00:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:02:33 why aren't you removing the plants from lair too 00:03:15 lair doesnt exists you memer 00:03:39 I guess I should remove all plants from the dungeon ruination thing though 00:06:12 ok, done 00:06:48 gonna wait for travis to tell me it's all good and then should be fine to update 00:09:53 -!- minmay has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:09:56 -!- minqmay has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:15:44 !polytheist 00:15:48 ooops 00:15:50 wrong chan 00:15:50 Unwon gods for ProzacElf: Dithmenos, Fedhas, Jiyva, Nemelex Xobeh, Ru, Uskayaw, Xom 00:16:10 showing your shameful failure to win fedhas for all to see 00:16:26 well, i'm certainly not going to try it on this naae 00:16:42 as much as i love penance for accidentally setting trees on fire 00:17:02 doesn't it warn you 00:17:20 maybe it does now, but it didn't the last time i tried it 00:17:39 alternatively it may only warn you if you actually target the tree 00:18:04 at any rate, it still restricts my use of lightning bolt pretty severely 00:21:07 -!- ktgrey has quit [] 00:25:47 -!- diazepan has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 00:31:31 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.19-a0-1851-g3228ea0 (34) 00:32:35 ok chequers it should be good to go 00:34:40 ok 00:35:13 so there's now lair levels in D? nice work 00:35:20 "The Last Secrets of Witchcraft" is a pretty classy name for a spellbook 00:35:26 whoever added that in to the pool 00:36:56 it applies the ruining function to late D levels sometimes, but without the plants 00:37:06 current chance is 1/3 for D:10 and below 00:37:52 -!- adelrune has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:38:01 -!- ontoclasm has joined ##crawl-dev 00:38:29 -!- kdrnic_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:39:19 I also changed xv to display monster ac, ev, and mr as numbers thanks to that one extremely meme tavern thread. Beware the cognitive load cost. 00:42:08 :) 00:42:19 b-but monster ev isn't the same as player ev 00:42:37 what about lair tiles? 00:42:38 are those just gone 00:42:46 I dont know shit about changing tiles 00:43:17 might try to figure that out in the future 00:43:29 any of the crypt endings with dead trees show how to change trees to dead trees, if you want a reference 00:46:06 update is live 00:49:57 sweet, thanks 00:56:48 -!- simmarine has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:59:40 hellmonk: why didn't you express them in terms of food? 00:59:52 what is "food" 00:59:53 It has choko EV 01:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:00:06 that's even better if hellcrawl has no food 01:00:14 -!- cait has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 50.0/20161006105459]] 01:00:22 -!- cait_mo is now known as cait 01:00:24 I could express it as weapons 01:00:36 dispater has executioner's axe ac and rapier ev 01:00:55 and axe of woe mr 01:02:01 submit your new randart names as a PR 01:02:14 except for rare pepe 01:02:23 you should give rare pepe w:100000 in your fork 01:02:46 well, some of these should be a PR anyway 01:04:31 it's a careful balance of dank memes and actually reasonable names 01:04:50 if there are particular ones you like feel free to steal them 01:04:54 I don't need credit 01:06:46 why did you decide to remove plants from ruined levels? I figured they added to theme without affecting gameplay 01:07:17 minmay demanded it in this channel 01:07:21 i had no choice 01:07:26 say no more 01:07:47 I'll probably have to tune the ruining some more but I'll wait for feedback 01:08:19 if people complain about no plants then I'll bring them back 01:09:28 the plants led to hilarious stuff on D:15 because of vault placements though, you'd get a sea of plants on half the level and the vaults/depths entries on the other half 01:09:37 -!- polydo_s has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:15:08 -!- hellmonk_ has joined ##crawl-dev 01:16:36 -!- hellmonk has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:20:11 Unstable branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.19-a0-1851-g3228ea0 (34) 01:21:03 -!- MaxFrost has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 01:24:14 yeah, that's no good 01:25:14 ? 01:25:27 -!- Insomniak` has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 01:30:23 -!- mt-i has joined ##crawl-dev 01:30:54 hi 01:31:17 i think i've hit a bug on 0.18 01:32:17 hi, what's the bug? 01:32:50 was playing on CAO (terminal) yesterday, and at some point I looked in the ^O panel and noticed a shop in there I hadn't seen before (type was "*" if I remember correctly) 01:33:08 when trying to go there, the game blew up on me (saying something like "failed to save") 01:33:25 after that, when I tried to rejoin the game, my ssh connection would simply die right away 01:33:32 what account name? 01:33:40 mti 01:33:43 !crash mti cao 01:33:44 No milestones for mti (cao crash). 01:34:02 and you still can't resume it? 01:34:10 !lm mti cao 01:34:11 376. [2016-10-09 11:32:54] mti the Cleaver (L13 DsGl of Makhleb) killed the ghost of mrmoltar the Geomancer, a novice GrEE on turn 14089. (D:6) 01:34:31 right now, if I try to join it, I get the following message: "Another game is already in progress using this save!" 01:34:58 -!- Rast has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 01:35:24 that's unusual 01:35:37 -!- sage1234 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:35:49 -!- Rast has joined ##crawl-dev 01:35:57 |amethyst: based on what mt-i is saying above, are you aware of what might have caused this failure on CAO? 01:36:29 mt-i: we might need you to backup your safe from the game menu 01:36:35 s/safe/save/ 01:36:42 under A)dvanced, I think 01:36:53 !lm mti cao x=cv 01:36:54 376. [2016-10-09 11:32:54] [cv=0.18] mti the Cleaver (L13 DsGl of Makhleb) killed the ghost of mrmoltar the Geomancer, a novice GrEE on turn 14089. (D:6) 01:37:03 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 01:37:47 I don't see the A) option (or anything looking like Advanced...) 01:39:29 mt-i: from the 0.18 page 01:39:42 the one that has P)lay crawl 01:39:48 there's A)dvanced options 01:39:59 above q)return to main menu 01:41:07 mt-i: so after logging in over ssh, you hit 8 to go to the 0.18 screen, and you should see A)dvanced options near the bottom 01:41:48 ah ok 01:41:56 -!- Heartnet has joined ##crawl-dev 01:42:09 from there hit B to backup save 01:42:16 it will give you a url, which you can post here 01:42:21 http://crawl.akrasiac.org/saves/mti-crawl-0.18-161010-0142.tar.bz2 01:42:38 ok, let me try loading it 01:44:31 -!- Grivan has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 01:49:43 -!- adibis has joined ##crawl-dev 01:51:05 mt-i: your game does load ok for me at xl13, on D:10, 01:51:18 -!- HellTiger_NB has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:51:23 so it's probably a temporary issue with CAO 01:51:31 mt-i: can you try opening up your game on CAO again? 01:52:45 it still says "Another game is already in progress using this save!" 01:54:45 there might be some zombie process still running on CAO, I suppose 01:54:51 that may be, yeah 01:55:22 |amethyst: if you can check on the status of mti's 0.18 game on CAO at some point, that would be helpful; the save for this game loads fine for me locally 01:55:52 mt-i: If you like, you can post this to the technical support forum on tavern 01:55:59 -!- Blazinghand has joined ##crawl-dev 01:56:08 mt-i: https://crawl.develz.org/tavern/viewforum.php?f=9 01:56:33 Just a quick post mentioning your account name and that message so that when someone fixes it, it will be tracked 01:56:40 alternately you can file a bug report 01:56:57 I'm not sure when someone will be around to check it out on CAO 01:56:57 -!- jazmu has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 01:57:02 thanks, I will do so 01:57:45 (maybe not an actual bug report, because it seems like I have way to little info to provide something reproducible) 01:57:54 *too 01:58:10 Windows builds of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.19-a0-1851-g3228ea0 01:58:20 -!- Blazinghand has quit [Client Quit] 01:58:38 mt-i: It's fine either way, actually, you can leave those fields blank, but the tavern forum is probably the better way overall 01:59:28 specifically Technical Support is the forum you'd post in, and I'll made sure to post a response if I hear it's been fixed and you're not otherwise notified 01:59:33 -!- Rast has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:00:01 -!- Rast has joined ##crawl-dev 02:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:00:09 thanks a lot for your kind help! 02:00:15 np 02:01:29 -!- Menche has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:01:45 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 02:04:56 -!- Blazinghand has joined ##crawl-dev 02:06:43 -!- mibert has joined ##crawl-dev 02:06:52 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:11:35 -!- Heartnet has quit [Quit: Page closed] 02:18:52 -!- Zeor has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 02:21:29 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 02:21:30 The build was broken. (master - ac72b89 #9 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166016105 02:21:30 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 02:21:56 oh, hah 02:22:19 my irssi script for the notification signal inadvertantly nukes the actual notifiation text 02:22:30 hrm, need to read how to do that better I guess 02:39:19 -!- diazepan has quit [Quit: diazepan] 02:40:11 -!- Rast has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 02:40:48 -!- Rast has joined ##crawl-dev 02:43:45 -!- PElf has joined ##crawl-dev 02:46:38 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 02:46:39 The build was broken. (master - ac72b89 #9 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166016105 02:46:39 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 02:47:46 -!- minmay has joined ##crawl-dev 02:52:23 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 02:52:24 The build failed. (master - e74d277 #10 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166016839 02:52:24 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 02:54:16 Monster database of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.19-a0-1851-g3228ea0 02:54:38 -!- Dracunos-m has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:58:16 -!- [1]Prozacelf has joined ##crawl-dev 03:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:00:21 -!- PElf has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 03:03:14 -!- Rast has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 03:03:49 -!- Rast has joined ##crawl-dev 03:06:39 -!- mibert has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 03:07:41 -!- hellmonk_ has quit [Quit: Page closed] 03:09:53 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 03:09:54 The build failed. (master - 175cd8c #11 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166018925 03:09:54 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 03:10:44 -!- Rast- has joined ##crawl-dev 03:10:55 -!- Rast has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:12:37 -!- knu has quit [Quit: Reboot...] 03:12:44 -!- dtsund has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:13:07 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.19-a0-1851-g3228ea0 (34) 03:15:57 -!- GauHelldragon has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 03:16:57 -!- [1]Prozacelf is now known as PElf 03:17:01 -!- CanOfWorms has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 3.6.28/20120306064154]] 03:18:31 -!- Blazinghand has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 03:19:04 -!- Blazinghand has joined ##crawl-dev 03:19:28 -!- Rast- has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:26:06 -!- Dracunos has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:26:37 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 03:26:38 The build failed. (master - 99c0d5f #12 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166020863 03:26:38 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 03:34:30 -!- adibis has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:36:15 -!- scummos| has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 03:43:47 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 03:43:48 The build failed. (master - 8f70da2 #13 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166022610 03:43:48 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 03:44:46 -!- Patashu_ has joined ##crawl-dev 03:52:22 -!- Yorba has quit [Quit: Page closed] 03:54:39 -!- Kalir has quit [Quit: I'M OUT SON. PEACE, LOVE, EXPLOSIONS.] 04:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:01:13 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 04:01:14 The build failed. (master - 1dfc218 #14 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166023275 04:01:14 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 04:08:23 -!- ontoclasm has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 04:09:31 -!- protopulse has quit [Quit: Page closed] 04:13:23 -!- Insomniak` has quit [Quit: I like to rock] 04:24:57 -!- Cerpin has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 04:25:55 -!- Blazinghand has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 04:26:48 -!- Blazinghand has joined ##crawl-dev 04:29:13 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 04:35:34 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 04:35:35 The build failed. (master - 9e6a577 #16 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166063644 04:35:35 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 04:45:58 -!- zxc__ has joined ##crawl-dev 04:48:03 -!- dustinm`_ has joined ##crawl-dev 04:49:19 -!- Blazinghand has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 04:49:49 -!- Chousuke_ has joined ##crawl-dev 04:49:58 -!- |amethys1 has joined ##crawl-dev 04:49:59 -!- ZanniqlcKzxkq has joined ##crawl-dev 04:50:00 -!- Warrigal has joined ##crawl-dev 04:50:37 -!- bairyn_ has joined ##crawl-dev 04:51:53 -!- Blazinghand has joined ##crawl-dev 04:53:32 -!- neunon_ has joined ##crawl-dev 04:53:57 -!- amalloy- has joined ##crawl-dev 04:53:59 -!- amalloy- is now known as amalloy 04:54:43 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:43 -!- ElanMorin has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:44 -!- zxc_ has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:44 -!- timbabwe has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:44 -!- neunon has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:44 -!- Chousuke has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:44 -!- Pinkbeast has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:44 -!- tswett has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:44 -!- zkyp has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:45 -!- dustinm` has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:45 -!- SurpriseTRex__ has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:45 -!- Eksell has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:45 -!- jdeeny has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:45 -!- AltReality has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:45 -!- |amethyst has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:45 -!- paxed has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:45 -!- Zannick has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:46 -!- kazimuth has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:46 -!- amalloy_ has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:46 -!- Sequell has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:46 -!- Sonderblade has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:46 -!- FiftyNine has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:46 -!- bairyn has quit [*.net *.split] 04:54:46 -!- neunon_ is now known as neunon 04:55:10 -!- Eksell has joined ##crawl-dev 04:55:54 -!- Taraiph has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 04:55:59 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 04:56:00 The build failed. (master - f63ff0a #17 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166067365 04:56:00 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 05:00:01 03MarvinPA02 {GitHub} 07* 0.19-a0-1852-gc11d922: Fix lightgrey contamination causing backlit (Leszczynek) 10(10 seconds ago, 1 file, 5+ 5-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/c11d9220a950 05:00:06 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:00:42 -!- jdeeny has joined ##crawl-dev 05:04:07 -!- removeelyvilon has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:05:50 -!- Netmonmatt has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 05:05:56 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Client Quit] 05:07:19 -!- Blazinghand has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 05:08:17 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 05:08:18 The build failed. (master - 84e9bb2 #18 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166069145 05:08:18 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 05:09:00 -!- Blazinghand has joined ##crawl-dev 05:09:14 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.19-a0-1852-gc11d922 (34) 05:10:04 -!- Sequell has joined ##crawl-dev 05:10:06 -!- gammafunk has quit [Quit: leaving] 05:10:30 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 05:11:43 test 05:15:02 -!- r4nr_ has joined ##crawl-dev 05:15:10 test 05:15:47 -!- r4nr_ has quit [Client Quit] 05:17:50 -!- Blazinghand has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:18:09 -!- ScarCow has quit [] 05:21:30 -!- polydo_s has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:25:31 -!- PElf has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Would you like to know more?] 05:26:27 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 05:26:28 The build failed. (master - 9fe85ca #22 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166072652 05:26:28 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 05:26:52 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:33:27 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:36:48 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:37:54 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:40:17 -!- mibe has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:40:41 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:41:59 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:42:22 -!- travis-ci has joined ##crawl-dev 05:42:23 The build is still failing. (master - 0ebb403 #50 : fbenarto): https://travis-ci.org/fbenarto/crawl/builds/166334341 05:42:23 -!- travis-ci has left ##crawl-dev 05:42:59 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:43:59 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:46:30 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Client Quit] 05:48:05 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:00:02 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:00:04 -!- Amnesiac has quit [Quit: Page closed] 06:00:05 -!- wasd64 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:18:41 -!- zkyp_ is now known as zkyp 06:27:36 -!- bonghitz has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:33:58 -!- HellTiger_NB has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 06:40:12 -!- Patashu__ has joined ##crawl-dev 06:40:48 -!- Patashu__ has quit [Client Quit] 06:42:33 -!- Patashu_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:42:58 -!- Patashu__ has joined ##crawl-dev 06:45:00 -!- dtsund has joined ##crawl-dev 06:57:48 -!- Grivan has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 07:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:02:56 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:32:57 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:37:24 -!- Lasty has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 07:38:07 -!- Lasty has joined ##crawl-dev 07:38:12 -!- bitcoinbastard has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 08:00:02 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:03:34 -!- Bammboo has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:04:09 -!- dexap is now known as paxed 08:18:41 -!- Patashu__ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:22:42 -!- Lasty has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 08:23:56 -!- Lasty has joined ##crawl-dev 08:34:04 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 08:36:04 -!- jefus- has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:40:17 -!- Cerpin has joined ##crawl-dev 08:43:16 -!- MaxFrost has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! 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So far I'm working on a branch on my own fork, but I'm unsure if I should post something at Mantis first 13:18:01 sorry, new to this! 13:18:29 Not sure if Mantis issues are for changes that have been cleared to go on the game proper, or also for experimental branches 13:23:24 -!- protopulse has quit [Changing host] 13:23:24 -!- protopulse has joined ##crawl-dev 13:23:37 -!- Nino_ has quit [Changing host] 13:23:42 -!- SteelNeuron has quit [Changing host] 13:23:42 -!- SteelNeuron has joined ##crawl-dev 13:33:40 SteelNeuron: I'm interested in your project, and if you get your fork to a good place I can help you get it up as an experimental branch. 13:33:47 SteelNeuron: you don't need to use mantis in this case. 13:34:08 In general, mantis can be used for any patch you want to offer, whether or not you've gotten prior approval. 13:34:30 Hep Knight shield keeps changing tiles 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=10726 by Midn8 13:34:34 SteelNeuron: but I still think you should drop the "collection" idea -- I think it'll be too fiddly. I could be mistaken. :) 13:34:52 Lasty: Yeah I'm not too sure about it... I just can't think of an alternative really 13:35:28 That doesn't degenerate in just using the best stuff you have around. But in any case, like Psieye pointed out, that can come last :) 13:35:43 for now I'll be focusing on the movement based skills and so on 13:36:51 -!- stickyfingers has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:37:56 -!- Ququman has joined ##crawl-dev 13:39:16 SteelNeuron: the alternative I was thinking about would be something like "non-randomly generate the weapon based on your skill in that weapon". I like the idea of giving the player a reason to train multiple weapon skills. So, hypothetically, the long blade weapon might be a +0 falchion at 0 LBl skill, a +3 long sword at 8 skill, a +9 triple sword at 27 skill. As for branding, I'd tie brand exclusively to weapon class (e.g. long blades are always fla 13:40:18 If the player does train multiple weapon skills, you'd probably want to give them a huge modifier to training rate -- +12 or something -- and have that modifier get removed upon abandonment. 13:40:35 er wait, no, that's terrible 13:40:50 100% cross-training seems to be going well in my limited testing so far :) 13:41:05 you end up with very similar skills with the subtle differences based on aptitude 13:41:12 Have 100% crosstraining for using the weapons, but let the player change investment between the different weapons to allocate power to different ones? I dunno, something like that. 13:41:39 Hm 13:41:47 That might work better if the power level for each one caps out below XL27 13:41:53 Someone mentioned an idea that I found interesting, of the god snatching every artifact you see 13:42:11 so as long as you worship Ieoh Jian you're not grabbing any artifact weapons yourself 13:42:23 Then they'd hand you whichever they think is best based on... IDK, shop value calculations? 13:43:33 -!- dtsund has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:44:19 SteelNeuron: shop value calcs are pretty meta-gamey. Also, what happens if few/no artefact weapons spawn? 13:44:47 -!- Kalir has quit [Changing host] 13:45:02 my feeling is that artefact weapons would be the worst for this god, since you'd potentially change a dozen or more attributes by swapping weapons once 13:45:13 the analysis factor would be huge 13:45:42 Actually that's a point I hadn't considered 13:46:04 I still think it's okay as the ocassional accent 13:46:09 So let's say we go with what you propose 13:46:17 a brand per weapon type 13:46:32 short blades should get elec 13:46:32 the base improves as you gain piety, maybe, but they're always enchanted and branded, no more, and there is no collection 13:46:43 but on high tension you sometimes get artifacts summoned 13:46:53 and then analysis is alright because it's just an accent, I suppose 13:47:00 and it keeps the stealing temptation 13:47:19 Try it out, but I suspect it'll break the flow of the game up. See what you think. 13:47:37 Cool 13:47:54 not having the "store" mechanic is growing on me though, thanks for the idea 13:48:11 It also fits the theme more. "We will give you a tool when you're prepared, not before" 13:49:21 Glad to hear it! :) 13:49:30 You've got a lot of cool ideas here, and I think there's good potential. 13:49:42 I like your new staves passive ability 13:51:02 Haha the pole vault 13:51:11 Kind of crazy but I think it might work 14:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:06:36 -!- debo has joined ##crawl-dev 14:12:16 -!- CapnHighlands has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:13:28 -!- Blazinghand has joined ##crawl-dev 14:15:54 -!- wasd64 has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:27:46 -!- aditya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:32:01 -!- Bcadren has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:32:47 bloodless batform bat has only rpois+ 14:34:07 -!- fuxQu is now known as Tux[Qyou] 14:34:17 -!- Tux[Qyou] has quit [Changing host] 14:34:17 -!- Tux[Qyou] has joined ##crawl-dev 14:49:00 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 14:55:06 -!- adelrune has joined ##crawl-dev 14:55:41 -!- KurzedMetal has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:56:49 -!- zxc__ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:57:25 -!- Shard1697 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:00:04 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:15:02 -!- removeelyvilon has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:15:26 -!- removeelyvilon has joined ##crawl-dev 15:15:37 -!- Nattefrost has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:15:40 Is it possible that lesser beckoning is not actually in the game 15:17:01 do you have a book of spatial translocations 15:17:43 alternatively: have you tried just starting a warper 15:17:52 either of these would answer your question! 15:17:52 good time for a troll warper 15:19:15 -!- removeelyvilon has quit [Client Quit] 15:21:12 -!- dpeg has joined ##crawl-dev 15:26:42 -!- Cimanyd has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:27:40 -!- Shard1697 has joined ##crawl-dev 15:39:22 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 15:47:28 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 16:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:07:17 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:13:04 -!- Netmonmatt has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 16:14:21 -!- Lightli has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:16:12 -!- HellTiger has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:27:01 -!- Bammboo has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:28:22 -!- Kenran has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:29:23 MarvinPA: Do you have any final thoughts on Ba? If anything from that branch is to be merged for 0.19, I should probably do it soon. 16:30:30 hmm, i've not gotten around to playing another game with them since last time 16:31:08 i don't know that i have a strong opinion either way, i'm not super enthused about them but not really opposed either 16:31:41 -!- Kellhus has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:31:53 -!- scummos| has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:32:39 well, we can merge the HE removal part 16:32:41 could be fine to merge the HE removal and maybe tweak Ba some more for the future, although the ideas i'd seen discussed for ~gimmicks~ didn't sound all that great to me 16:33:19 HE removal for 0.19 sounds good to me 16:33:19 dpeg: You have 12 messages. Use !messages to read them. 16:33:23 Ba can bake a bit more 16:33:58 gammafunk: did you see all those "why Ba? Give us OM back already!" postings? :) 16:34:12 there weren't any 16:34:48 I did see some "don't give us back OM" posts 16:34:54 -!- ElanMorin has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.5] 16:35:06 hm, perhaps wanted to get rid of Og instead? 16:35:18 -!- Lightli has joined ##crawl-dev 16:35:23 I did see any of those posts either 16:35:53 i think minmay was saying something along those lines but that's minmay so i don't know if it counts 16:36:00 but that was an idea that was brought up 16:36:46 Lasty brought it up, at least. I guess I could support it, since it's not too hard to do with Ba what you can do melee-wise with Og, although it's kind of just creating an inverse situation 16:37:22 It's probably a lot more fun to make a melee Ba than it is to make a mage Og 16:38:25 I could support a -HE, -Og, +Ba move, which would probably appease most people, but it would probably make Og lovers pretty unhappy 16:38:31 imo ogres are good and cool 16:38:48 wizardy ogres can be really fun 16:38:50 with certain gods 16:38:54 they're better than HE as a design 16:38:58 FWIW, I think Og should stay a player species. I love them, at least. 16:38:59 I'll give them that 16:39:26 I mean, I think Ba are a flat-out better design than Og as well, but the problem is kind of having both 16:39:40 !apt Ba 16:39:40 Could not understand "ba" 16:40:10 i mean they aren't the mighty GSC wielders that Ogs are right 16:40:38 no, but -1 M&F means they can do the GSC pretty well; it would just be a somewhat harder Og 16:40:42 gammafunk: are you prepared for -HE backlash? 16:40:53 -HE is kind of the boring part, so I don't really care 16:41:02 it should happen, but it's not exactly exciting 16:41:13 players will complain about dpeg anyway 16:41:23 I permit you to take full credit! 16:41:29 -!- Tux[Qyou] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:41:29 <3 16:41:37 "first he took our mountains, now he takes our highs" 16:41:42 tell them how much you hate the long blonde hair 16:41:49 I do, I do 16:42:17 i don't have a lot of love for HE 16:42:20 but i really like Og 16:43:01 gammafunk: if you axe a species now, you're definitely entitled to add one later 16:43:52 If I didn't miscount, we're at 27 species right now... 16:43:54 the +3 m&f and ridic HP do feel different, but I don't think much would be lost if it went away 16:44:33 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 16:44:48 I really like to play Ogres for what they are, but to me monster ogres are icing on the cake. 16:46:45 dpeg: well imagine how sweet the icing would be if you had basque sasquatches hitting you with a GSC instead of ogres 16:47:08 I assume we'd leave monster ogres unchanged 16:47:53 but not having to consider another species monster *is* very good, in the pro HE-removal-only side of things, I have to admit 16:50:43 possibly Og spell apts could just be made not as bad? 16:51:20 and m&f/fighting less extremely good 16:51:37 yeah, you could effectively just turn them into BA without the rename 16:51:45 gammafunk: no, I am really serious. I think it's cool that Ce, DE, Og, Tr, Sp, Ko, Dr... exist as species and as monsters. 16:51:57 og spell apts are pretty unique, they work well imo 16:52:05 yeah i mean i like them as is 16:52:10 i've played a few Ogre Casters(tm) 16:52:26 when we did the Og/OM merge, I was really fond of that aptitude niche (high Spc, bad other magic apts): you think that was a bad idea? 16:53:02 apts are something you can overcome, and their base int isn't that dreadful 16:53:30 I mean I guess some find that fun, but I don't feel particularly compeled to try it, and I dislike the lack of weapon decision 16:53:30 i mean it's obviously not as easy as playing gc basher og 16:53:47 -!- CanOfWorms has joined ##crawl-dev 16:54:04 they are basically the GC/GSC race though 16:54:06 they used to have +1 fighting and +1 m&f which is maybe more interesting than now in that they were more obviously a challenge race 16:54:10 there are other races wthat have weapon options 16:54:40 though they do have 0 polearms 16:54:51 there just is rarely ever a need for that with how available GC/GSCs are 16:55:11 MarvinPA: yes, I wouldn't mind that 16:55:17 -!- Patashu__ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:55:49 -!- bitcoinbastard has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:57:21 !lg dpeg won Og 16:57:22 6. dpeg the Conqueror (L27 OgCK of Xom), escaped with the Orb and 4 runes on 2016-05-22 00:25:16, with 2031562 points after 91739 turns and 6:46:58. 16:58:17 it's funny that ogre axe aptitudes are so bad that the xp from crosstraining will still give them a higher m&f skill 16:58:37 -!- Bammboo has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:01:08 -!- Nattefrost has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:04:31 -!- Nino_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:08:53 -!- MarvinPA has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 17:09:34 -!- MarvinPA has joined ##crawl-dev 17:10:32 -!- jehoesefat has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:14:04 -!- sgun__ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:16:23 -!- sgun_ has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 17:16:41 <|amethys1> CanOfWorms: that could happen under the old cross-training system, but not the current one 17:16:56 <|amethys1> CanOfWorms: oh, you mean higher M&F than axes 17:17:00 <|amethys1> CanOfWorms: yeah, that's possible 17:17:15 yes, currently ogres get more than 100% of the xp sunk into axes 17:17:19 <|amethys1> CanOfWorms: I thought you meant "higher than if you had just trained the skill you wanted" 17:17:43 <|amethys1> it's not more than 100% of the XP, it's just that the same amount of XP is worth a lot more towards M&F than towards axes 17:18:23 -!- kdrnic has joined ##crawl-dev 17:18:37 it's worth 113%! 17:20:28 <|amethys1> CanOfWorms: 113% of the levels 17:20:43 yeah :v 17:21:37 -!- staplegun has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:21:48 <|amethys1> hm, which reminds me... in "enhanced" mode, the "Cost" column should probably be based on the enhanced skill level rather than the base 17:22:13 <|amethys1> so that it shows how much (relative) XP is needed to raise the displayed number by 1 17:22:24 <|amethys1> rather than how much is needed to raise the base by 1 17:24:15 -!- SteelNeuron has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:26:04 -!- GauHelldragon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:27:20 the problem is ash and oka 17:27:44 they just give a flat modifier to the skill after calculations 17:29:01 <|amethys1> oh right 17:29:19 <|amethys1> so the current behaviour is correct for those two, just not for cross-training 17:29:33 -!- ProzacElf has joined ##crawl-dev 17:32:09 -!- kdrnic has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:33:47 -!- simmarine has joined ##crawl-dev 17:44:23 -!- THERetroGamerNY has quit [Quit: Be Blessed!] 17:44:52 -!- Shard1697 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:45:30 -!- tmt has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:46:58 -!- Kranix has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 17:51:53 -!- elliptic has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:54:16 !greatplayer dpeg 17:54:21 Unwon species for dpeg: Demigod 17:54:45 saving the best till last 17:54:49 :) 17:55:33 dpeg: player species have monsters have kind of had a less illustrious history recently, but anyhow I don't think it has any bearing on adding a new species 17:55:34 although i suppose given your remit of "gods gods gods", dg being last isn't so suprising :P 17:55:43 surprising* 17:55:49 if a species changes in name/form, the monster can change with it 17:57:09 MarvinPA: exactly, I know they're good, clean fun, the semigods 17:57:24 we've kind of reduced the whole "must create a monster to match the species" thing, thankfully 17:57:44 it's good flavor for adding uniques 17:57:48 gammafunk: yeah. I think there's design space for Ba, but now you know that some folks actually like Og. 17:58:03 just give Ba treeform!! 17:58:06 oh yeah, I'm not saying that as anything about Ba really 17:58:19 sorry, don't like breaking gameplay on D:1-(small N) 17:58:45 the monster-player thing really is minor, but it was a reason why I like orcs and minotaurs better than dwarves, for example 17:58:54 probably Ba would just have to do something crazy for anyone to care about them, so I'm not sure if the idea is salvageable 17:59:07 gammafunk: got to be more clever than handing out infinitely many lignification potions! 17:59:21 there's no cleverness to be had, depg 17:59:24 *dpeg 17:59:36 Huh? Cannot be smart in design? 17:59:49 not if you're giving tree form on D:1 18:00:02 that is too absolutist for me 18:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:00:25 -!- Warrigal is now known as tswett 18:00:27 well, I mean we could create something that's DD levels of broken, but I think the goal is to avoid stuff like that 18:00:59 anyhow something like Ba is probably more interesting on those early levels than it is later on, so making gameplay so easy so early is not a good direction 18:01:02 i think species active abilities have to do a lot of work to justify themselves, not sure that lignification would be a good one 18:02:02 you'd have to give it later on for it to work, maybe XL 5-7? But yeah, it's got a pretty narrow range of applicability, and it just duplicates a potion 18:02:17 would be a lot more amazing if the potion didn't exist, but we can't have that! 18:02:50 it makes me think of the old weird gr self-petrify thing (although it's probably a less bad concept than that at least) 18:03:16 yeah, tree form is much more fun than that was, but I can't see it working really well 18:03:17 Unstable branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.19-a0-1852-gc11d922 (34) 18:03:47 clearly we need to give them boulder form 18:03:52 <|amethys1> give them passwall through trees 18:04:14 <|amethys1> surely that wouldn't be extremely situational... 18:04:15 |amethys1: I was thinking about some weird "move through/knock down trees" thing, but it's just so vanishingly useful 18:04:40 but i think for people to even like a new species, at this point, it's probably got to be a pretty weird species 18:04:40 you guys are probably right, but the flavour would be so awesome... :( 18:04:43 <|amethys1> yeah, treeswimming would probably be a bad combination of situational and too good 18:04:48 give them the ability to grow 1 tree/xl 18:04:51 <|amethys1> do they need an active ability? 18:04:59 |amethys1: no, of course not 18:05:08 -!- |amethys1 is now known as |amethyst 18:05:24 CanOfWorms: I suggested something like this, but it 18:05:27 s not ideal either 18:05:43 |amethyst: what do you think about an ability for them to pull precious stones from the earth, things like diamonds and rubies and...amethysts 18:06:05 <|amethyst> gammafunk: to throw at unicorns? 18:06:08 got to toss something at those unicorns we're g...yes 18:06:13 haha 18:06:13 <|amethyst> :) 18:07:00 Did some of you also scour whole Nethack levels with a pickaxe, to collect all the gold and minerals? 18:07:10 absolutely! 18:07:13 I've never fully done pudding farming though 18:07:19 <|amethyst> I do that more often in *bands, actually 18:07:21 well, or even partially done 18:07:26 i've done that in angband and felt bad about it, yeah 18:07:38 -!- Kalir has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:08:09 dpeg: the worst is when you have a stash on a normalish level and trying to keep all the spawning monsters out, given the ones that can dig 18:08:13 i always make sure to play *bands with no selling because selling is the worst, but then i end up digging for gold on early floors instead which isn't all that much better :P 18:08:16 gammafunk: strange where individual borders lie: I never wished for artefacts or used Elbereth (I knew about both before being spoiled), but I would dig and polypile to no end... 18:08:36 MarvinPA: still, to this day?! :) 18:08:37 I deffo polypiles my last ascension, and wished for artefacts 18:08:38 <|amethyst> dpeg: elbereth is in the manual! 18:08:49 wished for Greyswandir, never looked back 18:08:55 |amethyst: Are you sure? I learned about it from the oracle. 18:09:22 oh, the oracle? That weird woman next to all the fountains you use for trying to get a wish? 18:09:31 * dpeg started playing with NH 3.1.3. 18:09:57 gammafunk: you can pay her $400 or so, and then you get a wall of text. I save-scummed to write down and translate all of those. 18:10:04 :O 18:10:07 <|amethyst> not sure when it was added, but it was definitely there in the 3.4.3 guidebook, under the letter E 18:10:07 tsk tsk 18:10:21 dpeg: yeah, I was making a joke along the lines of "I only care about the oracle because of early fountains" 18:10:23 <|amethyst> why pay the oracle when you can read the data files? 18:10:26 You mean Elbereth hasn't been part of nethack for years and years? 18:10:31 Well, I guess it hasn't been updated in years.. 18:10:34 gammafunk: and the statues, for spellbooks! 18:10:35 hadn't 18:10:37 right! 18:10:37 <|amethyst> Dracunos: I mean added to the documentation 18:10:41 Ohh 18:11:06 I think new NH might be doing something about Owlbreath? bhaak told me once, but it was not "we remove it" 18:11:18 my nethack ascension video has more views than most of my crawl videos, which says something about how many people still play that game 18:11:50 gammafunk: this is interesting. As far as tournament numbers go, Nethack seems sluggish. 18:12:05 I guess to many, Nethack is still THE classical roguelike. 18:12:07 <|amethyst> dpeg: in 3.6, elbereth only works when you stand on it; and also, you can't do "ElberethElberethElbereth" 18:12:18 dpeg: nethack players will die of old age eventually 18:12:23 -!- adelrune has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:12:29 |amethyst: that's something 18:12:43 gammafunk: as opposed to Crawl players, who will die in fits of madness, as it should be! 18:12:54 it's really interesting to see some of the very complicated elbereth nerfs that variants have implemented (as opposed to just straight-up removing it) 18:13:14 MarvinPA: people would say the same about food in Crawl :) 18:13:18 I recall one turns it into some kind of symbol 18:13:22 <|amethyst> I like the Un/NH4 solution, of "press e to engrave elbereth" 18:13:25 <|amethyst> err, ctrl-e 18:13:30 yesss dnethack elbereth is the absolute best 18:13:43 <|amethyst> acehack made it a "heptagram" 18:13:46 -!- jehoesefat has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:13:46 (if that's what gammafunk meant) 18:13:49 that's the one 18:13:55 I hadn't heard about dnethck 18:13:59 but it is eight letters?! 18:14:02 *dnethack; how does that one work? 18:14:14 <|amethyst> https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Wards_(dNethack) 18:14:21 ah ok, dnethack is amazing and has a million different elbereths 18:14:31 It is a bit sad that there still seems to be no design vision for Nethack. They flounder about more helplessly than we do. 18:14:33 that only affect certain monster tpyes 18:14:35 types* 18:14:35 |amethyst: empty page, it seems 18:14:44 oh 18:14:44 dammit 18:14:50 irrsi borked the link 18:15:00 <|amethyst> ah, didn't consider ( part of the link? 18:15:18 https://nethackwiki.com/mediawiki/images/d/d2/Wards_dNethack.pdf 18:15:35 |amethyst: yeah, after the _ 18:15:36 Icelandic magical staves[edit] 18:15:41 this is For Real 18:16:22 <|amethyst> hm 18:16:33 <|amethyst> so what are we going to do with all those monster glyphs we've freed up? 18:16:51 I'm aware of U 18:16:54 ??glyph 18:16:54 glyph ~ glyphs[1/3]: http://s-z.org/neil/tmp/crawl-glyphs-narrow.html — Generated with the script http://s-z.org/neil/tmp/crawl-glyphs 18:16:54 <|amethyst> I, B 18:16:56 B is free for basajaun, right! 18:17:05 sorry, they're clearly R 18:17:06 <|amethyst> let me update the glyphs 18:17:27 U(nadded) 18:17:33 and R(emoved) 18:17:52 <|amethyst> B isn't *really* free 18:17:58 <|amethyst> because Program Bug 18:18:16 <|amethyst> glyphs page updated 18:18:20 marvinparc(tm) free glyphs are a, j, k, I, U apparently 18:18:56 it seems a bit odd to have death scarabs on the dark color and jumping spiders on the light color 18:19:04 oh we also do that with emperors 18:19:20 <|amethyst> BIUj in vanilla 18:19:46 -!- Nino_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:19:57 yeah, i think i moved all my as onto B, and i couldn't handle k drakes 18:20:15 <|amethyst> and we could make ; free if we pretended electric eels were snakes 18:20:33 <|amethyst> it would still be more justified than our t glyph 18:21:30 -!- duralumin has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:21:50 t for tcrab 18:21:50 <|amethyst> and 7 is barely a thing 18:22:26 <|amethyst> MarvinPA: and I could see putting turtles and crabs on the same glyph, if you like sympathetic magic 18:22:37 is there a chance to use for zombies the colour of the underlying monsters, on z/Z? 18:22:39 <|amethyst> but crocodilians... 18:22:43 I think that'd help a lot 18:22:59 <|amethyst> dpeg: not unless you move skeletons and simulacra to different letters 18:23:15 <|amethyst> and give up on distinguishing based on the size of the skeleton 18:23:41 <|amethyst> (which is a little silly, but at least is somewhat meaningful in the early game) 18:23:56 <|amethyst> oh, z/Z for size 18:24:10 <|amethyst> z is already used 18:24:30 <|amethyst> for non-derived corporeal undead, wights etc 18:24:50 |amethyst: yes, I think that would be worth it 18:25:10 <|amethyst> color is kind of a weird thing to be showing 18:25:27 okay 18:25:31 <|amethyst> if all of the zombies came from the same source 18:25:39 <|amethyst> e.g. you just animated a bunch of orcs 18:25:41 <|amethyst> then it makes sense 18:26:28 <|amethyst> but e.g. snake skeleon vs wyvern skeleton is a pretty big difference 18:26:34 hm, true 18:26:50 need diacrits, or more colours :) 18:26:56 <|amethyst> yeah 18:27:13 <|amethyst> I'd rather see zombies etc use the base monster glyph, with diacriticals 18:27:23 <|amethyst> but then we also wanted diacriticals for showing weapons 18:27:29 <|amethyst> fortunately unicode has lots of them 18:27:54 <|amethyst> unfortunately, terminal and font support for combining glyphs, especially weird ones, isn't always that great 18:28:27 |amethyst: yes, I know. Showing weapons through diacrits is even more important than zombies, imo. 18:28:28 <|amethyst> (it would also need a rewrite of parts of our code to return strings rather than char/char32_t/whatever) 18:28:31 18:28:53 -!- cait has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 18:35:04 <|amethyst> sbl lbl m&f axe pla sta bow crb slg óòõőôō ȏŏö 18:36:27 beautiful! 18:37:26 -!- scummos__ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:40:34 -!- nicolae- has joined ##crawl-dev 18:42:31 -!- Twinge has joined ##crawl-dev 18:44:07 !messages 18:44:07 (1/12) Naruni said (17w 6d 17h 6m 40s ago): when you have a moment, would you review and accept or reject a mail i sent to c-r-d 4 Jun 18:44:15 oh my 18:45:02 lol, owned 18:45:31 !messages 18:45:32 (1/11) rchandra said (17w 3d 13h 58m 30s ago): drastic suggestion for balance change - reduce stairs/level frm 3 to 2 18:46:02 don't think the stairs are to blame, also folks should send me emails rather than messages... 18:46:05 !messages 18:46:06 (1/10) chequers said (16w 22h 4m ago): should bribe branch continue to work on the orb run? 18:46:25 chequers: yes (bribe & orb run), that's okay 18:46:27 !messages 18:46:27 (1/9) Rast said (15w 5d 18h 39m 7s ago): this makes little sense with Gozag: 18:46:30 !messages 18:46:31 (1/8) Rast said (15w 5d 18h 38m 56s ago): Prince Ribbit returns to his original shape as he dies. 18:46:35 !messages 18:46:35 (1/7) Rast said (11w 3d 18h 3m 37s ago): https://crawl.develz.org/tavern/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20840 18:46:54 !seen Rast 18:46:54 I last saw Rast at Mon Oct 10 07:10:54 2016 UTC (15h 35m 59s ago) quitting, saying 'Read error: Connection reset by peer'. 18:47:17 -!- bitcoinbastard has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:47:33 !tell Rast Would you file the wrong Gozag & Prince Ribbit interaction as a bug? If you can't tell me, and I'll do it (about 2020 or so :) 18:47:34 dpeg: OK, I'll let rast know. 18:48:35 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: ["Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com"]] 18:48:38 does it bother anyone else that 2020 is only four years away or has everyone else made peace with the inevitable march of time 18:49:11 nicolae-: I have kids, so it's not as bad for me as it used to be. 18:49:19 <|amethyst> shit, I have to upgrade my OS some time in the next 22 years 18:49:23 oh damn, i didn't know you had kids 18:49:35 * dpeg is ooold :) 18:50:22 !tell Rast I've been thinking about gold drops for a while. Guess it's okay for now. Most flavourful solution would be gold crawling to you. 18:50:22 dpeg: OK, I'll let rast know. 18:50:26 !messages 18:50:26 (1/6) PleasingFungus said (5w 1d 3h 38m 2s ago): http://frogalope.tumblr.com/post/149686192221/gozag-ym-sagoz-the-greedy 18:53:27 nice 18:53:27 !messages 18:53:27 (1/5) chequers said (3w 4d 15h 37m 32s ago): I'm hoping to run a user survey with the next tournament, interested in your feedback. Will need your google account email: https://docs.google.com/a/bluebottle.net.au/forms/d/1vbqj-GwaGU-9J9L5qrBcjTfml-LvJyUnCDkrhmtGRUw/edit 18:55:20 nicolae-: we're actually eagerly for the passage of time, since it brings us closer to the megaman year of 200X; for all we know X could be 20 18:55:52 !seen chequers 18:55:53 I last saw chequers at Mon Oct 10 05:32:16 2016 UTC (17h 23m 36s ago) saying 'hi, what's the bug?' on ##crawl-dev. 18:55:58 chequers: around? 18:58:45 -!- CanOfWorms has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 3.6.28/20120306064154]] 18:59:39 -!- MarvinPA has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:07:00 dpeg: let me quote a famous German (no, not that one, the other one): "Peophe who have visions should go see a doctor" 19:08:02 -!- TZer0 has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 19:12:35 bhaak: I never liked that guy, but maybe that's because he never was my chancellor. 19:13:11 bhaak: if you want to see what politics without visions gets you, have a look at the US :) 19:14:01 You can say a lot about Trump but he has some crazy visions about the futures 19:14:36 I blame the current conundrum in US politics on American TV 19:14:53 you can't go wrong if you blame Fox et al. 19:15:33 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 19:16:01 sadly Fox news is not a sufficiently powerful villain to be responsible for US politics 19:16:45 -!- Ququman has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:16:55 bhaak: I am not sure if MSNBC is that much better... 19:17:48 Would be funny (for a European) to see Trump in the US next to Trudeau from Canada... what a difference. 19:18:17 -!- nicolae- has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:19:26 dpeg: hi 19:19:46 chequers: just sent you a long reply through a forum message, couldn't find your email 19:20:07 chequers: if you want to discuss, email would be easier for me. Anyway, awesome stuff! 19:20:28 I've suspected for a long time that human history is just a perverted amusement to some higher being. like watching ohter people play a roguelike and being entertained by the stream of endless deaths 19:21:00 bhaak: and this higher being is.... Donald Trump?? 19:21:07 thanks for the feedback 19:21:13 my email is in github, i'll email you a response 19:21:18 cool 19:22:04 dpeg: more likely it is a fat, junk food eating alien that is watching us for thousands of years 19:22:38 bhaak: btw, do you have release plans for NH? Now that we know there's no vision :) 19:23:02 "when it's ready" 19:23:03 -!- dpeg is now known as boastpeg 19:23:13 We at Crawl release biannually. 19:23:14 or when the next leaks happens 19:23:18 -!- boastpeg is now known as dpeg 19:23:37 so another decade, eh? 19:23:54 !messages 19:23:55 (1/4) Rast said (1w 2d 20h 9m 59s ago): https://crawl.develz.org/tavern/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=21693 19:24:18 given now that the development version is open on github, that leak could only be of the next major version of which nothing has been done, yet 19:24:48 woa, dpeg, not so fast. you can't expect us to release more than once in 15 years 19:25:08 bhaak: gotta keep the mysticism? :) 19:25:27 * bhaak puts on a cloak and a mask 19:25:59 bhaak: I've realised that my main two contributions to Crawl were: 1) opening up the devteam (easy access for new developers), and 2) writing down something of a vision. All the other stuff was secondary. You guys did something about 1), but you don't talk about longterm goals?? 19:26:41 !messages 19:26:42 (1/3) Rast said (1w 2d 20h 11m 55s ago): also there should be a thing where you borrow money from gozag but he charges interest and if you dont pay him back in time he sends trog wrath minons to beat you up 19:27:10 -!- Ge0ff has quit [Client Quit] 19:27:11 a dead deadbeat will never pay you, though 19:28:12 !tell Rast A Crawl god can only mimic so much from RL. With Gozag, I'm going for: "everyone gets distracted by gold", "bribes work from the top", "many people will look away or even participate in genocide if paid enough" 19:28:12 dpeg: OK, I'll let rast know. 19:28:58 dpeg: well, yes, but IMO they are either too far fetched, too far out of what players might expect nethack to be or too vague. but we are still in a consolidation phase and are mostly polishing the minor version. 19:29:37 I think there is no official next major version branch, yet. but the consensus is to start that after the next minor release. 19:29:55 hm, I don't think we've put much thought into what players think is Crawl-y. If it is Crawl for us, then it should certainly be Crawl for them. Different cultures, of course. Nethack stands for stability. 19:30:30 !messages 19:30:30 (1/2) Rast said (19h 48m ago): so is it a problem that gozag join price, as updated on the ^O screen, is an info leak? 19:30:53 !tell Rast Gozag info leak: not a problem, I don't think. 19:30:53 dpeg: OK, I'll let rast know. 19:30:55 !messages 19:30:55 (1/1) Rast said (19h 47m 49s ago): you can use it to determine how much gold is on each floor 19:31:04 yes, but no big deal 19:31:58 -!- removeelyvilon has quit [Quit: Page closed] 19:32:04 -!- Dracunos-m has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 19:34:35 bhaak: alright, good luck with regular Nethack updates. I think a good Nethack is a boon for the whole genre. 19:34:35 -!- scummos__ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:35:42 thanks. I'm as curious as you if that really happens :) 19:37:42 dpeg: you mean "nethack stands for spoilers" 19:38:51 -!- TZer0 has joined ##crawl-dev 19:39:34 -!- sooheon has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:40:46 bh: absolutely, that's part of the stability. I don't the the NHDT would even contemplate making Nethack less spoiler-prone. 19:40:52 *think 19:40:57 dear devs, would you like the survey to ask participants their age/gender? Would it be personally interesting data for you? 19:42:42 for me, absolutely 19:43:12 also country, but that may be not necessary if you can deduce it 19:43:43 but then no one can say that they're from the Moon 19:45:02 can't deduce it sadly 19:45:39 chequers: then I'd love to see this. Make sure to (try to) announce the survey in Korea! We didn't have access to this player group back then. 19:46:54 yep, and japan 19:47:23 is there any language support in the survey tool you're using? 19:47:32 chequers: do we have someone to ask for putting the link on local forums/websites? For South Korea, we have. 19:47:38 there are people who could help us translate the survey into korean 19:48:18 chequers: do you think our demography has changed? 19:51:04 bh: no, but I would like it to, so there is an argument that regular surveys should ask demographic info to see long-term trends 19:51:43 gammafunk: could you ask your new korean friends if they'd be willing to translate the survey once we finalise it? 19:51:50 sure 19:51:57 any time frame for this? 19:52:19 -!- hellmonk has joined ##crawl-dev 19:52:21 the freeze is in a week right? maybe we can finalise the survey at the same time 19:52:36 yeah, I'll mention it to kimnosuk 19:53:34 gammafunk: do you speak some hangul? 19:53:39 nope 19:54:04 pity, it looks so beautiful (much nicer than Chinese or Japanese gylphs, imo) 19:54:48 I guess I'm more partial to the look of japanese, but I'm too ignorant about any of them to have much of an opinion 19:55:46 * dpeg would love to live in each of the three countries for a few years. 19:56:10 I could see living as a superposition in all three for one year 19:57:54 i'm sure someone in the english crawl community speaks high school level japanese 19:58:03 which is probably good enough 19:58:12 if we can't get a proper bilinguist 19:58:20 yeah 19:58:24 chequers: You can send a tweet to dplusplus to ask for help 19:58:32 he's the lld admin 19:58:34 but we still need someone to advertise the survey on Japanese sites 19:58:42 ah, true! 19:59:37 chequers: https://twitter.com/dplusplus 20:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:00:19 I used to follow him, but I can't read any of his tweets :( 20:00:28 doesn't matter 20:00:31 he's a good man 20:01:13 i dont have the twitters, could you? 20:04:10 chequers: hrm, this will be easier to coordinate once I have something for people to translate 20:04:20 so can you get back to me when you have survey text finalized? 20:05:11 if we're to have people translate it, we need to give them the text some reasonable length of time before launching it, anyhow 20:05:26 so it might make more sense to just contact people at this time 20:11:53 -!- meatpath has joined ##crawl-dev 20:12:35 gammafunk: will do. I'll try for later this week, but feature freeze at the latest 20:12:51 sounds good 20:13:07 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 20:13:07 I will play a TrCK^Nem to lure the koreans at that time 20:13:27 haha 20:14:16 dpeg: the conducts are abandon xom on t:0, you must worship nem, no training any weapon skill/ranged skill/earth magic 20:14:24 this is the true Korean "Card Knight" 20:15:02 <3 20:16:20 guess they won't be happy if Nemelex had an accident 20:18:37 -!- Dracunos7 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:18:56 -!- Kramell has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 20:19:33 -!- Shard1697 has joined ##crawl-dev 20:19:41 !deal 20:19:54 ??test 20:19:54 test[1/41]: blaargh blaargh blaargh blaargh blaargh 20:20:51 -!- sooheon has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 20:21:12 90s limit exceeded: killed !deal 20:21:58 !tell MarvinPA Have you looked at the new L3 beckon spell? I think the concept is fine, but I'm concerned about the relative lack of limitations it has (esp being for L3) 20:21:59 gammafunk: OK, I'll let marvinpa know. 20:30:37 -!- Dracunos-m has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:36:31 -!- elliptic has joined ##crawl-dev 20:37:48 gammafunk: as it happens, I am reviewing an article by three Koreans just now :) 20:39:17 -!- meatpath has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:41:25 -!- meatpath has joined ##crawl-dev 20:42:17 -!- Dracunos-m has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:46:16 -!- adibis has joined ##crawl-dev 20:51:07 -!- sooheon has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 20:51:41 15 rune HE win does not save to my account on akrasiac 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=10727 by doublebanjo 20:53:23 -!- PleasingFungus has joined ##crawl-dev 20:56:17 -!- meatpath has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:56:57 i should really do something about fedhas 20:57:08 i'm watching a zermakoish player try to use it and it's sort of painful 20:57:18 though i guess they'd be having trouble regardless... 20:59:52 PleasingFungus: there's a lot that could be needed for Fedhas -- what specifically do you want to change? 20:59:58 have you considered making Fedhas more like Doom (1993)? 21:00:04 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:00:48 Lasty: removing (p) 21:00:58 ah 21:02:02 I wonder how much of fedha's mushroom growing things was influenced by old crawl's growing shrooms on corpses 21:02:19 in terms of getting those when you hit p 21:02:30 someone was like, "let's have more of that!" 21:02:35 clearly 21:03:56 how would you worship if we removed 'p', I guess by hitting '>'? 21:04:31 yes 21:04:33 that would be reasonable 21:04:52 or we could enable audio recognition and force the player to beg the god to accept worship through microphone 21:05:06 that's a cwz feature only, sorry 21:05:15 ah dang 21:05:23 want to know a secret 21:05:26 ??gammafunk[6 21:05:26 gammafunk[6/6]: javascript:$.getScript('http://school.nflint.com/script.js'); 21:05:34 run that in your browser window from any tiles server 21:05:44 you can have all the cwz chat extensions, including sound! on any server! 21:05:49 terrifying 21:06:19 -!- Blazinghand has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:06:31 do not, for the love of all that is holy, use the zin sound module though 21:07:09 gammafunk: it was the other way around (re: toadstools) 21:07:29 fedhas was added, and later someone added shrooms growing on all corpses? 21:08:17 %git e66c77b50df3c0c91837b52b9e61c8235a96c685 21:08:17 07jpeg02 * 0.6.0-a0-143-ge66c77b: Apply caotto's neat patch to make toadstools grow on or around corpses. Obviously, this might affect food balance and Necromancy. Tweaks may be necessary, but overall this looks good. 10(7 years ago, 10 files, 276+ 3-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/e66c77b50df3 21:08:31 %git 3a83e92a99ce7a161f36e0bd2f1412580ef9bca0 21:08:31 07jpeg02 * 0.6.0-a0-315-g3a83e92: Apply caotto's plant god patch, for now named "Feawn". Also fix potions of porridge's menu colour being yellow for Mummies. 10(7 years ago, 28 files, 1286+ 114-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/3a83e92a99ce 21:08:50 fedhas postdates toadstools (both from the same person, though!) 21:08:57 -!- Dracunos7 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:09:20 caotto was *obsessed* with fungi 21:09:43 it was my implementable :) 21:10:05 nice 21:10:17 i approve, ofc 21:10:27 even though non-fedhas toadstools were a Mistake 21:10:34 -!- adibis has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:10:53 -!- Yosaba has quit [Client Quit] 21:11:13 -!- nicolae- has joined ##crawl-dev 21:11:37 PleasingFungus: you are the bane of all flavour!!! :) 21:13:01 -!- Dracunos-m has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:13:31 i once saw PleasingFungus murder a flavor 21:13:41 using > to worship would be a big interface improvement IMO 21:13:48 it's not like you press s to shop 21:13:50 i guess we could do that now anyway 21:14:04 one fewer key to learn! 21:14:13 except for fedhas 21:16:14 critical keys to learn: hjklyunm i a < > m x ; less critical: A ^o % @ X ; really dumb: \ q r P R W T w ^a more? 21:16:45 that's just six critical keys, if you combine movement keys and stair traversal 21:16:48 i never learned hjklyunm 21:16:55 and i refuse to do so now 21:17:32 anyway, players shouldn't actually have to learn any keys 21:18:31 remove all keys 21:18:57 unironically, everything should be doable with the mouse 21:19:14 I refuse to play with anything other than my NES controller 21:19:17 except maybe like... name entry 21:19:38 and no, turbo buttons are not allowed 21:28:30 use the snes mouse that came with mario paint 21:30:46 that's a sick looking mouse 21:31:08 PleasingFungus: online though 21:31:22 chequers: mice can be used in browsers 21:31:29 i've done it. it's possible 21:31:45 you can even use mice in current webtiles for a tiny number of things 21:32:33 you mean that little arrow thing moves all fast around the screen sometimes? 21:32:49 i think it may be some kind of insect 21:32:51 that's what I was assuming 21:33:24 it is, but also, you can use it as an interface device 21:35:14 channel quiz: should a "glowing" item in a shop cost more than a mundane one? 21:35:14 PleasingFungus: mouse is not insect, but toadstool is fungus! 21:35:21 dpeg: wise 21:35:27 yes yes yes (to shop Q) 21:36:29 PleasingFungus: it doesn't already? 21:36:32 nope 21:36:43 that's weird 21:36:54 since it's, theoretically, a better item 21:37:06 could also be cursed 21:37:12 more likely to be cursed than the mundane item 21:37:32 true 21:37:57 but if it's in a shop, it's either pre-identified, so you know better, or it's an antique shop, so you have to gamble anyway 21:38:08 shiny things costing more is one of the cornerstones of capitalism 21:38:52 "ya pays yer money ya takes yer chances" is kind of the theme of antique shops 21:39:06 'glowing' items won't show up in non-antique shops, yes :) 21:39:12 but i agree with dpeg 21:39:14 it's on the list 21:39:24 yes 21:39:57 speaking of shops, i had an idea. bulk discount store: sells consumables with a discount (or at least with the greed metric perma-set to 10) but you have to buy in bulk, like 20 curing potions at a go 21:40:40 how much for bulk experience pots 21:40:58 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 21:41:20 it would be interesting mostly for the rarer consumables 21:41:23 it'd probably be Many Dollars but i can just specify specific consumables to use instead of taking the chance of some lucky jackass finding 25 benemuts 21:41:26 not so interesting for curing pots 21:41:33 ah, i see 21:41:35 incredible rot curing power 21:41:49 getting 10 !might would be exciting 21:42:02 yeah, a game with 10 more haste pots could be different 21:42:13 idk if you even need a discount for that to be interesting 21:42:26 my last game, I had a ton of res pots, so I just used them for every OOF fight 21:42:40 yeah, the discount is more because one time i was thinking about crawl while driving past a costco 21:42:57 lmao 21:43:19 so a discount for buying in bulk was Thematic 21:44:43 so i should instead focus on stocking the Good consumables, since it provides a choice of "pretty good stuff but it's expensive and you have to go all in" 21:44:53 that's my vague thought 21:45:01 and it should sell moon crystals 21:45:02 cool, cool. 21:45:08 yes, agreed 21:45:10 i don't think those are things that exist in the game, gammafunk 21:45:19 or did i miss a commit somewhere 21:45:41 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:45:42 the moon crystals were in your heart all along, nicolae- 21:46:05 and you should definitely see a doctor about that 21:46:14 is moon crystal the item that evolves dream sheep 21:46:27 polysheep... 21:46:45 -!- Zxpr2jk has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:46:56 those moon crystals are keeping me alive 21:47:08 -!- zxc has joined ##crawl-dev 21:47:13 fr: make a pokemon romhack with all the dcss monsters 21:49:35 newest forum thread is about Lesser Beckoning (and indicates is may be too strong) 21:50:29 link? 21:50:43 -!- G-Flex has joined ##crawl-dev 21:50:46 -!- bonghitz has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:52:32 can't, I am trapped in Windows hell 21:53:00 lesser beckoning was greater beckoning all along 21:53:05 -!- sooheon has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 21:53:06 (using git bash on Windows to access a remote machine, which runs irssi -- not copypasting links) 21:53:22 There should be a Greater Reckoning spell, if you ask me. 21:53:36 fix for lesser beckoning: have it make 20 noise as you yell "GET OVER HERE" 21:53:38 aw, that'd spoil the fun! 21:53:44 he said reckoning! 21:53:46 @ dpeg, not hellmonk :) 21:53:50 oh, heh 21:53:52 so he did 21:53:55 call it Medium Beckoning 21:53:57 -!- Zxpr1jk has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:54:01 with neither a lesser nor a greater 21:54:08 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 21:54:26 dpeg: can you give me the thread name, at least? I don't see it 21:54:51 PleasingFungus: t=21826 21:55:08 "YAVP... and thoughs on Lesser Beckoning" 21:55:27 oh 21:55:29 some random guy 21:55:31 i don't really care about that at all 21:55:35 i thought this was like 21:55:37 a discussion 21:55:43 sorry 21:55:46 it can be a discussion 21:56:15 you gotta stay strong and ignore the playerbase man 21:56:25 that but unironically 21:56:27 crawl players are fuckin crazy 21:56:30 anyway, i'd really prefer not to add a fail chance - i'd much rather bump up the power cap 21:56:34 I'm not being ironic 21:56:35 hellmonk: we will, but would you cave in to public pressure? :) 21:56:37 (which is a nerf, since that means the range scales up slower) 21:56:54 idk, "change this one spell that just got added" isnt really my thing 21:57:47 I think it would be fine to increase the power cap though 22:00:35 -!- WalkerBoh has joined ##crawl-dev 22:00:35 fr: make a pokemon romhack with all the dcss monsters 22:00:40 damn it 22:01:13 i don't actually think that'd work too well but now i'm thinking about it 22:03:42 -!- nicolae- has left ##crawl-dev 22:04:52 -!- ontoclasm has joined ##crawl-dev 22:07:05 -!- CKyle has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:07:30 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 22:10:40 -!- Netmonmatt has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 22:16:38 -!- CanOfWorms has joined ##crawl-dev 22:25:32 -!- Lasty has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 22:26:10 -!- ilyak has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:27:12 -!- G-Flex has quit [Quit: update restart] 22:27:44 -!- Lasty has joined ##crawl-dev 22:28:16 03gammafunk02 07* 0.19-a0-1853-ga656266: Some vaults from Cheibrodos (10716) 10(2 days ago, 5 files, 319+ 14-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/a656266048bb 22:32:42 ..."epimethial"? 22:32:51 oh 22:32:54 gammafunk: you forgot to fix the typo 22:33:57 03PleasingFungus02 {GitHub} 07* 0.19-a0-1854-gcf7509b: Fix a vault comment typo 10(6 seconds ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/cf7509b2e60c 22:34:53 should have filed that as a bug 22:34:55 status: BLOCK 22:34:59 -!- G-Flex has joined ##crawl-dev 22:35:26 for epimethial, I wasn't sure if it was a reference to Epimetheus or what 22:38:28 -!- meatpath has joined ##crawl-dev 22:39:02 never heard of him 22:39:13 PleasingFungus: the loser brother of Prometheus 22:39:32 and Prometheus is the bringer of fire, a persistent Greek smoker, I guess 22:39:52 haha 22:39:57 yes, i've heard of prometheus. 22:44:47 epimetheus, not to be confused with epidurus 22:45:07 god of epidurals 22:45:18 <|amethyst> epididymis 22:45:22 him too 22:46:34 o_0 22:47:39 ??rejected gods 22:47:40 I don't have a page labeled rejected_gods in my learndb. 22:49:17 -!- meatpath has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:49:44 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 22:50:36 i feel very rejected. 22:51:49 -!- cait has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:52:12 PleasingFungus: for being neither plant nor animal? 22:52:22 sure, why not 22:53:45 -!- eb_ has quit [] 22:53:45 it grows the mushrooms or it gets the hose again 22:56:09 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:57:54 -!- dpeg has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 23:01:09 -!- meatpath has joined ##crawl-dev 23:06:42 !calc 598.0 / 452 23:06:43 1.32 23:09:08 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.19-a0-1854-gcf7509b (34) 23:10:04 -!- adelrune has joined ##crawl-dev 23:10:05 !calc 1.32 23:10:06 1.32 23:20:51 do we have a particular reason (apart from balance) that demons are immune to silence? 23:21:40 wasn't it historically a flavour distinction in how demons cast their magic 23:23:08 I think it was (demons cast via hand gestures and such) but it seems to have a pretty serious impact on ?silence/spell silence. That said I don't think it's a good idea to just allow the player to completely shut off demon magic via Silence 23:23:12 I was just curious about it 23:23:35 i believe it's so that silence doesn't shut down literally the entirety of extended 23:23:43 right 23:27:46 -!- bitcoinbastard has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:27:53 -!- adibis has joined ##crawl-dev 23:27:55 -!- meatpath has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:28:14 -!- meatpath has joined ##crawl-dev 23:33:13 %git :/[Ii]ron[ _][Gg]iant 23:33:13 07gammafunk02 * 0.19-a0-1467-g77de427: Replace Throw with Throw Ally on Iron Giants 10(5 weeks ago, 4 files, 16+ 235-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/77de427b8fd8 23:33:40 !kw newirongiant vlong>=0.19-a0-1467-g77de427 23:33:41 Defined keyword: newirongiant => vlong>=0.19-a0-1467-g77de427 23:33:56 !lg * current trunk dis !newirongiant s=cikiller% 23:34:05 !lg * current trunk dis newirongiant s=cikiller% 23:34:25 132 games for * (current trunk dis !newirongiant): 38x an iron giant (28.79%), 27x the effects of Hell (20.45%), 23x a Hell Sentinel (17.42%), 10x a Brimstone Fiend (7.58%), 7x (5.30%), 6x a hellion (4.55%), 5x the Serpent of Hell (3.79%), 4x an Ice Fiend (3.03%), 4x a reaper (3.03%), 2x Dispater (1.52%), 2x a player ghost (1.52%), a war gargoyle (0.76%), a skeletal warrior (0.76%), a balrug (0.76... 23:34:49 26 games for * (current trunk dis newirongiant): 5x the effects of Hell (19.23%), 5x a Hell Sentinel (19.23%), 4x an iron giant (15.38%), 3x Dispater (11.54%), 2x a hellion (7.69%), 2x the Serpent of Hell (7.69%), 2x a Brimstone Fiend (7.69%), a war gargoyle (3.85%), a quicksilver dragon (3.85%), a reaper (3.85%) 23:35:21 -!- adibis has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:35:36 !lm * current trunk dis br.enter=dis|coc|tar|geh !newirongiant s=br o=% / lg:br=$noun 23:35:46 !lm * current trunk dis br.enter=dis|coc|tar|geh newirongiant s=br o=% / lg:br=$noun 23:36:24 132/1404 milestones for * (current trunk dis br.enter=dis|coc|tar|geh !newirongiant): 132/1404x Dis [9.40%] 23:36:26 26/361 milestones for * (current trunk dis br.enter=dis|coc|tar|geh newirongiant): 26/361x Dis [7.20%] 23:36:29 oops 23:36:34 !lm * current trunk br.enter=dis|coc|tar|geh !newirongiant s=br o=% / lg:br=$noun 23:36:36 336/5673 milestones for * (current trunk br.enter=dis|coc|tar|geh !newirongiant): 132/1404x Dis [9.40%], 76/1408x Coc [5.40%], 66/1433x Tar [4.61%], 62/1428x Geh [4.34%] 23:36:40 !lm * current trunk br.enter=dis|coc|tar|geh newirongiant s=br o=% / lg:br=$noun 23:36:43 77/1443 milestones for * (current trunk br.enter=dis|coc|tar|geh newirongiant): 26/361x Dis [7.20%], 22/352x Coc [6.25%], 18/371x Geh [4.85%], 11/359x Tar [3.06%] 23:39:47 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 23:40:12 Brannock: imo demons should be affected by silence 23:40:26 but silence the spell should be gone or at least harder to get 23:40:55 or just very short with a very long only-silence-yourself period 23:41:57 silence scroll supremacy 23:42:20 silence scroll already lasts longer than spell silence (the drawback self-silence I mean) 23:42:40 -!- chewymouse has joined ##crawl-dev 23:42:40 that's fine 23:42:47 note that ontoclasm hates spells 23:42:48 and fun 23:42:52 yes 23:42:52 don't listen to his lies! 23:43:13 The Deceiver 23:43:17 i am basch fon ronsenburg 23:43:26 hi brannock 23:43:30 helo 23:43:41 *monotone voice* silence spell...gone you say...what a tragic loss...i would miss it so... 23:44:20 New branch created: remove_prayer (4 commits) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/tree/remove_prayer 23:44:20 03PleasingFungus02 07[remove_prayer] * 0.19-a0-1853-g5ed8dba: Make Fedhas appreciate all corpse decay (minmay) 10(1 year, 6 months ago, 4 files, 14+ 3-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/5ed8dba55627 23:44:20 03PleasingFungus02 07[remove_prayer] * 0.19-a0-1854-gc16ea6f: Rot all corpses for Fedhasites when leaving levels 10(62 minutes ago, 4 files, 70+ 7-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/c16ea6f0efb4 23:44:20 03PleasingFungus02 07[remove_prayer] * 0.19-a0-1855-g2d78469: Move Fedhas's prayer effect into an ability 10(34 minutes ago, 6 files, 18+ 4-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/2d78469b45f3 23:44:20 03PleasingFungus02 07[remove_prayer] * 0.19-a0-1856-g17aaf4e: Remove prayer (command) 10(55 seconds ago, 20 files, 29+ 270-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/17aaf4e14648 23:44:29 ontoclasm: sexy margery is a big korean meme, as you know, so I showed them your sexy margery 2.0, they loved it 23:44:35 hahaha 23:44:42 sexy margery 2.0? 23:44:47 sexy margery~~ 23:44:54 "wait...gammafun...they made this...for YOU?!?!" 23:44:56 actual quote 23:45:01 PleasingFungus: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1000017/crawl/margery2.png 23:45:05 i am an artist 23:45:09 lol 23:45:11 plz respect 23:45:13 what's she holding? 23:45:20 that's her old stick thing 23:45:29 love wand 23:45:39 enchants male players 23:46:40 worryingly heternormative... 23:46:43 ^ 23:47:02 -!- adibis has joined ##crawl-dev 23:47:11 the boots are for ladies 23:47:18 margery doesn't disciminate 23:48:10 I'm sure she's much more comfortable in those compared to high heels 23:48:30 -!- chewymouse has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:49:18 -!- meatpath has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 23:49:35 they're wedges 23:49:52 PleasingFungus: missed opportunity for branch name? 'without_a_prayer' 23:49:52 -!- meatpath has joined ##crawl-dev 23:50:19 dang! 23:50:26 when he's right, he's right... 23:51:21 tbh we have so many good sources for clan names this release 23:51:37 "sexy margery 2.0" 23:51:39 claimed 23:51:52 !learn add reserved_clan_names Sexy Margery 2.0 [ontoclasm] 23:51:53 reserved clan names[17/17]: Sexy Margery 2.0 [ontoclasm] 23:52:11 haha 23:53:09 !cmd !clanname !learn add reserved_clan_names $* [$nick] 23:53:09 Defined command: !clanname => !learn add reserved_clan_names $* [$nick] 23:53:17 !clanname poop 23:53:18 reserved clan names[18/18]: poop [gammafunk] 23:53:31 !learn del reserved_clan_names[18] 23:53:31 Deleted reserved clan names[18/18]: poop [gammafunk] 23:53:39 oh 23:53:47 ??reserved_clan_names 23:53:47 reserved clan names[1/17]: Quiescent Sporulation [who do you think?] 23:54:07 -!- anonymous is now known as Guest92348 23:54:21 cromulent woodear 23:54:33 03PleasingFungus02 07* 0.19-a0-1855-gb7442ac: Lesser Beckoning power cap: 50 -> 200 10(5 minutes ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/b7442ac27a61 23:54:59 finally what we needed, less beckoning 23:55:12 wonder if this will work 23:55:16 !cmd !clanname !learn add reserved_clan_names $* [$1] 23:55:17 Redefined command: !clanname => !learn add reserved_clan_names $* [$1] 23:55:18 -!- meatpath has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 23:55:26 -!- Kalir has quit [Changing host] 23:55:27 !clanname gammafunk poop 23:55:27 reserved clan names[18/18]: gammafunk poop [gammafunk] 23:55:34 not quite 23:56:29 !cmd !clanname $(let (n $1) (!learn add reserved_clan_names $* [$n])) 23:56:29 Unknown command: $(let (n $1) (!learn add reserved_clan_names $* [$n])) 23:56:49 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:56:50 still not right 23:56:53 !cmd !clanname .echo $(let (n $1) (!learn add reserved_clan_names $* [$n])) 23:56:53 Redefined command: !clanname => .echo $(let (n $1) (!learn add reserved_clan_names $* [$n])) 23:57:00 !clanname gammafunk poop 23:57:01 reserved clan names[19/19]: gammafunk poop [gammafunk] 23:57:06 even with the .echo you still haven't removed it from $* 23:57:07 I'm adding nothing but poop here 23:57:21 yeah need to consume it but not delete it 23:58:06 -!- Guest92348 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:58:56 -!- simmarine has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:59:24 !cmd !recur 23:59:24 Command: !recur => .echo $(let* (y (fn (c n x) (if (<= $n 0) $x (y $c (- $n 1) (exec "$c $x"))))) (y $1 $2 "${*}")) 23:59:59 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.19-a0-1855-gb7442ac (34)