01:02:52 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 02:48:31 Monster database of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.24-a0-139-geb6712d 02:55:03 Barachi can't Grand Finale monsters at the edge of LOS 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11917 by CanOfWorms 03:30:50 Fork (bcrawl) on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.23-a0-1776-g74de27a96d 04:59:17 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 12:24:05 !lg . won fe-- 12:24:06 2. advil the Acrobat (L24 FeAE of Wu Jian), escaped with the Orb and 3 runes on 2018-01-19 17:57:54, with 1081339 points after 186862 turns and 18:25:44. 12:24:10 !lg . won fe-- s=char 12:24:11 2 games for advil (won fe--): FeAE, FeCj 12:24:23 !canoneandwon wjc 12:24:29 Available classes for wjc oneandwon: Fighter, Berserker, Transmuter, Gladiator, Wanderer, Wizard, Enchanter, Fire Elementalist, Abyssal Knight, Conjurer, Assassin, Necromancer, Hunter, Skald, Chaos Knight, Earth Elementalist, Ice Elementalist, Summoner, Venom Mage, Artificer, Arcane Marksman 12:27:37 would it be possible to unpin on reddit: "Trunk Updates and 0.23 Release and Tournament Info"? 12:35:19 Also, is there a reason why there's no release of v0.22.2? 12:39:33 and lastly, Bravo on another GREAT release cycle! :-D 12:40:55 New branch created: pull/998 (1 commit) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/998 12:40:55 03NormalPerson702 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/998 * 0.24-a0-140-gd28a3a0: Let barachim use grand finale at range 8 (11917) 10(3 minutes ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/d28a3a077d70 12:49:45 weird sequell bug(?): 12:49:50 !lg * cls!=ie|fe 12:49:51 9519462. slep the Magician (L1 DsWn), got out of the dungeon alive on 2019-03-03 17:49:05, with 0 points after 1 turn and 0:00:02. 12:49:53 fine 12:49:56 , but: 12:49:59 !lg * cls!=ie||fe 12:50:00 fe is ambiguous: may be species or class. Use fe-- (Felid) or --fe (Fire Elementalist) to disambiguate 12:51:13 hm, maybe it's not a bug per se in that || breaks the query 12:51:46 so that syntax might not be well-defined or something 12:54:02 !cmd !canoneandwon !lg * playable cls!=$(join "|" (map (fn (c) (replace ?? (!ftw $c))) (split "|" (!lg . $1 playable s=cls fmt:"${.}" join:"|" title:"")))) s=cls fmt:"${.}" title:"Available classes for $1 oneandwon" 12:54:03 Redefined command: !canoneandwon => !lg * playable cls!=$(join "|" (map (fn (c) (replace ?? (!ftw $c))) (split "|" (!lg . $1 playable s=cls fmt:"${.}" join:"|" title:"")))) s=cls fmt:"${.}" title:"Available classes for $1 oneandwon" 12:54:53 that's not a bug 12:55:11 || is just logical or for different conditions 12:55:22 yeah 12:55:28 !lg * fe 12:55:29 fe is ambiguous: may be species or class. Use fe-- (Felid) or --fe (Fire Elementalist) to disambiguate 12:55:32 so same message as that 12:55:42 the bug was that the subcommand for !canoneandwon needed `playable` 12:57:09 otherwise it was generating || whenever the user had played a no-longer-playable combo 13:39:13 Inventory list at game start is out of order 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11918 by RoGGa 14:15:10 RoGGa: re 0.22.2, we don't always do another point release for past versions, it's usually only when someone feels there is a critical bugfix that needs to go in 14:15:59 there are no doubt bugfixes that could go in, but I'm not sure offhand if there's anything that's very critical 15:09:58 New branch created: pull/999 (1 commit) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/999 15:09:58 03NormalPerson702 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/999 * 0.24-a0-140-g6562230: Add a warning for summoning non-rPois monsters under OTR (11181, 11913) 10(16 minutes ago, 3 files, 89+ 2-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/6562230e6269 17:15:16 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 17:51:53 03NormalPerson702 {ebering} 07* 0.24-a0-140-gcaa6c10: Let barachim use grand finale at range 8 (11917) 10(5 hours ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/caa6c10b7c1b 18:02:46 Unstable branch on crawl.kelbi.org updated to: 0.24-a0-140-gcaa6c10b7c (34) 18:17:01 FalafelPhil (L4 OpTm) ASSERT(env.map_knowledge(pos).item()) in 'files.cc' at line 1383 failed. (D:3) 18:18:44 FalafelPhil (L4 OpTm) ASSERT(env.map_knowledge(pos).item()) in 'files.cc' at line 1383 failed. (D:3) 18:18:44 !crashlog 18:18:56 20727. FalafelPhil, XL4 OpTm, T:2751 (milestone): http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata/FalafelPhil/crash-FalafelPhil-20190303-231826.txt 18:19:17 FalafelPhil (L4 OpTm) ASSERT(env.map_knowledge(pos).item()) in 'files.cc' at line 1383 failed. (D:3) 18:20:03 FalafelPhil (L4 OpTm) ASSERT(env.map_knowledge(pos).item()) in 'files.cc' at line 1383 failed. (D:3) 18:21:23 Unstable branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.24-a0-140-gcaa6c10b7c (34) 19:59:53 -!- ProzacElf__ is now known as ProzacElf 20:08:50 /var/dcss/builds/dcss-trunk/latest/bin/dcss -extra-opt-last combo=HaWn -seed 1 -pregen -name martinluther4 -rc /var/dcss/gamedata/dcss-trunk/rc-files/martinluther4.rc -macro /var/dcss/gamedata/dcss-trunk/rc-files/martinluther4.macro -morgue /var/dcss/gamedata/dcss/morgue/martinluther4/ -extra-opt-first travel_delay=20 -extra-opt-first rest_delay=0 -dir 20:08:51 /var/dcss/gamedata/dcss-experimental-weekly-challenge/save/ -webtiles-socket /tmp/dcss-sockets/martinluther4:2019-03-04.00:55:10.sock -await-connection 20:08:53 exec /var/dcss/builds/dcss-trunk/latest/bin/dcss -extra-opt-last combo=HaWn -seed 1 -pregen -name Trogdor -rc /var/dcss/gamedata/dcss-trunk/rc-files/Trogdor.rc -macro /var/dcss/gamedata/dcss-trunk/rc-files/Trogdor.macro -morgue /var/dcss/gamedata/dcss/morgue/Trogdor/ -extra-opt-first travel_delay=20 -extra-opt-first rest_delay=0 -dir /var/dcss/gamedata/dcss-experimental-weekly-challenge/save/ 20:08:55 -webtiles-socket /tmp/dcss-sockets/Trogdor:2019-03-04.00:55:54.sock -await-connection 20:09:10 yh, probably want to gist that 20:09:10 the first player is having weekly challenge work fine -- they start the game and arrive on d:1 after dungeon generation 20:09:24 the second player arrives on the character select screen 20:09:33 anyone have suggestions as to where to look?? 20:56:00 do i misremember or was formicid dig silent a few releases ago?