00:01:11 -!- Pepe has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:01:14 thanks 00:01:34 Unstable branch on crawl.s-z.org updated to: 0.14-a0-2328-g18f63ac (34) 00:02:03 now i'll have to play an yredite so i can have marvin buddies 00:03:01 (Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be a dungeon-shattering kaboom!) 00:04:20 -!- dtsund has quit [Quit: dtsund] 00:06:10 Unstable branch on rl.heh.fi updated to: 0.14-a0-2328-g18f63ac (34) 00:06:20 -!- dtsund has joined ##crawl-dev 00:06:50 -!- N78291 has quit [Quit: null] 00:07:13 -!- Fortescue has joined ##crawl-dev 00:14:53 Phantasmal warriors do not behead hydra by ackack 00:18:38 Unstable branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.14-a0-2328-g18f63ac (34) 00:20:52 phantasmal warrior (09W) | Spd: 10 | HD: 9 | HP: 33-64 | AC/EV: 12/10 | Dam: 2612(vuln) | 07undead, 10doors, fighter, evil, see invisible, lev | Res: 06magic(72), 02cold, 09poison+++, 12drown, 04rot+++, 13neg+++, 13torm, 04napalm | Vul: 08holy++ | XP: 544 | Sz: Medium | Int: high. 00:20:52 %??phantasmal warrior 00:21:03 -!- dck has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client] 00:25:20 -!- gammafunk has quit [Quit: leaving] 00:28:06 -!- ontoclasm has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 00:28:54 -!- Krakhan has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:28:59 -!- ackack has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:31:51 -!- AlphaQ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:31:59 -!- magicpoints has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:32:08 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:32:22 -!- xFleury has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 26.0/20131205075310]] 00:33:13 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 00:33:50 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:35:06 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 00:36:44 -!- Basil has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:37:05 -!- Basil has joined ##crawl-dev 00:39:05 -!- gnum has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 00:39:18 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 00:39:43 -!- djinni has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 00:43:53 -!- djinni has joined ##crawl-dev 00:46:33 Windows builds of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.14-a0-2328-g18f63ac 00:47:09 -!- djinni has quit [Excess Flood] 00:48:03 -!- Amy has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 00:49:16 -!- djinni has joined ##crawl-dev 00:52:36 -!- thedefinite has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- IRC with a difference] 01:01:30 -!- nixor has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 01:07:31 -!- Crehl has quit [Quit: qqqqqqq] 01:07:49 -!- jeanjacques has joined ##crawl-dev 01:10:18 -!- Kalir has quit [Quit: CADENZA-CLASS CLOCKWORK KNIGHT--OPERATION TERMINATED] 01:11:31 -!- minmay has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:11:35 -!- minqmay has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:18:26 -!- WalkerBoh has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:28:52 -!- crate has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 01:28:57 -!- araganzar has quit [Quit: Page closed] 01:39:05 -!- stabwound has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net] 01:43:03 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 01:46:15 Ugh. I see why CSZO speccing is failing, when logged in. 01:47:13 Seems like -print-webtiles-options has \x1b[2j (clrscr) at the start 01:47:19 ouch 01:47:35 yeah, that *probably* shouldn't be initializing curses or anything ... 01:47:47 CSZO 'speccing?' 01:47:52 watching 01:47:55 ooh 01:48:02 spectating 01:48:22 I'm not getting it locally, so it's probably the DGL wrapper or whatever 01:48:23 not specifying 01:48:29 Medar: hmm 01:48:37 |amethyst: ^ 01:49:07 I should probably set up DGL server myself at some point. Just so I really know how this stuff works (and can test). 01:49:42 the wiki makes it pretty painless 01:49:54 https://crawl.develz.org/wiki/doku.php?id=setting_up_dgamelaunch_and_webtiles 01:50:12 Yeah, that's nice 01:50:51 -!- ussdefiant has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 01:54:14 -!- thug_lessons has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 01:55:09 -!- ussdefiant has joined ##crawl-dev 01:58:53 -!- Vizer__ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 02:00:20 I hope it's not making ttyrecs of these calls... 02:01:26 -!- Soadreqm has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 02:03:08 -!- tabstorm has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 02:05:25 -!- ussdefiant has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 02:08:07 -!- bschlief has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:08:31 -!- ereinion has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:11:14 -!- ereinion has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:11:50 -!- ereinion has quit [Client Quit] 02:13:18 -!- MP2E has quit [Quit: brb] 02:13:26 -!- stabwound has joined ##crawl-dev 02:15:46 -!- SkaryMonk has joined ##crawl-dev 02:16:47 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.14-a0-2328-g18f63ac (34) 02:18:09 -!- SkaryMonk1 has joined ##crawl-dev 02:20:25 -!- SkaryMonk has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 02:24:54 !messages 02:24:55 (1/19) bh said (46w 2d 13h 25m 45s ago): the CDO SSL certificate appears to have expired. 02:53:13 notcluie (L15 LOSk) ASSERT(in_bounds(where)) in 'misc.cc' at line 1068 failed. (where = (0,0)) (Shoals:2) 02:59:48 -!- Wah has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 03:04:55 -!- dtsund has quit [Quit: dtsund] 03:11:43 -!- Zeor has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Chicks dig it] 03:15:59 -!- Basil has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:19:54 -!- st_ has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 03:21:20 -!- Furril has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:23:03 -!- Escalator has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 03:23:15 -!- Escalator_ is now known as Escalator 03:27:24 -!- Z_LAMP has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:30:43 -!- simmarine has quit [Quit: Leaving] 03:36:37 -!- eith has joined ##crawl-dev 03:36:59 -!- Escalator has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:40:51 -!- BlackrayJack has quit [] 03:40:59 -!- Wolfechu has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:49:09 -!- ainsophyao has joined ##crawl-dev 03:49:37 -!- ainsophyao has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:55:07 -!- kait has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:15:43 -!- syllogism has joined ##crawl-dev 04:18:12 -!- SkaryMonk has joined ##crawl-dev 04:20:45 -!- SkaryMonk1 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 04:30:19 -!- ProzacElf has joined ##crawl-dev 04:41:14 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 04:45:08 -!- Pacra has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 04:46:59 -!- alefury has joined ##crawl-dev 04:49:01 -!- DrinkMachine has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:49:24 -!- DrinkMachine has joined ##crawl-dev 05:18:51 -!- Adder__ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 05:24:33 -!- KurzedMetal has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:45:32 -!- broquaint has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:50:41 -!- Z_LAMP has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 05:52:17 -!- broquaint has joined ##crawl-dev 06:07:58 -!- Hailley has quit [Quit: Petra is closed!] 06:18:43 -!- SkaryMonk1 has joined ##crawl-dev 06:20:32 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:20:32 -!- SkaryMonk has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:22:43 -!- conted has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 06:22:59 -!- raskol has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:26:46 -!- ackack has joined ##crawl-dev 06:43:55 -!- Zaba has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:45:50 -!- jday_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 06:46:11 -!- jday_ has joined ##crawl-dev 07:04:29 -!- tksquared has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:17:32 -!- Sgeo has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:20:37 -!- dpeg has joined ##crawl-dev 07:20:54 hard times 07:20:55 dpeg: You have 2 messages. Use !messages to read them. 07:21:15 !messages 07:21:15 (1/2) gammafunk said (1w 1d 8h 31m 23s ago): I've iterated on the Asterion Mi unique again by giving him 1) spectral weapon and 2) always a demon weapon (makky theme) + shield - heavy armour. 07:21:31 !messages 07:21:31 (1/1) gammafunk said (1w 1d 8h 30m 25s ago): technically it works fine so far, although I may need to tweak the spectre behaviour. I removed greater servant as a result; let me know what you think. 07:22:52 !tell gammafunk Sounds good to me. Perhaps Asterion should be just a unique minotaur, and we drop Makhleb. (I reckon some gods are just hard to make monster worshipers for.) 07:22:52 dpeg: OK, I'll let gammafunk know. 07:22:57 -!- Thomus435868 has quit [Quit: Page closed] 07:23:31 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 07:24:39 -!- OCTOTROG has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:25:55 -!- OCTOTROG has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:30:35 -!- Whistling_Bread has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:31:37 -!- DKR has quit [Quit: Page closed] 07:32:22 -!- rchandra has joined ##crawl-dev 07:39:35 -!- Soadreqm has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 07:42:48 ackack (L22 DgCj) (Abyss:2) 07:42:55 hmm 07:57:15 -!- jday_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 08:07:03 -!- jday has joined ##crawl-dev 08:08:59 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: CKyle] 08:09:06 -!- Dan has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:15:08 -!- MaxFrost has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:19:10 -!- SkaryMonk has joined ##crawl-dev 08:19:29 -!- SkaryMonk1 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:22:40 -!- _oiseaux has joined ##crawl-dev 08:24:39 <_oiseaux> hey all. could someone point me to where i can find what determines which vault will be picked from a .des file for say, portal vaults, or branch endings? i had a cursory look, but the repo web browser doesn't seem to have a search function so I'm a bit lost 08:25:38 <_oiseaux> more specifically, the algorithm that makes the choice based on the weights of the vaults. i suspect it's based on the sum of the weights in the file? 08:28:45 -!- Whistling_Bread has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:29:28 _oiseaux: yes, I think so: the probability is a weighted sum: (weight of current vault) / (sum of weights of all eligible vaults) 08:29:40 it gets more complicated with CHANCEs but I don't think we have that for portal vaults 08:30:20 <_oiseaux> dpeg: excellent, thanks 08:30:38 10 being the weight of a vault without a WEIGHT tag 08:31:27 -!- SkaryMonk has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 08:35:52 -!- ontoclasm has joined ##crawl-dev 08:37:47 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 08:41:49 -!- ketsa has joined ##crawl-dev 08:43:28 -!- lukano has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 08:46:32 -!- Cryp71c has joined ##crawl-dev 08:46:48 Morning. 08:52:13 -!- dagonfive has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:59:13 -!- tenofswords has joined ##crawl-dev 09:02:42 -!- OCTOTROG has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:06:48 -!- absolutego has joined ##crawl-dev 09:16:25 -!- dck has joined ##crawl-dev 09:24:14 -!- raskol has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:27:21 -!- ketsa has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Iceweasel 17.0.10/20131030035318]] 09:27:47 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 09:28:58 dpeg: Hrm, if I were to remove makky (and presumably greater destruct), any thoughts as to what else would be interesting with our Minotaur? 09:28:58 gammafunk: You have 1 message. Use !messages to read it. 09:30:12 Mi is not the first species I think of as "skald", although of course it works fine; I could give him another skald spell (he is currently a warrior-king anyhow) 09:30:49 minotaur emperor 09:31:04 A gold stealing attack now that harpies don't steal food 09:31:23 his treasury must be really low... 09:31:57 wheals: He actually has some speech currently about the player's treasure going to his coffers 09:32:08 Ithink it's even conditional on the player having over e.g. 1k gold 09:32:20 <_oiseaux> are you guys revamping labyrinth minotaur? :) 09:32:26 heh, no 09:32:33 just trying to put together a Mi unique 09:32:50 <_oiseaux> nice 09:32:52 "(I reckon some gods are just hard to make monster worshipers for.)" 09:32:52 tenofswords: You have 2 messages. Use !messages to read them. 09:33:15 tenofswords: Yeah, I think he's right, don't you agree? 09:33:36 yes, I couldn't come up with a sif/ash Ds to round out the cast 09:33:52 Any thoughts for something aside from spectral that's good for him? 09:33:59 Regen works, I guess 09:34:07 is there even monster regen the spell? 09:34:13 yes, used to be for nergalle 09:34:26 monsters have a fixed max regen rate, though 09:34:45 (this, of course, could be fixed) 09:34:53 I guess regen + ddoor was very annoying; wonder why it was removed if not for that 09:35:03 ddoor already annoys me greatly on her... 09:35:24 maybe her spectral orcs could have a lower cap 09:35:38 -!- LexAckson has joined ##crawl-dev 09:35:48 -!- Bloax has joined ##crawl-dev 09:35:52 actually the real thing nergalle needs is to summon actual spectral warriors or knights 09:36:03 instead of spectral orcs that happen to have warrior/knight health/weapons 09:36:16 then she can get to be lethal 09:36:20 tenofswords: I've noticed that some of her spectres *are* warriors or knights 09:36:25 why what's the difference 09:36:29 base damage 09:36:32 orc (04o) | Spd: 10 | HD: 1 | HP: 4-10 | AC/EV: 0/10 | Dam: 5 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors | Res: 06magic(4) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 3 | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 09:36:32 %??orc 09:36:33 or at least that's what it says in xv 09:36:35 orc knight (10o) | Spd: 10 | HD: 9 | HP: 47-88 | AC/EV: 2/13 | Dam: 25 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, fighter | Res: 06magic(36) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 617 | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 09:36:35 %??orc knight 09:36:36 mm 09:36:43 5 damage, not 25 damage 09:36:52 she's already pretty lethal pre-lair 09:37:01 can push her back down a little! 09:37:11 bolt of draining is pretty dangerous 09:37:23 Nergalle (16o) | Spd: 10 | HD: 10 | HP: 60 | AC/EV: 9/11 | Dam: 6 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, evil, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 06magic(66) | Vul: 08holy | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 804 | Sp: b.draining (3d18), sum.spectral orcs, dispel undead (3d18), haste other, 04esc:death's door | Sz: Medium | Int: high. 09:37:23 %??nergalle 09:37:26 well, yes 09:37:31 yes 2/3 of my deaths to her are from draining 09:37:44 -!- st_ has joined ##crawl-dev 09:37:49 !lg . ikiller=~nergalle s=place 09:37:49 One game for gammafunk (ikiller=~nergalle): D:15 09:37:58 it is just a shame that one of her "flavourful" or at least unique spells is a pile of cheats 09:38:10 hehe, "pile of cheats" 09:38:14 great item name 09:38:18 of course, ddoor is the definition of cheating 09:38:35 or how about a "Deck of Cheats" 09:38:38 hmm 09:38:43 that's pretty much every deck anyhow 09:38:45 torturous black sun (136) | Spd: 10 | HD: 15 | HP: 58-91 | AC/EV: 6/26 08(spiny 3) | Dam: 15 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, priest, evil, see invisible | Res: 06magic(60) | Vul: 08holy++ | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 1175 | Sp: b.draining (3d22), malign offering (2d20), black mark, dispel undead (3d24), 04esc:death's door | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 09:38:45 %??torturous black sun 09:38:57 heh, it's nergalle the ds 09:39:16 hey, black mark is devastating if it buffs an executioner 09:39:26 it's even better when she summons a spectral warlord with a bardiche and a crossbow 09:39:35 yes, that's not exactly fair to say it's just nergalle 09:39:46 and then hastes it! 09:40:11 with her wand of hasting she just so accidentally picked up 09:40:13 it could probably use more direct damage though, the yred side of it is pretty much regulated to that hyper-drain-life 09:40:29 no, she has haste other 09:40:30 oh, black sun's are yredites? 09:40:37 !title black sun 09:40:37 *suns 09:40:38 black sun: Invocations (Kikubaaqudgha) 09:40:41 yred/kiku 09:40:53 the kiku is the spells, the yred is malign/black mark 09:41:09 Well oddly enough, ds in pan enable yred to be used more in extended 09:41:17 Interesting, I don't think I've seen her haste her summons before. 09:41:32 clearly a happy connected relationship 09:41:37 it could be broken 09:41:52 That's probably not textbook definition of irony, but I'm going with it 09:42:43 Was that change to pan (corpses and non-demons kills) very intentional? 09:42:57 I assume it was something at least on your mind during the proposal 09:43:34 -!- gustaf1 is now known as ghallberg 09:44:04 -!- ontoclasm has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 09:44:21 I thought it'd be fine because this was partially meant as set-up for finite pan 09:45:09 -!- _oiseaux has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:46:21 -!- ussdefiant has joined ##crawl-dev 09:47:15 aww, finite pan :/ 09:48:00 Pan is becoming finite? 09:48:04 you don't like the idea alefury? 09:48:15 -!- kilobyte has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:48:38 Has it ever been discussed? I know nothing about finite Pan except that it is an idea. 09:48:45 or at least discussions of finite pan would make much more sense after pan has more to it 09:49:13 Well, even if pan is finite, I was speaking more in terms of the result of finishing pan having access to corpses piety for the relevant gods, which is the case regardless of whether it's finite 09:49:15 several times, though the last time doesn't readily come to mind 09:49:50 <|amethyst> It has come up before here, though I don't know just how many have participated in/seen those discussions 09:49:51 is piety much of a concern by pan time 09:50:11 I think it can be (see Implojin's trolls of okawaru) 09:50:15 For certain gods, they are very problematic in most of extended 09:50:21 I never play Pan, so I don't really mind too much. But when Erik dropped the ball he told me earnestly that we should keep unlimited play in Crawl, just keep it to specific corners (mummy, pan). 09:50:25 it helps trog, I guess, but trog is already very threatened by four of the Ds monsters being priests 09:50:25 Yred is perhaps teh most extreme case 09:50:26 I like infinite Pan because it lets me scum if I want to, basically 09:50:26 <|amethyst> I think galehar is right that something like that should be brought up on CRD, at least once someone has a substantive proposal 09:50:35 It happens occasionally 09:50:44 alefury: this 09:51:07 the problem with infinite pan is that it also kind of forces you to scum when you don't want to 09:51:17 I don't think that balance concerns (e.g. god power) are very relevant when we talk about the extended game. 09:51:30 going through 40ish levels (which seems pretty typical for a 15 runer) when you're interested in 4 and a random vault is pretty tedious 09:51:45 ackack: I'm pretty sure scumming Pan is generally a bad idea if you want to win, and a good idea if you want to scum 09:51:54 ackack: in the old days, you had to go through many, many more levels (the special levels were completely random, now they're slated to come early) 09:51:57 -!- radinms has quit [] 09:51:59 -!- Mateji has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 09:52:06 dpeg: good, so it has improved, why not improve further? 09:52:11 the abyss is also infinite 09:52:17 A suggestion I've heard for "finite pan" is that the special floors would be guaranteed in the first N 09:52:40 nonethousand: yes, for example. Or just increase chances for "upfront" even more. 09:52:43 -!- Lightli has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:52:49 but of course this doesn't mean you'll ever reach a blockade, the last pan floor 09:53:01 even getting rid of demonic would be a huge improvement 09:53:34 I think this is more a philosophical question: do we want to cater to the mindset which wants to conquer everything, or rather to the mindset which wants to go on eternally? 09:53:54 I would prefer for zigs to be the infinite scumming thing 09:54:06 via an evokable on zig:27 that lets you make a portal to another zig 09:54:28 they are supposed to be the pinacle of threat and the real attraction to infinite pan scumming anyway 09:54:35 while that's possible, zigs are just so much different from the rest of crawl that i don't know how much that appeals 09:54:49 maybe lots of people would like it? it would surely be a good feature for the people who do zigscum (i know a couple) 09:54:57 -!- gammafunk has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:55:17 i don't see any reason not to have the zig chain thing at any rate 09:55:24 of course I'd also prefer lots more variations to zig set-ups and I've been stabbing at zig sets for months now 09:55:27 but that strikes me as a side issue to whether pan shoudl be shortened 09:56:14 -!- ProzacElf has joined ##crawl-dev 09:56:24 Yeah the zig chain thing is great in any case 09:56:29 tenofswords: have a go at it! Ziggurats suffer from the fact that they were invented and implemented by people who are too bad to play them:) 09:56:41 kehehe 09:56:47 You don't have to be that good to play them 09:56:55 ackack: not quite: the question is how we provide most fun to players who want challenges beyond runes 09:57:10 ridiculous idea: what if unique pan lords actually had multiple floors, almost like you were thrust into a 3-floor "branch" with their rune at the bottom 09:57:13 tenofswords: zigsprint is a good place to try them out 09:57:15 alefury: I entered them sometimes, I have no chance to beat one. 09:57:18 dpeg: i don't know which line you're responding to there 09:57:30 dpeg: having the right stuff helps a lot 09:57:52 dpeg: like, say, ddoor, cblink, a distortion weapon to banish/teleport yourself with 09:58:02 tenofswords: btw, if you ever do this, please contact me for my "imp cheering floor" -- it will rock, promised/ 09:58:05 also something to kill all the dudes, like firestorm 09:58:21 ackack: zigs side issue regarding pan 09:58:22 -!- kilobyte has joined ##crawl-dev 09:58:24 ??dudes 09:58:24 I don't have a page labeled dudes in my learndb. 09:58:29 what 09:58:44 I don't like the idea of unrand pan lord branches because some of them are very awkward already (cerebov's would have more fire than gehenna, lom has a bunch of D:16 threats to make up his vault contents, mnoleg is full of ever so wonderful mutation) 09:59:03 fair point 09:59:06 dpeg: would it be fine enough to make a center pillar glass vault of imps 09:59:22 pan being infinite but the stuff people care about being totally frontloaded would be fine 09:59:38 or putting the demonic rune somewhere else in the game, diving through levels can go pretty fast if you're not looking for demonic 10:00:09 <|amethyst> dpeg: Just a brainstorm: what about having fairly frequent portals, after the last Pan rune has been taken, to one last special and very hard level where the player can destroy Pan. If they want to keep going forever, they can do that instead. There might need to be something (I don't know if a rune is appropriate; loot or XP is not enough at that point in the game) to give some incentive to do it despite the danger 10:00:39 could put the demonic rune there 10:00:47 that way it would be not super annoying 10:01:05 ackack: it's already frontloaded, we can just frontload it some more 10:01:08 sure 10:01:21 another improvement would be increasing exit generation when you have all 5 pan runes a la the abyss 10:01:34 good point, just do it :) 10:01:53 alternatively you could be so radical 10:02:00 <|amethyst> dpeg: it could even be something that requires the orb 10:02:02 as to throw you out of the pandemonium once you have all the runes 10:02:13 because dang you got them good 10:02:25 bloax: well part of the discussion is for people who don't want that to happen, but i guess you could just go back into pan 10:02:40 * dpeg mentions once more the idea that you have to have the orb to enter Pan. 10:03:16 dpeg: If anything then not doing Zot:5 is likely going to increase your chances down there. 10:03:19 That's kind of harsh 10:03:23 Unless you like a huge list of mutations. 10:03:39 alefury: that is kind of the point 10:03:44 that's an interesting idea dpeg 10:04:33 of course that restriction will make a 15-rune game more linear 10:05:25 fighting panlords with constant orbrun spawns would be completely stupid, the only thing left to do would be ninjaing which is already the best way to do pan if you just want to win with 15 runes 10:05:50 <|amethyst> alefury: I think with that proposal orbrun spawns don't need to exist in Pan 10:05:55 (well, also ninjaing runes would be super difficult with the orb) 10:06:16 -ctele sounds like agony 10:06:18 <|amethyst> alefury: since orbrun spawns are to a large extent "pan coming after you" 10:06:28 -ctele sounds like it would improve pan alot 10:06:35 a lot 10:06:44 could just remove ctele 10:06:49 ctele is one thing that really sets pan apart from hells 10:06:52 you have now created the pan alot 10:07:12 but maybe with ds monsters it's distinct enough even then 10:07:47 what is the stealth malus from holding the orb? 10:08:58 -!- alefury has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Iceweasel 26.0/20131215102647]] 10:11:04 |amethyst: if you destroyed pan where would the orbrun spawns come from 10:11:31 <|amethyst> !tell napkin I think the biggest thing is having a shared repository where multiple people can work on the code easily (without having to exchange patches/merge requests). Also, but less important, formalising our arrangement whereby many server admins have access to other servers, though the fact that CDO-the-game-server is shared with other more sensitive things might limit that 10:11:31 Maximum message length is 300 characters. Eschew verbosity, Gladys! 10:11:40 nowhere 10:11:41 you win 10:11:43 <|amethyst> !tell napkin I think the biggest thing is having a shared repository where multiple people can work on the code easily (without having to exchange patches/merge requests). 10:11:43 |amethyst: OK, I'll let napkin know. 10:11:45 well, since orb run already includes orb guardians, clearly orbrun starts spamming those instead 10:11:54 <|amethyst> !tell napkin Also, but less important, formalising our arrangement whereby many server admins have access to other servers, though the fact that CDO-the-game-server is shared with other more sensitive things might limit that 10:11:55 |amethyst: OK, I'll let napkin know. 10:12:04 pre-berserk ones, maybe 10:12:14 <|amethyst> wheals: Destroying pan could be the end of the orbrun 10:12:19 no need to !tell me, ackack 10:12:19 Napkin: You have 2 messages. Use !messages to read them. 10:12:22 no need to !tell me, |amethyst 10:12:23 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 10:12:26 <|amethyst> Napkin: sorry :) 10:12:31 that might be enough of an incentive in itself! 10:12:34 i read all those nick hilights anyways :) 10:12:36 <|amethyst> wheals: No need to escape to the surface when you rule an entire plane 10:12:46 -!- yalue has quit [Quit: Leaving] 10:12:51 ultra chaos god ending 10:12:54 well.. new server will not have vserver anymore 10:13:12 so i'm thinking about using lxc, but that seems like a lot of maintenance work 10:13:45 and root access would still not be possible 10:13:52 you have to fight andor sigmund at the very end 10:13:58 <|amethyst> Napkin: not just non-crawl stuff I mean: I'm not sure whether mantis, wordpress, etc. should be in the same security domain as the online play stuff 10:14:00 if you want an alternative ending, I'd like becoming a pan lord much better than destroying pan 10:14:01 which is required, unless we want to deal with a lot of sudo 10:14:14 -!- Kalir has quit [Changing host] 10:14:19 <|amethyst> Napkin: What about a real VM for the game server? 10:14:30 what software? 10:14:34 you folks always want to destroy everything, sometime's a man has to settle and raise a family, complete with pet nexoqec and demonic offspring 10:14:49 <|amethyst> Napkin: I don't know, what does rax use? 10:14:56 and i don't want disk images 10:15:16 that's just annoying if you have to shift free space around 10:15:17 <|amethyst> Napkin: since I believe CAO is on the same hardware as otherstuff.akrasiac.org 10:15:32 dpeg: oh, so that's where the demonspawn come from 10:15:38 -!- Antimanner has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:15:42 take the orb to the center of pan to assert your new authority there 10:15:45 what does rax use for what? 10:15:45 rax: You have 23 messages. Use !messages to read them. 10:15:46 VMs? 10:15:51 I use xen 10:15:59 mantis, wordpress should be in the same security domain, but not their data 10:16:02 hey rax :) 10:16:05 hi! :D 10:16:26 <|amethyst> Napkin: that makes sense 10:16:32 crawl.akrasiac.org is on a separate VM from all of the other stuff, most of which are on separate VMs, although I am lazy and host some tiny pet projects on my personal machine 10:16:39 but it is all the same hardware 10:16:44 yeah 10:17:01 makes sense.. i'm just not motivated to use disk images 10:17:29 or can xen serve host directories as "disks" nowadays? 10:17:41 -!- Gene_ has quit [Client Quit] 10:17:54 <|amethyst> Napkin: when you say "disk images", would a dedicated LVM partition count? 10:17:56 last time i checked i gave up.. 10:18:03 <|amethyst> Napkin: LVM is pretty easy to grow 10:18:04 I use LVM 10:18:15 I think you could use directories at this point if you wanted though? 10:18:19 <|amethyst> Napkin: and doesn't have the speed disadvantages of disk-image-in-a-file 10:18:26 wheals: destroying pan displaces its residents into the dungeon where they conveniently encounter the adventurer who undid them. They are not happy. 10:18:31 <|amethyst> Even if it's not natively supported you could use NFS etc 10:18:42 <|amethyst> using a directory of the host I mean 10:18:58 i don't want any images 10:19:05 but maybe i'll rethink that.. 10:19:15 haven't had much time to think about the subject recently 10:19:15 <|amethyst> Napkin: greensnark is also interested in Sequell etc being part of this 10:19:30 i can imagine :) 10:20:17 i will keep it in mind when i do the move 10:20:37 <|amethyst> Napkin: I do think you've managed security better than I have 10:20:43 and decide for one virtual solution finally then ;) 10:21:54 |amethyst: and i'm still not too happy about the security ;) 10:22:16 I'd love to get a more visceral sense of just how unamused the Lords of Pandemonium are when I pick up the orb of zot 10:22:25 i had the impression that greensnark's adaptation of my scripts made it much better 10:22:29 Maybe "hey he has the orb of zot" monspeak for pan lords 10:22:59 And yeah pan ds on the orb run is also cool 10:23:18 maybe 8 of them should appear immediately 10:23:28 wheals: twenty-seven of them? 10:23:39 i just meant in the squares surrounding you 10:23:44 yes, I know :) 10:24:00 27 could also surround you pretty well... 10:24:03 alternatively, they could be like the vaults:5 greeting party 10:24:05 <|amethyst> Napkin: probably, but my deployments of it have taken shortcuts for ease of development that probably do grant too much access. 10:24:11 how many vault guards are in it 10:24:33 I think the number is completely fixed in the des 10:24:53 I want to say 24 10:25:10 it is 10:25:18 hm 10:25:22 bug imo 10:25:28 it's missing 3 10:25:43 <|amethyst> Napkin: For example, cszo has crawl-dev able to update and write to the dgl management scripts, but since there's a sudo-to-root rule for that stuff... 10:25:43 the final three in the center? 10:26:15 they could be on the stairs! 10:26:18 <|amethyst> Napkin: probably several of the things that currently require sudo dgl could be made to use small helpers instead 10:26:21 yes, that's one of the problems 10:26:39 <|amethyst> Napkin: since often it's just that it needs to access the crawl account, or it needs to be able to do a chroot 10:26:44 oh right, I was thinking of a small v:$ change I should float by tohers 10:26:49 -!- scummos__ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 10:27:06 ??toehair golem 10:27:06 I don't have a page labeled toehair_golem in my learndb. 10:27:19 don't leave us hanging tenofswords, what is it?! 10:27:20 the very outside ring around the quadrants is extraneous and I want to remove it 10:27:26 ah 10:27:35 you evil man 10:27:42 hrm, that is actually very helpful for running away... 10:27:52 and for random teles to safety 10:27:59 there would still be the cross between the quadrants 10:28:10 yes, but that's often much less safe 10:28:15 yes <3 10:28:24 that's four wide instead of 2 10:28:31 yes less safe might be good here 10:28:38 as long as wardens can seal stairs that seems too cruel 10:28:43 but...but the lower number of safe squares for random teleport... 10:28:49 * tenofswords sighs 10:28:53 <|amethyst> Napkin: but that's what we need a team for, so stuff like that doesn't have to depend on one person getting around to doing it, and one person getting the security right 10:29:19 sounds very good 10:29:21 npm 10:29:25 whoops 10:29:29 tenofswords: what if I have no !speed, /hasting, ?blink, cblink, ?immolation, ?fear, swfit, ctele 10:29:51 "how did you make it to v:5" 10:30:07 there are people who made it to v:5 as formicids... 10:30:08 clearly with shadow creatures and summon demon 10:30:35 problem is, that i'm currently between jobs, have a local setup (hardware) upgrade ahead of me, and rest only when kids are in bed ;) 10:30:37 actually I can't do my beloved straight to vaults route anymore, so that's less likely 10:30:39 pretty much every character runs to the edge and fights the dwindling pack in relative safety...I think this might be a good change 10:31:01 maybe put escape hatches at the ends of the main hallways if it's too much 10:31:14 tenofswords: I am for the V:$ nerf. 10:31:21 hrm, is there a limit to the number of escape hatches? 10:31:22 buff! 10:31:30 since we have I think 6 stairs in the center, 3 stone of course 10:31:32 i'd volunteer to look and think through the stuff, especially the security aspect of separation of duties, |amethyst, but i can't guarantee my constant participation at the moment... 10:31:32 it's made harder, that's a buff 10:31:40 wheals: depends on position :) 10:31:51 there is no limit to escape hatches, this is sometimes very obvious with certain serial vaults 10:31:55 you're on the vault guards side, aren't you! 10:31:58 you monster! 10:32:12 wheals: he already but extra nasty monsters in pan, what should we expect? 10:32:17 Always a monster! 10:32:25 Clearly doesn't want to give us the orb at all 10:32:45 actually, I can't think of a time I didn't buff something in a commit aside from controlling the min/max placements of some lair rune vaults 10:33:00 klowns, antaeus, pan, special rooms, cocytus:$, 10:33:20 labs, zigs, 10:33:24 ??top_buffers 10:33:24 I don't have a page labeled top_buffers in my learndb. 10:33:25 when in doubt, err in favour of the poor monsters 10:33:49 yes, all of these were also "man this stuff is not a threat" 10:34:01 antaeus?? 10:34:02 This guy resides in Cocytus:7 and guards the icy rune. Unlike his demonic counterparts he does not summon and only has cold and lightning bolt spells at his disposal, but he hits like a ton of bricks and has a massive amount of HP. Bring cold resistance, lots of it. 10:34:22 Antaeus (11C) | Spd: 10 | HD: 22 | HP: 700 | AC/EV: 28/4 | Dam: 7512(cold:22-65), 3012(cold:22-65) | 05demonic, 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, fighter, amphibious, see invisible, !sil | Res: 13magic(immune), 02cold++, 10elec++, 12drown, 04rot, 13neg+++, 13torm | Vul: 04fire, 08holy++ | XP: 15000 | Sp: flash freeze (66d1), b.lightning (3d25) | Sz: Giant | Int: high. 10:34:22 %??antaeus 10:34:29 ...note that first spell. 10:34:37 ik 10:34:48 ??flash freeze 10:34:48 flash freeze[1/1]: A conjuration on Antaeus in 0.14 and a random chance per {blood saint} {legendary destruction} cast. Needs only line of fire and ignores EV, partially irresistible cold damage, decently hurts. Gives a Frozen status that slows the targets movement for three turns, but also blocks flash freeze being cast on said target. 10:34:50 but he wasn't "not a threat" before (though i've never done hells) 10:34:53 is that really how its damage works 10:35:01 -!- Lightli has joined ##crawl-dev 10:35:01 no, %??monster needs some patches 10:35:07 finite pan? 10:35:16 read backlog 10:35:24 k 10:35:34 <|amethyst> Napkin: part of the idea is to lighten your load too. I want to recruit :) 10:36:11 somebody on coc:$ probably can avoid being in melee range of a speed 10 monster, is the thing 10:37:30 -!- gammafunk has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:37:46 <|amethyst> Napkin: anyway, I'll work on a proposal over the next several days (possibly weeks if my job or something elseoverwhelms me) and send something to CRD 10:38:03 ok, i'll keep an eye on it 10:38:07 thanks :) 10:38:07 Grunt: I know you're busy, but I didn't get a reply to my Dith proposal at all. Do you disagree or just don't care? 10:39:17 I haven't had time to compose my thoughts on the subject yet :| 10:39:29 you can tell me here :) 10:40:23 -!- jeanjacques has quit [Quit: quit] 10:43:21 incidentally barbs claimed their first victim due to not showing a message when dealing damage, which seems a bit unfortunate 10:44:21 MarvinPA, speaking of damage messages, do you know off the top of your head where the setting of "It hits you" to MSGCH_WARN takes place? It wasn't updated for something. 10:44:23 it looks like the first message displayed but was missed, and then there weren't any later ones 10:44:44 -!- wheals has quit [Quit: Leaving] 10:44:47 it might be spammy to list a message every time, but transparency is more important I guess 10:44:48 hmm i don't but it could be dat/defaults/ 10:45:02 dat/defaults 10:45:07 Why do I always forget that exists :b 10:45:14 yeah: messages.txt, msc += $danger:^It .* you 10:45:58 -!- ussdefiant has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:46:15 -!- sanka has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:48:13 re: dith, i've been playing with him a bit in local games. shadow step is fun, umbra is nice for the general "stealth god" feel. shadow mimic, I dont like how it can just trigger for any action, I feel like it should be tied to sneak attacks somehow and generally be less powerful 10:48:23 as for shadow form I didnt get to use it much so I cant comment 10:51:21 As far as I can tell, mikee didn't intend for Dith to be a "stealth god"; he intended for Dith to be a "shadow god" with abilities useful for more than just stabby types. 10:53:32 i don't like mimicking player actions as monster actions generally, since then there are lots of spoilery cases where the monster action is way different to the player one 10:53:44 like lots of conjurations 10:54:24 MarvinPA, just remember, in a pseudo-future that's likely to never come about, I'll eventually rewrite combat for symmetry! (yeah..probably not) 10:54:52 well you'd have to rewrite spellcasting for symmetry too :P 10:54:56 <|amethyst> Cryp71c: well, there are still some things that *shouldn't* be identical for players and monsters 10:54:59 also symmetry is probably not even desirable here 10:55:29 -!- Yermak has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:56:17 maybe simplifying it to something like shadow ranged attack, shadow melee attack, shadow conjuration, etc, would help 10:56:19 -!- Danei has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:56:27 instead of trying to precisely mimic the player 10:58:32 -!- Mandevil has quit [Quit: leaving] 11:00:52 taking a note from battlesphere sounds good 11:03:22 shadowsphere 11:04:20 -!- iFurril has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:04:46 Unstable branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.14-a0-2328-g18f63ac (34) 11:05:10 Darthmangoes is quite solid now. 11:06:49 re Dith: one things that worries me slightly about shadow mimic is how it is completely invisible... not sure what do about it. 11:07:31 * dpeg is baffled that the potential of xp/2 for spotted monsters goes unseen. 11:07:48 xp/2 for spotted monsters? 11:07:56 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: ["Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com"]] 11:08:06 The suggestion about displaying an even darker aura on the immediately adjacent tiles seems like a good one. 11:08:08 Lightli: yes, my suggestion for an additional, passive (always on) Dith power. 11:08:20 that sounds...good 11:08:27 Lightli: when you kill the monster, you only get the other xp/2, of course 11:08:38 yes 11:09:04 <|amethyst> dpeg: I'm not good with numbers, but worry that xp/2 might be too high. In principle it sounds very interesting though 11:09:42 |amethyst: well, that comes later. Could easily be too high, I have no clue (I am really bad with numbers for Crawl, and have learned my lesson.) 11:09:46 <|amethyst> might encourage bad behaviour, haven't though that through completely 11:10:13 |amethyst: I thought about that... not so clear how to abuse it properly. If there is a real risk, it's not abuse. 11:10:26 it would make scoring completely degenerate for a little while, but i guess that's already the case in different ways 11:10:37 ackack: it is only one god 11:10:46 right, but if you wanted to score well, you would use that god basically always 11:11:04 but, the current highscores have old summoning, so like i said, i guess it's already the case 11:11:10 yeah 11:11:28 rip old summoning 11:11:43 ackack: isn't for winning games the score from xp marginable compared to speed? 11:11:54 dpeg: right, but the change you're proposing would allow crazy speed 11:12:04 I guess what ackack's saying is that you would be able to get good amounts of exp without killing anything 11:12:12 because now you don't have to do annoything things like kill stuff in order to get functional amounts of xp 11:12:22 half the xp in the game probably gets you very well skilled i'm guessing 11:12:36 this is part of the appeal -- there would still be obstacles, and I don't think it trivialises the game in any way 11:12:50 i don't think it trivializes the game and i think it would definitely be different 11:12:56 but don't get worked up on the factor, could easily be 1/4 11:12:57 my comment was just that it has a weird effect on scoring 11:13:02 <|amethyst> dpeg: I do think it's neat that it encourages two very different, and opposed, things: 1. running from/avoiding fights 2. putting yourself at risk of fights by seeing monsters 11:13:31 for example, you could duck into the Vestible, see Geryon and all the other demons, and then leave 11:13:41 anyway, think about it... gotta get some milk and prepare a c-r-d reply 11:13:44 !seen kilobyte 11:13:44 I last saw kilobyte at Wed Jan 29 15:58:22 2014 UTC (1h 15m 22s ago) joining the channel. 11:13:51 c-r-d? 11:13:59 <|amethyst> dpeg: one possible tweak, if necessary: you must have been theoretically visible to the monster 11:14:17 <|amethyst> dpeg: i.e. there must have been real risk 11:14:21 |amethyst: LOS is symmetric? 11:14:33 |amethyst: oh, I had sleeping monsters in mind 11:14:35 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:14:36 invis, perhaps 11:14:36 I think he means "no invis" 11:14:36 <|amethyst> dpeg: I mean, if you're invis and the monster has no sinv 11:14:43 ah I see 11:14:47 that is a minor point, I don 11:14:50 t care ") 11:15:37 the very outside ring around the quadrants is extraneous and I want to remove it 11:15:52 this seems like a good way to encourage kilobyte's goal of getting people to do something other than silver for their third rune 11:16:02 hah 11:16:48 it's not _that_ much of a difficulty buff when the cross between the quadrants is still an area to hide in, it just means less teleports and less completely safe spots 11:16:59 erm, less safe teleports 11:17:03 make the cross 2 spaces wide and i can see that maybe 11:17:37 also with the ring you are much less likely to get cornered and can run away from fights, going down one arm of the cross does not really offer that 11:17:42 but what would be a viable third rune then? I mean kiku worshippers have an outside chance at tomb, Jiyva followers get slime for free anyways, and Lugonu gets an easier abyss rune... 11:17:47 i think it would be much harder, personally 11:17:48 "good" 11:17:48 it sounds fine to me yeah, you can still just ctele to another part of the cross 11:18:00 i don't think v:5 needs to be harder 11:18:18 but what if you don't follow one of those three? 11:18:37 my intent is more about "degeneracy" than difficulty for this particular case, but I'm still holding off for a bit 11:18:54 what do you consider degenerate about it? the ring is functionally quite different from the cross imo 11:19:10 lightli: i personally would probably do slime quite a bit more often in this setup 11:19:24 slime is often perfectly doable as a 3rd rune yes 11:19:25 and yes, probably consider worshipping jiyva more 11:19:36 removing the outside ring and leaving the cross sounds fine to me fwiw, I think it would make V:5 feel more unique and not actually much harder 11:19:45 have to leave now though 11:19:51 I'm fine with the change 11:19:52 -!- elliptic has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:19:59 welp, carry on 11:20:06 elliptic is awesome: two lines of wisdom, then he leaves :) 11:20:35 anyways, the backlog mentioned a 'final' pan level you could enter once you had all 5 pan runes 11:20:37 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 11:20:50 who would be the boss of that 11:21:09 If you do remove the outer circle from v:5, if a player retreats to the end of the corridor, they will be completely trapped 11:21:10 (joke answer: Morgoth) 11:21:11 -!- wheals has joined ##crawl-dev 11:21:18 Glom Mnolebov 11:21:40 not that it isn't completely obvious, but I guess something like an escape hatch is warrented, is what I'm saying 11:21:55 warranted even 11:21:58 Haste, torment, ice storm, eyeballs, fire storm, summon greater demon? 11:22:18 an escape hatch at the end of each section of cross would probably be easier than it is now unless you have bad warden luck 11:22:22 -!- minmay has joined ##crawl-dev 11:22:28 yes, it would, probably 11:22:40 agreeing 11:22:40 yes that sounds not at all necessary 11:23:04 is the problem that people can kite stuff into the outer ring, or just make tons of noise and lure enemies? 11:23:14 giving the quadrant monsters "patrolling" may help with that 11:23:23 Lightli: sigmund 11:23:27 evilmike: can always retreat to a guaranteed safe spot 11:23:37 Yeah, basically you lure a mob to the back, go around the corner and tab them in a more confined space 11:23:39 that's true of zot:5 almost always too 11:23:41 it's only two tiles back there 11:24:02 i think the initial vault guard fight gets way harder without the corridor 11:24:13 <+elliptic> removing the outside ring and leaving the cross sounds fine to me fwiw, I think it would make V:5 feel more unique and not actually much harder 11:24:17 a fair number of them get polearms, think how many more can fight you at once at the edge of the cross 11:24:30 ?immolation actually makes v:5 a lot easier in general, so perhaps a buff to the poor guards is necessary 11:24:32 yeah, as it is I usually drink speed and run straight to the ring through the guards 11:24:53 theres no reason the scroll needs to almost ignore MR right now 11:24:57 i think it only checks for magic immune 11:25:10 yeah it feels a bit overpowered (although I do love it) 11:25:11 .fave 11:25:13 vault guard (10@) | Spd: 10 | HD: 13 | HP: 53-89 | AC/EV: 1/13 | Dam: 20 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, fighter, see invisible | Res: 06magic(52) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 1086 | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 11:25:13 %??vault guard 11:25:16 well, fear is kinda extraneous 11:25:18 new secret tech: learn discord for V:$ 11:25:21 not great mr anyway 11:25:22 ah, immolation 11:25:28 Discord + Immolation + run like hell. 11:25:44 you forgot disjunction to make everything into complete chaos 11:25:49 also ?immolation + relec + disc of storms is amusing 11:26:05 firestorm...but with an actual storm 11:26:15 -!- HellTiger__ has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/] 11:26:32 acid blob (11J) | Spd: 12 | HD: 18 | HP: 77-121 | AC/EV: 1/3 | Dam: 4208(acid:7d3) | 04eats items, sense invisible, !sil | Res: 06magic(168), 03poison, 08acid+++, asphyx, 12drown | XP: 2420 | Sp: splash/acid (3d7) | Sz: small | Int: plant. 11:26:32 %??acid_blob 11:26:35 hope you have rF+++ 11:26:45 uh oh, if we make it check mr then I can't use it for trj 11:27:05 just read vul first 11:27:11 (then poly TRJ) 11:27:20 those are rare though 11:27:27 combine the two scrolls 11:27:28 duh 11:27:44 scroll of immolation vulnerabililty 11:27:50 |amethyst, I've conceptualized (but not researched anything specific) that there is a need for dis-symmetry between monster and player combat. What were you specifically referring to, earlier? 11:29:06 <|amethyst> Cryp71c: mostly spells actually, where "many targets" isn't really an advantage for monsters 11:29:11 -!- lion has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:29:38 <|amethyst> Cryp71c: And where damage scales are different 11:29:45 example for both, fireball 11:30:07 but fireball is also undodgable, which is very important 11:30:50 would that be fine if it wasn't one of the strongest monster spells 11:31:05 <|amethyst> Cryp71c: also places where the AI is too dumb to deal with things, but the player is not 11:31:27 <|amethyst> Cryp71c: (fireball also arguably an example of that) 11:31:28 Well it's that strong *because* it's undodgable 11:31:29 yeah, contrast the max damage of fireball to the max damage of bolt of fire 11:32:04 orb of fire (05*) | Spd: 15 | HD: 30 | HP: 150 | AC/EV: 20/20 | 11non-living, see invisible, lev, !sil | Res: 13magic(immune), 05hellfire, 04fire+++, 02cold, 11elec+++, 09poison+++, 04rot+++, 13neg+++, 13torm, 04napalm | XP: 9248 | Sp: b.fire (3d40), malmutate, fireball (3d43) | Sz: little | Int: normal. 11:32:04 %??orb_of_fire 11:32:16 pretty much the same for a monster 11:32:19 I meant for the player, but that was what I was going to contrast to 11:32:34 <|amethyst> Cryp71c: in that the evaluation monsters use for whether to fireball their allies is of necessity much simpler that what players use 11:34:05 <|amethyst> I must be going for now, though 11:34:11 Sar (L14 VSNe) ASSERT(in_bounds(where)) in 'misc.cc' at line 1068 failed. (where = (0,0)) (D:12) 11:34:46 oho 11:35:24 !lm Sar crash -log 11:35:25 1. Sar, XL14 VSNe, T:27552 (milestone): http://crawl.lantea.net/crawl/morgue/Sar/crash-Sar-20140129-173408.txt 11:37:54 Barb related crash? 11:37:59 -!- Furril has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:39:23 -!- Garhauk has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 11:42:58 -!- alefury has joined ##crawl-dev 11:47:29 -!- wheals has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:48:06 -!- Furril has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:51:30 -!- Zaba has joined ##crawl-dev 11:51:54 -!- sanka has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:52:25 -!- Basil has joined ##crawl-dev 11:55:29 -!- lobf has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 11:56:36 -!- absolutego has quit [Quit: leaving] 11:57:48 03MarvinPA02 07* 0.14-a0-2329-g6319e49: Don't shadow mimic spells that don't target monsters 10(5 minutes ago, 2 files, 2+ 1-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=6319e4977d2f 11:57:48 03MarvinPA02 07* 0.14-a0-2330-ga418010: Update default message colouring for it -> something rename 10(3 minutes ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=a41801092b1d 12:00:47 -!- tensorpudding has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:04:17 -!- Kalir has quit [Quit: CADENZA-CLASS CLOCKWORK KNIGHT--OPERATION TERMINATED] 12:05:00 -!- Furril has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:05:51 -!- nixor has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:06:00 What, no shadow mimic of discord? 12:06:26 it's only ever worked on targeted spells 12:06:53 dig is the only thing that's changed by that commit 12:06:56 Also, shadow mimic of firestorm must be hilarious 12:06:56 oh right, so no shadow mimic of dig 12:07:24 it'd also affect passage of golubria and passwall if those were monster spells i guess 12:07:51 -!- lobf has quit [Quit: lobf] 12:08:15 -!- Azzkikr has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 12:08:19 -!- ainsophyao has joined ##crawl-dev 12:08:26 -!- ainsophyao has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:08:50 -!- ainsophyao has joined ##crawl-dev 12:12:55 -!- gammafunk has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:17:01 A shark hit me a few times and it said "does no damage" but I lost a lot of health. It went into a blood frenzy if that matters 12:17:51 -!- DrinkMachine has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:17:51 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 12:19:03 -!- Basil has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:20:06 ??blood frenzy 12:20:06 I don't have a page labeled blood_frenzy in my learndb. 12:24:14 -!- agolden has joined ##crawl-dev 12:26:21 -!- yalue has joined ##crawl-dev 12:28:46 -!- master_j has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 12:28:50 i appear to have no tomb in my forest 12:29:01 at least i'm on forest 3 and there's no mention of it in ^O 12:29:25 -!- gammafunk has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 12:29:36 hmm, nevermind, it's showing up 12:29:44 any reason why it wouldn't show up in ^O though? 12:30:29 -!- master_j has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 12:30:38 -!- tabstorm has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:31:45 -!- master_j has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 12:33:28 -!- Wolfechu has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:35:11 -!- valtern has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:35:45 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 12:37:00 -!- ussdefiant has joined ##crawl-dev 12:39:20 -!- agolden has quit [Quit: agolden] 12:40:04 -!- Brokkr has quit [Quit: und weg...] 12:41:36 -!- ProzacElf has joined ##crawl-dev 12:44:00 -!- tenofswords has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:45:02 -!- tenofswords has joined ##crawl-dev 12:45:39 -!- ainsophyao has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:45:54 -!- valtern has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 12:45:57 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 12:47:01 -!- xnavy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:50:25 dpeg: regarding xp on encountering monsters with Dith: I love any idea that emphasizes Crawl's being a game about grabbing runes, the orb and getting out instead of the misconception that it's a game about fighting dudes 12:53:31 -!- valtern has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:54:03 what does that make portal vaults 12:54:03 -!- xnavy_ is now known as xnavy 12:54:39 fighting dudes and getting items does help the player achieve the ultimate goal :P 12:55:01 unless you die doing it. Ultimate portal vault skill: being willing to use the exit 12:56:20 ??killdudes[3] 12:56:20 killdudes[3/4]: i have to kill everything tho 12:58:32 It sounds rather unbalancing for a god ability to me, mind 12:59:03 yes. I was going to remark that Dith's current implementation feels nice and strong already 12:59:38 Some of the things I have seen people do with Dith make me think nice and strong is an understatement, but even aside from that 13:01:26 -!- valtern has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:02:36 this is not about power but I gave up on explaining that 13:02:37 What I really want to do is revise how Dith piety is gained. 13:03:12 Grunt: any plans? 13:04:07 I don't have anything particularly definite in mind right now, other than possibly reducing the piety that defeating plain enemies gives. 13:04:50 Do you mean that it's not about power because you just want to check the concept before worrying about the balance 13:05:18 is there a way to collect stats on the "piety gain rate" for gods 13:05:39 SwissStopwatch: power is a function of parameters, we can easily buff or nerf by changing numbers. The ability in itself is novel and I'd rather see if it can work than discuss whether the god is overpowered as is. 13:05:49 evilmike: god.maxpiety is a milestone at least 13:06:33 -!- ussdefiant has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:06:45 so, i'm not sure if this will work, but maybe look at the turns it takes between taking the god and hitting maxpiety, and compare it to other gods 13:07:15 and then adjust it by either lowering the amount gained for kills, or increasing the ability costs 13:07:39 -!- Guest62734 has joined ##crawl-dev 13:08:06 -!- SwissStopwatch has quit [Disconnected by services] 13:08:08 Would anyone mind me trying to "buff" box of beasts at the low evoc end and otherwise make some additions? 13:08:09 -!- Guest62734 is now known as SwissStopwatch 13:08:15 mm, and now I get to wonder if the last 2 things I typed went through 13:08:32 It makes very useless chimeras with no evoc, in contrast to other evocables which are quite usable even with no/low evoc 13:09:20 SwissStopwatch: your last comment I saw was the one with "it's not about power". 13:09:20 mm, in that case: 13:09:20 I mean it is definitely a potentially good concept, it's used really well in Sil, but it'd probably fall apart in Sil if the XP from it (well, monsters in general) weren't capped as hard as it is 13:09:20 Additionwise I'd start by adding ice and storm dragons into the mix for a bit more variety at higher evoc 13:10:47 -!- valtern has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:11:17 And there would definitely be some room in current crawl to go wild with it by waltzing through the endless branches 13:13:22 there are reasons why it works in sil, and none of them apply to crawl imo 13:13:41 i'm not a a fan of getting xp for just seeing monsters in dcss 13:14:24 -!- CyberSandwich has joined ##crawl-dev 13:14:44 Probably the main one is that Sil is way more slanted towards not being able to kill everything 13:15:02 One of the main concerns I have (and I don't see a straightforward way to adjust for this just by changing parameters) is that spriggans can relatively easily dive a few floors without fighting anything and other races can't 13:15:40 though maybe it could be some xp gained up to XP/2 for each turn in LOS of the monster or increasing as you get nearer or something 13:16:06 Grunt: is wanting to change Dith piety gain because it's too fast/too slow? or to make it more thematic/fun? 13:16:32 -!- Brokkr is now known as fufumann 13:18:14 -!- simmarine has joined ##crawl-dev 13:18:20 -!- johnny0 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:18:24 evilmike: I'd like to point out how we tried ideas of yours instead of shooting them down. 13:18:35 xp/2 for seeing monsters and not checking already seen seems problematic with those d1 vaults with draconians and stuff 13:18:56 we are talking about a god, not a mechanic for everyone. 13:19:08 Those monsters have already been seen, they give no xp anymore. 13:19:26 i guess i misread the crd email then 13:19:59 -!- Escalator has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:21:05 -!- Basil has joined ##crawl-dev 13:21:33 <|amethyst> Giving piety for seeing monsters isn't fundamentally broken and isn't even new 13:21:42 <|amethyst> TSO has done it for a while 13:21:54 <|amethyst> it's just a matter of how much more powerful than TSO's version it is 13:21:59 -!- valtern has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:22:03 -!- CyberSandwich has quit [Quit: CyberSandwich] 13:23:05 <|amethyst> I think the interaction with the god's other abilities would be different than it is on TSO, of course, and possibly in a way that is more synergistic and/or more fun 13:23:16 <|amethyst> s/than/from how/ 13:24:13 andinto (L17 DgCj) ERROR in 'mon-util.cc' at line 1444: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000) (Shoals:4) 13:24:37 it's rather similar to ashenzari's skill boost. instead of being linked to exploration of tiles it's meeting dangerous monsters 13:26:08 -!- johnny0 has joined ##crawl-dev 13:26:19 -!- Psyknux has quit [Quit: My work is end \(^o^)/] 13:26:22 -!- derev has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:26:38 anyway, I have no time for this, got better things to do 13:28:00 andinto (L17 DgCj) ERROR in 'mon-util.cc' at line 1444: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000) (Shoals:4) 13:28:34 -!- master_j has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 13:30:11 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: CKyle] 13:31:57 -!- bmfx has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:32:45 -!- johnny0 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:32:51 -!- oiseaux has joined ##crawl-dev 13:33:44 -!- Foamed has quit [Quit: Heading to bed.] 13:34:07 hi gang, i embarked on some rudimentary vault generation analysis in a spreadsheet: https://crawl.develz.org/tavern/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=10721&p=148428#p148428 13:34:42 it's for 0.14, i dunno how long it will go out of date but it does highlight a few things (see comments in spreadsheet) 13:34:56 I feel like I'm looking at what I would have done ages ago, before I got a better grip on how things work 13:35:28 by the way those ice cave listings are not greatly valuable without the difficulty thing 13:35:33 -!- lion has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:36:33 yeah, but i think the point is that they have an even distribution. generally that seemed to be something to avoid, but perhaps there aren't enough vaults? 13:36:42 (re: ice cave vaults) 13:36:54 said vaults themselves have set randomization so 13:37:10 -!- LexAckson_ has joined ##crawl-dev 13:37:26 wonder what dpeg thinks of drastically reducing average temple size 13:37:29 in terms of orientation, monsters and features? 13:37:30 and eventually removing it 13:37:42 orientation is for literally almost every vault 13:37:55 monsters are randomized though yes 13:38:31 yeah. i guess the question is, is it worth doing this, in your opinion? it does point out a few things that could be addressed, perhaps 13:38:31 -!- master_j has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 13:39:15 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 13:39:18 -!- LordSloth has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:40:06 the problem with this weight stuff is that most of the time I'd also prefer to edit the vaults at the same time (like, for example, those mediocre ice statue gardens), which means that yes I'd address weightings but I don't greatly put interest into current weightings 13:40:25 -!- LexAckson has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:42:11 "thank you for your concern", I do admit 13:42:57 i guess the main thing for me is that there are outliers like sewer_kobold and circular_temple_12 appear like, almost 20% of the time 13:43:12 and that's a quick win 13:43:33 yes, once I am not playing rm4mi I'll commit some quick fixes 13:45:26 -!- gammafunk has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 13:45:49 -!- Gene_ has quit [Client Quit] 13:45:54 yay 13:49:30 -!- Quashie has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:49:32 -!- Basil has quit [Read error: No route to host] 13:50:00 -!- Basil has joined ##crawl-dev 13:50:21 -!- bmfx has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:51:01 -!- raskol has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 13:51:03 actually i guess, going through a lot of these just searching for WEIGHT is probably a lot easier to get a rough idea if anything's broken 13:51:31 pretty much nothing comes to mind in terms of broken weights besides temples and sewers 13:51:57 and I've read and re-read the .des files a lot 13:54:25 -!- SwissStopwatch has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:55:17 fair enough. this OCD spree was motivated by kobold_sewer so i guess i can rest easy if that got brought down a peg :) 13:55:37 -!- SwissStopwatch has joined ##crawl-dev 13:55:51 -!- LexAckson_ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:56:16 -!- deepocean has joined ##crawl-dev 13:59:19 -!- Stelpa has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:01:51 -!- Turgon has quit [Client Quit] 14:03:37 -!- Basil has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:04:32 -!- bmfx has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:05:56 -!- Brannock has joined ##crawl-dev 14:06:48 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 14:08:35 -!- master_j has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 14:09:21 -!- CKyle has quit [Client Quit] 14:10:01 Antaeus not generated by sanka 14:10:12 -!- LexAckson_ has joined ##crawl-dev 14:14:05 -!- wheals has joined ##crawl-dev 14:14:05 -!- wheals_ has joined ##crawl-dev 14:14:58 ...eurgh 14:15:08 mishandled some randomization in coc_dpeg 14:18:43 -!- ProzacElf has joined ##crawl-dev 14:21:30 -!- master_j has quit [Quit: computer stuff] 14:22:55 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:24:04 -!- wheals_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:24:38 4tharraofdagon (L15 VSFE) (Elf:2) 14:31:01 -!- omnirizon has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 14:35:22 -!- Wartzay has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:37:25 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 14:40:51 -!- Crehl has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:44:36 Static discharge isn't mimicked now? Not a big loss but it would be nice if it did. It probably doesn't mimick chain lightning either? 14:45:37 it doesn't mimic any untargeted spells and never has 14:45:40 Or CBL. These two must be really fun when mimicked. 14:51:15 !lg 4tharraofdagon crash -log 14:51:16 No keyword 'crash' 14:51:32 !lm 4tharraofdagon crash -log 14:51:33 4. 4tharraofdagon, XL15 VSFE, T:10209 (milestone): http://crawl.lantea.net/crawl/morgue/4tharraofdagon/crash-4tharraofdagon-20140129-202436.txt 14:52:46 !cmd !crashlog !lm $1 crash -log 14:52:46 Defined command: !crashlog => !lm $1 crash -log 14:54:59 !crashlog . 14:55:00 4. wheals, XL27 DDBe, T:80236 (milestone): http://dobrazupa.org/morgue/wheals/crash-wheals-20131219-151559.txt 14:55:03 there was some other thing to get crashes, at least at one point 14:55:13 ...what am I thinkin of... 14:55:18 are you sure you don't see any potential problem with mimicking cbl? 14:56:40 |amethyst: Mantis 0008059 for the (simple) wizmode id all item types and level items patch, since you asked to be reminded 14:58:10 -!- Mateji has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:58:18 ChrisOelmueller: what could go wrong? 14:58:31 -!- evilmike has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:58:34 1learn SamB 14:58:44 ??SamB 14:58:44 samb[1/1]: SamB is totally a developer. He ruined cursed blunt weapons -- you can butcher while wielding them now! He also ruined runes and made them look stupid. 14:58:55 needs more entries anyhow 14:59:01 No I don't. When casting cbl it's good to have as many ball lightnings as possible 14:59:03 * SamB had to add that one himself ... 14:59:06 other than flavor, what is the appeal of ddoor as a monster spell? 14:59:33 ackack: It manages to piss me off real good, for one thing 14:59:49 03tenofswords02 07* 0.14-a0-2331-gf5b0d86: Fix Antaeus occasionally disappearing from coc_dpeg (#8072) 10(2 minutes ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=f5b0d8659c4e 14:59:53 ideally if it's attached to a monster that's still a threat it gets to obviously live longer to be a threat 15:00:08 I just have to keep attacking nergalle and not doing damage until by chance ddoor has run out 15:00:38 at the very least can monster ddoor have a cooldown? 15:00:39 -!- wheals has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:00:57 tenofswords: something with the low-hp-acting aug mutation--obviously a ds--would be better I guess 15:01:34 more reasons to give nergalle actual warriors/knights and put her deeper 15:01:54 replace her summons altogether with a band? Actually seems nice 15:02:08 Although they're slow, and her summons seem smite targetted? 15:02:16 spectrals are normal speed 15:02:19 ah 15:02:26 huh, why did I think they were slow? 15:02:32 they used to be before 0.13 15:02:33 spectral orc (03W) | Spd: 10 | HD: 1 | HP: 4-8 | AC/EV: 2/5 | Dam: 413(drain) | 07undead, evil, see invisible, lev | Res: 13magic(immune), 02cold, 09poison+++, 12drown, 04rot+++, 13neg+++, 13torm, 04napalm | Vul: 08holy++ | XP: 1 | Sz: Medium | Int: plant. 15:02:33 %??spectral_orc 15:02:41 well that would explain it 15:03:05 !lg . !boring s=cv 15:03:06 865 games for gammafunk (!boring): 293x 0.12, 191x 0.12-a, 155x 0.13-a, 129x 0.13, 54x 0.11, 23x 0.14-a, 12x 0.10, 8x 0.11-a 15:03:22 ...I wonder if I shouldn't have closed the issue without updating that save with antaeus 15:03:35 hehe, let the player have this one.... 15:03:38 it sounded like potentially important 15:03:49 the rune is still there, right? 15:03:50 unknown monster: "spectral orc knight" 15:03:50 %??spectral orc knight 15:04:05 because apparently there's a challenge involving antaeus kill? 15:04:08 yes, the guy was part of some reddit weekly challenge that asked for it 15:04:17 this putrid black sun has now cast ddoor about 3-4 times 15:04:24 oh, well we don't want to go upsetting reddit... 15:04:45 ??csdc 15:04:45 csdc[1/3]: Crawl Sudden Death Challenges. New Crawl competition run by Walker. Forum topic: https://crawl.develz.org/tavern/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=10503. Score sheet: http://goo.gl/ighMYL. 15:04:58 s??csdc[Antaeus] 15:04:59 I don't have a page labeled csdc[Antaeus] in my learndb. 15:05:03 hrm, where was that 15:05:07 and yeah monster ddoor going on some Exh timer sure sounds like a good idea as it's more prominent now 15:05:16 oh, that's new 15:05:18 ?/csdc.*Antaeus 15:05:19 No matches. 15:05:26 and yes I will agree to exh for ddoor 15:06:01 i might also suggest a flash or something to make it more prominent 15:06:18 i haven't edited my rc yet to force more on the message so the first time i fought one i was like "what the hell . . . oh right" 15:06:19 flash on the caster, not a screen flash, but sure 15:07:38 geekosaur: It just started, and the challenge is just "DgCj" 15:07:50 ??csdc[2] 15:07:50 csdc[2/3]: Week 1's challenge is: DgCj, which closes on 2/9/14. Standings: http://goo.gl/ighMYL. 15:07:55 ??csdc[3] 15:07:55 csdc[3/3]: See csdc_info[1] for a list of challenge start dates, csdc_info[3] for a list of challenge combos, csdc_info[2] for a list of challenge end dates, and csdc_bonus[1] for a list of challenge optional bonuses. 15:08:04 there's a bonus for killing geryon/antaeus 15:08:08 ??csdc_bonus 15:08:09 csdc bonus[1/2]: A list of optional bonus challenges for Crawl Sudden Death Challenges. 15:08:10 right, I think Antaeus was abonus 15:08:14 ah 15:08:16 what a non-catchy abbreviation 15:08:18 he mentioned reddit 15:08:24 ??csdc_bonus[2] 15:08:25 csdc bonus[2/2]: Week 1: Tier 1 - Kill Geryon. Tier II - Kill Antaeus. Winning the game not required. 15:08:43 yeh tgat was what I was trying to find 15:08:44 ??csdc_info[3] 15:08:44 csdc info[3/3]: ChallengeChars|DgCj 15:09:06 DgCj a "challange character"? 15:09:13 "sdc" or something involving a vowel would .. oh well, wrong channel at the very least, sorry :) 15:09:14 *challenge 15:10:17 -!- pelotr0n has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 15:10:49 only insofar as it's the combo that the csdc is about this week, I think 15:10:52 it's not nchoice... 15:11:15 i have one unid'd normal ring 15:11:26 every time i see a new randart ring i'm getting the "You have identified the last ring" message 15:12:26 it also duplicates the notification that it's in my inventory 15:12:37 K - a scintillating steel ring; K - a scintillating steel ring 15:12:39 for example 15:12:48 yes, n7 had something like that yesterday 15:13:01 he identified some jewellery and it printed all of his jewellery in the message log 15:13:13 does basil know of this yet 15:13:23 or is there a ticket about it 15:13:45 -!- valtern has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:14:18 or Medar, i guess 15:14:39 ackack: https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=7951 if you'd like to leave a note in that 15:14:47 Although can he re-open the issue? 15:15:01 Scroll of summoning causes game to crash in Shoals by and into 15:15:01 Just make a new report 15:15:01 does regeneration work based on auts or actual turns? if I am being slowed, and movement takes 20 auts, do I regenerate twice per turn? 15:15:52 deepocean: regen occurs per-aut but is awarded by turns, so if you take longer to move, you get more regen in that move 15:15:57 mm good crash on demand 15:16:59 same as the shadow creatures thing mentioned earlier i guess? 15:17:13 oh, the MONSER_NO_MONSTER thing? 15:17:31 er not correct enum, but w/e 15:17:41 MONSIEUR_NO_MONSTER 15:17:45 hehe 15:18:06 -!- deepocean_ has joined ##crawl-dev 15:18:17 thanks for the explanation, gamma 15:19:23 -!- deepocean has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:20:37 i might also default to a force more on chaos champion switching 15:20:55 oh yes this reminds me of a patch 15:22:15 i think my beef with both the black sun and chaos champions (the others don't seem so bad yet) 15:22:23 is that it's not even like you have the option of stopping them by killing them 15:22:51 chaos champions mix things up enough that you're not going to reliably get chances to do that as a priority 15:23:40 it's a fine xom effect because 1) xom and 2) it's massively diluted compared to what these guys do 15:23:48 this is why they also unreliably cripple themselves 15:24:24 does crippling themselves preclude the rearranging? 15:24:52 well said crippling is through failed chaotic reflection casts, so if it interrupts LOF... 15:25:31 they can get a melee spell slot or two if particularly necessary 15:25:46 i'm getting rearranged about once every 4 aut it feels like 15:26:08 feels like 15:26:29 this is dcss, aren't we supposed to be big on players intuitively feeling things out? 15:27:11 if this is dcss then there's also no rush on confirming whether stuff is badly annoying or not :P 15:27:17 i had a corridor fight with a band and one champion, every 5 or 6 swings of my weapon there was a shuffle until i managed to be next to it long enough to kill it 15:27:29 i just don't get what the goal of this effect is other than "lol tactics" 15:27:40 do you perceive there to be a "good" way to handle these? 15:27:40 ...so, you use a corner? 15:27:49 sure, let me walk to the corner 15:27:50 due to the smiting effect monster in a band 15:27:52 wait, i got rearranged 15:27:59 pre-emptively 15:28:11 how do i preemptively know when i'm going to encounter one of these? 15:28:11 band warnings and seperation and what not 15:28:36 well, they're rare in general and they have hell beast or tormentor members in their band 15:29:00 oh they are explicitly paired with tormentors huh? even better! 15:29:23 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 15:29:38 I hope one can deal with tormentors in mixed groups by the time they're in pan 15:29:45 maybe with something besides TSO tabbing 15:30:28 what's wrong with melee combat? 15:30:30 -!- CKyle has quit [Client Quit] 15:30:46 well beforehand it would get you hellfired 15:31:00 huh? 15:31:09 because this is pan 15:31:30 not every tormentor is accompanied by a hellion 15:31:39 -!- notgreentea has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:31:45 yes, sometimes it's just a brimstone fiend 15:31:52 the way one typically deals with tormentors is to: move; kill it in isolation 15:32:16 when you have a monster that irresistably messes with the movement part of it (also the kill it for anything other than beam based attacks) 15:32:31 and then couple that to be banded with tormentors instead of just letting it evolve by happenstance 15:32:37 yes, i think that's kind of ridiculous 15:33:09 may I suggest reducing said spam 15:33:24 -!- Basil has joined ##crawl-dev 15:33:34 spam of rearrange? sure, that would help 15:33:59 -!- notgreentea has quit [Client Quit] 15:34:00 i'm skeptical about the ability overall as you can see, but if it happened somewhat more rarely it might be workable 15:34:01 -!- eith has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:34:03 and here I was worried about their 9% chance beam to para/sleep/berserk themselves and the player 15:34:12 -!- notgreentea has quit [Client Quit] 15:34:22 -!- eith has joined ##crawl-dev 15:35:21 -!- lion has quit [Client Quit] 15:37:15 -!- Tux[Qyou] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:38:28 -!- nixor1 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:39:41 -!- halv has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:43:07 -!- lion has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:45:58 MarvinPA: hm, the rune autopickup through ae means that in the \ menu, runes are still on "on" even if that is overridden 15:46:23 guess there's just not a good way of making both ways possible? 15:48:07 does it? \ has always properly mirrored my autopickup exceptions as far as i've noticed, for non-rune stuff at least 15:48:15 -!- ProzacElf has joined ##crawl-dev 15:48:46 i just noticed it for runes now 15:48:59 what i'm doing in my config is autopickup_exceptions ^= >rune of Zot 15:50:05 hm, is it any different if you just clear autopickup exceptions? 15:50:36 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 15:50:38 -!- Lightli has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:51:10 nope, still shows as enabled here 15:51:34 -!- LexAckson_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:52:35 maybe there are other secret runes?? 15:53:02 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:53:05 the entry could maybe use a rename to "runes of Zot" or similar also, no idea 15:53:54 03tenofswords02 07* 0.14-a0-2332-g2ba73ae: Reduce chaos champion spell spam, band size. 10(3 minutes ago, 2 files, 4+ 4-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=2ba73aebe163 15:53:56 (by the way, you had a 2/15 chance for those tormentors anyway) 15:54:08 thanks 15:54:22 bug grunt for the door thing though 15:54:46 spell_melee seems pretty popular all of a sudden 15:55:13 sorry for the constant abuse of it 15:55:14 i wonder what a better way of doing that would be 15:55:18 tenofswords: oh v:5 buff sounds good, i use that stuff all the time and it's rather boring indeed 15:55:41 could have actual, explicit ways to control frequency of spells cast per spell set? 15:55:44 maybe the crosses could be 3 wide if you want to somehow reduce impact, but that's not necessary i guess 15:56:04 i think narrowing the crosses is good if you remove the ring 15:56:09 making them 3 wide of course also nerfs the walking-out strat for the circle 15:56:18 yeah, i have no clue how spellcasting frequency works currently really but something like that would be nice 15:56:25 because then the quadrant walls are close on both sides 15:56:38 so maybe that'd actually just be an even larger buff :P 15:56:52 elliptic told us to, so we have to 15:57:03 hi dpeg so about this temple 15:57:31 ChrisOelmueller: "runes" is disabled on \ when i load with my config :( 15:57:46 (which doesn't pick up runes) 15:57:48 hmm you're resetting ae i gather? 15:57:53 yeah 15:58:30 I think I will be grumpy and adopt an old position from st_, which is that the less-specific decorative flavour of stuff in temple tends to be a lot more palatable than the constantly flashy overflow altars 15:58:41 oh hang on i'm not even using my config at the moment 15:58:55 so uh i have rune autopickup on but it's displayed as off on \ 15:58:59 Force a --more-- on picking up runes in default config by chris 15:59:21 well of course i like current overflow altars, but the generic overflow temples don't need to be particularly flashy imo 16:00:03 ackack: by the way, any comments to make on the three other nonbase demonspawn 16:00:26 blood saints i haven't noticed doing much yet 16:00:41 corrupters summoning summoners gets somewhat ridiculous, i'm withholding judgment at the moment 16:01:01 forgetting the other one 16:01:17 warmonger 16:01:24 yes no impressions of that yet 16:01:28 ChrisOelmueller: btw, I am quite against temple removal 16:01:30 think i've seen one 16:01:52 blood saints have low conjurations cast chance and same with warmongers and their grand avatar 16:02:08 always things that can be tweaked according with more testing 16:02:08 one reason is very selfish (I made so many maps) but another one is more substantial: it is a nice point of comparison for new players (reached the temple once / a few times / reliably) 16:02:26 the warmonger did summon the avatar, but it's blink close actually put it on the wrong side of me and i killed the warmonger so fast it never did anything 16:02:50 if you have good defenses the avatar, uh, can't actually get many chances 16:03:40 hmm so reducing temple size wouldn't have both these problems 16:04:03 so, chrisoelmueller, would you like me to teach you the wonderful world of vaulting 16:04:26 i actually know vaulting well enough to have done some work on this locally but no you should instead write up those guidelines 16:04:28 07:07:57 <|amethyst> galehar: hm... for runes it might be better to use autopickup_exceptions so the player can override it in their rc 16:04:40 re: earlier discussion 16:04:42 impossible, I've got, like 16:04:55 Medar: that's what i changed it to, yeah 16:05:03 wow, 27 commits on this todo list 16:05:04 Oh, cool. I missed that. 16:05:29 it's definitely better this way, but there just seems to be some weird inconsistency between what's displayed on \ and the actual state of your autopickup preferences 16:06:40 tenofswords: btw i did this right after dith landed and my first one-altar temple had only dith in it 16:06:50 hahaha 16:07:06 MarvinPA: for runes? or for other things 16:07:10 there are one altar temples? 16:07:15 nope 16:07:16 in eocrawl! 16:07:19 ah i see 16:07:25 the way it works it makes an example item, and checks if that is on autopickup 16:07:54 we've only noticed it for runes so far 16:08:00 ChrisOelmueller pointed it out for runes, i've not seen it on anything else (but haven't looked for it anywhere else either) 16:08:14 my brain twitches as I look over sewer.des again, man some of this is ugly 16:08:19 ChrisOelmueller: what problems with temple? 16:08:21 anyway afk a bit 16:08:31 I'm failing to see in backlog, maybe I'm blind 16:08:46 nah it's not there, i've been tossing this around every now and then 16:08:53 -!- Yermak has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:09:13 mostly i'd want to make god choice a bit more interesting by reducing the amount of gods in temple for now 16:09:40 I'd rather stab at each god's weirdness 16:09:41 would that really matter, if all them are guaranteed anyway? 16:10:32 Medar: yes 16:10:46 they are guaranteed on a rather wide range of levels, and trying to find one of several overflow temples/altars definitely is different yeah 16:11:05 ChrisOelmueller: it is very easy to experiment with this, just assign an extremely high WEIGHT to a low altar map for a while 16:11:11 i did that, yep :) 16:11:16 also it can make you choose that early d:2 or d:3 god more often that you didn't actually plan with 16:11:41 and i don't like encouragement of players pre-planning games personally, that's what backgrounds with gods are for 16:12:33 the situational conversion to beogh is nice in that regard, i had some orc go beogh because of a really scary pack that otherwise would've (died | not gone beogh) 16:12:38 instead it won the game 16:12:44 -!- Aryth has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/] 16:12:47 cool 16:12:49 well, people who do that, will just die a bit more and then get the god anyway... 16:13:13 I like the idea in theory, it's just that many gods don't really have immidiate benefits anyway so, it doesn't make a big difference 16:13:40 maybe i'm asking for too much at once yes :) 16:16:42 Medar: they don't but you still end up geting their benefits sooner 16:17:03 taking d:1-3 altars is really fun but even as late as d:3 I wonder if I should just hope for d4 temple instead 16:17:13 -!- TAS_2012v has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:17:21 ...man, this just won't die, will it 16:17:36 i dont really have a set god for most characters i make nowadays, but yes there are going to be especially new players who only want one god no matter what 16:17:46 -!- lukano has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 16:18:17 one of my most fun games recently was an opfi who planned on ash but got distracted by d:2 chei altar 16:18:38 rchandra: Will that actually make the early god a better choice, than the planned one though? I think very rarely so. 16:18:49 But yeah, I like picking random early gods, but mostly because it's fun. 16:18:54 in the case of chei it was not, but often it is 16:20:01 03Grunt02 07* 0.14-a0-2333-g8b471c0: Count demonspawn kills as demonic kills for piety purposes. 10(4 hours ago, 1 file, 6+ 3-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=8b471c0e068c 16:20:03 more reasonable example: dshu wanting fedhas sees makhleb or vice versa 16:20:03 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: CKyle] 16:20:03 well, early fedhas is simply amazing 16:20:15 but yeah, maybe I'm too pessimistic about this 16:20:57 -!- Crehl_ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:21:40 oh no and there goes my suggestion for makhleb piety revert 16:21:42 rip 16:22:17 -!- Lightli has joined ##crawl-dev 16:25:40 -!- wheals has joined ##crawl-dev 16:26:31 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: ["Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com"]] 16:28:50 Is changing: "07:07:57 <|amethyst> galehar: hm... for runes it might be better to use autopickup_exceptions so the player can override it in their rc 16:28:56 Not that. 16:29:20 what's the difference between SP_MELEE and SP_NO_SPELL? 16:29:58 On SPELL_MELEE, the spell picker aborts right away; on SPELL_NO_SPELL, it rerolls. 16:31:27 huh 16:31:49 i thought the latter lowered how often a monster casted a spell, i guess not 16:32:05 does %??monster distunguish between them at all? 16:32:14 torturous warmonger (116) | Spd: 10 | HD: 15 | HP: 82-128 | AC/EV: 3/15 08(spiny 3) | Dam: 30 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, fighter, priest, evil | Res: 06magic(60) | Vul: 08holy++ | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 1391 | Sp: melee, sap magic, grand avatar | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 16:32:14 %??warmonger 16:32:16 Who wants to fix dat/defaults/messages.txt to work with the it -> something change? 16:32:18 Sp: melee, 16:32:36 %git HEAD^{/omething} 16:32:36 07MarvinPA02 * 0.14-a0-2330-ga418010: Update default message colouring for it -> something rename 10(5 hours ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=a41801092b1d 16:32:36 oh ok 16:32:44 Oh god, I miss everything :P 16:32:45 Medar: like that? 16:32:49 Pretty fast 16:33:00 Only because I asked him about it earlier <_< 16:33:14 msc += $danger:you block its attack 16:33:18 Is that still the message? 16:33:45 I think so. 16:33:58 Guess I can just test 16:34:09 What's this? Testing?? 16:34:09 -!- nixor has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 16:35:40 I wish I had the time to play & had the skills to make it to Snake, the changes sound <3 16:35:52 Ok, it works correctly now. 16:35:53 I still haven't visited Spider, too 16:36:04 Keskitalo: boo! :) 16:36:47 So little time to play, and skill also suffers.. 16:37:15 you could still nerf something: if you cannot win, why should others? 16:37:39 -!- miek_ has quit [Client Quit] 16:37:52 s|nerf|buff| 16:38:01 -!- mfw56 is now known as miek_ 16:38:02 if name="Keskitalo" 16:38:14 buff giant newts up to speed 15 and damage 7 16:38:22 -!- miek_ has quit [Client Quit] 16:39:03 Would a screen flash on rune pickup be a bad idea? 16:39:09 -!- Turgon has quit [Client Quit] 16:39:38 there's one on rune use, sounds appropriate 16:39:48 Medar: no, I think it is good 16:39:59 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 16:40:04 is there an option to disable these flashes by the way? 16:40:07 i'd love to have that 16:40:18 and probably there's other folks out there with similar problems 16:41:16 -!- mfw56 is now known as miek_ 16:41:24 doesn't look like it 16:44:10 <|amethyst> https://crawl.develz.org/tavern/viewtopic.php?t=10424&p=143978#p143978 16:44:45 <|amethyst> It's come up and I think would make a good implementable (speeding or disabling) 16:45:39 think the delay stuff is especially bad in WebTiles due to implementation details 16:46:04 ChrisOelmueller: are you a tiles player? 16:46:09 i'm not, no 16:46:12 * dpeg makes a note on a sheet of paper. 16:46:15 -!- Zaba has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:46:25 !lg ChrisOelmueller s=tiles 16:46:26 No games for ChrisOelmueller. 16:46:37 he's not a player at all 16:46:42 it seems 16:46:43 !lg chris s=tiles 16:46:43 28 games for chris: 28x false 16:47:38 -!- gammafunk has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:50:45 -!- Crehl has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 16:52:47 |amethyst: I totally forgot about DGL launch scripts when implementing the spectator WebTiles settings thing. That's why watching always fails on CSZO when logged in. 16:53:23 |amethyst: So the .sh needs to handle -print-webtiles-options and not print clrscr() or other extra things. 16:53:36 ??it 16:53:36 it[1/37]: It fall off the wall. 16:53:53 Well yeah lately you kind of have to copy the address and open another tab with said webtiles url. 16:54:00 and only then does the first tab actually display things 16:54:10 <|amethyst> oh 16:54:20 |amethyst: Which is easy I guess. The hard part is that it should use the same version as whoever we are going to watch. 16:55:07 <|amethyst> do watchers run a script? 16:56:02 -!- Kenran has quit [Quit: Quitting] 16:56:36 Currently it does: -rc -print-webtiles-options 16:56:53 When you join. It obviously needs more information, to figure out the correct version. 16:57:05 s/join/start watching 16:57:44 Just fixing the clrscr() part should fix the join problems in short term. Or of course setting send_json_options to False 16:59:17 <|amethyst> Medar: hm 17:00:43 -!- Ladykiller69 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:02:33 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: CKyle] 17:02:37 <|amethyst> Medar: currently the script assumes it gets the user name as $2 17:03:15 can it figure out the version for a running game from user name? 17:03:36 <|amethyst> hm 17:04:12 <|amethyst> the stable script currently cannot, but if you stick on the pre_options it can 17:04:25 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 17:04:51 <|amethyst> since pre_options is where I pass 0.12, 0.13 etc 17:05:07 <|amethyst> looking at trunk next, that will be more complicated 17:05:17 -!- Nightbeer has quit [Quit: Verlassend] 17:05:30 I mean the exact version, not the branch 17:05:49 <|amethyst> for stable there's only ever one version at a time within a branch 17:05:58 <|amethyst> only trunk has multiple versions 17:06:05 <|amethyst> and multiple binaries 17:06:45 guess that means -print-webtiles-options must be frozen after release 17:06:49 which is perfectly fine 17:07:36 <|amethyst> Medar: for git it could be figured out given the user name 17:07:40 -!- rfree has joined ##crawl-dev 17:07:49 crawl messes up my video display 17:07:56 <|amethyst> Medar: but there might be problems if you start watching while someone is deciding whether to transfer 17:08:13 <|amethyst> Medar: since you'd have out of date info as to the crawn version 17:08:23 <|amethyst> Medar: s/crawn/crawl/ 17:08:25 it sends commands that X can not handle: loading custom color map. Any idea how to work around this? 17:08:38 <|amethyst> Medar: I can send you a link to those two scripts and the cszo config if you want 17:08:48 <|amethyst> Medar: so you can see what assumptions they make about arguments 17:09:08 |amethyst: Ugh, right. Well I'll add -name for now? 17:09:22 <|amethyst> Medar: also need to add the pre_options from the game config 17:09:28 <|amethyst> Medar: because the stable script requires those 17:09:38 <|amethyst> Medar: I'll *also* have to make changes to the scripts 17:09:40 It could just exit without outputting anything if we are in the transfer part, won't get your options but shouldn't fail horribly. 17:09:51 <|amethyst> Medar: stable change should be trivial once webtiles does that 17:10:05 It's https://github.com/neilmoore/dgamelaunch-config/blob/szorg/chroot/bin/crawl-git-launcher.sh right? 17:10:12 <|amethyst> Medar: git will be a little trickier since you have to make sure not to prompt the watcher to transfer 17:10:12 Thank goodness that spectating bug is getting fixed... 17:10:33 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:10:47 oh force transfer still doesn't exist? 17:10:52 <|amethyst> Medar: and crawl-stable-launcher.sh alongside that 17:11:03 poor admins 17:11:13 |amethyst: What's pre_options? 17:12:21 <|amethyst> Medar: a hack I added so we can pass the stable branch to the script without needing a separate launcher script for each stable version 17:12:29 are there any options to change how X server is handled? e.g. force full screen or given video mode? 17:12:30 <|amethyst> %git 6ff3556b 17:12:33 07|amethyst02 * 0.14-a0-913-g6ff3556: Allow prepending command-line options for webtiles launchers. 10(2 months ago, 1 file, 12+ 7-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=6ff3556b0082 17:12:45 Oh ok, will do. 17:12:48 <|amethyst> Medar: see that commit, and for how I use it see: https://github.com/neilmoore/dgamelaunch-config/blob/szorg/config.py 17:13:33 <|amethyst> Medar: I'm assuming -wizard makes no difference to -print-webtiles-options 17:13:44 It shouldn't 17:14:04 <|amethyst> Medar: because we take -wizard from the user name, which in this case should be the player's user name, not the watcher's 17:14:48 -!- kekekela has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:16:03 what part of code configures the video mode? 17:16:06 *which 17:17:43 -!- raskol has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:18:18 <|amethyst> rfree: maybe SDLWrapper::init in windowmanager-sdl.cc 17:18:44 <|amethyst> rfree: it calls SDL_SetVideoMode 17:19:01 <|amethyst> rfree: is the problem that it spans multiple monitors? 17:19:03 yeap found it too 17:19:42 <|amethyst> rfree: as I understand it, and I don't know SDL very well, we need to upgrade to a newer SDL to handle multiple screens properly 17:19:47 |amethyst: no just one monitor. There is some problem with linux driver for intel, google says up this error message "(EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOPUTCMAP: Invalid argument". I get this message when I run crawl 17:20:15 I guess changing some videom mode details should fix it, after all other applications (non-3d) work. 17:20:40 *by non-3d I mean good old regular programs that do not use OpenGL etc 17:21:11 <|amethyst> crawl does use OpenGL etc 17:21:24 <|amethyst> might try updating X and your drivers if possible 17:21:32 <|amethyst> just in case 17:22:05 OpenGL is mostly disabled because it's hardened computer and parts of X that are needed for more complex stuff do not play too well with it 17:22:40 <|amethyst> SDL crawl requires opengl afaik 17:22:41 do you think it could be possible to switch that video init code to use some simpler, more compatible rendering mode or anything? 17:23:06 btw, it does work overall, just all this bogous requests for color map trigger the problem in driver and blink monitor 17:23:11 <|amethyst> hm 17:24:34 <|amethyst> rfree: is it just the a message, or is the colour map screwed up (or no display at all)? 17:25:20 03Medar02 07* 0.14-a0-2334-g9b33a11: Pass crawl more arguments when using -print-webtiles-options 10(4 minutes ago, 1 file, 9+ 3-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=9b33a1157a54 17:25:40 |amethyst: Does that look ok? 17:25:47 why is my sewer blue 17:26:05 -!- Furril has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:26:07 %git :/ewer.*lue 17:26:08 07kilobyte02 * 0.14-a0-2128-g9fe2874: Paint Sewer walls blue. 10(9 days ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=9fe28740f687 17:26:09 rock was changed from darkgray to blue for sewers 17:26:17 craterc_reasons 17:26:34 fun fact, for a while in tiles sewers and slime shared the same rock tiles 17:26:53 -!- deepocean_ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:27:01 <|amethyst> Medar: looks reasonable 17:27:15 gotta sleep, nights 17:27:23 gnight 17:27:35 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 17:27:46 -!- dpeg has quit [Quit: zzz] 17:28:10 |amethyst: entire monitor (not just the window with crawl) blinks and turns on and off 17:28:23 |amethyst: If you don't have time to code the scripts, feel free to just disable send_json_options 17:28:27 -!- robotcentaur has joined ##crawl-dev 17:28:45 |amethyst: other then that, image looks ok. Colors are fine 17:30:50 Hi guys. I've been playing trunk and keeping up to date on the email thread... I have something potentially to contribute on Dithmengos, soon to be Dithmenos.... 17:31:10 I've played him much as I could in trunk 17:31:20 <|amethyst> Medar: looks like the git launcher may actually handle it already 17:31:29 <|amethyst> Medar: because it handles -print-charset already 17:31:43 is this a good forum to share? 17:31:54 -!- Neuromancer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:33:24 |amethyst: didn't you hear about the reset escape ? 17:33:39 <|amethyst> SamB: huh? 17:33:43 -!- raskol` is now known as raskol 17:34:05 Unstable branch on crawl.s-z.org updated to: 0.14-a0-2334-g9b33a11 (34) 17:34:12 or, hmm, I guess that's a different script than I thought, nevermind ;-) 17:34:12 <|amethyst> robotcentaur: yes, though C-R-D will be seen by more devs 17:34:19 ??c-r-d 17:34:19 I don't have a page labeled c-r-d in my learndb. 17:34:22 ??crd 17:34:22 crd[1/2]: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/crawl-ref-discuss 17:35:05 !learn mv crd c-r-d 17:35:06 crd -> c-r-d[1/2]: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/crawl-ref-discuss 17:35:10 Webtiles server restarted. 17:35:12 !learn add crd see {c-r-d} 17:35:12 ??crd 17:35:12 crd[1/1]: see {c-r-d} 17:35:12 c-r-d[1/2]: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/crawl-ref-discuss 17:35:40 |amethyst: You mean after adding a similiar test for -print-webtiles-options as for --print-charset? 17:36:05 <|amethyst> Medar: yes 17:36:24 <|amethyst> Medar: and also something to return immediately rather than doing a read from stdin when the options are bad 17:36:40 Sounds good. 17:37:00 Cool. I'll do that too, add to the thread. Here is the thought: got a couple heroes to Champion and like the Shadow Form but I think there could be a tweak. I agree with all dpegs minor tweaks but I think that it might need more. Basically Shadow Form is an "o shit" button like step through time. It saved me once. 17:37:33 <|amethyst> Medar: hmm, having problems 17:37:34 still borken 17:37:49 shadow form is much more than that 17:37:58 Let's see 17:37:58 waltzform 17:38:02 <|amethyst> Error in message: [object Object] client.js:87 17:38:03 <|amethyst> handle_message_backlog client.js:87 17:38:03 <|amethyst> Cannot read property 'left' of undefined client.js:88 17:38:03 <|amethyst> handle_message_backlog client.js:88 17:38:03 <|amethyst> TypeError: Cannot read property 'left' of undefined 17:38:15 I'm thining the 50% damage reduction is actually not enough. Or maybe the Shadow needs speed. Cause 50% is actually not alot for the function. 17:38:17 <|amethyst> Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL 17:38:29 50% is actually more than anything else in the game 17:38:40 sounds like there is still those clear screen symbols 17:38:43 and mixes pretty ridiculously with good defenses 17:38:54 -!- master_j has quit [Quit: going offline] 17:38:59 (and especially if you also slap damage shaving into the mix) 17:39:14 Bloax: yes numerically its great in comparison. but in practice it is no where near step through time. 17:39:17 if anything i'd nerf shadow form not buff it further 17:39:32 true but you don't need to worship chei to get shadow form :) 17:39:35 (note how you're also not worshipping chei in exchange) 17:39:37 <|amethyst> Medar: oh 17:39:38 damn ninjas 17:39:40 if anything it's better 17:39:55 simply because you also spam fog all the time while getting hit 17:40:03 and because you can actually just walk away 17:40:09 like I said I play chei lots and have tried D and in practice it wont save you 17:40:15 step from los 17:40:16 and teleporting while taking half damage is easy 17:40:25 I've been chased down through fog a couple tinmes 17:40:27 |amethyst: Yep, those are still there. 17:40:31 i don't know if the intention of the ability is to save you, is what people are saying 17:40:41 pre-emptive 17:40:44 |amethyst: Oh wait. There is some transfer thing. Hmm. 17:40:45 <|amethyst> Medar: okay, fixed 17:40:45 I would assume its the o shit button 17:40:53 it's the 17:40:54 <|amethyst> Medar: there is another problem though 17:40:59 "no oh shits this time motherfucker" button 17:41:05 <|amethyst> Medar: hm, or maybe 17:41:20 you know what's great, what's great is emitting fog on ever hit while taking halved damage and then just walking up around and past rune vault enemies and apporting a rune 17:41:23 oh, managed to spec someone just dying to a hydra. rip 17:41:43 i've just died a couple times while in shadow form, running away and it feels wrong 17:41:44 appears to be working 17:42:09 In the normal case that is 17:42:12 <|amethyst> Medar: when I view some but not all people for the first time, I get those "cannot read property" and a bunch of Options not set 17:42:19 enemies that have a good chance to let you shadowstep a bunch anyway 17:42:24 <|amethyst> Medar: but it works the second time 17:42:42 you can't always shadowstep though 17:42:57 that is not what I mean 17:43:07 ? 17:43:22 not getting into trouble in the first place is the best panic-button ability 17:43:23 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 17:43:37 <|amethyst> Medar: possibly related to switching between trunk and 0.13 but even then doesn't happen every time 17:43:44 LOL. Of course, you doom yourself, always 17:43:58 robotcentaur: when are you using shadow form 17:44:01 <|amethyst> Medar: (only trunk has send_json_options) 17:44:08 and against what did you use it since you die so hard with it 17:44:10 <|amethyst> Medar: (currently that is) 17:44:24 <|amethyst> but in any event it's much better 17:44:25 |amethyst: I think it's an unrelated bug. That happens due to getting message other than options as the first one. 17:44:26 Bloax: usually just when I get in trouble...under 50% hp and want to run 17:44:38 I'm playing draconians 17:44:49 Which can happen if there are buffered messages waiting to be sent to the player when you join. 17:44:56 well the thing is just that shadow form is really good at making you not get down to low health in the first place 17:45:17 Or it could be something totally different. 17:45:20 but won't save your ass if things have gone so south that you're dead already 17:45:38 Is that the design goal.... more like a finesse then a step through time? 17:46:20 and if you can still die under 50% hp with a practically doubled heal wounds effect while teleporting away then you did something gravely wrong 17:46:23 -!- ldf has quit [Quit: ldf] 17:46:37 where finesse +lethality and shadow form +damage mitigation? 17:46:48 -!- CKyle has quit [Client Quit] 17:47:20 I guess shadow forms role is unclear to me 17:48:21 actually, to your last comment, i died under 50% running from iron trolls 17:48:43 at what max hp 17:48:50 nothing wrong except I aggro 3 iron trolls 17:49:00 wow 17:49:01 I think 110? 17:49:03 who you then proceeded to fight in mortal combat 17:49:07 i don't think i've ever seen 3 iron trolls 17:49:09 all at once 17:49:20 they worked my 17:49:29 depths 3 17:49:32 are you sure it's not deep trolls 17:49:34 wheals, surely there are that many in dis 17:49:44 tenofswords: i've never done hells 17:49:48 i have done hell though 17:49:55 tenofswords: I think you may be thinking of iron DRAGON zombies 17:50:00 wait you might be right 17:50:03 "should have hell rune troves" 17:50:05 iron dragon zombie leather armour 17:50:23 !lm * sp dith orb s=title 17:50:25 12 milestones for * (sp dith orb): 10x Ninja, 2x Imperceptible 17:50:27 |amethyst: Oh, it's actually getting options before getting the game data. Anyway, a different bug. 17:50:29 the trove demands the staff of dispater 17:50:48 <|amethyst> Medar: I'm pushed the updates to dgamelaunch-config 17:50:58 and snarkingly tells you to bugger off until you bring it to it 17:51:00 <|amethyst> https://github.com/neilmoore/dgamelaunch-config/commit/42e513c7328a7b8ec403255701e15507084b721f 17:51:24 yes, 3 deep trolls 17:51:28 <|amethyst> Medar: btw, how interested would you being in becoming more involved with the server-side infrastructure stuff? 17:51:37 <|amethyst> Medar: since your webtiles works often interacts with it 17:51:40 robotcentaur: three trolls at once is pretty hefty damage 17:52:00 I know I was running in shadow form and dies anyway :) 17:52:04 were they hasted 17:52:05 *died 17:52:18 <|amethyst> Medar: I ask because I am going to be making a proposal about broadening the pool of developers who are able to work on those things 17:52:19 they may have been hasted, one was a mage 17:52:22 or were they mighted and hasted 17:52:36 <|amethyst> Medar: so it's not all me (CSZO etc), Nap kin (CDO), and snark (Sequell etc) 17:52:39 !lm * sp dith title=ninja orb -tv:<2:>2 17:52:40 10. Firebatgyro, XL21 SpAs, T:43276 (milestone) requested for FooTV (telnet://termcast.develz.org or http://termcast.develz.org). 17:52:58 i suppose it can be hard to help when you're in depths:3 with 110 hp 17:53:05 !lm . depths:3 x=mhp 17:53:05 5. [2014-01-29 01:39:53] [mhp=122] wheals the Imperceptible (L22 SpEn) killed Boris on turn 96495. (Depths:3) 17:53:08 -!- Wolfechu has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:53:10 see, i had much more 17:54:05 -!- ShadeTornado has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:54:07 I mean I coulda worked myself into a jam, sure. perhaps 50% is fine.... but as an o shit button perhaps a haste/speed would be helpful... I mean it is the top god power 17:54:10 <|amethyst> Medar: and honestly, much of the dgl and script-side dgl/webtiles integration stuff I hacked together 17:54:24 <|amethyst> Medar: so could use more eyeballs in general 17:54:51 meh 17:54:54 Not the best example. 17:55:13 |amethyst: Sure, I could probably try to help out. I'm not the most reliably active developer though. 17:55:14 -!- mamgar has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:55:17 ??god list 17:55:17 gods[2/2]: Ashenzari, Beogh, Cheibriados, Elyvilon, Fedhas, Jiyva, Kikubaaqudgha, Lugonu, Makhleb, Nemelex Xobeh, Okawaru, Sif Muna, Trog, Vehumet, Xom, Yredelemnul, Zin, the Shining One. 17:55:25 *gasp* 17:55:29 Anyway, Dith's top ability is "quite powerful" 17:55:31 I just encourage you to play the god and see if it "feels" like a top gift... finesse or brother in arm or step through time... in practice it lacks a little 17:55:36 hm 17:55:42 in that it gives you a mobile half-Sanctuary 17:55:43 ash, beogh, fedhas, kiku, sif, vehumet, xom 17:56:00 numbers are one thing... play feel quite different 17:56:05 on paper cool. 17:56:11 ??dith reasons[$ 17:56:12 I don't have a page labeled dith_reasons[-1] in my learndb. 17:56:17 ??dithmengos reasons[$ 17:56:18 shadow form[2/2]: !lm basil orb dith 1 -tv:<2:>2 17:56:30 robotcentaur: You can use footv right 17:56:42 !lg Bloax DD-- sprint -tv:>:channel=shadowformsucks 17:56:43 6. Bloax, XL17 DDFi, T:1824 requested for shadowformsucks (telnet://termcast.develz.org or http://termcast.develz.org). 17:56:48 footv? I'm kinda clueless 17:57:05 termcast.develz.org 17:57:07 just use that link 17:57:09 also could someone fix that announce message 17:57:27 it links to http://termcast.devels.org) 17:57:55 what's the problem with that? 17:58:00 does it not work for you? 17:58:13 -!- Garhauk has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:58:14 that the paranthesis is in the subdomain 17:58:21 thats cool 17:58:27 oh your client then 18:01:28 quite a while until i used shadow form it seems 18:01:44 <|amethyst> Bloax: does your client handle the telnet:// URL properly (not (telnet:// )? 18:02:26 Well I have no telnet client so that's kinda hard. 18:02:40 <|amethyst> I mean just copying the link 18:02:58 <|amethyst> or whatever you client does 18:03:11 <|amethyst> not whether it opens or not, just whether it tries telnet:// or (telnet:// 18:03:27 it's (telnet:// and *.org) 18:03:34 well, just test with (http://termcast.devels.og 18:04:21 also make sure the error isn't from using devels.org instead of develz :) 18:05:00 Well it's one in the morning so don't expect me to write cleanly. 18:05:09 -!- Kalir has quit [Changing host] 18:05:35 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 18:06:09 im in the states shouldn't harass the european devs so late :) 18:07:00 hehe the mummy floor 18:07:06 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:07:10 maybe my AC was just too low...Draconian 18:07:24 deep troll (08T) | Spd: 10 | HD: 10 | HP: 39-73 | AC/EV: 6/10 | Dam: 27, 20, 20 | 10doors, sense invisible, regen | Res: 06magic(40) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 726 | Sz: Large | Int: normal. 18:07:24 %??Deep troll 18:07:29 wait 18:07:35 draconian, and you had 110 mhp? 18:07:38 -!- scummos__ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:07:40 in depths:3 18:07:51 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 18:08:14 when do storm dragons spawn down there again 18:08:15 -!- gammafunk has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:08:17 !lg * dr depths:3 x=avg(mhp) 18:08:19 One game for * (dr depths:3): avg(mhp)=178 18:08:35 !lg robotcentaur 18:08:36 346. robotcentaur the Fighter (L16 DrFi), worshipper of Dithmengos, slain by a deep troll on Depths:4 on 2014-01-24 19:37:36, with 154382 points after 36149 turns and 6:58:58. 18:08:40 !lg robotcentaur -log 18:08:41 346. robotcentaur, XL16 DrFi, T:36149: http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/robotcentaur/morgue-robotcentaur-20140124-193736.txt 18:08:49 good xl16 18:08:53 yup, that was the last one 18:09:01 i know I blew it 18:09:15 ;) 18:09:46 >not even teleporting 18:09:57 ##crawl can help with the other things, but it does seem you are asking too much for one god power to save you 18:10:02 oh you had exactly no sources of it available 18:10:08 teleporting in depths is not something i can recommend ever 18:10:11 did the sticky flame bite 18:10:27 but yes ##crawl is happy to help with the many other things in this morgue 18:10:58 i was out of ports 18:12:12 -!- nicolae- has joined ##crawl-dev 18:12:23 it all goes back to past learning right... my last high level fighter of chei I got him into similar states and used step through time... mentally I was equating step through time with shadow for...my mistake 18:12:59 as Bloax explains Shadow Form is not intended as that 18:13:48 shadow form is borderline overpowered in terms of how much it improves your survivability 18:14:18 But it's not a "get out of death's grasp free" card. 18:14:33 exactly, I understand now 18:15:14 -!- raskol has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:17:22 It is most powerful to use in combat... like a berserk or finesse or heroism, but heavy on the damage mitigation and not on damage. More that then a pure o shit button (i.e. step through time) 18:18:45 By the way rolling green dragon IMHO is superior to the other colors... mephic clouds...wow 18:19:04 that explains a lot 18:19:34 FR for rcfiles: support include=http://dobrazupa.org/rcfiles/crawl-git/rchandra.rc 18:19:53 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 18:19:55 would be easier to sync rcs between servers then 18:21:19 -!- Foamed has quit [Quit: Heading to bed.] 18:21:53 -!- CKyle has joined ##crawl-dev 18:24:06 -!- eith has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:25:27 unified accounts anyone 18:26:14 <|amethyst> ChrisOelmueller: I am going to be proposing a dev team for working on server stuff like that 18:26:33 oh nice 18:26:43 <|amethyst> ChrisOelmueller: That is one of the more important things that should probably happen (after more discussion) that I simply don't have time to do myself 18:26:50 <|amethyst> ChrisOelmueller: and that other people can't really do without me 18:27:23 Can I promoted to a dev-gimp and get some kind of restricted access 18:27:24 <|amethyst> s/can't/currently can't/ 18:27:28 dev familiar? 18:27:38 dev lackey 18:28:11 dev intern..just fetches coffee 18:28:22 that's Sequell's job 18:28:25 !coffee gammafunk 18:28:25 * Sequell hands gammafunk a cup of latte macchiato, brewed by Kikubaaqudgha. 18:28:26 !coffee 18:28:26 * Sequell hands gammafunk a mug of caffè macchiato, brewed by Kikubaaqudgha. 18:28:36 ug, always macciato?! 18:28:42 !cmd coffee 18:28:43 No command coffee 18:28:44 it's kiku's favorite 18:28:47 !cmd !coffee 18:28:48 Built-in: !coffee => https://github.com/greensnark/dcss_sequell/blob/master/commands/coffee.pl 18:28:53 huh 18:28:58 -!- Turgor has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 18:29:02 All the way to a perl script for that one 18:29:07 -!- Zaba has joined ##crawl-dev 18:29:17 -!- rchandra1 has joined ##crawl-dev 18:29:21 tea isn't a script though 18:29:26 !cmd !tea 18:29:26 Command: !tea => .echo /me hands ${1:-${user}} a cup of $(sub 0 1 $(sub $(rand $(length $(split & $(=tea.tealist)))) $(split & $(=tea.tealist)))), brewed by $(=tea.brewer). 18:29:30 oh good, there are choices 18:29:32 !coffee 18:29:32 * Sequell hands gammafunk a pot of caffè macchiato, brewed by Ijyb. 18:29:35 omg 18:29:35 !cmd tea.tealist 18:29:35 No command tea.tealist 18:29:38 !coffee 18:29:38 * Sequell hands gammafunk a pot of café au lait, brewed by Ijyb. 18:29:41 !func tea.tealist 18:29:43 -!- rchandra has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 18:29:43 ok, just bad rolls 18:30:04 just going record that I drink cappucino 18:30:07 !func =tea.tealist 18:30:12 !cmd =tea.tealist 18:30:12 Command: =tea.tealist => .echo Earl Grey&English breakfast tea&lapsang souchong&Assam&Russian Caravan&chai&sencha&Darjeeling&oolong tea&Jasmine tea&Moroccan mint&chamomile 18:30:21 -!- rchandra1 is now known as rchandra 18:30:29 -!- nixor1 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 18:31:51 <|amethyst> rchandra: re your specific FR (and it might be worth doing something similar before full portability), it would need to be restricted somehow, whether that's timeouts or whatever, and I'm wary of putting http stuff into crawl proper 18:32:18 -!- conted has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 18:32:47 fair enough 18:32:50 <|amethyst> rchandra: not sure if a wrapper to fetch and rewrite the include would be the best option, but it's a possibility 18:33:24 <|amethyst> rchandra: e.g. the launch scripts could do that and put the resolved/rewritten player and remote rc into /tmp or such 18:33:46 -!- ebarrett has quit [] 18:35:35 a central "server" holding rcfiles could be a nice starting point 18:35:39 |amethyst: clearly put this stuff on AFS 18:36:55 -!- Adeon is now known as MaryPoppins 18:37:21 -!- robotcentaur has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:38:08 -!- oiseaux has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:38:48 <|amethyst> SamB: not GFS? 18:41:12 Drowned wights leave no items by silentsnack 18:42:59 -!- HellTiger___ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:43:19 -!- devan has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2] 18:43:24 -!- Daibus has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 18:43:48 |amethyst: what is that? 18:43:50 not ATC? 18:44:25 <|amethyst> SamB: google's distributed fs 18:44:36 what does it have over AFS? 18:44:44 "google" 18:44:58 so it's harder to google for, got it 18:45:26 -!- fufumann has quit [Quit: und weg...] 18:46:16 -!- HellTiger has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/] 18:50:26 <|amethyst> SamB: I don't know either very well, but GFS is a lot more modern anyway. OTOH it might not be appropriate for something as small-scale as what we do 18:50:49 <|amethyst> SamB: (though we do have a *lot* of data in the form of ttyrecs, and we need a sustainable way to manage those) 18:51:18 |amethyst: I was just thinking for rcs and stuff 18:51:29 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 18:51:29 so we wouldn't need those timeouts ... 18:51:30 -!- MaryPoppins is now known as Adeon 18:52:17 <|amethyst> SamB: I think if we're going through the trouble of setting up a distributed FS, we're investing enough effort that it's worth going all the way 18:52:26 <|amethyst> SamB: to either centralised or federated identification 18:52:43 <|amethyst> s/identification/authentication/ 18:52:52 <|amethyst> sure, ttyrecs don't have to be pooled 18:53:04 <|amethyst> I just brought that up because CSZO is going to fill up within the year 18:53:31 -!- Basil has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:53:33 <|amethyst> greensnark already agreed to host old ones once it becomes necessary to move them off dobrazupa 18:53:58 <|amethyst> but we haven't worked out the details, and it's something that the other servers will have to deal with at some point too 18:54:10 just out of curiosity, how big are they? 18:54:31 |amethyst: possibly 18:54:34 -!- nicolae- has left ##crawl-dev 18:54:38 so is GFS "webscale" 18:54:42 is that the difference? 18:55:07 <|amethyst> SamB: well, "google infrastructure scale" 18:55:22 <|amethyst> Medar: 187 GiB currently 18:55:34 is grand avatar supposed to come with me when i teleport? 18:55:36 <|amethyst> Medar: 118 GiB free 18:56:03 probably not, though it'll hardly be much good if there isn't anybody else around 18:56:49 <|amethyst> Medar: 187 GiB in around 18 months, so I estimate 9 or 10 more months before it starts becoming necessary 18:57:06 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:57:30 Right. I guess the volume of games is going up. Altough there was a time when CSZO was basically the only (good WebTiles) server. 18:57:38 <|amethyst> Medar: there's other stuff that grows with time like $CHROOT/usr/games (crawl binaries), 50 GiB now; but those can be trimmed if necessary by force-transferring saves' 18:57:46 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 18:59:06 maybe for those, there could be a list of binaries with very few saves on, somewhere? 18:59:27 <|amethyst> ChrisOelmueller: it's easy to produce, I just need to write the script to do the transfer 18:59:41 |amethyst: Do you do anything like hard linking identical files? 18:59:41 aight 18:59:46 <|amethyst> ChrisOelmueller: not even write so much as extract out of another script into a shell library 18:59:55 That would help at least for WebTiles game_data, if not that much for binaries 19:00:12 tenofswords: You and dpeg both recommended I maybe drop the makhleb theme from Asterion. If I drop greater destruct, any opinion on what might make a good addition (perhaps a conventional spell) 19:00:30 (I was actually being sarcastic about that quote) 19:00:32 <|amethyst> Medar: crawl_master is only 27GiB so I'm not terribly worried about it 19:00:41 heh 19:00:52 not the response I expected, but fair enough 19:01:17 -!- alefury has quit [] 19:01:28 |amethyst: Ok. It might be interesting from bandwidth saving perspective though. Not hard linking in that case, but redirecting users to the older scripts somehow. 19:01:49 <|amethyst> Medar: I'm not sure the scripts would handle that (multiple saves in different revisions for the same person in the same version) 19:02:07 <|amethyst> Medar: but, yeah, dedup makes sense for that 19:02:07 I think the weird-vampiric-spectral-weapon and the self-damaging randomly-aoe range of conjurations on something big and mean is "enough" for a unique when considering what's already around 19:02:30 -!- syllogism has quit [] 19:02:42 Yeah, maybe he should just stay the latest version and I try to get someone to merge him 19:03:00 of course, it was 1kb's branch and now he's on hiatus... 19:03:02 Yeah, might be too complicated for little gain. At least as long as bandwidth is not a problem for server maintainers. 19:03:14 Of course improves startup time for the player, but that isn't a huge deal. 19:03:31 obviously should get it in by having asterion's mechanics and flavour replace a boring current monster 19:03:36 like norris or something 19:03:54 hrm, norris is possible yes. Frances was the original suggestion, but several have voiced support for her 19:04:00 <|amethyst> Medar: I also worry a bit that we sometimes have glitches from too much caching 19:04:12 kilobyte was opposed to her because of summons, which is of course no surprise 19:04:39 <|amethyst> Medar: and doing more "don't even go to the server" could make that worse 19:04:56 |amethyst: True enough. 19:04:56 why is it no surprise? 19:05:09 <|amethyst> Medar: if we did content hashes for the URL that could work maybe? 19:05:11 "because kilobyte" 19:05:14 kilobyte opposed to a monster with a summons spell? 19:05:17 irrelevant, anyway 19:05:22 oh right i meant to not participate yes 19:05:34 |amethyst: I assume you mean like client.js etc? 19:06:06 -!- beef42 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:06:24 <|amethyst> Medar: yes, both global and game_data 19:06:30 people supported frances? 19:06:46 Grunt: I don't suppose I could get you to look over the code for Asterion for correctness? tenofswords has at least said he's not bad. 19:06:59 hrm, I'm making my case poorly... 19:07:08 -!- Kalir has quit [Quit: CADENZA-CLASS CLOCKWORK KNIGHT--OPERATION TERMINATED] 19:07:15 wheals: yes, MarvinPA and elliptic see nothing wrong with here, and to be honest I don't really either 19:07:20 s/here/her/ 19:07:38 I suppose Norris is actually a good choice, invis + int drain? 19:07:51 Rupert (04@) | Spd: 10 | HD: 16 | HP: 123 | AC/EV: 0/10 | Dam: 21 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, see invisible | Res: 06magic(106) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 2162 | Sp: paralyse, confuse, berserker rage | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 19:07:51 %??rupert 19:07:53 Norris (04@) | Spd: 10 | HD: 20 | HP: 214 | AC/EV: 1/9 | Dam: 36 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, fighter, evil, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 06magic(133) | Vul: 08holy | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 5062 | Sp: brain feed, smiting (7-17), invisibility, confuse, paralyse, 04esc:minor healing (2d10) | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 19:07:53 %??norris 19:07:53 so you're removing him because he's interesting? 19:08:03 <|amethyst> Medar: but I guess the issue is how to do imports in a sane way 19:08:03 that seems like a weird way to do things 19:08:11 wheals: Well the idea is that we'd remove a monster that's *uninteresting* 19:08:16 well, maybe webscale means big enough to store the whole web ;-P 19:08:18 Which some would argue norris is 19:08:21 |amethyst: game_data shouldn't need it, the url already has the hash 19:08:31 I mostly dislike norris because he's later rupert with extra fluff 19:08:33 Norris is pretty uninteresting, to be honest. 19:08:41 Yeah, he only has some cute theme behind him 19:08:45 <|amethyst> Medar: I thought that was a hash of the game version 19:08:46 |amethyst: But for global data I have thought about that. 19:08:54 Frances has cute theme but is a multi-faceted threat 19:08:55 <|amethyst> Medar: which would have to change if we want identical data cached 19:09:10 by the same token frances is a slightly buffer orc high priest 19:09:31 orc high priest (09o) | Spd: 10 | HD: 11 | HP: 41-68 | AC/EV: 1/12 | Dam: 7 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, priest, evil, see invisible | Res: 06magic(58) | Vul: 08holy | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 842 | Sp: pain (d13), sum.demon, smiting (7-17), heal other (2d5), 04esc:minor healing (2d5) | Sz: Medium | Int: high. 19:09:31 %??orc_high_priest 19:09:35 Frances (08@) | Spd: 10 | HD: 14 | HP: 121 | AC/EV: 0/10 | Dam: 29 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 06magic(93) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 2119 | Sp: throw icicle (3d23), sum.demon, haste, iron shot (3d26) | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 19:09:35 %??frances 19:09:47 norris and rupert are noticeable defined by paralysis, frances is not exactly defined by summon demon 19:09:54 wheals: that's a bit of a stretch, but yes there are similarities 19:10:02 Frederick (03@) | Spd: 10 | HD: 21 | HP: 159 | AC/EV: 0/10 | Dam: 27 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 06magic(140) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 3749 | Sp: mystic blast (3d25), b.cold (3d30), invisibility, iron shot (3d36) | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 19:10:02 %??frederick 19:10:10 hm, maybe more orc sorcerer 19:10:15 orc sorcerer (13o) | Spd: 10 | HD: 9 | HP: 20-42 | AC/EV: 5/12 | Dam: 7 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, evil, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 06magic(36) | Vul: 08holy | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 563 | Sp: b.fire (3d17), b.draining (3d17), sum.demon, paralyse, animate dead | Sz: Medium | Int: high. 19:10:15 %??orc sorcerer 19:10:29 yeah, I suppose that's a bit closer 19:11:31 also norris has a buckler, that is something 19:11:33 Originally she was very weak, but she got buffed with summon demon and (I think) haste, so she's at least a decent threat 19:11:39 !killratio norris 19:11:41 norris wins 1.680% of battles. 19:11:43 !killratio frances 19:11:45 frances wins 0.466% of battles. 19:11:51 |amethyst: Right. Depends on how it would actually work. Anyway, if there is no pressing need to cut down on game_data bandwidth, then it works the way it is. 19:11:54 and rupert is defined more by his berserker rage than his paralysis ime 19:11:56 ug, influenced by earlier games 19:12:14 !killratio frances * cv=0.14-a 19:12:16 frances wins 0.835% of battles against * (cv=0.14-a). 19:12:23 !killratio frances * recent 19:12:25 frances wins 0.794% of battles against * (recent). 19:12:36 Well norris is surprisingly lethal, I guess 19:12:36 she might be more interesting if moved earlier 19:12:41 -!- Escalator has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:12:43 the way snorg was 19:12:50 !killratio snorg 19:12:52 -!- tsohg has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:12:52 snorg wins 2.489% of battles. 19:12:55 huh 19:13:01 everything I know is wrong... 19:13:38 %git HEAD^{/Frances} 19:13:38 07MarvinPA02 * 0.13-a0-2735-gef417d5: Adjust some more randbook owner lists 10(5 months ago, 1 file, 8+ 3-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=ef417d5da914 19:13:49 %git HEAD^{/Frances}^^{/Frances} 19:13:50 07MarvinPA02 * 0.12-a0-869-g94e3e4b: Upgrade Frances' spell set 10(1 year, 3 months ago, 2 files, 13+ 2-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=94e3e4bdd612 19:14:00 Well, 0.12... 19:14:03 how about a demon pack instead of demon summon? 19:14:13 For Frances? 19:14:15 most of the time you can kill her before the demons even hurt you 19:14:25 well she does have haste for that reason, I think 19:14:33 her spell set is very complete at this point 19:14:41 I think wheals may be right; perhaps it's a depth issue 19:14:58 wish we could see unique placement in irc.... 19:15:12 !vault uniq_frances 19:15:13 Lines pasted to http://pastie.org/8680448 19:15:18 ask and ye shall receive 19:15:28 also wish !vault would link to git 19:15:33 yes 19:15:36 instead of pasting chunks to a random paste site 19:15:38 yeah, was just thinking to do that 19:15:40 but not gitorious 19:15:42 yes 19:15:54 !cmd !vault 19:15:54 Built-in: !vault => https://github.com/greensnark/dcss_sequell/blob/master/commands/source.pl 19:16:16 huh, honestly I can't see changing Frances' depth much... 19:16:17 now you know why nobody touched this also 19:16:29 ok this is beyond me 19:16:34 Late D I guess, maybe late lair 19:16:59 frances in tomb... 19:17:05 azrael range? 19:17:10 wheals: oh, you want that to link to the git tree on cszo? 19:17:15 yeah 19:17:16 without the water branches cut 19:17:16 that wouldn't be hard for me to modify 19:17:28 probably we'd have a git argument or something? 19:17:33 moving frances to kirke/louse depth sounds okay 19:17:37 louise 19:17:43 -!- bmfx has quit [Quit: leaving] 19:17:45 could just add a command !gvault and !gsource 19:17:47 fr: louse unique 19:18:00 if you want to keep the current thing 19:18:05 why would you want to keep it though 19:18:13 Yeah, kirke depth sounds about right 19:18:14 good question 19:18:17 I wonder if with the fire cloud+shallow water change to heavily reduce the range of steam, azrael could be allowed into water branches 19:18:38 wheals: just have an argument so you can have both... 19:18:42 frances' depthis pretty weird 19:18:43 well 19:18:49 maybe you're right; pastebin really not needed 19:18:54 raw link is on cszo git 19:18:59 -!- nixor has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:19:01 i don't think i understand it at all 19:20:38 $filename !~ /[.][.]/ 19:20:40 probably artefact of old absdepth placement 19:20:41 tits are not allowed 19:20:47 ...tits 19:20:55 huh, it's the same as jorgrun despite her not being even close in difficulty 19:21:15 i agree kirke sounds right 19:21:24 |amethyst: If I wanted to modify greensnark's source.pl to give the link to cszo, is there an easy way for me to test that script? 19:21:38 hrm, I'm assuming you can give links to line numbers, which may not be the case 19:21:48 so that'd be my first question, actually 19:22:05 you can 19:22:23 http://git.develz.org/?p=crawl.git;a=blob;f=crawl-ref/docs/options_guide.txt#l44 19:22:23 #l 19:22:41 03MarvinPA02 07* 0.14-a0-2335-g48446ad: Move Frances shallower 10(66 seconds ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=48446ad2b224 19:22:43 Medar: For the cszo git interface? 19:22:57 yes 19:23:26 is agnes really in-place on tomb:1 19:23:29 Medar: awesome, it works 19:23:32 %git :/\?\! 19:23:33 07MarvinPA02 * 0.14-a0-2335-g48446ad: Move Frances shallower 10(2 minutes ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=48446ad2b224 19:24:07 %git HEAD^{/\?\!}^^{/\?\!} 19:24:08 07|amethyst02 * 0.14-a0-1444-g21dc12d: Don't get stuck in autoexplore (#7855) 10(7 weeks ago, 1 file, 8+ 2-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=21dc12dab7ab 19:24:17 wheals: the only thing here is I can just have the browser jump to the line where the match starts 19:24:18 ...is _saint_ _roka_ in place on tomb:3 19:24:30 I can't exclude the non-matching stuff 19:24:31 more than frances i'm afraid 19:24:34 he's with his fellow smiters 19:24:38 because that 19:24:48 fine then xtahua 19:24:54 gammafunk: true, but is that really a problem? 19:24:57 but seriously frances in tomb is.. 19:24:57 no 19:25:04 well, it's a bit messier... 19:25:06 Xtahua (05D) | Spd: 10 | HD: 19 | HP: 133 | AC/EV: 15/7 | Dam: 35, 17, 2007(trample) | 10doors, see invisible, fly, !sil | Res: 06magic(177), 05fire++, 03poison, 12drown | Vul: 12cold | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 3799 | Sp: blast/flame (3d38) | Sz: Huge | Int: normal. 19:25:06 %??xtahua 19:25:07 and you can keep the old functions if you really want 19:25:20 ok, well I need to be able to test thist 19:25:25 %git HEAD^{/\?\!}^^{/\?\!}^^{/\?\!} 19:25:25 07kilobyte02 * 0.13-a0-719-g9e32ab9: Avoid use of gettimeofday() on Windows (not implemented on MSVC). 10(9 months ago, 1 file, 19+ 9-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=9e32ab949155 19:25:26 just jumping to the line seems good enough 19:25:35 gammafunk: install perl? 19:25:37 note to self find wherever in the hack of monster abilities and breath attacks red draconian breath is done 19:25:37 %git HEAD^{/\?\!}^^{/\?\!}^^{/\?\!}^^{/\?\!} 19:25:38 07kilobyte02 * 0.12-a0-2403-gf10de61: Work around a gcc misdesign that nearly doubles the time of LTO compilation. 10(11 months ago, 1 file, 8+ 4-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=f10de61e79ce 19:25:40 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:25:41 Medar: through irc 19:25:45 !killratio xtahua recent 19:25:47 No battles for xtahua and No games for recent.. 19:25:53 !killratio xtahua -recent 19:25:54 No battles for xtahua and No games for -recent.. 19:26:00 why irc? 19:26:00 !killratio xtahua * recent 19:26:02 xtahua wins 0.577% of battles against * (recent). 19:26:03 e.g. I need |amethyst or someone to set up a test command linking to a url I give him, I guess 19:26:15 tenofswords: isn't it just their specific spell? 19:26:20 Medar: I'm trying to modify !source, essentially 19:26:20 red draconian (05d) | Spd: 10 | HD: 14 | HP: 81-114 | AC/EV: 9/10 | Dam: 20 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, cold-blooded, !sil | Res: 06magic(37), 05fire | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 1233 | Sp: fire breath (3d18) | Sz: Medium | Int: high. 19:26:20 %??red draconian 19:26:28 I mean it'd be nice to test the whole thing 19:26:34 it's the same hack that makes 19:26:36 fire crab (04t) | Spd: 11 | HD: 8 | HP: 38-66 | AC/EV: 9/6 | Dam: 1504(fire:8-15), 1504(fire:8-15) | !sil | Res: 06magic(42), 04fire+++ | Vul: 09poison | Chunks: 09poison+07contam | XP: 807 | Sp: blast/flame (d12) | Sz: small | Int: insect. 19:26:36 %??fire crab 19:26:38 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 19:26:41 oh 19:26:51 gammafunk: surely the IRC integration doesn't change 19:26:57 i have a local Sequell 19:27:04 probably others do too 19:27:05 on the other hand ~*item destruction*~ 19:27:15 well, ok, I just need to see what irc is doing, precisely 19:27:34 is this pl integrated into the bot? 19:27:57 there should be a test-.pl somewhere in the main directory 19:28:04 that mimics whatever irc is doing iirc 19:28:15 ChrisOelmueller: ok, will check it out 19:29:50 MarvinPA: Any chance you'd be willing to sponsor the merge of the latest version of Asterion (spectral weapon, demon weapon/shield/robe equipment, no greater servant)? 19:30:01 I can make a patch without the Frances removal 19:30:15 The other part is moving bird people to 'Q' 19:30:35 which I could also take out so it could be resolved separately 19:30:45 -!- DrinkMachine has joined ##crawl-dev 19:30:45 -!- DrinkMachine has quit [Changing host] 19:30:45 -!- DrinkMachine has joined ##crawl-dev 19:34:26 -!- Basil has joined ##crawl-dev 19:36:15 -!- tsohg_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:37:09 -!- johlstei has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:38:22 i don't know, i haven't looked at the latest version of it 19:38:38 and i'm not really sure how excited i am about adding more uniques in that jorgrun/sojobo etc depth range honestly 19:38:38 -!- Daibus has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 19:39:35 nerf the numbers and put him in the d:2-4 range 19:39:38 is the branch up-to-date or is the patch on mantis the latest thing? i can have a look at some point at least 19:39:38 Is there a better range 19:39:51 latest patch is mantis, yes 19:40:40 with greater destruct and spectral, he could get hd and equip nerf 19:40:48 and still be interesting/effective 19:40:53 and fall into more the kirke range 19:40:59 (now frances range) 19:41:35 -!- tsohg has quit [Ping timeout: 253 seconds] 19:42:29 Part of his theme is he's exiled form his kingdom, so he can be a bit more of a pauper... 19:42:35 s/form/from/ 19:42:52 but then again the demon weapon thing 19:43:05 Well, maud has one of those 19:43:59 Yeah, it would actually be ok if he was basically an ordinary monster Mi with some extra equip and those spells 19:48:38 i'm not really focused much on crawl stuff at the moment so i certainly wouldn't argue if someone else thinks he's okay as-is, but unfortunately that means finding someone else active to pester :P 19:48:48 -!- johlstei has joined ##crawl-dev 19:49:34 No worries, I'll probably reduce his difficult to not that range as you suggest 19:52:49 -!- WalkerBoh has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:54:08 -!- Basil has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 19:56:43 clearly he should be on par with tiamat 19:56:53 -!- kekekela has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 19:58:18 we need more zot uniques 19:58:39 ??francis 19:58:39 francis[1/1]: A wandering demon-summoning Romeo, looking for Frances. Spells: pain, summon demon, smite, animate dead, abjuration, and healing. Gone since 0.8. 19:58:47 ??dwayne 19:58:48 dwayne ~ wayne ~ wiglaf[1/4]: A fat, evil qwarf in a stupid looking hat. The number one killer of players who have completed lair in 0.7 so be careful! Reflavored as a priest of Okawaru (with a good weapon, and might/haste invocations) in 0.7 and capable of dishing out some major damage, comparable to a very large slime creature with haste. 19:59:09 I thought it'd bad to have anything in zot because the game is "already won" aside from zot:5 19:59:26 or at least that was the logic I puzzled out for hate on zot stairs vaults 19:59:35 unique orb of fire 19:59:36 Perhaps there is more room for zot uniques, but I think they'd have to be very memorable... 19:59:49 zot stairs vaults? 20:00:01 you mean acid trip and the one with the callers in grates 20:00:03 -!- morik has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:00:14 i don't think the hate for those has anything to do with being in zot 20:00:28 I know, a unique dancing sword as a reference to the original version of oof 20:00:37 a 20:00:38 dorgi 20:00:44 have randomized representatives of each rune 20:00:47 and bring back lamia 20:00:59 bring back lamia, marry her to asterion 20:01:10 no no, linley, the unique, only in zot:5 20:01:14 they come with a pack of minotaurs and nagas 20:01:15 You fight The Creator 20:01:19 how romantic 20:02:28 trying to avoid the lamia situation with asterion.... 20:04:09 make use of the surroundings and reference a famous zot strategy 20:04:11 unique boggart 20:04:12 -!- Basil has joined ##crawl-dev 20:04:20 ??lamia[4] 20:04:20 lamia[4/4]: !lg * cv=0.12 place=~Snake s=ikiller 222 games for * (cv=0.12 place=~Snake): 64x Lamia, 48x a naga warrior, 37x a greater naga, 10x an anaco.... 20:04:27 tenofswords: named "Humphrey"? 20:04:37 yes, clearly 20:05:31 no, a unique draconian with shadow creatures 20:05:36 the shadow draconian 20:05:45 darkgrey coloured 20:05:45 tenofswords: would you concurr that "kirke" depth is more interesting for our beleaguered H than "sojobo" depth? 20:05:54 sure 20:06:42 unique giant orange brain 20:06:48 mother brain 20:06:50 one eye 20:07:10 -!- Blazinghand|Work has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:07:18 wheals: anything yet on your Fe unique? 20:07:47 nothing official 20:07:49 -!- MarvinPA has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:08:03 a few players said they thought it was interesting 20:08:17 I think a new early game unique is nice to have, and Fe seems a good choice 20:08:17 unique great orb of eyes that has the actual stares of the other eyes 20:08:31 -!- Zermako has quit [Quit: good night and good luck to all!] 20:08:33 -!- tabstorm has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 20:08:48 araganzar is making a patch for a pair of "eyeclops" uniques 20:08:58 that have eye effects 20:09:00 unique hanged man 20:09:20 what would a unique hanged man do, swing from his gibbet? 20:09:42 oh, he'd do something wrt to changing a vault 20:09:47 Can only be placed in a vault 20:09:53 and somehow modifies the des in nefarious ways 20:10:19 I think I prefer my version 20:10:21 Wikipedia says: "Sacrifice ----- Letting go ----- Surrendering ----- Passivity" 20:10:28 so it'd be a unique lost soul 20:10:37 that revived the undead at 10x HD 20:11:05 ancient lich (16L) | Spd: 10 | HD: 100 | HP: 355-450 | AC/EV: 20/10 | Dam: 2013(drain) | 07undead, 10doors, evil, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 13magic(immune), 05fire, 02cold++, 10elec, 09poison+++, 12drown, 04rot+++, 13neg+++, 13torm | Vul: 08holy++ | XP: 15000 | Sp: b.cold (3d117), paralyse, sum.greater demon, animate dead, iron shot (3d141), 04esc:teleport self / b.draining (3d101), slow, invisibility, throw icicle (3d117), crystal spear (3d136) / b.fire (3d117), confuse, haste, b.draining (3d101), sum.greater demon, 04esc:banishment / mystic blast (3d92), b.cold (3d117), invisibility, animate dead, orb/destruction (9d32) | Sz: Medium | Int: high. 20:11:05 %??ancient lich hd:270 20:11:07 so basically always 30 HD? 20:11:40 does >30 HD not actually work? 20:11:50 don't think it does in-game, no 20:11:55 could be wrong though 20:12:25 ackack (L27 DgCj) ERROR in 'mon-util.cc' at line 1413: bogus mc (no monster data): invalid monster_type 1000 (1000) (Pan) 20:12:37 test spawner (16X) | Spd: 14 (swim: 60%; 07stationary) | HD: 1000 | HP: 10000 | AC/EV: 127/127 | 11non-living, amphibious, regen, !sil | Res: 13magic(immune), 05hellfire, 04fire+++, 02cold, 10elec, 03poison, 07acid, 12drown, 04rot+++, 13neg+++, 13torm, 04napalm++ | XP: 1 | Sp: shadow creatures | Sz: Large | Int: plant. 20:12:37 %??test spawner 20:12:50 by the way can I give test spawner plane rend 20:13:38 -!- MarvinPA has joined ##crawl-dev 20:16:48 I wonder what pop_* entry test spawner uses in arena 20:17:05 I think arena uses some part of D 20:18:57 -!- Basil has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:19:04 -!- mikee_ has joined ##crawl-dev 20:20:43 -!- Basil has joined ##crawl-dev 20:24:41 -!- johlstei has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:25:33 -!- Zaba has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 20:34:57 03Medar02 07* 0.14-a0-2336-g26bf138: Don't consider artefacts in maybe_identify_base_type 10(2 minutes ago, 1 file, 2+ 0-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=26bf1382e75a 20:35:29 Hopefully that fixes the bug that no-one could be bothered to file 20:38:02 medar: i'll put something on in a bit, i'm skeptical 20:38:06 i got a similar result id'ing a wand 20:38:13 -!- notgreentea has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 20:38:32 In what kind of situation? 20:38:39 Or maybe I should scroll up. 20:38:59 But yeah, if it happens with a wand then that doesn't do it. 20:39:07 id'd a wand, got a lot of spam about You identified the last ring. 20:39:30 Oh, it still might be. If you had artefact rings in your inventory. 20:40:50 i did 20:40:54 so possibly related 20:42:59 -!- Kellhus has quit [Quit: Page closed] 20:45:10 -!- nonethousand has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:45:32 Is there a way to get runes in wizmode? 20:46:29 -!- ProzacElf has joined ##crawl-dev 20:46:47 &%(rune name) 20:47:01 or &o}rune 20:47:53 * Grunt plays with crawl-monster... 20:47:57 yeti (02C^) | Spd: 10 | HD: 14 | HP: 54-99 | AC/EV: 9/4 | Dam: 4512(cold:14-41) | 10items, 10doors, !sil | Res: 06magic(56), 02cold++, 12drown | Vul: 04fire | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 995 | Sp: throw icicle (3d23), flash freeze (42d1), 04esc:berserker rage | Sz: Giant | Int: normal. 20:48:12 thanks 20:48:58 (complete with giant club) 20:49:07 ...I dunno, it's not very interesting somehow. 20:49:09 it has two spaces??? 20:49:13 yeti (C^) | 20:49:16 oops 20:49:24 that could be interesting 20:49:31 separate space for club 20:49:35 -!- tksquared has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 20:49:44 So what color flash do we want when picking up a rune? :) 20:49:54 Medar: same colour as the rune itself... 20:50:08 are the colours when opening zot linked to the rune? 20:50:11 you could use those if so 20:50:30 most runes are elementally coloured, so 20:50:31 They aren't, there is just always a green flash and blue smoke. 20:50:32 uh 20:51:20 Surely it roll into some kind of snowball...like a boulder beetle 20:52:16 make it a wendigo and have it fight other monsters to convert them into wendigos 20:52:36 huh who can spot the mistake, 20:52:37 view.cc:void flash_view_delay(colour_t colour, int flash_delay, targetter *where) 20:52:37 view.h:void flash_view_delay(colour_t colour, int delay, targetter *where = NULL); 20:52:47 The wendigo hits the orc! The orc dies! The orc instantly turns into a wendigo! 20:53:46 ChrisOelmueller: I can't. 20:54:02 The arguments don't have the same names. 20:54:06 flash_delay vs. delay 20:54:06 %git movement-behaviours 20:54:07 07mumra02 * 0.13-a0-832-ge031e99: Make several improvements to Boulder Form and Boulder Beetle 10(8 months ago, 3 files, 126+ 27-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=e031e9970c01 20:54:14 one of mumra's lesser-known branches 20:54:29 Hey, I remember movement-behaviours. I was using it for one of my many redone CBLs. 20:54:41 Well that doesn't actually change anything, not pretty of course. 20:54:43 Did you end up using any of it? 20:55:00 No, because it never landed :b 20:55:13 The movement classes thing was pretty cool; was going to be a basis of "swarm enemies" 20:55:13 alas, rip mumra 20:55:26 ChrisOelmueller: is it "targetter" 20:55:33 -!- tsohg has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:55:36 mm 20:55:46 yeah, one t 20:55:59 i guess i never changed all the places that's used in the code as opposed to where it's actually displayed 20:56:09 !source targeter_beam 20:56:11 Couldn't find targeter_beam in the Crawl source tree 20:56:14 ug 20:56:35 oh actually two ts, sorry 20:57:33 so when looking at teleport delays i noticed the abyss version of it is just .. extremely long for some reason 20:57:57 would there be much objection to cutting back current 5 + random2(10) a bit? 20:58:14 -!- Zaba has joined ##crawl-dev 20:58:21 comparison points, ctele is 1 + random2(3) and orb is 5 + random2(5) 20:58:33 oh, longer than orb delay seems not right, yeah 20:58:44 right now i have 3 + random2(5) but remove the 1/5 chance of undelayed 20:59:04 if it's good enough for the orb of zot... 20:59:21 -!- johlstei has joined ##crawl-dev 20:59:40 i don't see what's wrong with it being longer than orb delay 20:59:46 blink is less reliable in the abyss than with the orb also 21:02:28 admittedly part of this might be caused by the state in which current abyss is 21:02:45 so maybe the actual fix is cleaning that up 21:02:54 so yeah worldbinders got in and there are some random non-abyss things already strewn in the set 21:03:04 who wants to remove the abyss guests 21:03:07 -!- johnny0 has joined ##crawl-dev 21:03:31 -!- sstrickl has quit [Read error: No route to host] 21:03:57 teleporting in the abyss is silly 21:04:29 since if you really teleported into a random location in the abyss you wouldn't meet the exact same monsters that you teleported from 21:05:06 clearly the power of the abyss in addition to delaying the teleport limits the distance 21:05:42 if anything it'd expand it 21:05:59 and give you plenty of fuckuppedness once you land due to the interference 21:06:46 -!- Bloax has quit [Quit: Error: Bloax not found] 21:08:58 teleport in abyss has saved me more than a few times 21:09:07 mostly during early abyssing 21:09:24 I just love installing 15 dependencies to test one damn irc bot 21:09:43 -!- bh has joined ##crawl-dev 21:10:42 -!- rast- has joined ##crawl-dev 21:11:15 and you get to code perl... 21:12:44 Medar: I know, the things I do for love 21:13:05 I don't know why it's written in ruby AND perl 21:13:09 -!- rast has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:13:15 good thing since I actually don't know the former 21:13:23 -!- rast- is now known as rast 21:14:06 there's also some python in it 21:14:12 and probably more! so exciting 21:15:01 Whoever made it never saw a scripting language they didn't like 21:15:07 Hopefully I find some tcl... 21:15:37 ??raven 21:15:37 raven[1/2]: "Never more." 21:15:40 ??raven[2 21:15:40 raven[2/2]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrxZblVUkMU 21:15:45 where'd all these ravens come from? 21:15:54 unknown monster: "ravven" 21:15:54 %??ravven 21:15:58 raven (02b) | Spd: 20 | HD: 6 | HP: 25-42 | AC/EV: 1/10 | Dam: 14, 11 | 04eats corpses, sense invisible, fly | Res: 06magic(16) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 262 | Sz: tiny | Int: animal. 21:15:58 %??raven 21:16:06 they're in tengu bands! 21:16:07 I thought they had been mostly cut ages ago? 21:16:14 Almost like a 2-headed hydra 21:16:18 are you seeing them from the mangrove shamblers? 21:16:35 when I tabbed one, 3 came out of it at 50% hp 21:16:44 well, even before their buff, they were stronger than plain tengu, so they replaced plain tengu in tengu warrior/conjurer bands 21:16:48 tengu (12H) | Spd: 10 (move: 90%) | HD: 5 | HP: 15-30 | AC/EV: 2/12 | Dam: 10, 5, 5 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, lev | Res: 06magic(20) | XP: 118 | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 21:16:48 %??tengu 21:17:06 also they were banded and every mostly to cut into vampire mosquitoes and whatever 21:17:12 hrm 21:17:13 -!- mikee_ has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- \o/] 21:17:15 adder (09S) | Spd: 13 (swim: 60%) | HD: 2 | HP: 6-16 | AC/EV: 1/15 | Dam: 508(poison) | amphibious, cold-blooded | Res: 06magic(8), 12drown | XP: 13 | Sz: little | Int: reptile. 21:17:15 %??adder 21:17:24 so they're in between bats and harpies now? 21:17:33 unseen horror (06x) | Spd: 30 | HD: 7 | HP: 27-53 | AC/EV: 5/10 | Dam: 12 | see invisible | Res: 06magic(28) | XP: 732 | Sz: Medium | Int: animal. 21:17:33 %??unseen horror 21:17:35 ah, right 21:17:45 raven (02b) | Spd: 20 | HD: 6 | HP: 25-42 | AC/EV: 1/10 | Dam: 8, 8 | 04eats corpses, sense invisible, fly | Res: 06magic(16) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 262 | Sz: tiny | Int: animal. 21:17:45 %?raven 21:17:58 oh ok only their damage was changed 21:18:21 oh, I seemed to think they did some weird attack like in nethack (blindness) 21:18:25 but I guess they don't do that 21:20:02 -!- nixor1 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:25:41 Rune colours: http://pastebin.ca/2600331 21:26:35 -!- tsohg has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:26:56 Slings - 0. Axes - 17. Weapon acquirement gives me a sling 21:27:03 ^qyes 21:27:11 ??ragequit 21:27:11 I don't have a page labeled ragequit in my learndb. 21:27:25 ??scroll of disappointment 21:27:25 I don't have a page labeled scroll_of_disappointment in my learndb. 21:27:34 bh, it's carma 21:27:36 ??abyss 21:27:36 abyss[1/9]: A merry-go-round of doom, featuring many, many, many different kinds of monsters who will find your flesh, bones, mind, and life tasty. Be sure to pick everything up on the way and kill everything you can so the demons can get better fed. 5 levels. 21:27:39 ??abyss[9] 21:27:39 abyss[9/9]: This is a scroll of acquirement! What kind of item would you like to acquire? Something appears at your feet! You are suddenly pulled into a different region of the Abyss! 21:27:47 ha 21:27:47 *karma 21:31:31 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:31:53 Medar: couple of things, coc lightcyan, tar not white, lightred is unused? 21:33:07 as for dis, the branch itself is lots of cyan but etc_iron is 2/3 gray 21:33:20 would probably pick cyan still 21:33:37 fr more colours so elemental colours aren't as stupid 21:34:05 "but oldterm" 21:34:08 fr less elemental colors instead 21:34:29 but chrisoelmueller there are more colours then there are runes 21:34:38 you know my fix for that 21:35:00 cutting demonic rune still implies one rune is darkgrau 21:35:11 why are snake and swamp the same 21:35:18 well okay fine there's also abyssal to cut 21:35:22 since you 21:35:32 IMO it isn't really important for them to be different from each other 21:35:46 good point 21:35:54 well it'd make ~some~ sense to have snake/spider and shoals/swamp the same but yeah 21:36:16 also what color is the elven rune!! 21:36:16 most importantly... 21:36:24 it's just for the flash, for whatever is somewhat approriate for the setting 21:36:25 haha i was about to say that 21:36:29 i knew 21:36:36 default: return GREEN; 21:36:51 clearly elven rune should be elven brick colour flash 21:37:08 so coc lightcyan, dis cyan, tar ?? 21:37:26 either greyish or magenta 21:37:32 what's wrong with white 21:37:39 or does white flash not make sense 21:37:46 don't feel like white fits it as much as for V 21:38:13 what colour is zin's altar? 21:38:21 because they're both silver 21:38:31 lightgrey 21:39:16 i.e. not etc_silver 21:39:48 etc_silver is lightgrey and white? 21:40:03 yeah 21:42:14 the flash could just be a random one of the components of the rune's colour 21:43:26 naga ritualist (07N) | Spd: 8 (act: 80%) | HD: 8 | HP: 46-76 | AC/EV: 6/10 | Dam: 14, 403(constrict) | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, see invisible, !sil | Res: 06magic(64), 03poison | Chunks: 09poison | XP: 556 | Sp: force lance (3d12), toxic radiance, virulence | Sz: Large | Int: normal. 21:43:26 %??naga ritualist 21:43:37 ChrisOelmueller: I wonder if I should add more() to the pickup code here, or apply your patch. 21:43:59 I guess force_more_message stuff can be overwritten so that's nice. 21:44:43 (none of this answers what colour the bikeshed should be, though) 21:44:57 Hehe 21:45:42 right, i won't use my own patch yet again 21:45:59 unless it can't be cleared which'd be rather sad for that reason :o 21:46:06 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:46:38 Right 21:46:54 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 21:47:27 -!- Crehl_ has quit [Quit: qqqqqqq] 21:50:08 The reason to use more() would be so that the more comes after all the associated messages 21:50:17 But I think I'll still go with your patch 21:50:39 oh like the "now go to zot" stuff? 21:51:05 Right. 21:51:19 mhm 21:52:04 So will all this forest dispersal work get reverted and branched, as dpeg suggests? 21:54:28 Gah, now I can't decide which way to use 21:54:29 -!- ShadeTornado has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:55:12 boredom makes you do dumb things like this 21:55:14 Morgoth (14C) | Spd: 15 | HD: 35 | HP: 1000 | AC/EV: 10/3 | Dam: 55 | 10doors, fighter, evil, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 06magic(326), 10elec++, 12drown | Vul: 08holy | XP: 15000 | Sp: fire storm (8d26), symbol/torment, shadow creatures, hellfire burst (3d15), plane rend, 04esc:death's door / fire storm (8d27), symbol/torment, shadow creatures, hellfire burst (3d15), plane rend, 04esc:death's door | Sz: Giant | Int: high. 21:55:14 %??titan col:darkgrey name:Morgoth hd:35 hp:1000 perm_ench:haste spells:fire_storm;symbol_of_torment;shadow_creatures;hellfire_burst;plane_rend;death's_door 21:56:08 sounds like an angbandsprint in the making 21:56:40 |amethyst: symbol/torment looks kind of weird 21:56:44 both firestorm and hellfire burst, really 21:56:53 hellfirestorm 21:57:31 it would clearly be manastorm 21:58:09 (i.e. imagine firestorm except with smite damage) 21:58:27 !tell |amethyst possibly symbol/torment could be changed, kind of odd looking and confusable with the /s for multiple books 21:58:27 wheals: OK, I'll let |amethyst know. 21:58:56 of course, Morgoth in Angband was kind of ridiculous 21:59:08 -!- tenofswords has quit [Quit: leaving] 21:59:23 he could summon demons, dragons, and even just uniques 21:59:25 never got past the first level in angband really 21:59:37 i never understood what i should be doing 21:59:43 -!- tksquared has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 22:01:11 03Medar02 07* 0.14-a0-2337-g1019b62: Add a coloured flash when picking up a rune 10(13 minutes ago, 3 files, 29+ 0-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=1019b623cb85 22:01:11 03ChrisOelmueller02 {Medar} 07* 0.14-a0-2338-g246cc6c: Force a --more-- on picking up runes in default config 10(6 hours ago, 1 file, 3+ 0-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=246cc6c795ee 22:01:13 (also he dug through walls, was 3 times faster than a normal player, hit like a truck, and that manastorm did 600 unresistable damage in a game where having double that was probably impossible) 22:01:28 -!- bh has quit [] 22:01:28 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:01:57 install cpan modules for sequell for the last...10 minutes now? 22:02:39 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 22:03:20 <|amethyst> gammafunk: IIRC most of them are in debian so you can just apt-get them if you know the naming convention 22:03:20 |amethyst: You have 1 message. Use !messages to read it. 22:03:38 <|amethyst> gammafunk: of course you also have to deal with ruby 22:04:07 More bikeshedding: Should I use rune color for Zot open flash, and if so what about the message: The lock glows an eerie green colour! 22:04:09 <|amethyst> wheals: what do you think about symbol.torment instead? 22:04:45 <|amethyst> matches b.fire 22:04:47 |amethyst: yeah, they were all fine, and cpan just finished 22:05:12 You insert the slimy rune of Zot into the lock. The lock turns to slime! 22:05:42 Medar: sounds fine, could just change it to "glows eerily" 22:05:57 <|amethyst> make them play a little puzzle game where they have to connect their runes with pipes or something 22:06:13 <|amethyst> zotris 22:06:14 |amethyst: what's wrong with "symbol of torment" or "torment" 22:06:14 Not sure all those colors can be eery, but maybe I'm overthinking this. 22:06:24 eerie beige colour 22:06:44 maybe it makes an eery face at you while it's glowing a non-eery colour 22:06:48 <|amethyst> wheals: I wanted to keep the length down where possible because it's ugly when chei output is split into two messages 22:07:19 <|amethyst> wheals: "torment" would be fine here but doing that everywhere has caused lots of ugliness in the past 22:07:29 hm, why? 22:07:36 always wondered why it was a symbol 22:07:37 <|amethyst> wheals: like "door" 22:07:54 oh 22:08:02 maybe symb. torment? 22:08:29 <|amethyst> wheals: the point here is to do something that doesn't require special cases for individual spells 22:08:42 <|amethyst> just a few classes of things like "bolt of" 22:08:46 s.torment, d.door? 22:08:55 <|amethyst> I thought about that 22:09:01 dunno what else falls under that case though 22:09:05 <|amethyst> not sure if it would be too confusing sometimes 22:09:09 t.hand 22:09:22 trog of hand? 22:10:13 <|amethyst> actually, I think that would be reasonable everywhere 22:10:20 <|amethyst> Foo of Bar to f.bar 22:10:22 yeah, looking at enum.h 22:10:36 <|amethyst> spl-data.h is what you should be looking at 22:10:41 <|amethyst> the quoted strings 22:10:42 t. dorokhle 22:10:44 not bad 22:11:28 -!- pelotron_ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:11:28 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:12:21 03Medar02 07* 0.14-a0-2339-gddb3780: Make Zot unlocking flash colour depend on the inserted rune 10(2 minutes ago, 1 file, 4+ 3-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=ddb37801100f 22:12:42 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 22:12:51 s. blood 22:13:13 that wouldn't make much sense as a monster spell >.> 22:13:16 -!- mizu_no_oto has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 22:14:00 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:14:05 <|amethyst> r.flames s.blood s.torment p.golubria s.golubria t.doroklohe o.destruction o.electrocution w.recall v.thorns w.brambles s.slaying s.shielding c.chaos plus the bolts 22:14:22 <|amethyst> sounds good, I'll do it 22:14:35 -!- ystael has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 22:14:44 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 22:15:33 -!- ackack has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:16:26 -!- nixor has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:16:28 Menkaure (06M) | Spd: 8 | HD: 3 | HP: 24 | AC/EV: 3/6 | Dam: 25 | 07undead, 10doors, evil, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 06magic(20), 02cold, 09poison+++, 12drown, 04rot+++, 13neg+++, 13torm | Vul: 04fire, 08holy++ | XP: 161 | Sp: pain (d8), haste, s.torment | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 22:16:28 <|amethyst> %??menkaure 22:16:34 thorn hunter (16P) | Spd: 12 (swim: 120%) | HD: 15 | HP: 80-117 | AC/EV: 9/9 | Dam: 27, 23 | 03plant, amphibious, sense invisible, !sil | Res: 13magic(immune), 03poison, 12drown, 13neg+++, 13torm | Vul: 04fire | XP: 2122 | Sp: v.thorns (3d18), w.brambles | Sz: Large | Int: animal. 22:16:34 <|amethyst> %??thorn hunter 22:16:40 Boris (05L) | Spd: 10 | HD: 22 | HP: 154 | AC/EV: 12/10 | Dam: 25, 1513(drain) | 07undead, 10items, 10doors, evil, spellcaster, see invisible | Res: 13magic(immune), 02cold++, 10elec, 09poison+++, 12drown, 04rot+++, 13neg+++, 13torm | Vul: 08holy++ | XP: 5753 | Sp: iron shot (3d37), b.cold (3d32), invisibility, animate dead, o.destruction (9d18) | Sz: Medium | Int: high. 22:16:40 <|amethyst> %??boris 22:16:45 Harold (09@) | Spd: 10 | HD: 9 | HP: 76 | AC/EV: 0/8 | Dam: 12 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, fighter, spellcaster | Res: 06magic(60) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 992 | Sp: b.fire (3d17), 04esc:blink | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 22:16:45 <|amethyst> %??harold 22:17:32 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:18:15 -!- Turgor has quit [Quit: Page closed] 22:18:19 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 22:18:50 Cerebov (05&) | Spd: 10 | HD: 21 | HP: 650 | AC/EV: 30/8 | Dam: 60 | 05demonic, 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, fighter, see invisible, !sil | Res: 06magic(168), 05hellfire, 04fire+++, 03poison, 12drown, 04rot, 13neg+++, 13torm | Vul: 08holy++ | XP: 15000 | Sp: fire storm (8d16), iron shot (3d36), haste, sum.greater demon / fire storm (8d17), iron shot (3d36), haste, sum.greater demon | Sz: Giant | Int: normal. 22:18:50 %??cerebov 22:19:05 is that a known bug? the spell set listing twice there that is 22:19:11 it's the numbers 22:19:16 8d16 vs 8d17 22:19:20 oh right yeah i remember 22:19:30 Can anyone recommend a good irc server available in debian (ubuntu) that's good enough for testing sequell? 22:19:47 hrm, I could have it connect to freenode in some channel? 22:19:49 i just hooked mine into freenode 22:19:50 yeah 22:19:51 other than ##crawl 22:20:03 Don't actually know how to create a freenode channel 22:20:09 join it. :) 22:20:11 orc (04o) | Spd: 10 | HD: 1 | HP: 4-10 | AC/EV: 0/10 | Dam: 5 | 10weapons, 10items, 10doors, !sil | Res: 06magic(4) | Chunks: 07contam | XP: 3 | Sp: b.fire (3d9) | Sz: Medium | Int: normal. 22:20:11 %??orc spells:bolt_of_fire 22:20:14 well that's pretty easy 22:20:30 <|amethyst> MarvinPA: yes, known bug but I'm not really sure how to fix it easily 22:20:49 !send |amethyst a panlord chimera 22:20:49 Sending a panlord chimera to |amethyst. 22:21:13 <|amethyst> MarvinPA: short of having a separate key with the numbers stripped 22:21:41 <|amethyst> MarvinPA: which might actually not be too bad now that I think about it 22:21:54 <|amethyst> patches welcome! 22:22:07 ??patches 22:22:07 I don't have a page labeled patches in my learndb. 22:22:17 <|amethyst> ??monster 22:22:17 monsters[1/2]: Dirty cheaters. 22:22:19 <|amethyst> ??monster[2] 22:22:19 monsters[2/2]: The most up-to-date code for @?? and @? can be found at http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=monster-trunk.git , or clone from http://s-z.org/neil/git/monster-trunk.git , branch 'bleeding-edge-crawl'. 22:22:46 |amethyst: if I finally get to updating the !source perl script, who do I send that to? 22:22:51 <|amethyst> !learn edit monsters[2] s/@/%/g 22:22:51 monsters[2/2]: The most up-to-date code for %?? and %? can be found at http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=monster-trunk.git , or clone from http://s-z.org/neil/git/monster-trunk.git , branch 'bleeding-edge-crawl'. 22:23:11 <|amethyst> gammafunk: for sequell? ##crawl-sequell or greensnark 22:23:22 ok, thanks 22:23:26 <|amethyst> gammafunk: if you have a github account, he'd probably be happy to take a merge request 22:23:35 <|amethyst> gammafunk: and notify him in ##crawl-sequell 22:23:39 will do that 22:24:13 any thoughts ( |amethyst or anyone) about how to do syntax so both old pastebin and cszo git browser links are supported? 22:24:23 e.g. !source -p for pastebin? 22:26:51 <|amethyst> possibly flags like that 22:26:57 <|amethyst> but the default should probably depend 22:27:11 <|amethyst> ¡source file should default to git link 22:27:21 <|amethyst> ¡source function probably to pastebin 22:27:45 <|amethyst> unless there's a way I don't know to tell gitweb to restrict which lines are shown 22:27:53 ehh 22:27:54 but the cszo links can go to a line number 22:27:57 well it still links to the row, so that's pretty good 22:28:11 -!- OCTOTROG has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:28:17 it still shows the surrounding content, but the browser jumps with an anchor link 22:28:24 <|amethyst> There's still all the stuff after it though 22:28:25 <|amethyst> hm 22:28:31 i'd like an option to do that at least 22:28:32 <|amethyst> maybe if there's a way to highlight a range 22:28:39 oh, would indeed be lovely 22:28:46 github would do that 22:28:51 gitweb not sure about that 22:29:01 <|amethyst> yeah, there should be flags -p and -g for pastebin and git 22:29:02 github highlights stuff even when you don't want to :P 22:29:13 and gitorious even moreso 22:29:22 oh right, that's what I meant 22:29:25 yea that has only ever happened to me on gitorious 22:29:27 too many gitsomethings 22:29:36 <|amethyst> I don't think it's worth even bothering to do a gitorious link 22:29:41 gitithmengos 22:29:44 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:29:49 <|amethyst> if we move to github at some point then maybe 22:30:05 remind me to set up that "official" mirror at least 22:30:21 ChrisOelmueller: Didn't know about that artefact ring thing 22:30:22 as opposed to Wensley's mirror-ish thing 22:30:31 I'll have options then, and the admin can decide which is the default 22:30:40 Basil: It's hopefully fixed now 22:30:44 Oh 22:31:08 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 22:31:17 Thanks for that (it was you right) 22:31:19 -!- OCTOTROG has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:31:31 Might have been my fault anyway :) 22:31:36 <|amethyst> gammafunk: if it's easier, just make !source and !paste 22:31:49 |amethyst: yes, although we also have !vault 22:31:58 <|amethyst> !spaste and !vpaste ? 22:32:02 <|amethyst> !psource and !pvault 22:32:07 yeah that works as well 22:32:14 In any case, thanks for taking care of my code and the things I didn't notice 22:32:15 !space 22:32:29 <|amethyst> !kevinspacey 22:32:41 random link to a kevin spacy video 22:32:47 *spacey 22:33:15 or not quite mine since you twiddled with it quite a bit 22:33:30 but I guess that would be going into Ship of Theseusery or something 22:34:55 Ok, I'm a complete irc noob, but if I make a channel on freenod, do I have to grant my local sequell bot access? 22:35:31 anybody can join until you register it more formally and set restricted access options 22:35:38 so, no, it should work out of the box 22:36:01 yeah, ug, getting lost connection to server messages from sequell.pl 22:40:18 hrm, after the "Locking..." and "Locked" messages I see "Terminated" 22:40:38 -!- OCTOTROG has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:43:07 -!- magicpoints has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:43:17 -!- kekekela has quit [Quit: Page closed] 22:47:35 -!- namad8 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:49:24 03Sage02 {Medar} 07* 0.14-a0-2340-g8df0fbc: Prevent Yred servants from becoming hostile for reading ?HW. 10(12 days ago, 1 file, 7+ 1-) 13http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=commitdiff;h=8df0fbc07b74 22:51:21 hooray 22:54:42 -!- gammafunk has quit [Quit: leaving] 22:59:25 -!- gammafunk has joined ##crawl-dev 23:00:27 ok, I realized the problem is the nick Sequell is already taken....doh 23:00:38 Heh 23:01:05 Funkell? 23:01:16 johnstein: gfSequell 23:01:31 which just crashed since I tried to run !lg 23:01:41 -!- CKyle has quit [Quit: CKyle] 23:02:16 gf is for garfunkel obviously 23:02:24 -!- nixor1 has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 23:02:28 actually I'm going with Funkell 23:02:43 and Gammell 23:02:47 Sequell's gf 23:02:58 Gammall I guess 23:04:08 -!- master_j has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2] 23:05:39 wheals: finally, what's that link to the !source repo again? 23:06:09 http://git.develz.org/?p=crawl.git;a=tree;f=crawl-ref/source;hb=HEAD 23:06:13 oops 23:06:36 I hope that's not a porn site 23:06:48 what kind of wizardry are you planning to do with it, gammafunk? 23:07:01 use http://s-z.org/neil/git/?p=crawl.git;a=tree;f=crawl-ref/source;hb=HEAD instead 23:07:07 to make a version of source that links to the cszo git browser 23:07:39 wheals: no, I mean the !source perl script 23:07:44 -!- Basil has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:07:45 !cmd !source 23:07:45 Built-in: !source => https://github.com/greensnark/dcss_sequell/blob/master/commands/source.pl 23:07:49 ah, ty 23:07:50 wow holywordpatch 23:07:53 -!- MaxFrost has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:07:56 good 23:08:52 ah, doh again, looking at that I already have it in my local copy of sequell... 23:09:07 yeah it's a builtin 23:13:28 -!- Tarragon has joined ##crawl-dev 23:14:51 -!- ussdefiant has joined ##crawl-dev 23:15:24 -!- Tarragon is now known as Basil 23:19:45 Basil: Got a second? 23:19:49 Sure 23:20:07 Looking through: https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=7904 23:20:45 Yes 23:20:45 The big thing is, it doesn't handle cases where multiple monsters are checked properly. 23:21:20 In confused one, or in the latter stop_attack_prompt 23:21:40 What's the effect of improper handling? 23:22:06 Well for stop_attack_prompt the penance value is of the last enemy checked 23:22:23 So if attacking him doesn't cause penance, but attacking someone else does, it won't warn you 23:22:36 Oh, I see. I'm wrong. 23:22:55 Because you never clear would_cause_penance in bad_attack. 23:23:11 So does it need fixing? 23:23:38 Well, I think that's quite bad design. Not setting to false if it doesn't cause penance. 23:23:54 in somewhat related news, there are no prompts for dith and fiery stuff from e.g. abilities 23:23:57 Plus the confuse case is still there, because it breaks out of the loop if any bad attack is found. 23:24:15 ChrisOelmueller: Mantis it! 23:24:28 but then i get all the notifications :( 23:24:33 crawl, where yesno and yes_or_no are different 23:24:35 Turn them off! 23:24:37 very different 23:24:38 i cannot :( 23:24:48 that is on mantis too 23:24:56 Filter them! 23:25:20 see why just complaining about it on -dev is easier 23:25:46 Except nothing gets fixed and it will be forgotten, but yes. 23:26:02 Yeah, those email settings are just weird. I just get a random email now and again, no pattern. 23:26:05 Medar: That confuse case doesn't sound bad to me unless I'm missing something 23:26:36 wheals: there's also yesnoquit! 23:26:36 ChrisOelmueller: You have 1 message. Use !messages to read it. 23:26:52 Basil: Say you have two people next to you that you don't want to attack. One causes penance and one doesn't. If you try to move while confused you randomly get either the penance warning or not. 23:27:29 "Plus the confuse case is still there, because it breaks out of the loop if any bad attack is found." 23:27:50 does it break out if it sees a not-bad-attack too? 23:27:56 No 23:28:34 Then from the sounds of things, it should keep going until it sees something penancey at which point it will break out and to a yes_or_no 23:28:51 There are bad attack that don't cause penance 23:28:55 And bad attacks that do 23:29:03 hmm 23:29:31 Like attacking not-plant allies under Fedhas? 23:29:37 as a bad attack that doesn't cause penance 23:29:39 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:29:46 Something like that 23:29:52 I see 23:30:18 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 23:30:33 Anyway, like I said I would also like to see bad_attack set penance to false, even if it adds a bit of extra code. 23:31:06 -!- maahes has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:31:09 It's just not clear from reading the calling code that not touching it unless it goes to true is guaranteed 23:31:14 -!- Pacra has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:31:15 And it doesn't save that much code anyway 23:31:55 I probably should have put would_cause_penance at the end of the parameter list, yes 23:32:02 -!- tsohg has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 23:32:11 More nitpicky stuff: "put you in penance" -> "place you under penance" (I think) 23:32:22 There are whitespace errors in the patch 23:32:38 -!- Pacra has joined ##crawl-dev 23:33:05 Sure, that sounds like better wording 23:33:12 The message you get when confused should be slightly reworded. Probably just "This could place you under penance!" 23:33:27 And sorry for that; I was misusing checkwhite. 23:35:07 So again: Should I fix the errors, or would you prefer to do it 23:35:39 You should 23:35:45 Alright 23:35:48 I'll get on that now 23:36:00 Oh, also there should probably be a check for worshipping Fedhas before fedhas_protects check? 23:39:02 -!- Kalir has quit [Changing host] 23:44:25 -!- Fhqwhgads_ has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 26.0/20131205075310]] 23:54:30 -!- dtsund has joined ##crawl-dev 23:58:08 -!- conted has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]