00:00:07 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.23-a0-115-g8d3be6a (34) 00:03:37 Stable (0.22) branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.22.0-32-gbc6daba 00:10:29 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.22.0-32-gbc6dabad21 00:20:38 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.23-a0-115-g8d3be6a088 (34) 00:36:06 ooh new tile, nice 00:38:58 while on the topic of new tiles, anyone mind merging that flayed ghost tile that's been collecting dust in mantis? 00:39:04 https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=9864 00:40:32 I was going to just merge it since it seems (to me at least) like a big improvement, but was curious if there was some reason why noone had yet done so 00:45:11 aidanh: let me show it to worms and ontoclasm 00:46:24 worms like the current one more 00:47:41 I guess I sort of agree in that the current one more strongly implies the blood theme 00:47:45 but both are good tiles 00:48:13 I personally don't have a strong opinion about it though 00:50:58 03gammafunk02 07* 0.23-a0-116-g4173aa6: Updated dream sheep tile (CanOfWorms) 10(42 seconds ago, 1 file, 0+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/4173aa64316b 00:51:14 Hello folks, long time no see 00:51:38 03gammafunk02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22.0-33-g3e4529a: Updated dream sheep tile (CanOfWorms) 10(82 seconds ago, 1 file, 0+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/3e4529a8bdaa 01:10:26 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.22.0-33-g3e4529a8bd 01:15:50 03gammafunk02 07* 0.23-a0-117-gebca68c: Updated mana viper tile (ontoclasm) 10(27 seconds ago, 1 file, 0+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/ebca68c5b331 01:16:19 03gammafunk02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22.0-34-g4f65f92: Updated mana viper tile (ontoclasm) 10(56 seconds ago, 1 file, 0+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/4f65f92abda9 01:16:21 The build was canceled. (master - 4173aa6 #10178 : gammafunk): https://travis-ci.org/crawl/crawl/builds/419487951 01:16:32 The build was canceled. (stone_soup-0.22 - 3e4529a #10179 : gammafunk): https://travis-ci.org/crawl/crawl/builds/419488093 01:17:06 oh thanks for the cancels, person who did those 01:17:08 ??gammafunk[2 01:17:08 gammafunk[2/5]: Streak chars through 20: SpVM (in progress) OpGl (in progress) GnWr DrFE GrSk TeNe HuAs MuWz 01:17:42 !learn edit gammafunk[2] s/GnWr // 01:17:42 gammafunk[2/5]: Streak chars through 20: SpVM (in progress) OpGl (in progress) DrFE GrSk TeNe HuAs MuWz 01:17:58 !learn edit gammafunk[2] s/DrFE/DrFE (in progress)/ 01:17:59 gammafunk[2/5]: Streak chars through 20: SpVM (in progress) OpGl (in progress) DrFE (in progress) GrSk TeNe HuAs MuWz 01:20:36 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.23-a0-116-g4173aa6431 (34) 01:53:11 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 02:10:23 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.22.0-34-g4f65f92abd 02:20:30 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.23-a0-117-gebca68c5b3 (34) 03:12:07 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.22.0-34-g4f65f92 03:13:52 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.23-a0-117-gebca68c (34) 04:25:46 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 08:12:33 03Aidan Holm02 07* 0.23-a0-118-g7032119: Fix item description formatting, take two (NormalPerson7, #11632) 10(3 minutes ago, 1 file, 1+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/70321190f2db 08:13:03 03Aidan Holm02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22.0-35-ge4bf2f5: Fix item description formatting, take two (NormalPerson7, #11632) 10(3 minutes ago, 1 file, 1+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/e4bf2f5f5911 09:10:17 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.22.0-35-ge4bf2f5f59 09:20:21 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.23-a0-118-g70321190f2 (34) 09:22:24 Stable (0.22) branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.22.0-35-ge4bf2f5f59 11:13:22 New branch created: require_rename (1 commit) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/tree/require_rename 11:13:22 03advil02 07[require_rename] * 0.23-a0-115-g9d82d4b: Rename crawl's custom `require` 10(55 minutes ago, 66 files, 144+ 151-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/9d82d4b7ebc4 11:15:30 !tell pibborn you can try out the `require_rename` branch if you want, in this branch I renamed crawl's special `require` function to something else so that nothing should interfere with the package lib one. I'll probably merge it after the tournament is over if there aren't any issues. 11:15:31 advil: OK, I'll let pibborn know. 11:24:22 gammafunk: ok, no worries 11:32:27 !kw nhcoice 11:32:27 No keyword 'nhcoice' 11:32:30 !kw nchoice 11:32:31 Keyword: nchoice => VpFE|BaEn|CeIE|DDCj|HaAE|KoVM|CeEE|BaFE|DrAM|TeWr|SpSu|DEAK|BaNe|DgEn|MuWr|FoTM|GnAK|MfEE|HuAE|DEHu|GnCK|VSSu|HaCj|OpAM|OgVM|FoWz|HOEn|SpIE|GhEn|DESk|VSFE 11:32:36 =nemelex OgCj 11:32:39 Defined keyword: nchoice => VpFE|BaEn|CeIE|DDCj|HaAE|KoVM|CeEE|BaFE|DrAM|TeWr|SpSu|DEAK|BaNe|DgEn|MuWr|FoTM|GnAK|MfEE|HuAE|DEHu|GnCK|VSSu|HaCj|OpAM|OgVM|FoWz|HOEn|SpIE|GhEn|DESk|VSFE|OgCj 11:36:32 FYI my host says they will be rebooting servers over the next couple days. 11:37:17 they aren’t giving much advance notice. hopefully it won’t be too disruptive. 11:40:28 johnstein: thanks for the heads up 11:40:41 johnstein: also if you have time, could you take a look at console spectating on cbro? 12:42:25 03advil02 07[require_rename] * 0.23-a0-116-ge2457cf: Rename `require` in tests 10(27 seconds ago, 4 files, 6+ 6-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/e2457cfc9f61 12:43:04 !nchoice 12:43:07 Time for a new nchoice! It will appear shortly on the tournament website (if it hasn't yet). Type "=nemelex XXXX" to update !nchoice with the new combo, where XXXX should be replaced by the new combo. 12:43:12 =nemelex DDWz 12:43:16 Defined keyword: nchoice => VpFE|BaEn|CeIE|DDCj|HaAE|KoVM|CeEE|BaFE|DrAM|TeWr|SpSu|DEAK|BaNe|DgEn|MuWr|FoTM|GnAK|MfEE|HuAE|DEHu|GnCK|VSSu|HaCj|OpAM|OgVM|FoWz|HOEn|SpIE|GhEn|DESk|VSFE|OgCj|DDWz 13:02:10 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.22.0-35-ge4bf2f5 13:07:26 Unstable branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.23-a0-118-g7032119 (34) 13:34:37 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 13:35:21 The build was fixed. (require_rename - e2457cf #10185 : advil): https://travis-ci.org/crawl/crawl/builds/419743022 14:11:13 hey! hall of blades isn't no tele into 14:11:15 :< 14:13:40 and it shouldn't be! 15:26:45 !learn edit magic_resistance[3] s/2 for Gn, // 15:26:45 magic resistance[3/4]: Monster MR is a property of the monster type and HD. Player MR is XL * racial-multiplier + 40 per item, mutation level, or artefact + of MR, or for being in lichform. Racial factor is 7 for Sp, 6 for purple Dr, Fe and DD, 5 for Na, Mu and VS, 4 for DE, Dg, Vp, Fo and Og, and 3 for everyone else. 15:39:41 kramin: postquell seems sad 18:14:27 =nemelex GnAs 18:14:30 Defined keyword: nchoice => VpFE|BaEn|CeIE|DDCj|HaAE|KoVM|CeEE|BaFE|DrAM|TeWr|SpSu|DEAK|BaNe|DgEn|MuWr|FoTM|GnAK|MfEE|HuAE|DEHu|GnCK|VSSu|HaCj|OpAM|OgVM|FoWz|HOEn|SpIE|GhEn|DESk|VSFE|OgCj|DDWz|GnAs 18:21:54 Unstable branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.23-a0-118-g70321190f2 (34) 20:21:22 -!- amalloy is now known as amalloy_ 20:48:09 -!- amalloy_ is now known as amalloy 21:15:21 amalloy: Did you open the floodgates with that post? https://www.reddit.com/r/dcss/comments/99pmnz/minotaurproblems/ 21:19:18 I'd be ok with removing that one, it has a bunch of reports 22:01:01 !nchoice 22:01:03 Time for a new nchoice! It will appear shortly on the tournament website (if it hasn't yet). Type "=nemelex XXXX" to update !nchoice with the new combo, where XXXX should be replaced by the new combo. 22:01:08 =nemelex GhAM 22:01:11 Defined keyword: nchoice => VpFE|BaEn|CeIE|DDCj|HaAE|KoVM|CeEE|BaFE|DrAM|TeWr|SpSu|DEAK|BaNe|DgEn|MuWr|FoTM|GnAK|MfEE|HuAE|DEHu|GnCK|VSSu|HaCj|OpAM|OgVM|FoWz|HOEn|SpIE|GhEn|DESk|VSFE|OgCj|DDWz|GnAs|GhAM 22:33:05 -!- The topic of ##crawl-dev is: Crawl Development | Logs: http://s-z.org/crawl-dev/ | People with +v have commit access. | Please keep general Crawl-related chat to ##crawl. | Dev wiki: http://crawl.develz.org/wiki | Long stuff to a pastebin service, please. 22:33:42 -!- bh is now known as Guest77121 23:30:29 03gammafunk02 07* 0.23-a0-119-ga86c9e7: Updated Azrael tile (ploom, CanOfWorms) 10(3 minutes ago, 1 file, 0+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/a86c9e7f0268 23:33:14 03gammafunk02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22.0-36-g8e74550: Updated Azrael tile (ploom, CanOfWorms) 10(5 minutes ago, 1 file, 0+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/8e74550d254c 23:59:49 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.23-a0-119-ga86c9e7 (34)