00:00:11 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.23-a0-97-g66d73a1 (34) 00:01:10 Stable (0.22) branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.22.0-16-gc6d26f6 00:05:42 guanidine (L27 FoEE) ASSERT(!invalid_monster(&mons)) in 'mon-death.cc' at line 1907 failed. (Zig:6) 01:27:23 Unstable branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.23-a0-97-g66d73a1 (34) 01:35:53 Hi, I recently crashed my computer during a run, which left me now unable to recover my previous run nor start a new one. Is there a way to report this? 02:37:11 you can report issues on the mantis: https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/main_page.php 02:37:31 but you might want to include exactly what happens when you launch the game now? 02:37:41 does it crash on trying to load the save? 02:38:10 you can probably fix it by deleting the corrupted save, at least allowing you to start a new game 02:38:22 I dont know if it is possible to restore that save 02:58:41 Monster database of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.23-a0-97-g66d73a1 03:10:56 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.22.0-16-gc6d26f6 03:12:30 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.23-a0-97-g66d73a1 (34) 05:48:01 hey folks, was just taking a look at that "tournament rules encourage unhealthy behavior" thread and i was thinking... you know, a two week long event where you have to play a video game all the time is sort of unhealthy on a basic level 05:48:12 one you can't escape through rule changes 05:48:58 maybe a weekend event is the way to go, so an enthusiastic player with normal life commitments can participate at a high level #my2cents 05:49:50 there are many players now that can produce long streaks, so an argument that you need a long time to accommodate streak-based scoring really doesn't work anymore 08:51:56 !tell gammafunk I'm not sure who you were talking about banning from the t the other day but there is a username that has been pointed out to me that ought to be banned, did you figure out if it is possible? 08:51:57 advil: OK, I'll let gammafunk know. 09:06:16 The twisted resurrection monster spell uses the ? spell tile instead of the generic bear-paw monster spell tile. 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11622 by NormalPerson7 09:11:31 "The deep elf knight hits you with a longbow!" should that happen? 09:23:49 Stable (0.22) branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.22.0-16-gc6d26f69f9 09:55:07 advil, yes, if he's confused, iirc. 09:56:11 ah, it might have been, this char does confuse things 09:57:41 You can check it in the ttyrec. 10:06:51 I guess it'll go on my (not exactly short) list of minor possible bugs to consider following up on 10:40:27 Anyone about? We've got someone in ##crawl with no Temple, and I've checked all the obvious things. 10:50:54 I hope they ain't just left to check Mantis 2 seconds before you arrived. :-( 10:52:05 well for something like this as long as they make a save backup eventually before dying it'll still be useful 10:53:26 If I see them again I will recommend they do so (but I think they may have taken my advice to save and report a bug and that bug could have the request for a backup). I didn't know about save backups until now, sorry. 10:54:07 no problem, thanks for talking to them 10:54:27 some day we need to add an interface where an admin can force a save backup for other players 11:12:36 03advil02 07* 0.23-a0-98-g3e8b815: Record the first command of a lua do_commands sequence 10(5 minutes ago, 4 files, 16+ 2-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/3e8b815e1c2b 11:14:05 03advil02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22.0-17-gf683034: Record the first command of a lua do_commands sequence 10(7 minutes ago, 4 files, 16+ 2-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/f683034eac38 11:14:25 03advil02 07[stone_soup-0.21] * 0.21.1-75-g79f4511: Record the first command of a lua do_commands sequence 10(7 minutes ago, 4 files, 16+ 2-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/79f45116ed69 11:16:06 finding my own bugs to fix for once 11:16:29 I find my ineptitude lets me do that more often 11:17:44 ... but what is git-rebase for but hiding my shame? 11:39:22 %git 2b68d144a 11:39:22 07Aidan Holm02 * 0.22-a0-412-g2b68d14: Add spell library contents to dump 10(3 months ago, 1 file, 67+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/2b68d144a410 12:01:45 Spectral mist prompts "Do you really want to walk into that cloud..." with rN+++ 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11623 by NormalPerson7 12:04:11 =nemelex DEHu 12:04:14 Defined keyword: nchoice => VpFE|BaEn|CeIE|DDCj|HaAE|KoVM|CeEE|BaFE|DrAM|TeWr|SpSu|DEAK|BaNe|DgEn|MuWr|FoTM|GnAK|MfEE|HuAE|DEHu 12:04:19 03advil02 07* 0.23-a0-99-g417c70b: Sort spell library in morgue files 10(4 minutes ago, 5 files, 50+ 39-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/417c70ba3819 12:04:49 03advil02 07[stone_soup-0.22] * 0.22.0-18-ge075c0d: Sort spell library in morgue files 10(4 minutes ago, 5 files, 50+ 39-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/e075c0de6db1 12:10:06 Stable (0.21) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.21.1-75-g79f45116ed 12:11:31 ... hang on, CJR has a "new" 0.21? 12:20:09 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.22.0-18-ge075c0de6d 12:21:52 0.21 got some fixes and will get a 0.21.2 after tourney along with 0.22.1 12:22:00 not sure why it's only updating now though 12:22:06 Stable (0.21) branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.21.1-75-g79f45116ed 12:22:28 maybe advil applied another fix to 0.21 12:22:44 I did push another autofight fix to 0.21 12:23:00 cool 12:23:11 %git 79f45116ed 12:23:11 07advil02 * 0.21.1-75-g79f4511: Record the first command of a lua do_commands sequence 10(76 minutes ago, 4 files, 16+ 2-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/79f45116ed69 12:23:16 advil: and yeah, I'm going to work on updating the scripts to handle that user we want to ban 12:23:25 are we talking about the same user? 12:23:27 I suspect we might be 12:23:32 the offensive username 12:23:38 from cjr 12:23:41 so yeah, pretty sure we are 12:23:48 ok yeah I think so 12:23:52 although if there's another distinct one let me know 12:24:12 this one has the n-word in it 12:24:14 yep 12:30:24 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.23-a0-99-g417c70ba38 (34) 13:10:46 Stable (0.22) branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.22.0-18-ge075c0d 13:19:31 Unstable branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.23-a0-99-g417c70b (34) 13:22:34 i'm trying to find a list of all the rcfile aliases for the various keys, because whenever i try to "bindkey = [4] CMD_SAFE_MOVE_LEFT" i just get "unknown command" in-game 13:23:49 which makes me think that 4 is just registering CMD_NO_CMD and the bindkey statement is having no effect 13:32:50 so that bindkey command works for me on local console, let me test more broadly 13:33:11 but that doesn't mean anything, because one of the headaches is that this all differs per os, and I'm on os x where numlock doesn't even exist 13:34:50 and it works for me on trunk webtiles 13:34:54 ^rc slitherrr 13:34:58 http://crawl.berotato.org/crawl/rcfiles/crawl-git/slitherrr.rc 13:35:03 ^rc slitherrr 0.22 13:35:05 http://crawl.berotato.org/crawl/rcfiles/crawl-0.22/slitherrr.rc 13:35:57 hm in some cases numbers are converted to vimkeys 13:36:25 uugggghghh 13:36:41 specifically got rid of vim keys because my one0handed typing situation right now was fucking me over 13:37:07 yeah, the problem is combining bindkey = [h] CMD_NO_CMD_DEFAULT and bindkey = [4] CMD_SAFE_MOVE_LEFT 13:37:22 that is a headache 13:37:27 I think if you macro the vimkeys to something else, rather than use bindkeys, it may work 13:37:31 let me test 13:38:25 although i guess that if i bind vimkeys to safe move, that will also solve the problem. unless numpad arrow keys also go through vimkeys, in which case huge middle fingers all around 13:38:57 not to you guys, to computers and life 13:41:01 ok, using `macros += M h \{27}` instead of the bindkeys command for h disables h but leaves 4 intact 13:42:02 so if you replace your "get rid of vimkeys" section with macros like that, it should do what you want 13:46:40 ok, rock on 13:46:42 thanks 13:46:46 np 13:47:03 also, i rebound the vimkeys and the numberline works as you surmised 13:50:03 huh, it doesn't seem like bindkeys works at all on numbers actually 13:50:09 i can now use my wireless keyboard's separate number pad with myleft hand to run (or save move, haven't decided) with numlock on, then regular move with numlock off 13:50:19 oh, interesting 13:50:22 I wonder why that works 13:50:44 I use an os that doesn't have numlock, thankfully 13:50:49 same reason number line works is my guess 13:50:59 though it makes it a pain to figure out what's going on with other people 13:51:13 well if i didn't have number lock this would be a shittier problem 13:51:20 heh 13:51:59 RSIs are the pits 13:55:44 I can't get bindkeys to even do anything with numbers, was that really working for you? 13:58:19 oh I see, you ended up not binding the numbers at all 14:00:29 yeah 15:14:05 Ctrl + left click dosent work 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11624 by Qyllgeth 16:09:09 hi everyone. looking for some help with the lua APIs. does anyone know how I could go about loading an external library? I installed a library which I manage to load using the command line REPL but I cannot seem to ```require``` it in init.txt. Thanks :) 16:20:50 pibborn lua in the rc files is pretty locked down, I'm not sure it is possible to load an external library 16:21:10 you can include lua files that are in the same directory as the rc files, a lot of online games use that technique 16:21:50 an example in http://dobrazupa.org/rcfiles/crawl-git/HilariousDeathArtist.rc 16:22:27 if you're writing unit tests or something there are a lot more options 16:22:57 when you say you loaded it using the command line repl you used the lua command line inside crawl? 16:23:54 advil thanks! not really writing unit tests, I am trying my hand at some fancy bot stuff but I need to get some information out of lua and into python hopefully 16:24:36 I was referring to the regular system-wide lua repl 16:25:05 but I do think that crawl packages its own lua, so that result should have been unsurprising I guess 16:26:50 so no way to do that, even if I require the external library's init.lua or something like that? 16:27:05 I will admit to be a total lua noob so... 16:27:09 crawl has a fascility to explicity load some lua libraries 16:27:12 but they are specific ones 16:28:01 !source initfile.cc:1542 16:28:02 https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/initfile.cc#L1542 16:28:11 that's how it loads autofight and a few other lua libs 16:28:20 that live in the dat/clua directory 16:28:33 you could certainly modify this array and recompile 16:28:39 and add your file to clua 16:31:53 gammafunk thanks that's great! I will definitely look into that! could you maybe elaborate about adding my file to clua? 16:32:24 well, before you do anything of this, it should probably be more clear precisely what you're trying to do 16:32:58 looking back on what you've written, I'm not sure what you actually need 16:33:14 sure, here it goes... 16:34:09 I am trying to use the lua APIs to export some features about the map and player status. this is well documented at http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~ebering/crawl/lua/index.html 16:35:11 I'm actually stepping out for a bit, but if advil is around, he can probably give you some guidance, he'll probably have a better understanding of what you need to do anyhow 16:35:49 is the idea that you're running a bot in python, and using the lua api for information passing? 16:36:08 basically, yes 16:36:16 gammafunk sure, thanks! 16:36:22 is the python bot running in a separate process? 16:36:52 yes, caught me red handed. I was looking into importing an IPC Posix lua library 16:37:06 I see 16:39:13 do you think it is reasonable to do this the way gammafunk suggested? I do realize that all bots so far have been written in lua and there's probably a good reason for that 16:40:12 in that case I think what you'll want to do is more or less what gammafunk suggested, though I don't know enough about lua to really know exactly the best way to do this: rebuild crawl so as to allow your library to load 16:40:56 if the library is pure lua (unlikely?) you can do exactly what he suggested, which is to put it in dat/clua and add it to the explicit list in initfile.cc 16:42:00 it might be a bit easier, and maybe necessary depending on your library, to just change how lua is loaded so that you can directly require external libraries, but I don't immediately know how to do that 16:42:50 probably something in CLua::init_lua 16:42:52 !source CLua::init_lua 16:42:52 1/1. https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/clua.cc#L732 16:42:57 yeah you are right, this library is actually part C and part lua. so it looks even harder I guess 16:44:41 I think you probably want to add luaopen_package(_state) to that function, that will enable `require` 16:45:32 http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#5 16:46:22 we explicitly don't enable it for security reasons (in part because clua bindings are modifiable on public serers), but there shouldn't be any issues running a local version with that enabled 16:46:27 *servers 16:47:02 once require is enabled, it may be as simple as you were hoping? But I'm not entirely sure 16:47:25 ok that does sound reasonable, thank you very much 16:47:53 side note crawl isn't written to be thread safe, so you may want to think about that (if you haven't already) in designing your bot 16:48:17 do you know where I might read more about those cluaopen_* and luaopen_* functions? 16:48:44 cluaopen_* is custom crawl stuff 16:49:25 that lua manual link is about the luaopen_* functions, look at the paragraph beginning "To have access to these libraries, the C host program should call" 16:49:38 I'm not sure if there are more detailed docs on the lua side somewhere else 16:49:56 got it, thanks! 16:52:11 about thread safety: I was mostly hoping to use ready() and little else, maybe add some other calls to lua functions on the model of https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/source/main.cc#L1091 mostly to recognize if the game has started or ended 16:52:53 (I was hoping to cheat using you.hp() == 0 inside the ready() function but alas, it did not work) 16:54:55 yes, if on the lua side control flow is determined by ready() that should be fine 16:55:26 for whether the game is started a lot of lua calls use you.turns() == 0 16:57:50 ah, that's brilliant :) 17:05:01 if you do get this to work and want to contribute, I think we'd be interested in PRs, even if it can't be enabled by default 17:05:43 it would open up a lot of options for bots to not have to be in lua in rc files 17:07:31 absolutely, I would love to do that! I will try what you and gammafunk suggested tomorrow (11pm now here) and check back with you if it works :) 17:07:46 ok, good luck 17:07:54 are you aware of qw by the way? 17:08:02 it's the most evolved crawl bot in lua 17:08:14 ??qw 17:08:15 qw[1/7]: A fully automated lua bot written by elliptic, with some code borrowed from parabolic and xw. See "!lg qw won 2" for the first ever completely uninterrupted and unassisted bot win. Git repository: https://github.com/elliptic/qw 17:08:24 unrelated to bots...oh man, I think I have an angle on "Unlinked item held by dead monster" 17:09:51 yeah I started out by reading qw :) 17:10:35 and I do find it soothing to watch it crush vaults 5 and the like 17:16:01 I'll gtb for real now. thanks again advil! 17:16:10 you're welcome 17:52:47 I HAVE REPLICATED THE UNLINKED ITEM BUG 18:22:07 Unstable branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.23-a0-99-g417c70ba38 (34) 18:23:24 advil: I have a weird problem. On cbro 0.22, suddenly when spectating myself from a console game, my tile_display_mode is glyphs 18:23:39 I even set my RC to set that explicitly to tiles and restarted my game (it was not set in my RC before) 18:24:49 aha! 18:24:50 nm 18:24:53 I'm a dummy 18:26:55 I had tested that setting in an RC I include in my normal RC 18:27:01 and forgot to undo it 19:31:46 +/- Shortcuts for page up/down in inventory not working 13https://crawl.develz.org/mantis/view.php?id=11625 by Siegurt 22:28:05 03advil02 07* 0.23-a0-100-g33897af: Fix at least some Beogh unlinked item bugs (8187) 10(29 minutes ago, 2 files, 41+ 7-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/33897af1d260 23:10:31 Unstable branch on crawl.jorgrun.rocks updated to: 0.23-a0-100-g33897af1d2 (34)