however given that release is wednesday 02:11:48 is it ok to have robin or pikel spawn down there? (not necessary but it'd be cool for the theme) 02:12:07 oh I'd have to write it up and test balance it and stuff I wouldn't submit it for a while 02:14:36 generally we don't like to see uniques specifically placed 02:14:39 there are exceptions 02:14:48 purgy has a special chance to be in sewers 02:14:52 he's one you could play with 02:15:11 however it'd be ok to place those IF the vaults theme really effectively suggests those uniques 02:15:39 like if it's just "but those are cool uniques" and the vault really doesn't have anything about kobolds or goblins/hobgoblins 02:16:01 kk 02:16:25 robin chucking a goblin on the other side of you while you're stuck in shallow water sounds ruthless 02:18:57 I was thinking of a bank robbery theme. relatively clean and linear sewer but there's bit where you can see that a couple of jellies have eaten into a bank vault filled with gold (scrolls and jewellery could work too) 02:19:26 and you'd have robin or pikel or a gnoll seargent pack as the culprits in there 02:19:44 some kind of lookout posted near the tunnel entrance 02:38:37 !update-goodplayers 02:38:38 !cmd update-goodplayers 02:38:38 Command: !update-goodplayers => !nick goodplayers $(!lg * won s=name fmt:"${.}" join:" " ?:N>9) 02:38:38 ??test 02:38:39 test[1/42]: blaargh blaargh blaargh blaargh blaargh 02:38:39 Mapping goodplayers => 78291 bmfx elliptic hyperbolic jeanjacques clouded mikee crate pac bart pivotal stabwound johnnyzero minmay ophanim basil magistern hyperelliptic marvinpa surr nago walkerboh simm wahaha ebarrett ionfrigate mrplanck elynae reid dck sphara cheibrodos morganleah tenaya theglow yermak heteroy itsmu toastyp xyblor casmith789 sar uglything maddasher evilmike vizer araganzar rob e... 02:41:19 bank robbery theme sounds awesome 02:41:23 purgy the bank robber 02:57:37 needs a getaway car 02:58:16 like xtahua 02:58:22 he hits like a truck =p 02:58:25 (s)he 02:58:35 lmao 03:12:39 Stable (0.20) branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.20-b1-12-g5827e59 03:15:12 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.21-a0-13-g3fd62ac (34) 03:57:17 johnstein: by the way, can you enable http://crawl.akrasiac.org/cgi-bin/teams-0.20 on CAO? 03:57:25 it's a cgi-bin script that outputs lines from the RC files 03:57:35 saves bandwidth over fetching the full RCs 04:03:21 alexjurkiewicz: it seems that https://crawl.project357.org/rc-files/0.20/ doesn't work, nor can I seem to edit my RC file 04:03:36 trying as the user RandomTiles 04:06:42 when will sequell be able to see 0.20 morgues 04:06:53 ah okay 04:09:57 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 04:15:45 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 04:55:51 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 05:32:56 !messages 05:32:57 (1/1) gammafunk said (5d 3h 46m 40s ago): We're in feature freeze for 0.20, and the stone_soup-0.20 branch is ready for you to host on CUE whenever you like. Dates/times for release/tourney: http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/upcoming-0-20-release-and-tournament 05:33:24 !tell gammafunk I've been sick, I'll get to it soon. 05:33:25 TZer0: OK, I'll let gammafunk know. 05:35:44 so did some experimentation with the new implementation of Gnoll 05:36:04 well, not so much actual gnolls as seeing how a 7/7/7 statline affects a character 05:55:07 -!- Evablue_ is now known as Evablue 05:58:23 03gammafunk02 07* 0.21-a0-14-gcd0b456: Fix an overflow vault crash (Sage1234) 10(4 minutes ago, 1 file, 6+ 6-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/cd0b4565c008 05:59:35 03gammafunk02 07[stone_soup-0.20] * 0.20-b1-13-g431dd88: Fix an overflow vault crash (Sage1234) 10(6 minutes ago, 1 file, 6+ 6-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/431dd88b5ab7 06:09:39 Stable (0.20) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.20-b1-13-g431dd88 06:18:54 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.21-a0-14-gcd0b456 (34) 06:34:02 03gammafunk02 07* 0.21-a0-15-g606531c: Balance and overflow altar vault 10(6 minutes ago, 1 file, 6+ 5-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/606531cec949 06:40:40 03gammafunk02 07[stone_soup-0.20] * 0.20-b1-14-g8425815: Balance and overflow altar vault 10(13 minutes ago, 1 file, 6+ 5-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/842581586238 06:53:21 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.21-a0-15-g606531c (34) 07:00:33 good to see balance has finally been added to crawl 07:00:39 only +6 -5 too 07:00:50 including the overflow vault 07:09:28 Stable (0.20) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.20-b1-14-g8425815 07:18:39 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.21-a0-15-g606531c (34) 07:23:32 dammit 07:23:58 doesn't matter 07:24:06 commit count increased 07:51:44 http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/0-20-tournament-page-is-online 07:54:50 hello! there seems to be an oddity on xtahua - 0.20 (beta) button starts an 0.21-a0-13-g3fd62ac game 07:55:26 well, the dumps say 0.21, the game browser says 0.20, and I think it's 0.21 because it has Wu Jian enabled 08:02:27 fun numbers 08:02:59 the amount of skill investment needed to bring magic dart to the spell power cap of 25 as a gnoll under the 7/7/7 proposal is not much lower than the amount of skill investment needed for that gnoll to learn Orb of Destruction 08:14:19 -!- illusion is now known as Guest98565 08:27:42 Medar: is the 0.20 beta link actually taking people to trunk? 08:28:47 Stendarr: webtiles? 08:28:51 Medar: yes 08:29:05 yeah, I just started a 0.20 game under user Randomtiles 08:29:08 *RandomTiles 08:29:10 Medar: trunk has a different 0.21 version from what I can tell 08:29:37 uhh 08:31:17 !lm RandomTiles 08:31:18 15. [2017-05-23 12:27:25] RandomTiles the Cutter (L1 HuBe of Trog) began the quest for the Orb on turn 0. (D:1) 08:31:20 is it the same bug I wonder, is the 0.20 and trunk still the same? 08:31:35 they have the same commits save for the debian changelog one, yeah 08:31:46 more commits have been made, but all cherry-picked 08:31:53 yeah, looks like the same bug 08:32:03 guess I'll just add rm -f build.h somewhere for now 08:32:12 yeah, thanks Medar 08:32:22 not sure what that makefile problem is about 08:32:44 it's pretty simple, there is nothing that forces build.h to be regenerated 08:32:54 when the only thing that has changed is the output of git describe 08:33:10 |amethyst: are you aware of anything that would cause Make to think that build.h doesn't need updating when the only change is the output of git describe? 08:33:27 <|amethyst> gammafunk: the rule is build.h: $(OBJECTS:.o=.cc) main.cc util/gen_ver.pl 08:33:35 <|amethyst> so if no code changed, that makes sense 08:33:50 ugly fix for the servers would be to add .cflags 08:34:09 util/gen_ver.pl is just depending on the file itself then? 08:34:21 I guess that would be the case 08:34:22 <|amethyst> doesn't depend on anything 08:34:32 <|amethyst> yeah, just the file util/gen_ver.pl 08:36:28 <|amethyst> I think just depending on .cflags would be a hack 08:36:43 agreed 08:36:44 <|amethyst> instead you'd want to do something like what we do to generate .cflags, but with a new file .version 08:37:36 !source gen_ver.pl 08:37:37 https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/util/gen_ver.pl 08:38:49 <|amethyst> oh, yeah 08:39:14 <|amethyst> I guess that's pretty similar to just removing build.h, except it wouldn't force a rebuild if it hasn't changed 08:41:21 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.21-a0-15-g606531c (34) 08:42:13 Stable (0.20) branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.20-b1-14-g8425815 08:43:21 Stendarr: should be fixed now, thanks (it was essentially the same version since trunk and 0.20 are the same currently) 08:43:46 Medar: thank you very much! 08:45:41 so should we move git describe command to Makefile? run it unless release_ver exists, and have build.h read file generated by it instead of running git directly 08:50:45 I'll be away, but feel free to commit any makefile fixes to trunk+stable if you have a fix and the time. 09:00:37 and we still need a release title 09:00:37 ??changelog 09:00:37 changelog[1/3]: https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/docs/changelog.txt - often incomplete and/or out of date, see {changelog[3]} for an exhaustive list of changes. 09:00:46 as well as any final changelog updates, including to the highlights 09:10:10 %git cf33cab7c740d3718ba 09:10:10 07advil02 * 0.20-a0-869-gcf33cab: Make `get_spell_letter` use `you.spell_letter_table` 10(2 months ago, 1 file, 12+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/cf33cab7c740 09:43:42 oh, the Makefile already runs git describe for SRC_VERSION... 09:55:27 |amethyst: does this look reasonable? https://pastebin.com/DXS2xtXq 10:00:14 <|amethyst> Medar: that's going to rebuild every time 10:00:51 doesn't for me 10:01:06 <|amethyst> oh 10:01:09 only updates .ver if the variable changed, uses timestamps 10:01:09 <|amethyst> I missed the || 10:01:25 could compare values like cflags too, but this seems simpler 10:14:40 <|amethyst> I think it looks reasonable... I probably would have written it with [ instead but I think this way involves less confusing quoting (because you'd need a $$(cat ...) with [) 10:15:32 <|amethyst> Medar: we have an existing "FORCE" phony that you could use 10:15:51 <|amethyst> Medar: and I'd add a comment to clarify that it doesn't modify anything if the version is unchanged 11:35:27 !messages 11:35:28 No messages for ZiBuDo. 11:48:58 I wonder if the new cooldowns should be shown as e.g. "-Berserk" 11:49:03 just color may be slightly cryptic 11:49:17 (also potentially bad for colorblind) 11:55:34 03Furbeh02 {advil} 07* 0.21-a0-16-g5396917: Make cooldowns for DDoor and Berserk accessible through status() 10(9 days ago, 1 file, 2+ 2-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/539691771175 11:56:21 There's still some general issues with how the new cooldowns display; that patch as a side-effect adds them to %, but they aren't shown in @ at all 12:08:16 03hawthornbunny02 {advil} 07* 0.21-a0-17-g82ea730: Fix "Wear which item" typo 10(5 days ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/82ea730c97ed 12:09:29 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.21-a0-16-g5396917 (34) 12:21:54 03Doesnty02 {advil} 07* 0.21-a0-18-g5d43826: Don't let Kiku wrath inflict infinite miscasts (#533) 10(9 seconds ago, 1 file, 5+ 7-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/5d43826d7f50 12:25:12 hm the zin recite PR is non-trivial, I don't think it'll happen today or tomorrow 12:45:47 backlog commentary: feature for dgl admins to create save backups for arbitrary users would be really good 12:46:00 no idea how you would do it though 12:49:01 uh stupid question, what is the proper way to cherrypick stuff to the release branch -- do I just do it with git cherry-pick and the commit hash? 12:49:29 <|amethyst> advil: git cherry-pick -x 12:49:38 <|amethyst> -x to include the "(cherry picked from ...)" line 12:49:55 ah thanks 12:50:02 I knew there had to be something extra 12:50:43 <|amethyst> advil: re the backup, you could probably make a modified version of the savegame-backup.sh script from dgamelaunch-config 12:51:26 <|amethyst> advil: hm, actually, I think you don't even need that, if you pass the username as the first argument 12:51:53 how would it be best to trigger the script? 12:53:27 <|amethyst> from the command line, something like chroot /chroot bin/savegame-backup.sh theuser crawl-git /crawl-master 12:53:49 <|amethyst> from dgamelaunch, would need a wrapper script that prompts for the username 12:54:30 <|amethyst> hmm 12:54:51 <|amethyst> I guess we don't have separate admin menus for the versions, just for the main menu 12:55:10 <|amethyst> so it would also have to let you select the game version (crawl-git, crawl-0.19, etc) 12:55:31 I keep meaning to figure out how any of this infrastructure works 13:05:17 Unstable branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.21-a0-18-g5d43826 (34) 13:09:29 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.21-a0-18-g5d43826 (34) 13:20:25 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 13:27:52 03Furbeh02 {advil} 07[stone_soup-0.20] * 0.20-b1-15-gff2a28f: Make cooldowns for DDoor and Berserk accessible through status() (cherry picked from commit 539691771175043f1d08edcb19796003eaf9506e) 10(9 days ago, 1 file, 2+ 2-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/ff2a28faacbc 13:27:52 03hawthornbunny02 {advil} 07[stone_soup-0.20] * 0.20-b1-16-g3ab8cdf: Fix "Wear which item" typo 10(5 days ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/3ab8cdfe0cff 13:27:52 03Doesnty02 {advil} 07[stone_soup-0.20] * 0.20-b1-17-g8618771: Don't let Kiku wrath inflict infinite miscasts (#533) 10(66 minutes ago, 1 file, 5+ 7-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/86187711a5ef 13:27:52 03advil02 07[stone_soup-0.20] * 0.20-b1-18-gaa2fd62: Add an official OS X terminal profile for dcss 10(8 minutes ago, 1 file, 197+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/aa2fd6273a2a 13:27:59 augh 13:28:04 that was not supposed to be on that branch 13:28:17 well, the cherry-picked things were 13:29:17 03advil02 07* 0.21-a0-19-g210df22: Add an official OS X terminal profile for dcss 10(9 minutes ago, 1 file, 197+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/210df22d7001 13:29:30 luckily that bit of incompetence doesn't matter for much 13:29:41 %git @~ 13:29:41 07Doesnty02 {advil} * 0.21-a0-18-g5d43826: Don't let Kiku wrath inflict infinite miscasts (#533) 10(68 minutes ago, 1 file, 5+ 7-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/5d43826d7f50 13:30:00 I cherry-picked a bunch of stuff and then forgot to switch back to master before adding the terminal profile 13:30:19 oh, so only the last commit was wrong? that seems fine indeed i guess 13:31:09 yeah, and it's pretty peripheral 13:31:58 yeah 13:32:20 i was going to tease you by saying you'd messed up the repo for good and the only recourse is to throw it away and start over 13:32:25 heh 13:32:51 the dev who destroyed crawl 13:33:17 that'd be pretty hard honestly 13:33:48 since local copies exist 13:39:46 Ghost Crab summons appeared friendly 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11072 by Sphara 13:40:10 -!- Guest98565 is now known as illusion- 14:09:29 Stable (0.20) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.20-b1-18-gaa2fd62 14:18:48 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.21-a0-19-g210df22 (34) 17:57:47 -!- GiantOwl is now known as Kalir 18:04:03 Unstable branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.21-a0-19-g210df22 (34) 20:35:14 -!- adelrune- is now known as adelrune 20:46:27 _Your hound barks happily! 20:46:46 shouldn't these lines be limited to actions that the player wouldn't expect to make noise 23:12:56 gammafunk: open the rc file editor then click 'save' then reopen it 23:13:04 is there a build error right now? 23:13:08 Makefile:1357: recipe for target 'install-data' failed 23:13:09 make: *** [install-data] Error 1 23:13:38 ah 23:13:40 advil: 23:13:46 cp ../settings/* /opt/dgl-chroot/usr/lib/dcss-trunk/0.21-a0-19-g210df22/settings/ 23:13:49 cp: omitting directory '../settings/mac' 23:13:52 Makefile:1357: recipe for target 'install-data' failed 23:13:54 make: *** [install-data] Error 1 23:14:30 I suggest naming the file settings/mac-foo rather than settings/mac/foo 23:24:51 alexjurkiewicz: wouldn't it be more reasonable to change it to cp -r? 23:34:31 it'd probably work too, idm 23:35:45 either fix would be appreciated, since it's breaking cpo builds 23:38:41 alexjurkiewicz: I tried that but it didn't work, also did you see that the urls aren't working? 23:38:47 for CPO 0.20 meta 23:38:52 at least they weren't when I tried 23:39:29 maybe that was only rc files, let me check 23:39:38 alexjurkiewicz: https://crawl.project357.org/rc-files/0.20/ 23:39:40 is 404 23:59:10 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.21-a0-19-g210df22 (34)