02:04:37 dynamic loading is principally to support changing the binary that trunk points to 02:04:52 so it's deliberate that updating this doesn't affect already running games 02:06:07 the implementation is about as robust as webtiles-changes except for lacking game deletion support. At least in theory, I haven't tested thoroughly yet 02:10:39 Windows builds of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.25-a0-365-g7600c65 02:48:29 Monster database of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.24-a0-443-g80245de 03:22:46 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.25-a0-365-g7600c65 (34) 03:57:30 Fork (bcadrencrawl) on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.22.1-1931-g7c9f4bf90e 04:22:46 Fork (gooncrawl) on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.22-a0-897-g996b7935b7 04:26:10 Been restoring some old monsters to my fork and I have a bug with rock worms. When you save and reload a file it gets shunted out of the wall during the reload. I'd consider it minor, but it's very exploitable (Save, reload to force out of wall is also tedious). 04:47:35 Nevermind, I found it. 04:51:05 Fork (bloatcrawl2) on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.25-a0-687-gede438fa7c 05:04:58 !messages 05:04:59 (1/1) alexjurkiewicz said (12h 14m 30s ago): the logic in species_is_removed makes it hard for forks that add new non-starting species (eg more sets of species like draconian). You need to explicitly whitelist everyone of those sort of species 05:05:30 !source species_is_removed 05:05:31 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/species.cc#L525 05:09:18 !tell alexjurkiewicz you mean the recommended_jobs.empty() hack? I agree that it's ugly, but I think that was there before I added that function 05:09:18 aidanh: OK, I'll let alexjurkiewicz know. 05:09:40 !tell alexjurkiewicz but yes, a special flag for that would be much better 05:09:41 aidanh: OK, I'll let alexjurkiewicz know. 05:33:23 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 10:25:58 03Aidan Holm02 07* 0.25-a0-366-g516bc45: Fix crash on startup with map-generated messages 10(61 minutes ago, 1 file, 7+ 7-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/516bc45ae05d 10:32:32 Unstable branch on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.25-a0-366-g516bc45ae0 (34) 10:36:50 New branch created: pull/1254 (1 commit) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/1254 10:36:50 03theJollySin02 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/1254 * 0.25-a0-366-gfa33635: Added some new arrival vaults 10(2 hours ago, 2 files, 172+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/fa33635ae235 11:23:21 Stable (0.23) branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.23.1-91-gf373564dc4 12:22:02 is anyone able to rebuild Gooncrawl on CKO and/or CPO? The build last night had the wrong tag being checked for save compatibility which is causing a save corrupted error on load 12:23:57 Messaging about not being able to fly in tree form does not seem to work properly with tengu 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=12171 by Flugkiller 16:39:13 Fork (gooncrawl) on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.22-a0-898-g02b68c29b5 17:28:08 gday mates 17:28:22 any objection to making it so poison immunity prevents confusion from tarantella bites 17:30:18 " 17:30:18 A small but greatly-feared spider whose bite causes victims to break into a 17:30:18 frenzied dance." - Seems clear that the cause of confusion is a venom 17:30:58 This seems more a Watsonian analysis than a Doylist one 17:32:27 Are we concerned about there not being enough dangers to undead characters in the Spider Nest? 17:33:50 I'm a long time player and getting confused as a ghoul definitely surprised me. So I think it's misleading 17:41:38 alexjurkiewicz: not sure what you mean by changing the binary that trunk points to; we use a dgl-based setup for most servers that manages this (by updating symlinks) 17:42:00 if updatig the trunk binary is an aim, surely you just do that via a symlink update? 17:42:07 *updating 17:42:19 I guess I'm not clear what you mean by updating the trunk binary 17:43:39 you seem to have on specific kind of update in mind, but I was pointing out that if certain paths have changed in an existing game's config, any running games with that config will have out of date and potentially broken config info 17:44:41 obviously the admin can just use this feature carefully and not try to update paths using this feature (instead using a full webtiles restart), however it's probably good to document this aspect and possibly warn the admin 17:44:50 maybe advil or |amethyst can comment more on this though 17:46:00 but I don't quite understand your comment about updating trunk binary paths with this feature, since if that's all you're changing and you want to let existing processes run with the old config params etc, you don't need a feature like this, you just use symlinks 17:46:24 obv that functionality is useful for adding new games dynamically 17:47:21 and yeah, regarding webtiles-changes, I authored much of the dynamic config reload stuff, and that was very much untested; I think my work was mainly reloading the main server config data, not the game data 17:47:30 I seem to recall that edlothiol implemented that stuff 18:23:58 Unstable branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.25-a0-366-g516bc45ae0 (34) 19:18:53 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 22:04:30 well, shuffling the array definitely was simpler