00:27:50 -!- misha is now known as werekitten 00:52:32 Trunk broken in CAO? 00:52:44 "Unfortunately your game terminated due to an error. 00:52:44 Terminal too small (80,24); layout needs (79,27)" 00:52:58 Webtiles. 00:57:24 &rc Euph0ria 00:57:26 http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rcfiles/crawl-0.24/Euph0ria.rc 00:59:49 try commenting out this line in your rc: 00:59:50 msg_min_height = 10 01:00:00 (but also I thought we fixed that bug) 01:00:22 aidanh: msg_min_height issues again 01:00:22 Webtiles 0.24 works okay, but not in trunk. 01:00:26 it looks like 01:00:31 aha, a regression! 01:00:40 Euph0ria: can you please try without that rc option and report back 01:00:52 actually, your 0.24 rc does not have that line 01:00:58 how long have you had that option set? 01:01:10 Alright. Will do. 01:02:40 Not sure. I don't recall how old my trunk .rc file is. 01:03:17 So I may have something set there that is causing a problem? 01:05:55 Specifically the otpion "msg_min_height = 10" may be the problem 01:06:33 I see, I'll comment that out and give it a retry. 01:09:04 Yep. that seemed to have been the problem. Sorry about that. 01:13:12 well, don't apologize 01:13:14 it is a bug 01:13:31 if you know when you added that option it would help with resolving it 01:14:04 Ot 01:14:52 It's been literally years... 01:22:14 ok 01:22:36 and before you had this issue when was the last time you played trunk? 01:25:25 I want to say at least over 5 years back when I was playing webcrawl on my large screen LCD TV using a wireless keyboard/mouse and had excess space at the bottom for text. 01:25:44 So probably not a whole lot of help. 01:30:12 This is the only time I have had a problem loading the trunk though. 02:10:04 Windows builds of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.25-a0-781-gc44aebf4fe 02:45:02 Monster database of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.25-a0-651-g8c222c7a2b 03:11:51 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.25-a0-781-gc44aebf (34) 03:55:04 Fork (bcadrencrawl) on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.22.1-2581-gae770f38c3 05:57:01 ebering: I'm sorry, I was saying earlier that the last time I bothered to edit the trunk .rc was many years ago. The last time I glimpsed the trunk was maybe a couple weeks ago, and it didn't seem to have that problem. 06:19:54 hm, I don't remember that error in particular 06:20:21 Euph0ria, was this at the main game view? Or any particular menu within the game? 06:21:19 aidanh: When selecting a species. The screen would only display a long horizontal rectangle shape. 06:21:44 Or rather the outline of the species selection menu, I guess. 06:21:57 Just with no content inside. 06:23:40 thanks 07:48:57 -!- TAS-2012v is now known as TAS_2012v 09:52:35 that issue replicates pretty straightforwardly on cao with `msg_min_height = 10`, doesn't seem specific to a new character 09:54:13 also replicates in 0.24 09:54:56 also 0.23 09:56:42 Xom fake banishment does not work properly at XL 5 or below 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=12240 by Flugkiller 09:59:17 also 0.22 10:58:23 lol at all these ancient discussions in the logs about cao running out of space 10:58:28 what's old is new 13:07:17 Unstable branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.25-a0-781-gc44aebf (34) 17:10:06 FROGchamp (L16 HuNe) ASSERT(attacker) in 'attack.cc' at line 354 failed. (Gauntlet) 17:23:15 -!- jfcaron_ is now known as jfcaron 17:33:14 !crashlog 17:33:33 21879. FROGchamp, XL16 HuNe, T:34422 (milestone): http://crawl.berotato.org/crawl/morgue/FROGchamp/crash-FROGchamp-20200415-211005.txt 17:36:06 looks like the minotaur threw a penetrating javelin which set off inner flame explosionns and killed the minotaur before the jav hit the player? 17:36:27 Yes. 17:36:30 That is what happened 17:36:32 Good craash 17:41:49 guess that fix from advil didn't cover all of those beam monster issues 17:42:10 which is fair, since he was specifically fixing the case under reflection 17:47:06 I'm not sure I would recognize a crawl without a penetration bug 17:47:10 maybe it would be done?? 17:47:58 crawl 1.0 release title: "These Javs Don't Crash" 17:49:32 that's also a 0.24 game 17:49:32 I don't think anyone backported that fix? 17:49:50 oh, cool 17:49:59 probably pretty easy to recreate the crash in trunk to test 17:50:41 it may not be the same as that bug fix, since that case was where the javelin hit a monster 17:50:47 but in principle it might work 17:50:55 %git b977e01cb 17:50:55 07advil02 * 0.25-a0-667-gb977e01: Fix a piercing + omnireflection crash 10(3 weeks ago, 1 file, 12+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/b977e01cb5bc 17:51:32 yeah, I would guess that commit doesn't fix it 17:51:42 since this crash is in affect_player 18:11:15 in fact the fix would be different because this isn't a reflection crash at all 18:11:34 the proximate bug is still the same in that agent(true) gives a nullptr when setting up the ranged attack though 18:11:45 (but in this case agent(false) will do no better) 18:13:45 hm can things reflect more than once? 18:13:53 I guess I don't see why not 18:21:07 there's an easy hack which is to turn a nullptr into YOU_FAULTLESS, but it doesn't make a lot of conceptual sense for this case in contrast to reflection 18:21:28 in terms of practical effects it'll just lead to weird to-hit values and I think not much else 18:25:46 can anyone tell me where menv[YOU_FAULTLESS] is set? I'm not seeing it 18:28:50 oh, maybe it's just some default monster constructor 18:31:06 -!- werekitten is now known as misha 20:52:46 03gammafunk02 07* 0.25-a0-782-g655279c: A spell tile for Frozen Ramparts (CanOfWorms) 10(2 minutes ago, 3 files, 2+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/655279ceaa8b 21:12:54 Unstable branch on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.25-a0-782-g655279ceaa (34) 23:32:21 Blyxx (L16 MuNe) ASSERT(ag) in 'beam.cc' at line 4647 failed. (Shoals:4) 23:41:28 Blyxx (L16 MuNe) ASSERT(ag) in 'beam.cc' at line 4647 failed. (Shoals:4)