addurl - Bookmark page update utility


addurl [-t] [-l] [-f filename] [URL ...]


addurl takes as arguments URLs of some sort (ftp://, file://, and http:// are accepted), then visits the URL and adds a link, with a fetched title, to the caller's bookmarks page. If no URLs are specified on the command line, they are read from stdin, one per line.


-f filename

Use the specified filename instead of the default value.


Assume link is part of a list and use the <LI> element.


Assume link is not part of a list; use <P> as a separator. -p overrides -l and ${ADDURL_LIST} (see below).


Add link below the <!--TOP--> comment in the bookmarks file. The default action is to add below the <!--INSERT HERE--> comment.


addurl -t

This will add the page named ``La Page de Neil Moore'' to the bookmarks file as near the top of the bookmarks page as possible.

addurl -l

This will add the WWW Consortium's home page to the bookmarks file as part of a list.

addurl -f lynx.html

This example adds the Lynx browser's home page to an alternate links file named lynx.html.


addurl uses ${HOME} to determine where to look for the default bookmarks file.

If the environment variable ${URL_FILE} exists, the file pointed to by it is used as the default bookmarks file.

If the environment variable ${ADDURL_LIST} exists, -l is assumed.


${HOME}/public_html/urls.html - the bookmarks file. See OPTIONS for a way to modify this.


Neil Moore wrote the original version of addurl.
Michael Slone modified it to use various options and wrote addurl.
Neil Moore modified it some more.