00:12:40 -!- Kittykai_ is now known as Kittykai 00:43:26 -!- Kittykai_ is now known as Kittykai 01:26:18 New branch created: sdl-2.0.7 (1 commit) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/tree/sdl-2.0.7 01:26:18 03gammafunk02 07[sdl-2.0.7] * 0.21-a0-505-g88ea537: Update sdl2 contrib to 2.0.7 10(70 seconds ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/88ea53779c28 01:26:22 -!- Kittykai_ is now known as Kittykai 01:26:31 going to test this out now with mingw 01:26:40 advil: can you try to build that branch on OS X? 01:27:12 you will need to update the sdl2 submodule (I think `git submodule update' will work) 01:29:09 it works in a mingw cross-compile (tested in wine) 01:29:19 now to get read for some glacial msys2 compilation 02:18:59 The build failed. (sdl-2.0.7 - 88ea537 #8967 : gammafunk): https://travis-ci.org/crawl/crawl/builds/307386170 02:22:17 oh that's maybe some kind legit problem with BUILD_ALL 02:22:32 but I'm not really sure what that does 02:46:00 Monster database of master branch on crawl.develz.org updated to: 0.21-a0-504-g2eda330 03:09:48 well, I've tested that sdl 2.0.7 branch in mingw and it compiles and runs fine 03:10:01 so if it works for advil in OS X, just need to figure out what's wrong with BUILD_ALL 11:17:33 gammafunk: that doesn't link for me 11:18:16 errors with AudioQueue... stuff and CVDisplayLink... stuff 11:20:57 I can try to properly figure out what's going on in the next few days but I'm traveling for most of the rest of today 11:21:01 full errors here: https://pastebin.com/dELk5Yx9 11:21:18 some of it appears to be cocoa-specific, some is coreaudio 11:22:10 this may be the solution for the cocoa part but I'll have to come back to it https://forum.openframeworks.cc/t/fix-for--cvdisplaylinkrelease-etc-errors/16423 11:44:12 <|amethyst> in both cases it sounds like it's probably a static linking problem 11:45:47 <|amethyst> hm 11:45:52 <|amethyst> well, at least in the Mac OS case 12:15:31 <|amethyst> gammafunk: I get the same errors here 12:16:01 <|amethyst> gammafunk: one of the (uclibc_tan) is because the SDL_config_linux.h is old and doesn't define HAVE_TAN and HAVE_TANF 12:16:47 <|amethyst> gammafunk: for the SteamController thing, I was able to add src/joystick/steam/*.c to the Makefile (next to src/joystick/linux/*.c) 12:16:57 <|amethyst> gammafunk: working on the SDL_IOReady now 12:19:32 <|amethyst> gammafunk: for that I had to add src/core/unix/*.c next to src/core/linux/*.c 12:25:32 03|amethyst02 07[sdl-2.0.7] * 0.21-a0-506-g22a6b5b: Update SDL2 contrib version again. 10(18 seconds ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/22a6b5b22fa6 12:56:46 cool, thanks 13:14:05 The build was fixed. (sdl-2.0.7 - 22a6b5b #8968 : Neil Moore): https://travis-ci.org/crawl/crawl/builds/307544794 13:38:22 FR: it should be mentioned if monster has no physical body in its description. Helps to know if you can net it. 13:45:14 03advil02 07[sdl-2.0.7] * 0.21-a0-507-g8e31626: Update Makefile for SDL-2.0.7 on OS X 10(67 seconds ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/8e3162691616 13:45:39 hi from the airport 13:46:04 that now links & runs for me (albeit with a weird warning that is probably just something weird about my specific xcode / os version and appears harmless) 13:50:28 advil: thanks 13:51:32 although I'll be dissapointed if I learn if you didn't compile while at 40,000 feet 13:51:38 heh 13:51:59 I'm just going to quickly check the release script since some of that build was cached 13:53:10 and for those curious about my expert strategy for updating the contrib: 13:53:27 1) unpack the SDL 2.0.7 sources to a dir in contribs 13:53:41 2) delete contribs/sdl2/* 13:54:07 hmm there were a bunch of custom patches it looked like 13:54:08 3) mv SDL-2.0.7/* sdl2 13:54:29 4) git checkout the two files that we added, namely Makefile and the linux config header 13:54:47 5) look over commits grunt made after his initial import and see if any still needed application 13:55:00 er 13:55:14 ah I see 13:55:19 5) should git add -A followed by git commit -m "Update contribs to 2.0.7" 13:55:22 wonder if high dpi on android works 13:55:24 no 13:55:26 !shrug 13:55:26 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 13:55:40 I specifically didn't add that commit 13:55:40 because I had no way to test anyhow 13:56:00 then 6) is what I originally wrote for 5) 13:56:32 I think I should have run configure on linux and used that file, since it would have gotten the defines neil added 13:56:50 then there was the missing targets in the makefile, which possibly I could have learned of from looking at the configure makefile 13:57:05 high dpi on mac does seem to work (though it's really too bad I'm not at my two-monitor setup, dragging between monitors is now the ultimate test) 13:57:29 well grunt has that high dpi android commit he made 13:57:37 dunno if you saw that in the sdl2 repo 13:57:48 yeah that's what I was wondering about 13:57:49 I didn't apply it since I'm not sure what to do about android at all 13:58:00 I probably could have applied it, but without a way to test... 13:58:06 probably the android people will show up to tell us that it broke 13:58:07 we just need someone to actually get that port working 13:58:10 they always do 13:58:17 hrm, isn't that only console? 13:58:23 so I don't think it would in this case 13:58:30 oh, not sure 13:58:33 the Tiles android port is basically non-working from what I understand 13:58:54 I just know that someone runs an automated build 13:59:02 yeah it's this: https://github.com/michaelbarlow7/dungeon-crawl-android 13:59:12 and it's only console; I don't think the SDL port is really working at all 13:59:23 last successful build we have of it is one grunt made in 0.16 or so 13:59:37 I finally took down the link to it last release I think 14:00:27 on the download page we just link to a web browser app someone made for android, on the Tiles side of things 14:00:52 hm ld has been running for a long time 14:00:57 usually doesn't take 2 minutes 14:01:40 gotta go though, later 14:01:53 oh wait just as I said that it finished 14:02:49 ok, it builds but high-dpi is *not* working in the release version 14:03:04 anyways, later 14:04:23 I'll hold off on pushing it to trunk then 15:08:33 Right now wand with x charges costs (A + B * x) in shops, where A > 0. I think that after the wand change we should put A = 0.. 16:52:16 gammafunk: the problem isn't with sdl, so you might as well go ahead and merge 16:52:28 k 16:59:19 I'm not sure retina has ever worked in a release build 17:16:58 this is sort of baffling, the exact same binary just isn't getting correct dpi information when run from within the app bundle 17:19:22 um. I vuaguely recall some compat thing in the Info.plist that controls whether apps can "see" retina or not 17:21:17 it must be something like that 17:21:33 though this even affects just running crawl at command line from inside the bundle 17:41:59 03gammafunk02 07* 0.21-a0-505-g0135c5a: Update SDL2 contrib to 2.0.7 10(16 hours ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/0135c5ab0ed6 17:41:59 03advil02 {gammafunk} 07* 0.21-a0-506-ga0ee87a: Update Makefile for SDL-2.0.7 on OS X 10(4 hours ago, 1 file, 1+ 1-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/a0ee87aef265 18:07:13 03advil02 07* 0.21-a0-507-ga8f6b7a: Indicate retina support in mac app bundles 10(2 minutes ago, 1 file, 4+ 0-) 13https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/a8f6b7a13265 18:07:26 there we go 18:07:40 figuring that out was hindered by the insane amount of poorly-documented caching that OS X does 18:08:32 I still don't really know how to override a cached Info.plist 18:10:11 any time we start updating contribs 18:10:27 we get at least a few "I have no idea what this does but we need it..." commits 18:10:36 heh 18:11:03 though this is something that's never worked, not even sure whether grunt knew or not 18:11:30 since retina works fine when you run from the build directory, and what dev actually *runs* the app bundle? 18:11:42 I might have noticed earlier but I've only had a retina laptop for a few months 18:13:47 I think PF ran it that way a bunch...I was actually on OS X for a while myself, but yeah that was before high DPI was a thing 18:14:23 I don't believe grunt actually had an OS X system...I was testing it for him at the time he moved crawl to SDL2 18:14:35 and had to make at least one fix iirc 18:16:16 oh, huh, I guess maybe he was testing high-dpi actually on android? 18:16:40 I believe so, yeah 18:17:15 he did all of the work to port crawl to android and was the only one who tested things 18:17:21 Unstable branch on underhound.eu updated to: 0.21-a0-506-ga0ee87aef2 (34) 18:18:06 I forget what was the crucial thing that finally motivated him to make the sdl2 port 18:18:29 I know there was at least one bug where there wasn't really an upstream fix 18:19:14 I want to say that maybe OS X was the affected system, but he was probably motivated by the android port, which probably wasn't possible using sdl1.2 19:28:34 -!- hellmonk_ is now known as hellmonk 19:58:34 specifically it was a bug in the old sdl, and our sdl1 was patched to work around another bug 19:59:08 the bug didn't affect win/lin/mac but caused major problems on android 21:25:55 man, mys2 is so slow 21:26:48 looks like I got at least one comment on one of my PRs that I should fix before poking the devs to merge them in before next tourney 21:47:15 -!- Euph0ria is now known as WalterWhite 22:57:01 -!- n1 is now known as nonethousand 22:58:03 -!- nonethousand is now known as n1 23:59:29 Unstable branch on CRAWL.XTAHUA.COM updated to: 0.21-a0-507-ga8f6b7a (34)