00:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:00:05 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.18-a0-116-g2d311b1 (34) 00:00:08 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:00:17 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 00:00:40 chequers: uh, it looks different enough that i avoided it the first time =p 00:03:00 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:03:04 -!- evilmike has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:03:10 D: 00:03:11 -!- Lawman0 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:03:19 why was the git mirror link removed from the main page 00:03:27 -!- EriktheRed_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:04:15 -!- caricature has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:04:57 @??snorg 00:04:58 Snorg (09T) | Spd: 10 | HD: 8 | HP: 96 | AC/EV: 0/10 | Dam: 20, 1509(claw), 1509(claw) | 10doors, regen | Res: 06magic(60) | XP: 1134 | Sp: berserker rage [11!AM, 06!sil] | Sz: Large | Int: human. 00:06:37 -!- ythm has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:07:57 -!- fazisi has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:09:04 -!- zero_one has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:10:58 -!- Kalir has quit [Changing host] 00:15:47 -!- agentgt has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:16:18 gammafunk: i'm happy with my temple map now 00:20:42 03chequers02 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/173 * 0.18-a0-78-gf5a010d: Temple vault: Sunken Temple 10(17 hours ago, 1 file, 78+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/f5a010d7612f 00:22:15 -!- Jessika has quit [Quit: Page closed] 00:24:04 what *is* sif's altar, btw? 00:24:10 it's like a blue poop 00:24:42 it's a mysterious obelisk made of blue poop 00:25:20 -!- lobf has joined ##crawl-dev 00:26:17 gotcha 00:28:21 -!- __miek has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:30:06 the map of tomb:3 in http://crawl.akrasiac.org/saves/amalloy-crawl-0.17-151116-0029.tar.bz2 looks messed up: there's no way i ever explored that area in the southeast, but it's revealed on the map when i XGW3 00:35:02 <|amethyst> someone had a similar weirdness 00:35:05 my brother played a game where one of the slime vaults were visible before TRJ was killed 00:35:20 !Xom 00:35:39 <|amethyst> !bug 10050 00:35:39 https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=10050 00:35:40 -!- cr0ne has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:35:49 <|amethyst> amalloy: might want to link your save there 00:36:14 thanks 00:36:50 playing now, will get to it later 00:41:31 -!- fazisi has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:44:48 -!- Silas is now known as Guest10134 00:45:05 -!- vev has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:46:31 -!- ussdefiant_ has joined ##crawl-dev 00:48:46 !cmd !xom 00:48:46 No command !xom 00:49:31 well, sif's altar blue poop? 00:49:33 that's fine 00:49:53 ..ok but....no chequers commit will ever get merged again 00:50:03 D: 00:50:18 it is your tile? 00:50:45 oh no 00:50:51 !lg * god=sif s=name% 00:50:54 93100 games for * (god=sif): 905x Kave (0.97%), 829x gammafunk (0.89%), 581x 4thArraOfDagon (0.62%), 514x silentsnack (0.55%), 472x Darmok (0.51%), 457x aTarkinC (0.49%), 405x buffalo66 (0.44%), 374x Avigdore (0.40%), 352x GavinH (0.38%), 335x Sorbius (0.36%), 329x Bruce (0.35%), 295x Sky (0.32%), 292x Sbamiri (0.31%), 278x Johan (0.30%), 270x minmay (0.29%), 267x Celsitudo (0.29%), 262x clouded (... 00:50:58 yeah 00:51:06 but you're happy with the visuals? 00:51:10 hell no 00:51:16 it's a blue poop 00:51:24 of the temple 00:51:43 yes. it's a bit of a speedrunning autoexplore trap, if that's a problem, though 00:52:06 well, speedrunning autoexplore is kind of an oxymoron 00:52:09 <|amethyst> I wouldn't worry about speedrunning + autoexplore, because ... 00:52:11 <|amethyst> yeah, that 00:52:45 well, the only thing I'm not 100% on is what floor tile the sand should be. Do youse think it'd be better as more mossy floor? 00:52:54 yeah I think there could be a better floor tile there 00:53:07 the water + brick floor tiles look really nice 00:53:14 but the sandstone kind of stands out in an odd way 00:53:21 or whatever that tile actually is 00:53:33 floor_moss 00:53:50 well, I guess you could just make the temple not have sticky-out-bits at all 00:53:55 I meant the sandy one, that's floor_moss? 00:54:03 floor_dirt 00:54:06 ah, yeah 00:54:30 so you'd have statue-blank-altar-blank-statue-... 00:54:59 except the end of the temple should have one more column.. ok i'll fix this myself 00:55:31 yeah, that's just my subjective opinion etc 00:56:07 chequers: oh, there's this nice kind of darker cracked floor tile 00:56:44 looks sort of sandy, could work nicely for ruins, but I guess the problem is that this tile is only appearing at the beginning and in front of an altar 00:56:55 ? 00:56:57 which one 00:57:18 -!- cobaltphoenix has quit [Quit: Page closed] 00:57:30 let me see if I can find it 00:58:01 actually, isn't there a beach/sand tile 00:58:04 rather than dirt 00:58:25 yes there is as well 00:58:26 FLOOR_SANDSTONE 00:58:41 -!- OCTOTROG has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:58:42 in the tile sheet, it's before the red volcanic rock wall tile 00:58:43 s 00:59:35 but I wonder if it would help to simple mix in this tile a bit around the altar 00:59:45 maybe a bit near the door 00:59:54 sandstone no good, it's the ossuary tile 01:00:04 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:00:11 maybe the entry should be within the temple 01:00:20 would solve this whole problem 01:00:38 yeah you could do that 01:01:02 wrt tiles like that, it's ok to use a tile that shows up in ossuaries or w/e, it's more about the visuals 01:01:12 use the one that looks the best to you 01:01:17 -!- agentgt has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:01:59 I don't think we have any wall tiles that would be really bad if they showed up only in one place 01:02:15 er if they showed up in more than one place, rather 01:02:53 baring something like using a water/lava tile on something that wasn't actually water/lava 01:03:16 :) 01:03:17 Unstable branch on crawl.s-z.org updated to: 0.18-a0-116-g2d311b1 (34) 01:04:09 the water fuzzing looks really nice though 01:04:15 def. feels like a flooded, ruined place 01:04:49 yeah, I'm pretty happy how well dumb substitution works 01:06:15 hah. just realised the temple floor i'm using is actually the default, not floor_moss 01:06:32 floor_moss is way too green too, so default it remains 01:09:36 -!- simmarine has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:12:40 -!- doubtofbuddha has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 01:14:22 -!- Pacra has quit [Quit: welp cya] 01:15:12 -!- Krakhan has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 01:16:06 -!- ontoclasm has joined ##crawl-dev 01:17:57 -!- Critica has quit [Quit: Bye] 01:18:24 Unstable branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.18-a0-116-g2d311b1 (34) 01:19:05 -!- Critica has quit [Client Quit] 01:24:04 man, the hardest part of vault making is tiddly aesthetic design choices 01:24:40 -!- setecastronomy has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 01:27:32 -!- orionstein has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:27:52 -!- Lantell has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:28:13 so why is there one single elf ending with crystal guardians 01:28:59 -!- Lantell has joined ##crawl-dev 01:29:40 -!- jbalthetto has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 01:30:05 deep elf annihilator (12e) | Spd: 10 | HD: 15 | HP: 57-79 | AC/EV: 1/12 | Dam: 12 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 06magic(120) | XP: 1264 | Sp: b.lightning (3d20), crystal spear (3d34), blink, iron shot (3d28), poison arrow (3d22) | Sz: Medium | Int: human. 01:30:05 %??deep elf annihilator 01:30:11 crystal guardian (038) | Spd: 10 | HD: 16 | HP: 57-74 | AC/EV: 22/0 | Dam: 35 | 11non-living, 10doors, see invisible, unbreathing | Res: 13magic(immune), 04fire+++, 12cold+++, 11elec+++, 09poison+++, 12drown, 04rot+++, 13neg+++, 13torm | XP: 1107 | Sp: b.crystal (3d25) [06!sil] | Sz: Large | Int: brainless. 01:30:11 %??crystal guardian 01:30:31 -!- gressup has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:30:50 look at this 01:32:10 "hey, look at this!" 01:32:18 yep that's a crystal guardian 01:32:23 yes 01:32:45 martin yan: "hey! look at this! a crystal guardian!" 01:32:50 the point is they're heavily at odds with the branch's theme of effectively glass cannons 01:32:55 "if yan can cook, so can you!" 01:33:06 that's an elf theme? 01:33:11 I thought it was destructive magic 01:33:21 (which is what the god altar theme is) 01:34:01 the point is that crystal guardians at range have damage comparable to that of a deep elf annihilator, except nowhere near as fragile 01:34:13 deep elf blademaster (11e) | Spd: 15 | HD: 16 | HP: 91-116 | AC/EV: 3/25 | Dam: 25, 25 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, two-weapon, fighter | Res: 06magic(120) | XP: 2585 | Sz: Medium | Int: human. 01:34:13 %??deep elf blademaster 01:35:55 ok, i'm happy for reals gammafunk 01:36:02 Lightli: i mean, they really don't though 01:36:15 because their damage is resistable 01:36:22 unlike annihilators (for the most part) 01:36:32 isn't crystal bolt physical 01:36:35 ??crystal guardian 01:36:36 crystal guardian[1/1]: Replaces crystal golems in 0.14. Has less HP, but is now speed 10. Able to cast bolt of crystal, which does 3d25 which is randomly resistable by either rF or rC, determined per-bolt, and can bounce off of any wall type. 01:36:37 no 01:36:39 no, it's randomly fire or ice 01:36:41 oh that thing 01:36:55 so you need 2 resists to be fully safe and it bounces 01:37:03 03chequers02 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/173 * 0.18-a0-78-g07a7a6c: Temple vault: Sunken Temple 10(19 hours ago, 1 file, 72+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/07a7a6cd5d81 01:38:16 point is crystal guardians either shouldn't be in that one elf ending, or they should be put into every elf ending 01:38:26 -!- gammafunk has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 01:38:30 and maybe scattered around elf in general so they don't take people by surprise 01:38:37 i don't see how that follows 01:38:57 -!- molotove has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 01:39:01 vaults contain all kinds of weird monsters in all kinds of places 01:39:28 -!- argent0 has quit [Quit: leaving] 01:39:53 i mean, some crypt ends have ancient liches 01:39:57 others have vampire mages 01:40:00 yeah 01:40:29 doy: When all the regular elves are basically without any resists, and all the other endings are filled with said regular elves, throwing multiple enemies that are completely immune to every element and are durable as hell thanks to 22 AC in a single ending is kind of off 01:41:06 It's like a RNG roll if you're using freezing cloud/poisonous cloud to beat Elf, and if you get the wrong number you can't do it right now 01:41:11 @??gelid demonspawn 01:41:11 gelid demonspawn (026) | Spd: 10 | HD: 10 | HP: 46-68 | AC/EV: 22/10 | Dam: 20 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors | Res: 06magic(40), 02cold++ | Vul: 08holy++, 11silver | XP: 718 | Sz: Medium | Int: human. 01:41:18 i... don't really see the problem with that 01:41:21 @??orc warlord 01:41:21 orc warlord (11o) | Spd: 10 | HD: 15 | HP: 86-134 | AC/EV: 12/7 | Dam: 32 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, fighter | Res: 06magic(60) | XP: 1669 | Sp: battlecry [11!AM] | Sz: Medium | Int: human. 01:41:31 considering that situation comes up all the time in all kinds of other contexts 01:41:36 yeah 01:41:50 entering lair and seeing a hydra before you can deal 01:42:58 the devs want to overhaul elf anyways since it's just fragile but powerful spellcasters 01:44:00 it is true that elf is currently pretty boring 01:45:28 ??grunt 01:45:28 grunt[1/27]: dang rip 01:45:34 someone (grunt?) suggested making elf permarock 01:46:08 what would that od 01:46:37 stop people from making killholes with digging/disintegration to fight them one at a time 01:46:54 huh 01:47:03 i guess i usually do elf on the later side 01:47:40 when do most people do elf? 01:47:54 !lm * br.end=elf s=xl 01:47:54 71126 milestones for * (br.end=elf): 8443x 19, 7573x 18, 7159x 20, 6802x 17, 6520x 16, 6383x 21, 5596x 22, 4867x 23, 3990x 24, 3814x 15, 3014x 25, 2695x 27, 1957x 26, 1570x 14, 534x 13, 171x 12, 32x 11, 3x 10, 2x 9, 1 01:48:13 !lm * br.end=elf s=xl recent 01:48:14 31174 milestones for * (br.end=elf recent): 4431x 19, 3735x 18, 3605x 20, 3383x 17, 3187x 16, 2959x 21, 2309x 22, 1858x 23, 1436x 24, 1347x 15, 1036x 25, 641x 27, 591x 26, 443x 14, 164x 13, 45x 12, 4x 11 01:48:30 yeah, at xl20, elf is basically popcorn 01:48:40 the end vault isn't 01:48:54 you can easily get overwhelmed if you are careless 01:49:03 sure, but only if you're careless 01:50:11 yeah! only stupid players die in elf 01:50:15 !lg * place=elf s=cv -graph 01:50:16 13305 games for * (place=elf): https://shalott.org/graphs/cffb3bd79e150a10430391519d036655ce82cc71.html 01:50:17 d: 01:50:44 !lg * / place=elf s=cv -graph 01:50:50 13305/4900692 games for *: https://shalott.org/graphs/79969a2cf4c9adbb0449faf1190b5da110c1b467.html 01:51:04 !lg * / place=orc s=cv -graph 01:51:09 !lg * / place=depths s=cv -graph 01:51:10 45445/4900692 games for *: https://shalott.org/graphs/72568dd9359a8d9bcc831e9ab4a245ca2c06fc34.html 01:51:16 7404/4900693 games for *: https://shalott.org/graphs/938b539e8c0d0f133c38429105f80a2c3722bd9a.html 01:51:19 -!- lobf has quit [Quit: lobf] 01:51:39 but if you killhole there's practically no way to be careless enough to die, which is why you should do it 01:51:48 looks like elf is slightly more deadly than depths in 0.17 01:52:00 !commit make depths more deadly than elf 01:52:01 3johnstein 0.18-a0-1999-g137295b: make depths more deadly than elf 10(in the future, 42 files, 777+ 666-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/commit.png?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=137295b 01:53:03 -!- molotove has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 01:54:21 Windows builds of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.18-a0-116-g2d311b1 01:54:50 remove digging 01:56:57 <|amethyst> johnstein: well 01:57:08 <|amethyst> elf is entered more often than elf 01:57:09 <|amethyst> err 01:57:10 <|amethyst> than depths 01:57:10 (I know, it's more than just how many people die) 01:57:20 <|amethyst> !lm * br.enter=elf / lg:place=elf 01:57:20 yea. 01:57:27 13253/94819 milestones for * (br.enter=elf): N=13253/94819 (13.98%) 01:57:27 <|amethyst> !lm * br.enter=depths / lg:place=depths 01:57:27 7403/47246 milestones for * (br.enter=depths): N=7403/47246 (15.67%) 01:57:31 <|amethyst> so pretty close actually 01:57:42 <|amethyst> oh 01:57:57 <|amethyst> oh, that's right 01:58:17 <|amethyst> was worried for a second I might be overcounting, but there's only one br.enter=foo per game 02:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:00:10 <|amethyst> !lm * br.enter s=br / lg:place=$noun o=% 02:00:32 91700/3085997 milestones for * (br.enter): 9982/67695x Bailey [14.75%], 11911/92645x IceCv [12.86%], 18125/151805x D [11.94%], 12457/110664x Ossuary [11.26%], 15270/158381x Sewer [9.64%], 6274/69071x Pan [9.08%], 5/57x Abyss [8.77%], 3318/56944x Volcano [5.83%], 4732/84497x Lab [5.60%], 626/18550x WizLab [3.37%], 560/26729x Hell [2.10%], 397/19946x Blade [1.99%], 2779/399539x Lair [0.70%], 4439/72... 02:01:06 <|amethyst> err 02:01:07 <|amethyst> !lm * br.enter s=noun / lg:place=$noun o=% 02:01:21 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 02:01:28 91700/3086000 milestones for * (br.enter): 14064/93957x Bailey [14.97%], 14069/109524x IceCv [12.85%], 176/1431x Minitom [12.30%], 16081/141171x Ossuary [11.39%], 23114/217371x Sewer [10.63%], 3/29x Shrine [10.34%], 7404/79578x Pan [9.30%], 5/56x Abyss [8.93%], 3639/63585x Volcano [5.72%], 6020/108677x Lab [5.54%], 781/24403x WizLab [3.20%], 560/26704x Hell [2.10%], 397/19914x Blade [1.99%], 901/6... 02:02:19 minitom? 02:02:24 <|amethyst> minitom is ossuary, what is shrine? 02:02:24 old name for ossuary 02:02:32 !lm * br.enter s=noun 02:02:36 ?/minitom 02:02:36 Matching terms (2): minitom, minitomb 02:02:38 3086007 milestones for * (br.enter): 730229x Temple, 367217x Lair, 259817x Orc, 217371x Sewer, 141172x Ossuary, 109524x IceCv, 108677x Lab, 97298x Vaults, 94820x Elf, 93957x Bailey, 79766x Snake, 79578x Pan, 77449x Swamp, 63585x Volcano, 63438x Spider, 61133x Shoals, 55266x Bazaar, 49165x Zot, 47246x Depths, 46665x Crypt, 45505x Slime, 26704x Hell, 25816x Hive, 24403x WizLab, 23248x Trove, 19914x ... 02:02:43 ??minitom 02:02:43 ossuary[1/2]: An early game portal to a miniature tomb, stuffed with mummies and zombies and traps and things. The portal is timed and will eventually close on its own. 02:03:01 !lm * br.enter s=noun !portal / lg:place=$noun o=% 02:03:04 ??shrine 02:03:04 shrine ~ shrike ~ caustic shrike[1/2]: potatolizard: they are jellies glued to beeeeeeeees 02:03:16 shrike shrine 02:03:20 33362/2440889 milestones for * (br.enter !portal): 4082/26262x Bailey [15.54%], 7844/58990x Sewer [13.30%], 2158/16878x IceCv [12.79%], 176/1431x Minitom [12.30%], 3624/30507x Ossuary [11.88%], 3/29x Shrine [10.34%], 7404/79578x Pan [9.30%], 5/56x Abyss [8.93%], 1288/24180x Lab [5.33%], 321/6641x Volcano [4.83%], 155/5853x WizLab [2.65%], 560/26704x Hell [2.10%], 397/19914x Blade [1.99%], 901/6343... 02:03:40 !lm noun=shrine s=explbr 02:03:41 No milestones for doy (noun=shrine). 02:03:45 !lm * noun=shrine s=explbr 02:03:45 29 milestones for * (noun=shrine): 29x 02:04:02 <|amethyst> !lm noun=shrine s=cv 02:04:02 No milestones for |amethyst (noun=shrine). 02:04:06 <|amethyst> !lm * noun=shrine s=cv 02:04:06 29 milestones for * (noun=shrine): 29x 0.6-a 02:04:10 huh 02:04:17 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 02:05:05 <|amethyst> %git 4e18c829e 02:05:05 07kilobyte02 * 0.6.0-a0-1440-g4e18c82: Shrines, by TGW. 10(6 years ago, 2 files, 391+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/4e18c829e2ba 02:05:33 <|amethyst> ah, they weren't actually branches 02:06:11 !lm * noun=shrine s=place 02:06:12 29 milestones for * (noun=shrine): 29x Shrine 02:06:12 <|amethyst> hm 02:06:15 <|amethyst> or were they 02:06:15 !lm * noun=shrine s=br 02:06:16 29 milestones for * (noun=shrine): 29x D 02:06:25 !lm * noun=shrine s=lvl 02:06:26 29 milestones for * (noun=shrine): 15x 2, 4x 5, 4x 3, 3x 6, 3x 4 02:06:40 <|amethyst> oh, right, at the time portal vaults weren't branches and I guess didn't need any C++ support 02:07:06 i wonder if this was before guaranteed early non-temple altars 02:07:45 <|amethyst> several of those look familiar 02:07:56 <|amethyst> shrine_sif, shrine_feawn 02:08:49 <|amethyst> %git 578de264d19b4705f9198569c662401f11947df7 02:08:49 07dpeg02 * 0.6.0-a1-356-g578de26: Move some shrine maps to altar.des. 10(6 years ago, 3 files, 228+ 451-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/578de264d19b 02:09:48 nice, margery polymorphed into a juggernaut 02:09:54 @??juggernaut 02:09:54 juggernaut (09C) | Spd: 15 (atk: 450%) | HD: 20 | HP: 155-185 | AC/EV: 20/10 | Dam: 120 | 10doors, fighter, see invisible | Res: 06magic(120), 12drown | XP: 7210 | Sz: Giant | Int: human. 02:10:01 @??margery 02:10:02 Margery (04@) | Spd: 10 | HD: 22 | HP: 164 | AC/EV: 7/9 | Dam: 30 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 06magic(140) | XP: 5081 | Sp: b.fire (3d32), fireball (3d33) | Sz: Medium | Int: human. 02:10:07 oh, so the fireball is weaker 02:10:44 yeah, it looks like shrine was just converted into the altar minivault idea 02:11:04 (before that, the temple altars were the only guaranteed ones) 02:11:41 -!- Dixlet_ has joined ##crawl-dev 02:11:43 <|amethyst> %git cf2043f5e0 02:11:43 07dpeg02 * 0.6.0-a0-828-gcf2043f: Ensure Feawn altar by D:8 the latest. 10(6 years ago, 1 file, 7+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/cf2043f5e087 02:12:10 <|amethyst> ah here 02:12:15 <|amethyst> %git e4d5c603 02:12:15 07Matthew_Cline02 * 0.6.0-a1-309-ge4d5c60: Place some of the altars outside of the Temple 10(6 years ago, 8 files, 256+ 7-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/e4d5c6039f79 02:12:25 ah right, and this was brought on because updating all of the temple vaults every time a new god was added was pretty tedious 02:12:28 -!- jspengler has quit [] 02:12:56 <|amethyst> %git f0b1c25f 02:12:56 07Matthew_Cline02 * 0.6.0-a1-327-gf0b1c25: Place arbitrarily sized main temple 10(6 years ago, 3 files, 33+ 11-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/f0b1c25fa937 02:15:48 -!- beaky has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:15:48 -!- Dixlet has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:15:49 -!- Eronarn has quit [Ping timeout: 448 seconds] 02:15:49 -!- tksquared has quit [Ping timeout: 448 seconds] 02:15:50 -!- neunon has quit [Ping timeout: 448 seconds] 02:15:51 -!- Shados has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.] 02:16:02 -!- neunon has joined ##crawl-dev 02:16:12 -!- Blazinghand has joined ##crawl-dev 02:19:46 -!- Eronarn has joined ##crawl-dev 02:22:18 -!- Kasofa has quit [Quit: Page closed] 02:26:27 -!- NeremWorld has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:31:22 -!- ontoclasm has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 02:33:07 -!- Elsi has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 02:33:30 -!- tensorpudding has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 02:37:06 -!- Patashu has joined ##crawl-dev 02:38:24 -!- Elsi has joined ##crawl-dev 02:39:10 -!- iafm has quit [Quit: leaving] 02:43:15 -!- tcsc has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 02:43:26 -!- mibe has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:47:10 -!- MgDark has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 02:59:37 -!- mong has quit [Quit: Leaving] 03:00:04 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:11:48 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.18-a0-116-g2d311b1 (34) 03:15:14 -!- Kalir has quit [Quit: CADENZA-CLASS CLOCKWORK KNIGHT--OPERATION TERMINATED] 03:17:58 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 03:21:48 -!- Patashu has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:22:29 -!- Patashu has joined ##crawl-dev 03:23:51 -!- Sorbius has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 03:31:45 -!- Twiggytwiggytwig has quit [Quit: See ya guys later ;)] 03:36:29 !messages 03:36:29 No messages for TZer0. 03:38:27 Your large abomination "gammafunk" says: "TZer0, I like you." 03:38:47 hey guys 03:38:57 o/ 03:39:45 -!- __miek has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:40:30 !nick admins 03:40:30 Mapping admins => johnstein hong medar tzer0 dplusplus chequers neil zkyp sd1989 03:40:56 probably Napkin should be in that, but we'd just end up pinging a lot 03:41:26 well, if it's important put me in there 03:41:35 yeah, maybe I'll do this 03:41:42 !nick admins napkin 03:41:43 Mapping admins => johnstein hong medar tzer0 dplusplus chequers neil zkyp sd1989 napkin 03:41:45 and then 03:41:56 !nick adminsnp johnstein hong medar tzer0 dplusplus chequers neil zkyp sd1989 03:41:56 Mapping adminsnp => johnstein hong medar tzer0 dplusplus chequers neil zkyp sd1989 03:42:31 !gamesby adminsnp 03:42:32 adminsnp has played 19877 games, between 2011-03-23 06:41:51 and 2015-11-16 08:27:50, won 261 (1.3%), high score 19842409, total score 1101763855, total turns 114800721, play-time/day 4:32:17, total time 321d+11:08:16. 03:42:38 !gamesby devteamnp 03:42:39 devteamnp has played 61127 games, between 2006-12-12 16:49:58 and 2015-11-16 07:32:50, won 1699 (2.8%), high score 52436210, total score 5648819292, total turns 604713314, play-time/day 13:04:59, total time 4y+318d+5:27:18. 03:43:00 !gamesby devteamnp !gfspeed !boring 03:43:01 devteamnp (!gfspeed !boring) has played 52613 games, between 2006-12-12 16:49:58 and 2015-11-16 07:32:50, won 1669 (3.2%), high score 52436210, total score 5489608953, total turns 579663869, play-time/day 12:14:31, total time 4y+203d+21:15:37. 03:43:12 !gamesby adminsnp !gfspeed !boring 03:43:13 adminsnp (!gfspeed !boring) has played 17726 games, between 2011-03-23 06:41:51 and 2015-11-16 08:27:50, won 255 (1.4%), high score 19842409, total score 1076528310, total turns 110722898, play-time/day 4:21:40, total time 308d+22:06:26. 03:44:20 CTRL+X display error 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=10082 by Napkin 03:44:37 !kw gfspeed 03:44:37 Keyword: gfspeed => char=heie|hesu|deie|desu|mibe|vsie 03:45:12 so you my games can assist the team properly 03:45:19 s/you/that/ 03:46:34 !gamesby . gfspeed 03:46:34 Medar (gfspeed) has played 16 games, between 2011-05-09 16:30:43 and 2015-10-15 18:21:29, won 1 (6.2%), high score 1515717, total score 2060271, total turns 342236, play-time/day 0:01:06, total time 1d+6:05:56. 03:46:39 -!- Blazinghand has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:47:00 -!- molotove has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:47:03 !lg medar gfspeed won 03:47:04 1. Medar the Ruinous (L27 VSIE of Qazlal), escaped with the Orb and 3 runes on 2015-10-15 18:21:29, with 1515717 points after 92729 turns and 7:02:12. 03:47:04 -!- keszocze has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:47:11 that speed 03:47:16 heh 03:48:00 !hs * ie 03:48:01 123243. Kolbur the Phalangite (L27 MfIE of Makhleb), escaped with the Orb and 15 runes on 2015-11-13 19:08:24, with 42411529 points after 34201 turns and 18:56:14. 03:48:07 oh wow 03:48:10 that's really recent 03:48:14 !hs * ie -log 03:48:15 123243. Kolbur, XL27 MfIE, T:34201: http://crawl.xtahua.com/crawl/morgue/Kolbur/morgue-Kolbur-20151113-190824.txt 03:48:21 probably a melee dude though 03:48:37 not following the spirit of the background 03:48:39 disqualified 03:50:43 rip 03:51:04 best bonafide mage in recent crawl is 27k for 15 03:51:22 IE as an actual mage could probably get close to that, I'm sure 34k, but that was an interesting Ko 03:51:25 16 stealth 03:51:43 and just +1 leather armour, only got close to 30 ac with ozoas 03:51:45 *ozos 03:52:15 relec, +6 slay so I see why he used it, and quite high ev, but that's still somewhat surprising 03:58:28 !kw gfspeed 03:58:28 Keyword: gfspeed => char=heie|hesu|deie|desu|mibe|vsie 03:58:38 oh I have a good one of those 03:58:44 !lg . gfspeed zot 03:58:45 1. n1000 the Necromancer (L19 DEIE of Sif Muna), blasted by a yellow draconian (splash of acid) on Zot:5 (hall_of_Zot) on 2014-04-26 08:56:45, with 302966 points after 29067 turns and 4:32:53. 04:00:04 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:00:59 -!- SurpriseTRex_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:02:24 -!- ussdefiant_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 04:04:17 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:04:27 -!- EriktheRed_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:06:40 gammafunk: haha 04:07:15 n1k: rip 04:07:25 rip 04:07:48 -!- __miek has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 04:08:16 TZer0: you cast summon horrible devs 04:08:22 yaaay 04:08:32 what's the summon cap? 04:08:42 !nick devteamnp 04:08:42 Mapping devteamnp => kilobyte pointless dpeg enne evktalo keskitalo bookofjude haranp rob sorear zaba felirx doy itsmu marvinpa evilmike sgrunt neil edlothiol jpeg erisdiscordia galehar elliptic ontoclasm bh frogbotherer samb dracoomega mumra medar hangedman sage wheals gammafunk pleasingfungus 78291 lasty reaver 04:08:48 hrm, good question 04:08:48 hahah 04:09:28 Summon Greater Admin 04:10:12 the dungeon can only cope with one dev at a time 04:11:26 If you summon a hostile Grunt you better use a blink scroll.... 04:13:10 -!- doubtofbuddha has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 04:18:28 -!- CanOfWorms has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 3.6.28/20120306064154]] 04:18:49 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:20:39 -!- GauHelldragon has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:22:34 -!- rchandra has left ##crawl-dev 04:23:55 -!- GauHelldragon2 is now known as GauHelldragon 04:25:42 -!- foeb has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:26:37 -!- Patashu has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 04:28:27 -!- Patashu has joined ##crawl-dev 04:30:45 -!- Wolfechu has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 04:34:14 -!- Voker57 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:34:19 -!- vale_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:34:57 -!- angelichorsey has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:38:54 -!- qoala has quit [Quit: Abscond!] 04:52:43 -!- Patashu has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 04:53:36 -!- Patashu has joined ##crawl-dev 04:55:35 -!- mopl has quit [Quit: Page closed] 04:57:00 -!- rossi_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:00:04 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:00:25 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 05:02:48 -!- SurpriseTRex has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:02:56 -!- Patashu has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:03:40 -!- Patashu has joined ##crawl-dev 05:15:57 -!- GauHelldragon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 05:21:28 -!- Evablue has quit [Quit: Evablue] 05:30:48 -!- keszocze has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 05:41:46 -!- Thorbinator_ has joined ##crawl-dev 05:42:13 -!- molotove has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:45:24 -!- Thorbinator has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 05:49:36 -!- st_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:53:03 -!- Dingo has quit [Quit: Leaving] 06:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:04:38 -!- mrmyers has quit [Quit: leaving] 06:04:58 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:11:26 -!- Twiggytwiggytwig has quit [Quit: See ya guys later ;)] 06:14:13 -!- ldf has joined ##crawl-dev 06:14:35 -!- Evablue has quit [Quit: Evablue] 06:15:46 -!- siepu has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 06:23:53 -!- ontamu has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:26:20 -!- debo has joined ##crawl-dev 06:33:26 -!- molotove has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:38:10 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 06:38:56 -!- StarButterfly has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:45:36 -!- zero_one has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:46:11 -!- KurzedMetal has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:53:38 -!- keszocze has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:54:50 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 06:55:57 -!- rossi_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:00:51 -!- Twiggytwiggytwig has quit [Quit: See ya guys later ;)] 07:04:42 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:09:29 -!- Patashu has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:14:43 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 07:14:56 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 07:30:46 -!- jeanjacques has quit [Quit: quit] 07:31:32 -!- UncertainKitten has joined ##crawl-dev 07:38:15 -!- Shados_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:40:37 -!- MarvinPA has joined ##crawl-dev 07:49:31 do i have to worry about off-level orcs waiting for my return? 07:51:23 -!- pblur_ has joined ##crawl-dev 07:52:50 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 07:54:53 -!- yottam has quit [Quit: leaving] 07:55:24 Napkin: worry about in what sense? 07:59:03 -!- Lasty has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 07:59:14 -!- doubtofbuddha has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:59:58 that they are attacked by spawned creatures 08:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:05:17 -!- wheals has joined ##crawl-dev 08:06:11 -!- Daekdroom has quit [Quit: Leaving] 08:13:54 -!- siepu has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:35:02 Napkin: monsters wander when you return to the level based on how long you've been away, but I believe it's only wandering and not any melee or other non-movement actions 08:35:28 Of course if you're worried about them, you can just recall 08:36:39 -!- debo has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 08:40:54 -!- waat has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:40:57 -!- beaky_ is now known as beaky 08:46:12 it would be so nice, if I could just sent some of them into retirement 08:47:01 and they are just too many to fight comfortably... the weak ones are often at the front and the strong ones with the good weapons at the back 08:47:16 so i'm doing the cancel recall thingy, hoping the strong ones show up first 08:47:31 Napkin: the strong ones should always show up first 08:47:41 I think it does recall by highest HD 08:47:42 not only 08:48:22 the last few times of recall only one warlord showed up, and urug and 2 knights 08:48:39 the other two warlords were probably busy ;) 08:48:39 hm, strange 08:51:49 recall: 1. orc knight, urug 2. turn: 2x warlord, 3. turn: 1x warlord, 1x orc knight 08:52:04 so, it's not so bad 08:52:58 hmm 08:53:14 That still seems wrong to me, but maybe I'm mistaken about how the recall code is intended to function 08:53:45 -!- rmd has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:54:03 -!- gareppa has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:55:01 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 08:55:44 <|amethyst> %git 4bf3e343 08:55:44 Could not find commit 4bf3e343 (git returned 128) 08:55:53 <|amethyst> %git 4bf3e34 08:55:53 07DracoOmega02 * 0.12-a0-2574-g4bf3e34: Recall allies in rough order of HD (with random jitter) 10(2 years, 8 months ago, 3 files, 31+ 8-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/4bf3e34638f7 08:55:59 -!- jefus_ is now known as jefus 08:55:59 ah 08:56:03 thanks |amethyst 08:57:03 on the bright side, i can level up more of those knights, so it's quite nice jitter 08:57:46 -!- rossi_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:07:23 -!- Twiggytwiggytwig has quit [Quit: See ya guys later ;)] 09:10:23 -!- iFurril has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:10:46 ?acid 09:10:52 ??acid 09:10:52 acid[1/3]: Causes you to receive a level of the debuff "Corr". The more acid damage you took, the more likely this is, meaning corrosion begets more corrosion. Each level of Corr reduces your AC by 5 and gives -3 slaying. Goes away after enough time has passed. Corr(-6) means -6 slaying and -10 AC. -4 slaying/AC per stack in .17. 09:11:59 so, in 0.17 Corr(-6) means -24slaying and -24ac?? 09:13:08 In webtiles at least, Corr(-6) means -6 AC, -6 slaying 09:13:38 i'm confused about the "-4 slaying/AC per stack" 09:13:39 Look at your AC value and compare to natural+equipment AC to double check 09:14:03 I know that some sources (notably entropy weaver) don't obey that. 09:14:31 I think AF_ACID does work in stacks of 4. 09:14:50 <|amethyst> what do you mean about entropy weavers? 09:15:17 -!- tcsc has quit [Client Quit] 09:15:19 Entropy weavers can give you 14 corrosion 09:15:38 !learn set acid[1] Causes you to receive a level of the debuff "Corr". The more acid damage you took, the more likely this is, meaning corrosion begets more corrosion. Each level of Corr reduces your AC by 4 and gives -4 slaying. Goes away after enough time has passed. Corr(-4) means -4 slaying and -4 AC. 09:15:38 acid[1/3]: Causes you to receive a level of the debuff "Corr". The more acid damage you took, the more likely this is, meaning corrosion begets more corrosion. Each level of Corr reduces your AC by 4 and gives -4 slaying. Goes away after enough time has passed. Corr(-4) means -4 slaying and -4 AC. 09:15:41 -!- Vesto has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:15:48 I think it's something like random even number between 12 and 20 inclusive. 09:16:02 thank you, wheals :) 09:16:09 I have no clue how you'd get -6 09:16:19 Maybe acid bolt or something? 09:16:28 <|amethyst> I have no clue either 09:16:33 Acid cloud? 09:16:33 you can't get Corr(-6) now 09:16:42 <|amethyst> inf->light_text = make_stringf("Corr (%d)", 09:16:42 <|amethyst> (-4 * you.props["corrosion_amount"].get_int())); 09:16:49 but it used to just be 2 stacks of corrosion 09:16:56 Ah...... 09:16:58 Gotcha 09:16:59 <|amethyst> so if it says Corr(-6) you have broken mathematics 09:17:13 or a badly-written learndb entry 09:20:09 "The wall burns Herok!" those messages show up when the orc steps away from the wall.. is that when the damage is dealt? 09:20:14 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 09:20:37 pblur_: entropy weavers attempt to give you 4 levels of corrode (-16 AC/slay). Each level you have reduces the odds of another level being applied, meaning that you sometimes will get -12, -8, or even -4 AC/slay from a Word of Entropy cast. 09:20:43 -!- debo has joined ##crawl-dev 09:21:05 Well, that's good to know. ;) 09:22:12 !source player.cc 09:22:12 https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/player.cc 09:26:29 !learn set acid[1 May cause you to receive a level of the debuff "Corr". When something attempts to corrode you, it may fail to apply at a Corr_level/Corr_level+9 chance. Each level of Corr reduces your AC by 4 and gives -4 slaying. Goes away after enough time has passed. Corr(-4) means -4 slaying/-4 AC. 09:26:29 acid[1/3]: May cause you to receive a level of the debuff "Corr". When something attempts to corrode you, it may fail to apply at a Corr_level/Corr_level+9 chance. Each level of Corr reduces your AC by 4 and gives -4 slaying. Goes away after enough time has passed. Corr(-4) means -4 slaying/-4 AC. 09:26:42 -!- Lasty_1 is now known as Lasty_ 09:27:08 Napkin: it looks like monsters get slime wall damage on their turn before they move 09:27:20 i don't know if moving the code will break it, though... 09:28:59 !learn edit acid[1 s/it may fail to apply at a Corr_level\/Corr_level+9 chance/it has a Corr_level\/(Corr_level+9) chance to fail/ 09:28:59 No change: regex `it may fail to apply at a Corr_level\/Corr_level+9 chance` does not match `May cause you to receive a level of the debuff "Corr". When something attempts to corrode you, it may fail to apply at a Corr_level/Corr_level+9 chance. Each level of Corr reduces your AC by 4 and gives -4 slaying. Goes away after enough time has passed. Corr(-4) means -4 slaying/-4 AC.` 09:29:17 !learn edit acid[1 s|it may fail to apply at a Corr_level/Corr_level+9 chance|it has a Corr_level/(Corr_level+9) chance to fail| 09:29:18 No change: regex `it may fail to apply at a Corr_level/Corr_level+9 chance` does not match `May cause you to receive a level of the debuff "Corr". When something attempts to corrode you, it may fail to apply at a Corr_level/Corr_level+9 chance. Each level of Corr reduces your AC by 4 and gives -4 slaying. Goes away after enough time has passed. Corr(-4) means -4 slaying/-4 AC.` 09:29:36 + is a metacharacter; qyite it 09:29:39 quote 09:29:41 oh heh 09:29:46 !learn set acid[1 May cause you to receive a level of the debuff "Corr". When something attempts to corrode you, it has a Corr_level/(Corr_level+9) chance to fail. Each level of Corr reduces your AC by 4 and gives -4 slaying. Goes away after enough time has passed. Corr(-4) means -4 slaying/-4 AC. 09:29:46 acid[1/3]: May cause you to receive a level of the debuff "Corr". When something attempts to corrode you, it has a Corr_level/(Corr_level+9) chance to fail. Each level of Corr reduces your AC by 4 and gives -4 slaying. Goes away after enough time has passed. Corr(-4) means -4 slaying/-4 AC. 09:29:49 I forgot about that 09:30:25 ??word_of_entropy 09:30:25 chant word of entropy[1/1]: Applies 4 stacks of corrosion, each one giving -4 AC and -4 slaying. rCorr applies to each stack separately, giving an expected result of 2 stacks. The normal stepdowned chance of applying corrosion to already-corroded players also applies, so you can end up with fewer stacks even without rCorr. Takes 30 aut to cast. 09:30:32 <|amethyst> BTW, does anyone else think the meaning of "metacharacter" is backwards 09:30:33 hm, it is consistent with monsters in clouds, though... 09:30:48 <|amethyst> surely a "meta"character would be a character that represents a character 09:31:07 <|amethyst> I guess it's "meta" as in "beyond" 09:31:54 !learn edit word_of_entropy Attempts to corrode you four times. rCorr applies to each attempt separately, giving an expected result of 2 levels of corrosion. Having corrosion reduces your odds of receiving more corrosion, so even without rCorr you may get less than 4 levels of Corr status. This spell takes 30 auts to complete. 09:31:54 Syntax is: !learn edit TERM[NUM] s/// 09:32:00 !learn set word_of_entropy Attempts to corrode you four times. rCorr applies to each attempt separately, giving an expected result of 2 levels of corrosion. Having corrosion reduces your odds of receiving more corrosion, so even without rCorr you may get less than 4 levels of Corr status. This spell takes 30 auts to complete. 09:32:00 word of entropy[1/1]: Attempts to corrode you four times. rCorr applies to each attempt separately, giving an expected result of 2 levels of corrosion. Having corrosion reduces your odds of receiving more corrosion, so even without rCorr you may get less than 4 levels of Corr status. This spell takes 30 auts to complete. 09:33:49 <|amethyst> I don't think that expected result is actually the expected value, because of the third sentence 09:33:58 True 09:34:26 !learn edit word_of_entropy s/, giving an expected result of 2 levels of corrosion// 09:34:26 word of entropy[1/1]: Attempts to corrode you four times. rCorr applies to each attempt separately. Having corrosion reduces your odds of receiving more corrosion, so even without rCorr you may get less than 4 levels of Corr status. This spell takes 30 auts to complete. 09:36:27 -!- Nattefrost has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:37:08 -!- doubtofbuddha has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 09:39:02 |amethyst: i guess metacharacters are the only ones that represent OTHER characters (well, not really the grouping ones) 09:40:07 -!- MarvinPA has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 09:40:36 -!- pblur_ has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:42:29 oooh, how nice! faerie dragon armour :D 09:42:56 or the real answer is the corruption of 'meta' 09:43:33 -!- Foamed has quit [Quit: Leaving] 09:45:04 -!- ToastyP has quit [Client Quit] 09:50:37 ?acid 09:50:47 ??acid 09:50:47 acid[1/3]: May cause you to receive a level of the debuff "Corr". When something attempts to corrode you, it has a Corr_level/(Corr_level+9) chance to fail. Each level of Corr reduces your AC by 4 and gives -4 slaying. Goes away after enough time has passed. Corr(-4) means -4 slaying/-4 AC. 09:51:13 ??acid[2 09:51:13 acid[2/3]: The damage from "The acid burns!" (for players only) gets one die for every uncovered non-shield armour slot (50% chance if wearing a cloak), reduced by 20/40/60% for each level of the fur mutation, plus an extra 2 dice (regardless of fur/cloak). Dice are d5 for ranged acid, d3 for melee. 09:51:17 ??acid[3] 09:51:17 acid[3/3]: Pro anti-jelly tactics on display: !lm ayutzia min=ac x=ac -tv:>2.0:x4.0 09:51:39 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 09:51:50 -!- NotKintak has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 09:53:03 -!- ontoclasm has joined ##crawl-dev 09:58:14 Grunt: i found gw's ghost in a sewer behind glass 09:58:22 trapped there for eternity, poor guy 10:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:02:26 <|amethyst> wheals: you should have died there, so the ghost could escape when someone else gets the level 10:03:22 -!- Twiggytwiggytwig has quit [Quit: See ya guys later ;)] 10:05:14 -!- MarvinPA has joined ##crawl-dev 10:05:57 -!- MarvinPA has quit [Client Quit] 10:07:32 mm, upheaval is nice against ghosts since they all fly 10:12:01 -!- ontoclasm has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 10:15:15 heh, nice to see octagon layout is still around 10:15:23 even though it is a lot rarer now 10:25:25 -!- Sage1234 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:25:50 -!- Zekka has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:32:39 !messages 10:32:40 No messages for TZer0. 10:34:29 -!- njorth has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:34:51 -!- lobf has joined ##crawl-dev 10:40:12 -!- njorth has quit [Client Quit] 10:43:44 -!- siepu has quit [Quit: Leaving] 10:53:01 oh.. and i expected the ziggurat to tell me what to pay to enter or ask me "are you sure?"... it didn't 10:53:19 now i'm in my first ziggurat ever 10:54:06 <|amethyst> %git 07949ec7 10:54:06 07kilobyte02 * 0.14-a0-1563-g07949ec: Replace Ziggurat fees with a 3-rune lock. 10(1 year, 11 months ago, 7 files, 26+ 150-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/07949ec7b9c0 10:54:30 i have 2 runes ;) 10:54:47 <|amethyst> yeah, it was decreased to 2 later for numerology 10:54:55 <|amethyst> 1-2-3 vaults-zig-zot 10:54:59 quick help please: the first floor has 2 exits.. will every floot have that? 10:55:02 *floor 10:55:03 <|amethyst> yes 10:55:09 <|amethyst> err 10:55:09 <|amethyst> oh 10:55:18 <|amethyst> misunderstood 10:55:43 hmm.. would have dropped some stuff had i known 51/52 slots 10:56:20 <|amethyst> I think every level has two exits by the downstairs 10:56:24 <|amethyst> definitely at least one exit 10:56:27 ok 10:56:38 -!- lobf has quit [Quit: lobf] 10:56:46 -!- rossi_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:56:47 <|amethyst> !lm Napkib br.enter=zig 10:56:47 No milestones for Napkib (br.enter=zig). 10:56:51 <|amethyst> !lm Napkib zig.enter 10:56:51 No milestones for Napkib (zig.enter). 10:56:58 <|amethyst> err 10:56:59 <|amethyst> !lm Napkin 10:57:00 4332. [2015-11-16 15:56:44] Napkin the Severer (L22 HOFi of Beogh) reached level 2 of a Ziggurat on turn 54472. (Zig:2) 10:57:21 -!- Akitten_Homura has joined ##crawl-dev 10:58:16 <|amethyst> Napkin: oh, btw, there is never a reason to try on plain-looking armour/weapons if you already have something better 10:58:35 i wasn't sure whether it's bold white or not 10:58:48 <|amethyst> Napkin: if it doesn't say "runed" "glowing" etc it's now guaranteed to be either +0, or cursed 10:58:49 i guess i should do something with my font ;) 10:59:12 right, artefacts have a prefix... i'm probably too tired already 11:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:01:20 -!- UncertainKitten has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 11:08:45 -!- Ozzies has quit [Client Quit] 11:11:32 -!- DDFi has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:15:35 thanks, |amethyst 11:15:41 Feierabend! o/ 11:18:18 -!- tensorpudding has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:30:06 -!- ussdefiant_ has joined ##crawl-dev 11:33:07 johnstein: jw is stuck on tgw_trog 11:33:29 i guess eventually it will get unstuck by starving 11:51:08 -!- LexAckson has joined ##crawl-dev 12:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:04:05 -!- SurpriseTRex has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:04:18 -!- Tux[Qyou] has joined ##crawl-dev 12:05:15 Unstable branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.18-a0-116-g2d311b1 (34) 12:05:50 -!- lemonpepper24 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:07:50 -!- WalkerBoh has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:18:38 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:22:31 btw, would be nice to have a overview of followers 12:22:49 an orc warlord just died and i 12:23:29 i'd have to leave the level to check if there were any others left 12:25:58 -!- st_ has joined ##crawl-dev 12:28:27 -!- uJellie has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:29:25 -!- Twiggytwiggytwig has quit [Quit: See ya guys later ;)] 12:39:54 -!- ussdefiant_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:41:11 -!- pblur_ has joined ##crawl-dev 12:44:13 -!- keszocze has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:46:03 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 12:47:46 -!- tcsc has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 12:50:59 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 12:52:06 -!- AnnoyedKitten has joined ##crawl-dev 12:52:08 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 12:54:25 -!- nickanc has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:55:28 -!- Akitten_Homura has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:56:14 -!- rossi_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:57:36 -!- WalkerBoh has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:58:37 -!- nickanc has quit [Changing host] 12:58:42 -!- magistern has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:00:02 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:00:55 -!- VeryAngryFelid has quit [Client Quit] 13:05:10 Napkin: yeah, I'd like that too 13:08:19 -!- FoFi has joined ##crawl-dev 13:09:38 -!- SurpriseTRex has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:11:48 Hi! Is it possible to make Formicids immune to shaft traps? From gameplay perspective they cannot blink/teleport and thus have serious problems (only shadow traps were worse for Fo in 0.16 and they were removed for a reason I believe). From flavour point of view Formicids can create shafts easily so they should be experts in everything related to shafts, their multiple arms/legs allow them to prevent unintentional shafting. 13:11:56 -!- Ququman has joined ##crawl-dev 13:12:42 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 13:13:57 -!- MarvinPA has joined ##crawl-dev 13:20:45 -!- AnnoyedKitten has quit [Quit: Connection reset by pier.] 13:24:56 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 13:27:00 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 13:27:02 It looks like it is not. Thanks for discussion :) 13:27:09 -!- FoFi has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:28:31 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 13:31:32 oops 13:32:20 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 13:32:23 um. lol? 13:32:39 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 13:32:54 Pretty sure fofi is very angry felid; he was proposing this over in ##crawl 13:33:29 That's Sandman25 13:34:44 -!- lobf has joined ##crawl-dev 13:35:12 pretty sure Fo is fine not having any additional special cases 13:35:28 agreed 13:36:05 * geekosaur thought original Fo had unintentional shafting immunity? 13:36:32 -!- shmup_ has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:36:47 Formicids have trouble getting out of trouble fast. I don't think that means we should take extra care to prevent them from getting into trouble. 13:37:35 Honestly Formicids probably have an easier time being shafted than some others. Digging is potent fo remaining unnoticed on your way somewhere. 13:38:12 Read magic mapping, find a wall, dig to near a stairs, killhole everything in isght, and go up 13:43:34 Anyone know a way to tabulate XP values for monsters? 13:43:44 Gretell calculates it or looks it up 13:44:04 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 13:44:04 Gretell calls exper_value or whatever it's called, yes 13:44:09 But I'm not sure which or if there's a user-accessable tool for that 13:44:17 you could compile monster, then write a script to call it 13:44:25 OK 13:44:39 ty 13:44:47 compiling monster is a bit of a pain atm (and impossible on windows) but i'm hoping to improve it soon 13:45:54 -!- lobf has quit [Quit: lobf] 13:46:14 Gotcha; I won't try then, since I'm on windows 13:46:23 Maybe I'll reimplement that function... 13:48:49 -!- lobf has joined ##crawl-dev 14:00:02 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:00:11 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 14:04:20 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 14:06:37 -!- MarvinPA has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:06:41 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 14:06:42 -!- PollenGolem has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:10:29 -!- lobf has quit [Quit: lobf] 14:10:52 -!- lobf has joined ##crawl-dev 14:12:40 wheals, actually it compiled just fine - apart from the random_int() thingy 14:12:49 "monster", i mean 14:13:11 -!- MarvinPA has joined ##crawl-dev 14:15:49 elliptic: qw fr: occasional dump, to improve the spectator experience :) 14:16:31 Medar: qw does that already, every 100 turns :) 14:16:56 &dump qw 14:16:57 http://dobrazupa.org/morgue/qw/qw.txt 14:17:14 really? wonder why it's not showing up in the chat then 14:17:22 dumps show up in chat? 14:17:35 webtiles chat yes 14:17:59 but maybe only if it's the command (not from lua), or maybe that's not enabled on cszo 14:17:59 it uses crawl.dump_char() 14:18:12 -!- mineral has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:18:38 you probably don't want it to announce that it updated the dump in chat every 100 turns anyway, that sounds spammy 14:18:40 -!- mineral has joined ##crawl-dev 14:18:45 sure 14:19:11 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 14:19:28 What is qw? 14:19:32 ??qw 14:19:32 qw[1/4]: A fully automated lua bot written by elliptic, with some code borrowed from parabolic and xw. See "!lg qw won 2" for the first ever completely uninterrupted and unassisted bot win. Git repository: https://github.com/elliptic/qw 14:19:52 &watch qw 14:19:53 %watch qw 14:19:54 Watch qw at: https://crawl.s-z.org/#watch-qw 14:20:11 !lg qw won 2 14:20:12 2/18. qw the Axe Maniac (L27 GrBe of Trog), escaped with the Orb and 3 runes on 2014-04-22 08:57:52, with 1752684 points after 65809 turns and 0:45:16. 14:21:39 -!- CcS has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:23:46 very tabby 14:23:49 !lg qw 14:23:49 1434. qw the Cleaver (L9 GrBe of Trog), demolished by a white ugly thing on D:8 on 2015-11-16 18:40:18, with 2800 points after 6607 turns and 0:04:28. 14:24:04 !lg qw s=crace /won 14:24:05 18/1434 games for qw: 9/888x Gargoyle [1.01%], 5/279x Deep Dwarf [1.79%], 2/147x Minotaur [1.36%], 1/21x Hill Orc [4.76%], 1/17x Naga [5.88%], 0/4x Halfling [0.00%], 0/2x Formicid [0.00%], 0/3x Draconian [0.00%], 0/3x Spriggan [0.00%], 0/3x Ogre [0.00%], 0/3x Octopode [0.00%], 0/3x Vine Stalker [0.00%], 0/2x Ghoul [0.00%], 0/5x Tengu [0.00%], 0/5x Human [0.00%], 0/5x Mummy [0.00%], 0/5x Vampire [0... 14:24:14 nice 14:24:17 Won a naga 14:24:26 those winrates for HO and Na are higher than they should be because of meleebug 14:24:32 Ahhhh 14:24:34 Too bad 14:24:35 -!- st_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:24:36 but it did win those species offline without meleebug too 14:24:38 Still impressiver 14:25:17 -!- st_ has joined ##crawl-dev 14:27:17 It never picks up gold? 14:27:35 -!- molotove has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:27:46 yeah, shopping via lua is currently basically impossible 14:27:56 so no use for gold (at least for most gods) 14:27:58 Oh, that sucks 14:28:45 rip 14:28:49 hmm, the webtiles buffering is funny 14:29:14 can easily end minutes behind when watching qw 14:30:12 !tell Grunt could you add some more delay to gw? it's running about 15-30% cpu and I'm getting lag reports. not sure if it's related or not. see jw for what I'm using. you don't have to go down all the way to jw levels :p 14:30:13 johnstein: OK, I'll let grunt know. 14:30:49 !lg qw won s=urune 14:30:50 18 games for qw (won): 17x 3, 4 14:31:15 Really impressive 14:31:26 Though I don't think it respects corrosion enough... 14:32:00 -!- UncertainKitten has joined ##crawl-dev 14:38:10 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 14:39:57 -!- mineral has quit [Quit: bye.] 14:40:13 -!- Kalir has quit [Changing host] 14:40:35 -!- mspang has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:41:05 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 14:42:11 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 14:51:57 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 14:53:07 -!- Kramell has quit [Quit: reconnecting...] 14:55:17 -!- joy19999 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:56:38 -!- rossi_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:56:53 -!- Dixlet has joined ##crawl-dev 14:57:54 -!- Doesnt has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:57:54 -!- gressup has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:58:09 -!- Kanbei_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:58:10 -!- lvh has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:58:16 -!- CanOfWorms has joined ##crawl-dev 14:58:47 -!- Zekka has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:58:52 can someone who understands vault syntax fix shallow/deep water colouring in kennysheep_sewer_church? 14:59:04 (for console) 14:59:35 it currently has the following features: (1) shallow water and deep water that look identical (2) deep water and deep water that look different 14:59:46 -!- Dixlet_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:00:02 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:01:58 -!- Earlo has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:03:01 -!- agentgt has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:03:35 -!- Jiharo has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:06:08 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:09:05 -!- molotove1 has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 15:09:10 -!- lobf has quit [Quit: lobf] 15:09:17 -!- Patashu has joined ##crawl-dev 15:10:21 -!- SlothLord has quit [Quit: Bye] 15:10:24 -!- _miek has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 15:11:27 -!- lobf has joined ##crawl-dev 15:12:50 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:13:07 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 15:14:08 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:14:38 -!- Kramell1 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:15:42 -!- MIC132 has joined ##crawl-dev 15:15:51 -!- agentgt has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:15:53 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:16:13 -!- MIC132 has quit [Client Quit] 15:16:56 Napkin: i meant compiling it on windows; there a couple of #includes that need adding, and also it doesn't handle submodules well 15:17:07 -!- Kramell has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:18:06 -!- lobf has quit [Quit: lobf] 15:18:23 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:18:36 -!- lobf has joined ##crawl-dev 15:18:42 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:18:57 -!- dtsund has joined ##crawl-dev 15:18:58 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 15:19:29 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:20:25 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:20:33 -!- Kramell1 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:21:10 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:22:05 mudo (L27 MuFE) (Lair:2) 15:22:11 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:22:22 -!- Datul has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:22:27 mudo (L27 MuFE) (Lair:2) 15:22:56 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:22:58 -!- agentgt has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:23:02 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 15:23:18 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:23:57 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:24:01 MarvinPA: it's your crash 15:24:07 nice 15:24:25 bet there's an artefact somewhere with sustab for no reason! 15:24:56 rippp 15:25:09 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:26:02 -!- Bcadren has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:27:54 -!- lobf has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:28:33 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:29:03 can you backup the save and link it on the mantis issue, just to see? 15:29:08 !bug 8567 15:29:08 https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=8567 15:29:20 i assume it'll still be unreproducible locally but worth a look 15:32:19 potion of restore abilities no longer exists, right? so only time restores stats? 15:34:54 -!- lobf has joined ##crawl-dev 15:35:31 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 15:36:10 -!- staplegun has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:37:06 -!- Kramell has quit [Excess Flood] 15:37:10 oh, not even royal jellies restore the stats? :-O 15:37:51 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:39:08 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:39:18 Napkin: foods no longer have special properties; you can restore stats by gaining xp 15:39:24 -!- molotove has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 15:39:32 but time alone won't restore your stats 15:40:26 -!- JiharoDC has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:40:27 mudo (L27 MuFE) (Lair:2) 15:41:13 mudo (L27 MuFE) (Lair:2) 15:42:57 put the save there 15:42:58 roger, thanks 15:45:41 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:46:23 -!- Patashu has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:46:55 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:47:07 -!- nickanc has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:48:04 -!- _miek has joined ##crawl-dev 15:48:11 -!- Kramell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:53:29 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 15:54:18 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 15:55:32 -!- molotove has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 15:57:16 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 16:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:03:42 -!- agentgt has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 16:05:42 !tell Kramin Kramell seems to be flapping on/offline is something amiss? 16:05:43 ebering: OK, I'll let kramin know. 16:06:15 -!- Akitten_Homura has joined ##crawl-dev 16:06:38 ebering: I think he's already working on it 16:06:58 !vault kennysheep_sewer_church 16:06:58 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/dat/des/portals/sewer.des#l1269 16:07:43 -!- lobf has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:08:53 -!- lobf has joined ##crawl-dev 16:09:37 -!- UncertainKitten has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:11:02 -!- AnnoyedKitten has joined ##crawl-dev 16:11:03 -!- agentgt has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:14:18 does the - glyph do anything in vaults? i'm puzzled by kennysheep_sewer_church, because most of the - glyphs get turned into something else, but some of them get left as - and i don't really see why 16:14:26 -!- Akitten_Homura has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:14:31 it's not in syntax.txt's list of glyphs 16:14:36 is there a substution going on? 16:14:51 anything that isn't a special glyph gets turned into floor 16:14:53 CanOfWorms: of course. as i said, most of them get turned into something else 16:14:55 aha 16:15:00 I mean 16:15:06 is there an explicit substitution in the intial definitions 16:15:15 yes, most of the -s get SUBST'd 16:16:42 well if I'm reading it right 16:16:44 - is deep water 16:16:58 and then it's getting randomly substituted to w and W with a chance of staying - 16:18:18 right 16:18:58 i can't really tell why that happens. if it gets set as deep water first with KFEAT, does the glyph it ends up as even matter? 16:19:15 -!- Kasofa has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:19:29 maybe for colour, but i think the sewer setup code that is responsible for colouring only cares about the initial glyphs, since it's run first? 16:22:17 -!- lobf has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:26:59 -!- lobf has joined ##crawl-dev 16:27:16 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 16:27:34 -!- ProzacElf has joined ##crawl-dev 16:29:58 -!- dtsund has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:30:34 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 16:31:58 -!- dtsund has joined ##crawl-dev 16:32:51 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 16:34:10 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 16:34:12 -!- agentgt has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:38:18 -!- lobf has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:39:56 -!- molotove has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 16:41:51 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 16:44:12 -!- ldierk has joined ##crawl-dev 16:50:00 -!- molotove has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 16:57:31 -!- Akitten_Homura has joined ##crawl-dev 16:57:44 -!- Akitten_Homura has quit [Client Quit] 16:58:54 -!- PsyMar has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:00:47 -!- tealeaves has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:01:06 -!- AnnoyedKitten has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:02:18 -!- Shinino has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:04:22 -!- Vidiiot has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:04:52 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 17:05:50 -!- LexAckson_ has joined ##crawl-dev 17:05:50 -!- LexAckson has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:07:49 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 17:08:56 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 17:09:55 -!- lemonpepper24 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:13:03 -!- simmarine has joined ##crawl-dev 17:14:45 -!- Piginabag has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:16:11 -!- Earlo has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:18:27 -!- LexAckson has joined ##crawl-dev 17:19:06 -!- LexAckson_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:20:39 -!- Kramell has quit [Excess Flood] 17:23:30 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:24:29 -!- wheals has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:26:03 -!- Sorbius has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 17:26:57 -!- Tux[Qyou] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:30:50 -!- EriktheRed_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:32:24 -!- thrig has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:39:47 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 17:40:56 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 17:42:27 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 17:44:39 -!- Insomniak` has quit [Quit: I like to rock] 17:45:11 -!- Lasty has joined ##crawl-dev 17:45:45 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 17:49:12 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:50:33 -!- debo_ has joined ##crawl-dev 17:50:57 -!- debo_ is now known as Guest32329 17:52:48 -!- knu_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:53:17 -!- varmin has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:53:45 -!- debo has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:53:45 -!- kvaak has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:53:46 -!- DrKe has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:53:46 -!- pantaril_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:17 -!- ldierk has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:17 -!- gressup_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:17 -!- Voker57 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:17 -!- EriktheRed___ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:17 -!- Eksell has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:17 -!- seriallos has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:17 -!- atomicthumbs has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:17 -!- Bodrick has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:22 -!- EriktheRed____ is now known as EriktheRed___ 17:54:43 -!- stanzill has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:44 -!- xnavy has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:45 -!- finrod has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:45 -!- Warrigal has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:45 -!- minqmay has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:45 -!- cmcbot has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:45 -!- hyperbolic has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:45 -!- BoosterGold has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:46 -!- robbje has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:46 -!- FIQ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:54:47 -!- Warrigal_ has joined ##crawl-dev 17:55:00 -!- mamgar has quit [Client Quit] 17:55:06 -!- nosferax has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:55:17 -!- kvaak has joined ##crawl-dev 17:55:46 -!- LexAckson has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:55:59 -!- Bodrick has joined ##crawl-dev 17:57:00 -!- siepu has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:57:22 -!- Zekka has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:58:14 -!- debo has joined ##crawl-dev 17:58:55 -!- Eksell has joined ##crawl-dev 17:59:12 -!- DrKe has joined ##crawl-dev 17:59:27 -!- gammafun1 has joined ##crawl-dev 18:00:01 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:00:08 -!- necKro23 has joined ##crawl-dev 18:00:31 -!- ZanniqlcKzxkq has joined ##crawl-dev 18:01:39 -!- Cerpin_ has joined ##crawl-dev 18:01:45 -!- Guest49767 has quit [Changing host] 18:01:50 -!- Guest49767 is now known as FIQ 18:04:07 -!- Hisar has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:05:15 -!- MarvinPA has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 18:06:34 -!- Mike57 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:06:48 -!- Guest32329 has quit [*.net *.split] 18:06:49 -!- serq has quit [*.net *.split] 18:06:49 -!- gammafunk has quit [*.net *.split] 18:06:49 -!- Cerpin has quit [*.net *.split] 18:06:49 -!- Suga_H has quit [*.net *.split] 18:06:49 -!- Wah has quit [*.net *.split] 18:06:49 -!- necKro has quit [*.net *.split] 18:06:49 -!- socks__ has quit [*.net *.split] 18:06:49 -!- Zannick has quit [*.net *.split] 18:06:49 -!- Annabella has quit [*.net *.split] 18:07:04 -!- hyperbolic has joined ##crawl-dev 18:07:31 !lg adminsnp s=name / won 18:07:32 262/19891 games for adminsnp: 110/1926x zkyp [5.71%], 104/552x Medar [18.84%], 14/1770x TZer0 [0.79%], 11/1104x chequers [1.00%], 9/221x johnstein [4.07%], 8/973x dplusplus [0.82%], 3/1761x Hong [0.17%], 3/11515x Neil [0.03%], 0/69x sd1989 [0.00%] 18:07:41 !lg adminsnp s=name / won 0=. 18:07:41 Broken query near '=.' 18:07:44 !lg adminsnp s=name / won o=. 18:07:45 262/19891 games for adminsnp: 110/1926x zkyp [5.71%], 14/1770x TZer0 [0.79%], 0/69x sd1989 [0.00%], 3/11515x Neil [0.03%], 104/552x Medar [18.84%], 9/221x johnstein [4.07%], 3/1761x Hong [0.17%], 8/973x dplusplus [0.82%], 11/1104x chequers [1.00%] 18:07:59 need to up my admin game 18:08:29 <_miek> lol 18:08:36 <_miek> seems like rc files are working on CPO now 18:08:42 <_miek> when on console I mean 18:09:17 -!- ldierk has joined ##crawl-dev 18:09:28 <|amethyst> !lg * !won t s=src o=. 18:09:33 57235 games for * (!won t): 1189x lld, 4280x cxc, 2326x cwz, 4015x cue, 18501x cszo, 1644x cpo, 606x cdo, 10250x cbro, 14424x cao 18:09:49 <|amethyst> Looks like I am winning the real game 18:10:01 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 18:10:04 <|amethyst> of killing as many tournament characters as possible 18:10:21 -!- Krakhan has quit [Changing host] 18:10:52 <|amethyst> !lg * !won t s=src x=cdist(name) o=$x 18:10:52 Bad filter condition: 'x' (extra: x=cdist(name)) 18:11:09 <|amethyst> !lg * !won t s=src x=+cdist(name) 18:11:10 57239 games for * (!won t): 14425x cao [772], 18504x cszo [747], 10250x cbro [312], 4015x cue [234], 4280x cxc [204], 2326x cwz [98], 1644x cpo [68], 1189x lld [58], 606x cdo [42] 18:11:28 <|amethyst> though r a x has killed more distinct players 18:11:49 <_miek> !lg * t s=src x=+cdist(name) 18:11:51 58172 games for * (t): 14611x cao [773], 18797x cszo [754], 10375x cbro [313], 4071x cue [234], 4421x cxc [207], 2350x cwz [98], 1687x cpo [69], 1225x lld [58], 635x cdo [42] 18:12:01 <_miek> I'm surprised how different those numbers are 18:12:12 <_miek> cszo has the most unkilled names 18:13:05 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 18:14:06 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 18:16:03 -!- molotove has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 18:16:07 -!- varmin has joined ##crawl-dev 18:16:07 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 18:16:30 <|amethyst> !lg * t s=name / !won ?:N.den=0 18:16:31 Broken query near '=0' 18:16:52 <|amethyst> !lg * t s=name / !won ?:den.N=0 18:16:54 No games for * (t). 18:17:10 <|amethyst> !lg * t s=name / !won o=-% 18:17:12 57257/58190 games for * (t): 0/1x Grudge [0.00%], 0/1x Autopi [0.00%], 0/4x yottamCorroded [0.00%], 0/1x nixorn [0.00%], 0/1x Shiisan [0.00%], 0/1x beam [0.00%], 0/1x pkoi [0.00%], 0/1x BERSERKER [0.00%], 0/1x tapatio [0.00%], 0/1x Puppums [0.00%], 0/2x isthmus [0.00%], 1/13x johnnyzero [7.69%], 1/4x RepHenryClay [25.00%], 2/8x Sphara [25.00%], 1/4x SetecAstronomy [25.00%], 3/11x elliptic [27.27%]... 18:17:29 -!- FireSight has quit [Read error: No route to host] 18:17:39 <|amethyst> oh 18:17:44 <|amethyst> !lg * t s=name / !won ?: N=0 18:17:46 15 games for * (t): 0/1x Grudge [0.00%], 0/1x beam [0.00%], 0/1x Puppums [0.00%], 0/1x tapatio [0.00%], 0/1x BERSERKER [0.00%], 0/1x pkoi [0.00%], 0/1x Shiisan [0.00%], 0/1x nixorn [0.00%], 0/1x Autopi [0.00%], 0/2x isthmus [0.00%], 0/4x yottamCorroded [0.00%] 18:18:13 I can't even understand that query 18:18:28 players who have won all their t games 18:18:33 <|amethyst> players who have a tournament game but haven't lost any of them 18:18:46 !gamesby yottamcorroded t 18:18:47 yottamcorroded (t) has played 4 games, between 2015-11-07 01:53:52 and 2015-11-15 03:50:49, won 4 (100.0%), high score 12546182, total score 29563029, total turns 492438, play-time/day 4:06:33, total time 1d+12:59:03. 18:18:49 woah 18:18:49 <|amethyst> ?: is "having' 18:18:56 <|amethyst> s/'/"/ 18:18:58 go CPO! 18:19:35 -!- ProzacElf has joined ##crawl-dev 18:23:50 <_miek> haha 18:25:32 -!- serq has quit [Quit: suddenly gone...] 18:25:57 -!- AreBrandon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:26:07 -!- BlackGyver_ has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:26:59 -!- debo has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:27:27 -!- debo has joined ##crawl-dev 18:35:39 -!- keszocze has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:35:48 -!- debo has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 18:35:52 http://sprunge.us/fHFK 18:36:02 Second time I got a message from AtheneLIVE about this 18:36:40 was sent to me, but it's sort of something that could be addressed to any DCSS dev who uses twitch, I guess 18:37:49 not exactly sure why I was sent this, since "top Twitch streamer" does not describe me, and I'm not sure what he wants people to do, but it looks like a legit charity website 18:38:07 -!- MarvinPA has joined ##crawl-dev 18:38:10 -!- gammafun1 is now known as gammafunk 18:38:19 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:38:50 since he addressed it as "Dear DCSS" I figured other people should at least see it 18:40:12 gammafunk: fwiw ive seen this message go out to lots of people 18:40:23 yeah it's sort of spam 18:40:30 simmarine: yeah, would not surprise me at all 18:40:34 or self-serving charity rather 18:40:39 -!- Zekka has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:41:45 But I think we should get simm to speedrun a mibe for charity 18:42:00 athene is a curious character 18:42:12 If he beats his realtime record, corporations will line up to donate millions! 18:42:55 I wonder what a category one disaster is, if nepal was category two 18:43:15 i guess the 2004 tsunami? 18:45:16 -!- ZanniqlcKzxkq is now known as Zannick 18:46:42 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 18:47:29 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 18:48:07 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 18:49:42 -!- angelichorsey has joined ##crawl-dev 18:50:26 -!- atomicthumbs has joined ##crawl-dev 18:51:10 -!- seriallos has joined ##crawl-dev 18:51:10 -!- tealeaves has quit [Client Quit] 18:53:21 -!- Zekka has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 18:55:25 DCSS for agdq2017 18:55:41 donation war for console vs tile 18:56:20 -!- tealeaves has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:57:27 -!- zarath9 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:59:59 <_miek> that's a really weird charity idea 19:00:02 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:01:17 it's not much of a war when the player ratio is 1:10 or so 19:01:51 -!- ldierk has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:02:01 <_miek> well per player the console users might be more generous 19:02:11 <_miek> like how humble bundle usually has more generous donations from linux users 19:02:16 we're smarter and wealthier 19:02:29 console's secret goal of the war is for tiles players to bankrupt themselves 19:02:31 <_miek> don't you stream in tiles? 19:02:37 he plays console though 19:02:41 self-spectates with tiles 19:02:46 <_miek> ah.. 19:02:50 <_miek> doesn't show that on the screen? 19:02:54 sadly tiles players missed the competition notification because there was so much visual clutter 19:03:03 no the streaming software does window capture 19:03:16 So I actually have to have two webtiles windows open 19:03:36 <_miek> I should try streaming at some point 19:03:37 one to capture for stream, a smaller one I keep up behind my console window, so I can see any webtiles chat 19:03:39 <_miek> might force me to try and play better 19:03:49 <_miek> although I dunno if I have the sultry voice for it 19:03:55 it's more for the social interaction 19:03:56 _miek: or record 19:04:07 yeah you can just record videos like amalloy 19:04:09 you don't need a sultry voice. have you listened to me? 19:04:18 <_miek> nope just gammafunk haha 19:04:26 ??amalloy 19:04:27 amalloy[1/1]: https://www.youtube.com/user/asdfgvbd/playlists 19:04:28 need some more non-yank voices 19:04:34 Sif has a sultry voice, not me 19:05:08 <_miek> everyone sounds different than I expect 19:05:21 amalloy: what do you use for "post-production" of your vids? 19:05:22 plathrop actually said "you sound exactly like i expected" 19:05:26 really? amalloy sounds *exactly* what I thought 19:05:28 haha 19:05:34 gammafunk: nothing 19:05:35 well 19:05:45 i run them through handbrake just to cut down upload size 19:05:47 I did say that 19:05:50 It's weird, usually people don't. 19:05:53 what do you record them with? 19:05:56 OBS 19:06:11 <_miek> I have no idea what to expect people to sound like 19:06:15 <_miek> probably just like myself until proven otherwise 19:06:22 <_miek> because I don't think hard about this sort of thing 19:06:54 -!- Kasofa has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 19:07:03 the one that always surprises me is going guessing how someone looks based on their voice 19:07:12 I've begun streaming+recording in obs; for the first two parts of my DrNe I had to redownload the VODs which was a big pain 19:07:27 why did you have to do that? 19:07:31 then I'll have to use openshot to splice in my commentary 19:07:36 amalloy: well I only streamed them 19:07:43 and I want to turn them into commentary vids 19:07:48 interesting 19:08:02 for MuSu I'm streaming+recording, so I don't have to do that 19:08:05 i guess i need a picture of gammafunk 19:08:25 lots of streamers don't have webcam 19:08:29 -!- read has joined ##crawl-dev 19:08:33 I think voice is the only essential thing 19:08:36 unless you're really a paul blue abstract U shape like on github 19:09:12 Paul Blue is my real name, how did you know that?! 19:09:33 dad?! 19:10:26 amalloy: yeah, I'll basically have to record a new commentary track, since I think the twitch audio isn't going to be great to listen to e.g. on youtube without chat 19:10:40 and I can splice it down a lot 19:10:47 yeah. i'd be interested to see how that turns out 19:11:20 Hopefully openshot is flexible enough for this; I've only used it for some simple video cropping 19:11:37 gammafunk: what is the goal of your musu run, btw? tourney win, speedrun...? 19:11:47 just a win, probably 5 runes 19:12:00 kind of just a nice example for people curious how to win a MuSu 19:12:02 !lg gammafunk recent won s=nrune 19:12:02 16 games for gammafunk (recent won): 14x 3, 2x 4 19:12:09 !lg . recent won s=nrune 19:12:09 43 games for amalloy (recent won): 31x 3, 5x 4, 4x 15, 2x 5, 10 19:12:24 huh, that is like all of my wins. i'm surprised i don't have any !recent 19:12:53 !lg . !recent won s=nrune 19:12:53 17 games for gammafunk (!recent won): 8x 15, 4x 3, 3x 4, 2x 5 19:13:03 all my 15-runers a distant memory... 19:13:21 * Grunt appears! He doesn't seem very happy. 19:13:26 * Grunt patches gammafunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x27 19:13:40 * gammafunk gesture. Grunt dissappears in a puff of smoke. 19:13:44 *gestures 19:13:53 * Grunt reappears nearby! Grunt explodes! 19:14:05 * gammafunk seems unharmed. 19:14:30 i think things appear unharmed 19:14:42 * Grunt renews himself in a burst of flame! 19:15:43 03chequers02 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/170 * 0.17-a0-2219-g08606db: Add sturdy frame mutation (infinitevox). 10(12 hours ago, 4 files, 25+ 6-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/08606db9e83b 19:17:03 -!- rossi_ has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.3] 19:17:44 <_miek> where are you from amalloy? 19:17:51 california 19:17:53 THE DEEPEST DEPTHS OF HELL 19:17:55 close enough 19:18:02 <_miek> lol 19:18:16 <_miek> I'm no good at US accents 19:18:35 _miek: where did you guess? 19:18:46 <_miek> I didn't 19:18:55 fair 19:19:27 <_miek> I need a haircut before I put my face on a webcam 19:19:40 if i heard your voice i would guess melbourne because it's the only city name i can think of in the aus/nz area 19:20:02 i stopped cutting my hair like...six years ago. it's just way simpler to wear it long 19:20:43 <|amethyst> distinguishing AU from NZ accent is pretty easy... are the vowels fucked up? It's Australia. Are the vowels *really* fucked up? It's New Zealand. 19:21:14 I thought it was the other way around 19:22:00 <|amethyst> kvaak: closet New Zealander 19:22:03 <_miek> no I think amethyst is right 19:22:23 <_miek> if it sounds like down south but all the vowels are "e" then its australian 19:22:30 <_miek> if it sounds like down south but all the vowels are "u" then its NZ 19:22:45 <|amethyst> If the opposite of "right" is "leaft", it's NZ 19:22:51 I think |amethyst said he has an...was it appalachian accent? 19:22:53 <_miek> guv muh sum fush und chups bruh 19:23:09 FR a geoguesser for accents 19:23:28 <|amethyst> I grew up with an appalachian accent, but it is not particularly strong these days 19:23:52 <|amethyst> I do have to consciously try to avoid the pin/pen merger though 19:24:01 my mom grew up with a southern drawl but lost most of it, although she still says "y'all" 19:24:04 <|amethyst> and I say "hwat" 19:24:06 <_miek> haha 19:24:20 i say yall sometimes just because it's a great word 19:24:24 <_miek> apparently some americans think we are saying "pigs" when we are saying "pegs" 19:24:38 what 19:24:39 ITYM you say pigs when you think you are saying pegs 19:24:41 <_miek> because they say the vowels like "pay" and we say it like "peh" 19:24:45 <|amethyst> gammafunk: I grew up saying "you-all", stress on both syllables 19:24:54 kiwis say "fush and chups", australians say "feeesh and cheeps" 19:25:12 <|amethyst> gammafunk: falling pitch 19:25:42 <|amethyst> and I still say "needs fixed" 19:25:44 |amethyst: sadly I have neither of the interesting vocal characteristics of my parents, no trace of southerner, no trace of "pennsyltucky" 19:25:58 _miek: now you have to record some dcss so i can listen to some sweet NZ tones 19:26:08 <_miek> haha 19:26:18 <_miek> yeah if I have time 19:26:23 <_miek> dunno how long it takes to set it all up 19:26:29 <_miek> my dog will probably interrupt too :S 19:26:44 put the doggie on webcam pls 19:26:46 although someone who's attuned to that could probably hear some of either when I talk, I guess 19:26:47 _miek: i set it up in like half an hour once i decided to do it 19:26:54 -!- Ququman has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:26:59 <_miek> haha chequers :D 19:27:24 <_miek> he'd hate that 19:27:27 i guess i already had a youtube account, but i don't imagine that's hard to set up 19:27:40 <_miek> I dunno how but he always seems to know when a camera is around and acts way different to his usual self 19:27:45 oh right, youtube also has streaming nowadays 19:28:23 <_miek> half an hour is more than I usually spend a day on crawl these days 19:28:39 -!- pblur has quit [Quit: Page closed] 19:29:39 <_miek> probably be faster though since you've told me everything I need 19:29:45 <_miek> just OBS I think right? 19:29:53 yeah 19:30:09 set it to record to MP4 and you can upload those straight to youtube 19:30:12 obsessive bombulsive disorder? 19:30:20 -!- Kalir has quit [Quit: CADENZA-CLASS CLOCKWORK KNIGHT--OPERATION TERMINATED] 19:30:20 how did that s turn into a d 19:30:54 <_miek> were you thinking syndrome? 19:31:10 probably yes 19:31:27 !seen dpeg 19:31:27 I last saw dpeg at Sun Nov 15 03:24:47 2015 UTC (1d 21h 6m 40s ago) quitting, saying 'Quit: Lost terminal'. 19:33:09 <_miek> chequers: http://imgur.com/j9jG2NQ 19:33:13 <_miek> context for how tiny my dog is 19:33:31 d'aww 19:33:50 !lg * ((map~~johnstein||kmap~~johnstein)) 19:33:51 johnstein: You have 1 message. Use !messages to read it. 19:34:00 106. qw the Executioner (L18 GrBe of Trog), shot by a naga sharpshooter (bolt of frost) on Snake:4 (johnstein_snake_rune_scales) on 2015-11-16 18:19:39, with 172035 points after 29585 turns and 0:22:52. 19:34:05 rip 19:34:32 _miek: is that a papillon? 19:35:40 -!- agentgt has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 19:35:51 lair:1 wolf spider? 19:36:24 miek's dog is not a lair:1 wolf spider, don't be mean! 19:36:26 -!- Kellhus has quit [Quit: Page closed] 19:36:29 _miek: i was expecting to see it sitting in a teacup 19:36:31 haha 19:36:53 OBS = "oblong bowel syndrome" 19:37:41 <_miek> haha 19:37:49 <_miek> amalloy: its a long-haired chihuahua 19:38:15 <_miek> someone told me once that long haired chihuahua's are actually just papillon x chihuahua though 19:40:45 <_miek> some photos with its face: http://imgur.com/a/nU3N3 19:42:01 your dog's face can take pictures!? 19:42:19 <_miek> herherheh good one 19:43:34 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 19:47:41 _miek: make your dog sleep on a cushion and put it on a webcam 19:49:30 <_miek> lol the only webcam I have is the one built into my laptop 19:58:37 -!- CKyle_ has joined ##crawl-dev 19:59:40 -!- CKyle has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 20:00:02 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:00:38 -!- Wah has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:03:08 -!- CanOfWorms has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:04:27 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 20:06:09 -!- ontoclasm has joined ##crawl-dev 20:07:50 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 20:09:38 -!- IceBlind has quit [Quit: Leaving...] 20:12:42 -!- Ladykiller69 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:21:00 -!- Kasofa has quit [Quit: Page closed] 20:21:47 -!- molotove1 is now known as molotove 20:22:45 i thought oka wasn't supposed to give you things you can't use? 20:23:02 oh, nevermind 20:23:12 i got talons 3 immediately after he gave me the boots =( 20:23:21 rip 20:23:46 =P 20:24:44 -!- MarvinPA_ has joined ##crawl-dev 20:25:53 -!- MarvinPA has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:28:06 -!- Bamboomancer has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:33:32 -!- dtsund has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:33:42 -!- Zooty has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:36:13 -!- CKyle_ has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 20:45:34 -!- jefus is now known as jefus_ 20:50:21 -!- Badgee has quit [Quit: Don't call anyone~] 20:50:45 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 20:56:23 -!- ldf_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:59:59 -!- jefus_ is now known as jefus 21:00:02 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:05:04 -!- bonghitz has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 21:06:09 -!- Daekdroom has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:06:20 hahaha 21:06:27 gw's ghost couldn't hurt me! =p 21:10:08 -!- bencryption has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1] 21:10:26 -!- foeb has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:11:43 !banish ProzacElf 21:11:44 Grunt casts a spell. ProzacElf is cast into beam.cc! 21:12:31 aiiiieeeee 21:12:50 -!- MarvinPA_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:12:58 i guess my next project is nagas 21:12:58 ontoclasm: You have 1 message. Use !messages to read it. 21:13:01 !messages 21:13:01 (1/1) chequers said (21h 21m 14s ago): the ice cavern 'short range portal' tile doesn't look anything like a portal! please save others like me stepping onto it before picking up the loot 21:13:12 oh that thing 21:13:21 just because i crushed gw's ghost doesn't mean you had to arrange for me to get this awful lair:7 swamp vault =P 21:13:23 yyyyeah 21:14:18 i was talking to grunt 21:17:32 -!- Lawman0 has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:18:41 -!- jefus has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:19:54 pls ontoclasm 21:20:02 just replace it with a greyscale wizlab portal 21:20:33 fr greyscale wizlab 21:20:45 i guess that's tukima's 21:21:10 ...and the monastery one 21:21:17 Wucad Mu 21:21:20 yes 21:21:29 also wasn't Tukima's wizlab removed 21:21:33 idk 21:21:41 %git HEAD^{/izlab.*ukim} 21:21:41 07MarvinPA02 * 0.17-a0-495-ga8e22f6: Remove the Tukima and Eringya wizlabs 10(7 months ago, 4 files, 11+ 316-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/a8e22f6d9ab1 21:21:44 wow 21:21:49 savage 21:21:50 I did not expect to get that on the first pass 21:22:12 i should redo the monkghost tiles 21:22:24 they're literally just greyscale versions of normal dudes 21:22:25 !send ontoclasm nagas 21:22:25 Sending nagas to ontoclasm. 21:22:26 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 21:22:30 nagaaa 21:22:35 !send ontoclasm Vashnia 21:22:36 Sending Vashnia to ontoclasm. 21:22:49 (imo do a Lamia tile in the new style to keep gammafunk happy <.<) 21:22:54 hey i did a perfectly serviceable naga unique 21:23:25 alternatively, do up all the other tiles in the style of the Lamia tile 21:23:27 -!- debo has joined ##crawl-dev 21:24:09 -!- jefus has joined ##crawl-dev 21:25:42 also also at -some- point someone should redo the Orb itself 21:25:48 at least a little 21:26:14 it's an artifact of ultimate power that looks like a pink beachball with hair 21:27:14 ??THE WIZARD'S CASTLE 21:27:14 THE WIZARD'S CASTLE[1/5]: MANY CYCLES AGO, IN THE KINGDOM OF N'DIC, THE GNOMIC WIZARD ZOT FORGED HIS GREAT *ORB OF POWER*. HE SOON VANISHED, LEAVING BEHIND HIS VAST SUBTERRANEAN CASTLE FILLED WITH ESURIENT MONSTERS, FABULOUS TREASURES, AND THE INCREDIBLE *ORB OF ZOT*. 21:28:22 esurient 21:28:35 good word 21:29:15 it's one of the robots from plan 9 >.> 21:29:44 (goes well with ancient crawl's protectors...) 21:31:10 heh I found the source code for THE WIZARD'S CASTLE 21:31:21 "GREAT UNMITIGATED ZOT! YOU JUST FOUND ***THE ORB OF ZOT***!" 21:31:29 fr change the picking up the Orb message to that 21:31:53 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:32:56 hahaha 21:33:20 -!- gressup__ is now known as gressup 21:37:59 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 21:38:07 -!- blazinghand has quit [Quit: blazinghand] 21:42:31 -!- foeb has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:48:39 -!- vev has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:50:07 -!- doubtofbuddha has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:51:44 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 21:56:14 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 22:00:03 -!- omarax has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:05:13 -!- MgDark has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 42.0/20151029151421]] 22:06:13 -!- _miek is now known as miek_ 22:17:39 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:18:39 -!- qoala has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:18:39 -!- MakMorn has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:25:58 -!- FIQ has quit [Excess Flood] 22:26:53 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 22:31:45 -!- Lasty has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 22:32:28 -!- MakMorn has joined ##crawl-dev 22:33:19 -!- ProzacElf has joined ##crawl-dev 22:35:14 -!- CanOfWorms has joined ##crawl-dev 22:36:12 -!- Dixlet has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:37:13 -!- Lasty has joined ##crawl-dev 22:38:40 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 22:41:25 -!- Nylidian has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:43:21 -!- PleasingFungus has joined ##crawl-dev 22:43:33 !tell wheals How did you even run into that rod code? That was amazing. 22:43:33 PleasingFungus: You have 1 message. Use !messages to read it. 22:43:34 PleasingFungus: OK, I'll let wheals know. 22:43:40 https://crawl.project357.org/watch/Demise 22:43:49 he got disto blinked behind a grate 22:43:54 while silenced 22:43:57 can't escape 22:44:57 when did grate tiles change? 22:45:06 haha, 'crash the server' 22:45:14 few months ago 22:45:22 I'm so out-of-date.... 22:45:37 are they better? 22:46:37 I'd need to see the old ones again 22:46:38 -!- Sovek has quit [Quit: Page closed] 22:46:38 haha 22:46:40 chequers: that's amazing 22:46:42 they seem a little out-of-place but it might just be the vault 22:46:47 he's going to wait for an ood pan lord to spawn with disintegrate 22:46:49 imprisoned 22:47:10 yeah, they don't really match that vault 22:47:43 I can see them working better with rock, maybe 22:50:27 hm. does anyone here have opinions about whether I should change nicolae_zot_draconian_monastery's randbooks to have a fixed spell list, per the vault artist's original intent? 22:50:41 not sure how I feel about less randomness 22:51:28 !send Xom PleasingFungus 22:51:28 Sending PleasingFungus to Xom. 22:51:41 PleasingFungus: leave them alone imo 22:52:02 that's what he gets for not having /disint or /digging in U:4 22:52:08 if nicolae- is bothered by it he knows how to fix it 22:52:09 :) 22:52:20 or /tele 22:52:53 reasonable. 22:52:58 1learn add Grunt 22:53:08 Grunt: did you check out Demise's ongoing demise 22:53:10 amalloy: he hadn't found any lol 22:53:26 -!- wheals has joined ##crawl-dev 22:53:37 i got a screenshot for posterity 22:53:41 PleasingFungus: taking care of your dang XXXs :P 22:54:06 but less proximately, because I had headed into the monster AI code for the FAQ Friday 22:54:10 <|amethyst> eh, there was a deck of escape in a shop 22:54:27 |amethyst: in demise's game? 22:54:45 <|amethyst> yeah 22:55:22 <|amethyst> probably buying decks of escape as a non-nemelexite isn't a good strategy in general... 22:55:39 wheals: which XXXs? I've probably left a lot of them... 22:56:11 !xxx PleasingFungus 22:56:11 Grunt casts a spell. 6 tentacled monstrosities appear! The tentacled monstrosity tentacle-slaps PleasingFungus! x6 22:56:13 maybe that vault should have no-tele-into 22:56:25 I'm p sure it does 22:56:36 ones to make some (out of the thousands of) functions that use monster* use monster& 22:56:40 ahhh 22:56:42 disto doesn't use that right 22:56:44 I was wondering if it was those 22:56:52 this was a blink, not a tele 22:56:52 so 22:56:56 i thought it would be nice to start off 0.18 with a nice XXX net :P 22:57:08 -!- tcsc has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 22:57:55 so bug fix is for "no tele in to" to not trigger off disto? 22:57:59 .cobbed 22:58:00 71. Wraiths the Skullcrusher (L27 GrFi of Nemelex Xobeh), starved to death on Zot:4 on 2015-11-16 15:46:59, with 1140050 points after 141222 turns and 9:08:59. 22:58:07 .cobbed x=ktyp 22:58:08 71. [ktyp=starvation] Wraiths the Skullcrusher (L27 GrFi of Nemelex Xobeh), starved to death on Zot:4 on 2015-11-16 15:46:59, with 1140050 points after 141222 turns and 9:08:59. 22:58:16 .cobbed x=ktyp,killer 22:58:17 71. [ktyp=starvation;killer=] Wraiths the Skullcrusher (L27 GrFi of Nemelex Xobeh), starved to death on Zot:4 on 2015-11-16 15:46:59, with 1140050 points after 141222 turns and 9:08:59. 22:58:31 !lg * ktyp=starvation !zot max=xl 22:58:32 7290. Lemuel the Skullbreaker (L27 HuHe of Elyvilon), starved to death on Dis:7 on 2008-02-27 05:04:44, with 1005125 points after 128615 turns and 13:40:00. 22:59:08 -!- wheals_ has joined ##crawl-dev 22:59:52 -!- GoblinBomb has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 23:00:02 -!- omarax has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:00:20 good Lemuel 23:00:33 !hs lemuel 23:00:33 3153. Lemuel the Metallomancer (L27 SEEE of Sif Muna), escaped with the Orb and 6 runes on 2007-11-22 22:52:34, with 1494560 points after 179988 turns and 15:13:18. 23:00:36 -!- agentgt has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:00:37 !lg lemuel map~~lemuel 23:00:38 3. Lemuel the Ruffian (L1 MiMo), quit the game on D:1 (lemuel_entry_tunnels) on 2013-03-07 05:29:15, with 0 points after 0 turns and 0:00:12. 23:00:54 !lg lemuel map~~lemuel !boring 23:00:55 2. Lemuel the Magician (L3 DsWz), engulfed by a cloud of flame on D:2 (lemuel_flame_loot_1) on 2011-03-04 21:36:27, with 123 points after 1726 turns and 0:07:46. 23:00:59 good. 23:01:04 -!- wheals has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:01:08 !lg PleasingFungus map~~pf_ 23:01:08 No games for PleasingFungus (map~~pf_). 23:01:12 -!- AreBrandon has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:01:19 hardly anyone dies to my maps :( 23:01:20 I need to make more. 23:01:21 !lg gw t map~~grunt 23:01:22 17. gw the Cudgeler (L3 GrGl), blasted by a white imp (puff of frost) (summoned by Natasha) on D:2 (grunt_temple_overflow_open) on 2015-11-16 23:37:39, with 30 points after 687 turns and 0:00:54. 23:01:25 and, more lethal. 23:01:27 !hs gw t map~~grunt 23:01:27 17. gw the Cleaver (L12 DsGl of Dithmenos), mangled by Sonja (a +0 short sword of distortion) on Lair:4 (grunt_megastairs_3) on 2015-11-16 19:16:26, with 20908 points after 20583 turns and 0:11:43. 23:02:09 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 23:02:16 good to see gw dying to cool uniques 23:03:07 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 23:03:17 @??silent spectre 23:03:17 silent spectre (10W) | Spd: 10 | HD: 8 | HP: 36-57 | AC/EV: 5/15 | Dam: 15 | 07undead, 10doors, evil, see invisible, fly, unbreathing | Res: 06magic(40), 12cold+++, 09poison+++, 12drown, 04rot+++, 13neg+++, 13torm, 04napalm | Vul: 08holy++ | XP: 314 | Sz: Medium | Int: human. 23:03:30 -!- simmarine has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:03:57 -!- orbekk has quit [Quit: reboot] 23:05:04 banner idea: die to 32/52/72 uniques 23:05:13 (don't do that) 23:05:59 dear devs, how would you feel about me reverting demise's save? 23:07:03 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 23:08:16 A Slippery Slope??? 23:08:26 <|amethyst> Is there a bug? 23:08:39 no 23:08:45 -!- wheals_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:09:15 KPROP: -d|*$14567^ = no_tele_into 23:09:33 !vault evilmike_wizard_prison 23:09:34 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/dat/des/variable/large_themed.des#l892 23:09:37 does that affect other kinds of random blink? I forget 23:09:45 I do not believe so 23:09:53 ok. 23:10:12 would it be considered a bug that random blinks can trap players in this vault? 23:10:25 good q. 23:10:39 <|amethyst> isn't that how several of the monsters get out? 23:10:42 or perhaps, that disto can blink into no_tele_into places 23:10:59 i don't think so, they don't disto each other 23:11:07 <|amethyst> I mean blinking 23:11:22 but blinking *out* of a no_tele_into zone is something different anyway, isn't it? 23:11:52 <|amethyst> he has a shapeshifter now 23:12:01 @??shapeshifter 23:12:01 shapeshifter (06x) | Spd: 5-30 | HD: 7 | HP: 9-64 | AC/EV: 4/10 | Dam: 12 | 10doors | Res: 06magic(40) | Vul: 11silver | Chunks: 06mutagenic | XP: 332 | Sp: (random) | Sz: Medium | Int: animal. 23:12:12 you need a demonic digger, or an orb spider 23:12:22 -!- Dixlet has joined ##crawl-dev 23:12:24 -!- fruitloops7 has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:12:27 <|amethyst> oh, we removed boring beetles... 23:12:31 @??orb spider 23:12:32 orb spider (06s) | Spd: 12 (spell: 200%) | HD: 7 | HP: 30-53 | AC/EV: 3/10 | Dam: 5 | web sense | Res: 06magic(40) | Vul: 09poison | XP: 588 | Sp: o.destruction (9d9) [06!sil] | Sz: small | Int: brainless. 23:12:37 @??formicid 23:12:38 formicid (03a) | Spd: 10 | HD: 6 | HP: 31-53 | AC/EV: 3/10 | Dam: 15 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, see invisible | Res: 06magic(40) | XP: 228 | Sz: Medium | Int: human. 23:13:02 <|amethyst> M_NO_POLY_TO on formicid 23:13:21 -!- DDFi has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:13:38 ahh, someone added that? good. 23:13:45 can monster fo dig 23:13:50 yes 23:13:50 yes 23:13:56 hi PleasingFungus... 23:13:58 they also have inherent stasis 23:14:09 significant amount of code supporting that iir 23:14:10 c 23:14:38 where's the code to control distortion 23:14:42 -!- setecastronomy has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:15:02 !source distortion_affects_defender 23:15:03 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/attack.cc#l448 23:15:17 -!- Cacophony has quit [Quit: oh no am scare] 23:15:21 // I think could be amended to let blink frogs "grow" like jellies do {dlb} 23:15:26 wow, missed opportunity 23:15:58 !source blink_fineff 23:15:58 1/2. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/fineff.h#l106 23:16:02 <|amethyst> !source blink_fineff::fire 23:16:02 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/fineff.cc#l234 23:16:04 what's 'fineff'? 23:16:07 !source cast_blink 23:16:07 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/spl-transloc.cc#l322 23:16:08 <|amethyst> it's just defend->blink() 23:16:18 !source monster::blink 23:16:19 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/monster.cc#l4390 23:16:32 !source monster_blink 23:16:33 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/teleport.cc#l168 23:16:36 unpacking the onion 23:16:48 I thought we were looking at players blinking. 23:17:01 !source random_near_space 23:17:01 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/teleport.cc#l471 23:17:04 I thought this was players blinking 23:17:11 brb5m 23:17:20 -!- Foamed has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:17:37 monster::blink is not players blinking, probably. 23:18:45 <|amethyst> making players unable to random blink into no_tele_into areas would have other consequences 23:18:54 <|amethyst> it would mean there are some vaults where blink just doesn't work 23:19:10 <|amethyst> because everything in LOS is no_tele_into 23:19:27 <|amethyst> or others where it's guaranteed to put you far away 23:19:31 could distinguish between disto blink or not 23:19:41 or just not allow blinking into them when they are affected by silence 23:19:51 of course that's pretty specific-case there 23:20:22 -!- UncertainKitten has joined ##crawl-dev 23:20:23 <|amethyst> Or just remove silent spectres 23:20:33 !silence |amethyst 23:20:33 Grunt gestures wildly while chanting. A profound silence engulfs |amethyst. 23:20:35 <.< 23:21:11 <|amethyst> of course then we'll just have a player with no scrolls of tele either 23:21:33 -!- UncertainKitten has quit [Client Quit] 23:22:33 -!- ussdefiant_ has joined ##crawl-dev 23:22:49 -!- Guest10134 is now known as fazisi 23:24:24 i think we should just disable random blinking into no_tele_into areas and rework the vaults that end up weird because of that 23:24:47 alternately 23:24:50 I'm a little worried about making that kind of far-reaching change for such an incredibly niche issue. 23:24:53 is this only a problem with iron grates? 23:24:53 <|amethyst> IMO a better solution would be to remove this vault 23:25:18 <|amethyst> doy: also statues etc 23:25:27 <|amethyst> anything that doesn't block smiting 23:25:29 put a deck with a single orb card in each vault 23:25:30 can we just make it so that you can't blink past iron grates or statues 23:25:52 replace the grates in that vault with glass 23:25:53 done 23:26:16 <|amethyst> Lightli: that defeats the point of the vault, which is to have the wizards attack you after you kill the spectre 23:26:22 but... how will the casters breath?! 23:26:37 but wouldn't most players kill the casters before killing the spectre to begin with 23:26:50 yeah 23:27:06 only a pure caster won't be able to do that, and a pure caster would have difficulty meleeing down a silent spectre to begin wtih 23:28:13 -!- zxc232 has joined ##crawl-dev 23:28:33 i mean 23:28:57 -!- } has quit [] 23:29:21 i do consider it to be buggy that you can get trapped like this 23:30:08 it's always been possible with this vault, but I guess it just never happened 23:30:46 I was thinking of making random blink from disto only able to place you on squares that you can pathfind to from your current location 23:31:06 you can still end up there by random teleport 23:31:11 <|amethyst> zxc232: no you can't 23:31:15 you can't? 23:31:16 <|amethyst> only random blink 23:31:20 -!- KurzedMetal has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:31:29 chequers: why specifically from distortion? 23:31:32 <|amethyst> blinking doesn't respect no_tele_into 23:31:41 interesting 23:31:44 doy: sorry, any source of non-player-initiated blink 23:31:51 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 23:31:56 of which distortion is the only one? 23:32:13 chequers: i mean, why is player-initiated blink different? 23:32:21 blinking arrows 23:32:37 tomahawks 23:32:37 doy: i figure player uncontrolled blink is repeatable 23:32:54 <|amethyst> chequers: not if you blink from a non-silenced into a silenced area 23:33:28 or if you read your last scroll of blinking while carrying the orb 23:33:36 as long as you can pathfind out, I don't think blinking into a silenced area is a bad thing 23:33:51 doy: yes, it's not perfect, there are a few other cases too 23:33:56 yeah I think the problem here might just be the vault 23:34:27 what's the solution to the vault though? a runed door on every cell? 23:34:37 i think that having blink only able to land you in places that you could otherwise move to isn't unreasonable 23:34:51 just remove disto from the game 23:34:57 treat statues and grates as though they were glass for the purposes of blinking 23:35:20 !source valid_blink_destination 23:35:20 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/teleport.cc#l446 23:35:42 ok, so how do I see if two squares can be navigated between 23:36:10 -!- Pacra has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 23:36:33 you wouldn't really want to check literally "can the player walk from A to B", because that would prevent things like blinking across lava 23:36:50 what do you mean? that's what I want to prevent 23:37:03 no, that would ruin quite a lot of vaults 23:37:07 <|amethyst> yeah, if this can happen with grates it can happen with lava too 23:37:26 <|amethyst> if those grates were lava the only difference is the player would be getting attacked the whole time 23:37:32 what sort of vaults rely on the player being uncontrolled blinked across lava 23:37:36 |amethyst: the ones with lava basically all remember to put like a escape hatch in there though 23:37:56 <|amethyst> so how about put escape hatches in this vault? 23:38:03 i mean, you could do that 23:38:04 the thing about that vault is that you are silenced and have no way of reaching the silent spectre 23:38:06 you'd just need quite a lot 23:38:07 can you put 16 extra hatches in the vault? 23:38:46 I thought only three per level spawned or something 23:38:54 <|amethyst> not stairs, hatches 23:39:11 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 23:39:13 yes, that's what I meant 23:39:40 i mean, adding escape hatches to all of these rooms would also be a solution 23:39:51 it's a bit ugly, but probably has fewer unintended consequences 23:39:53 !lg demise x=kmap 23:39:54 334. [killermap=] Demise the Executioner (L21 DDVM of Makhleb), quit the game on Depths:4 (evilmike_wizard_prison) on 2015-11-17 04:34:45, with 358684 points after 77863 turns and 2:07:43. 23:40:03 !vault evilmike_wizard_prison 23:40:03 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/dat/des/variable/large_themed.des#l892 23:40:39 <|amethyst> of course, that raises the question of why the imprisoned monsters don't just take the hatches 23:41:05 hatches or stairs? 23:41:07 yeah, that's what i meant by "ugly" 23:41:10 (: 23:41:19 I guess a random mix is best 23:41:29 <|amethyst> err 23:41:35 <|amethyst> you don't want to put the stairs there 23:41:42 escape stairs 23:41:47 <|amethyst> huh? 23:41:47 yeah, if you're going to do that, they should not be stairs 23:42:01 <|amethyst> there are three stairs per level 23:42:02 -!- tealeaves has quit [Quit: Bye] 23:42:21 aren't escape hatches going upwards called escape stairs 23:42:23 escape hatch can mean going up or down 23:42:23 <|amethyst> you'd be making it so that anyone entering this level *except* by hatch/shaft winds up in one of those rooms 23:42:38 zxc232: ah 23:42:53 make them all go down 23:43:02 because the player should be punished for foolishly getting themselves trapped 23:43:22 i still think not being able to blink through statues and grates would be an improvement in general (i honestly had no idea that you could) 23:45:14 oh wow, this vault has a secret treasure room too 23:48:15 like, if you changed `moved->see_cell_no_trans(target)` to something like `cell_see_cell(moved->pos(), target, LOS_SOLID)`, for instance 23:48:38 i feel like that definitely would break a few vaults 23:48:43 like which? 23:49:44 or like, what kinds of things would vaults be doing that this would break? 23:49:55 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:50:01 i guess placing monsters behind statues and expecting the monsters to be able to blink out, or something 23:50:12 i can't really think of a vault like that off the top of my head 23:50:13 <|amethyst> which this vault does 23:50:23 oh, does it? 23:50:30 <|amethyst> # Inmates are monsters capable of blinking, summoning or airstriking. 23:50:36 # Inmates are monsters capable of blinking, summoning or airstriking. 23:50:36 i'm not familiar with this vault in general 23:50:36 ah 23:50:36 dang 23:50:45 yeah, okay 23:51:49 -!- mopl has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:51:55 -!- ussdefiant__ has joined ##crawl-dev 23:52:36 okay, yeah, i think in general this vault is just not particularly good 23:52:44 it's a really fun map imo 23:53:05 -!- Silas is now known as Guest48471 23:53:09 -!- CaptainFruitcake has joined ##crawl-dev 23:53:17 https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/177 23:53:47 -!- LexAckson has joined ##crawl-dev 23:53:49 i have a good bit of skepticism about the hidden treasure rooms 23:54:35 there's actuallly two in this vault 23:54:38 yeah 23:54:38 :D 23:54:54 anyway, here https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/177 23:55:26 I agree it's an ugly solution, but it's a small surgical fix for an issue that's very broad 23:55:39 New branch created: pull/177 (1 commit) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/177 23:55:39 03chequers02 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/177 * 0.18-a0-78-g8176a4f: Add escape tunnels to evilmike_wizard_prison. 10(17 hours ago, 1 file, 8+ 8-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/8176a4fd21ec 23:56:08 -!- debo_ has joined ##crawl-dev 23:56:31 -!- debo_ is now known as Guest5409 23:56:41 tail is just a sketch, but https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1000017/crawl/naga.png 23:57:13 naga shedding pounts 23:57:15 pounds 23:57:44 every day is arm day when you don't have any legs 23:59:16 |amethyst: doy: PleasingFungus: Grunt: any opinions on this quikfix