00:00:51 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.22-a0-558-gc224181 (34) 00:33:26 -!- hellmonk_ is now known as hellmonk 02:20:27 Moonstruck (L4 DsGl) ASSERT(levels == 1 || which_mutation == RANDOM_CORRUPT_MUTATION) in 'mutation.cc' at line 1697 failed. (D:3) 02:30:17 Experimental (hellcrawl-cbro) branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 5.1-497-g014c5a2 03:11:06 !tell hellmonk done 03:11:06 alexjurkiewicz: OK, I'll let hellmonk know. 03:12:07 Unstable branch on crawl.beRotato.org updated to: 0.22-a0-558-gc224181 (34) 03:18:57 !tell hellmonk cbro rebuilt 03:18:57 aidanh: You have 2 messages. Use !messages to read them. 03:18:58 aidanh: OK, I'll let hellmonk know. 03:19:06 !messages 03:19:07 (1/2) neofelis said (6d 7h 4m 40s ago): thanks. having hacked together a map_cell.flags solution for local tiles, I agree that checking the monster_info is probably better if it's doable, but I'm not yet clear on whether it is. 03:19:10 !messages 03:19:10 (1/1) neofelis said (10h 41m 18s ago): btw, I don't have very much free time atm, so updating the pull request might take a while. but it'll happen! 03:20:28 Hi. Is dbro coming online anytime soon or is there any other server with wizmode enabled? 13:05:39 Unstable branch on crawl.akrasiac.org updated to: 0.22-a0-558-gc224181 (34) 17:42:38 There is a spammer in the Tavern: https://crawl.develz.org/tavern/search.php?author_id=4769&sr=posts 17:53:02 Ge0ff: there's a Report button in tavern itself. that's more likely to get the attention of tavern mods, since i don't think many of them hang out here 18:00:07 amalloy: Thanks, I didn't notice that button 18:01:53 Ge0ff: thanks, should be cleaned up now 18:04:18 -!- yesno_ is now known as yesno 18:11:02 amalloy: probably half of them hang out here! But using the report button is a good idea all the same 18:11:57 It's more like 3/5 if you consider Lasty to hang out here, but we can count Lasty as 0.5 of a mod who hangs out here 20:07:49 New branch created: pull/803 (2 commits) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/803 20:07:49 03psywombats02 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/803 * 0.22-a0-457-g724c524: Adding a variety of new arrival vaults 10(20 hours ago, 3 files, 400+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/724c52472302 20:07:49 03psywombats02 07https://github.com/crawl/crawl/pull/803 * 0.22-a0-458-g9ebefcc: Remove ugly crosshair arrival vault 10(16 hours ago, 2 files, 2+ 29-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/9ebefcc97611 23:57:56 -!- lobata_ is now known as lobata